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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena looked at him and thought what can I do? How can I handle things? How can help him remember? she sighed and rubbed her neck as they walked towards the theme park.

Duke said “let’s start with the major ones. What do each of those gods traits have?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Feeling a bit of relief, he could see the amusement park coming right up ahead about a block away and felt some relief. Maybe this could go well at the end. Taking a deep breath, he turns his head to look toward Serena. "We're almost there."

Marik hummed as he thought about the gods he listed off. "Well we have Nephthys considered head of the family and powers of air. Isis, considered a great Magician as well as a protector of Women and children, and goddess of the moon. Set is known as the god of war, Chaos, and storms. Lastly Maat is the goddess of truth, justice, balance, and most importantly, order."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena nodded softly, still worried. But then Serena’s deck glowed and only Yami heard a deep rough voice say “if you want to know your heart keeper…I can show you…my king…”

Duke blinked and said “crap, that is going to be hard to narrow down…though I would think Set would pick Kaiba if he wasn’t already picked by my god…wait” he paused and said “when did that happen?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami had hoped it would cheer her up even a little but it seemed not to. He could feel his shoulders sag a little but was going to square his shoulders and try and show Serena a good time. It was upon squaring his shoulders was when he tensed hearing a deep rough voice in his head. While he should be use to voices in his head, it was out of no where. It was upon hearing out what the voice had to say and relax his body that Yami made up his mind. "Yes. I want to know." Yami sent through his thoughts.

Marik was then confused as he set down the knife and crossed his arms over his chest. "What do you mean Duke?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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He heard a chuckle and said “I thought you might…later on when you have a moment…say my name and I’ll show you everything I can…” Serena was in front of Yami looking worried. “Yami? Are you okay? You went silent and stopped walking?”

Duke looked at Marik and said “when did Seto get his pendent from the god of creation?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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It was before he could confirm anything, he was startled by the sudden appearance of Serena up close. A blush dusted his face. "Oh, um, I'm alright. I just had a thought." Lightly scratching his nose. "I had wondered if by chance if you had been to an amusement park before. I thought to ask but I felt stupid to ask."

Marik blinked a few times surprised by the question. He wondered this himself. "Now you say something, I don't know. I didn't think to ask Kaiba." He answers. "What makes you ask?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena blinked at him then said “it’s been years for me…when I was a kid. Well shall we go inside?” She took his hand, a worried look in her eyes as she led him into the park.

Duke said “because normally the gods shoe themselves first. But I don’t remember Kaiba saying the god appearin before him”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami smiled and could only bring himself to chuckle as she took his hand and leading him into the park. He looked around as it was well lit for the sun going down. It was quite active for the evening, especially for teens and adults. Yami looked around though his attention on Serena as they walked toward the games.

"You should know as much as I that he isn't one to show and tell. If no one asks, he don't tell. He'll share if and when he wants." Marik counters.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena looked around wide eyed for a little bit, a little stunned how everything looked. “It’s…really pretty…” Yami would see in Serena’s shadow the silver eyes of Bane. He was watching over them.

Duke sighed and left the kitchen and went into the work room and asked “hey Kaiba? When did the pendent show up?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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To se the silver eyes of Bane did put his worries at ease. To see Serena's eyes wide and reflect the colorful bulbs made her eyes sparkle which fascinated him. "Indeed. Is there anything that interests you?" He asks, he played some of them at least once once he came back from Egypt with this form. Yugi inviting him to the amusement park to get a whole new experience. Yugi was not wrong.

Seto tasked himself to researching the Egyptian gods when he glanced his way before it was back to the computer screen. "Who pendant, Duke?" He asks, more concentrated on what he was doing.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena said “I like rides…the games are fun too…love making the game runners jaw drop when I win a rigged game…”

Duke walked over and said “this one around..,” then he stopped as he looked at the pendent around his next. “Wait a sec…this is different then mine…”
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami smiled, finding it amusing because he would to. Made him chuckle imagining it. "Maybe then we could get on some rides, and then make our way to the games?" He asks.

Seto looked up to see that he almost face to face with Duke who was looking at his pendant. His patience starting to get real thin since he was given no warning of such a close interaction. And he didn't like it when people were in his personal space without him making that happen himself. "And? Want give me a reason my you invaded my space without warning?" Kaiba asks with a glare starting to set in.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena smiled and nodded. “So what first? Something easy or fast and terrifying?” She took his arm and walked towards the ride, her smile back on her face.

Duke said “Seto, this isn’t the same god as mine. Meaning you have a blessing of a god we don’t know yet. That’s cause for concern isn’t it?” Mokuba sat up and said “wait? How is that possible? Who’s card is in your deck then Seto?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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"Fast, yes. Terrifying? Not really. But indeed fun." Yami chimed in, glad to see a smile back on her face. Now he could feel at ease as he follows her lead.

"And why is it so important to you? No one asked and I don't care. All I care about is getting the bastards that decided to go after me and my brother. To go after you guys was the bonus that they mistakenly made. I don't care what God that decides I'm their chosen. I won't stop till they are stomped out and gone for good." Seto explained, a hardened glare on his face, annoyed and being pestered about what one stupid trinket. "If you're done, I have research I need to finish for Ishizu." Deciding to be done with the topic with Duke, he scoots himself back as he was at the desk and continues his studying of the Egyptian Gods.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Serena smiled and looked around and found a smaller roller coaster and pulled him to it. She was feeling better as they rode rides together. Bane kept a close eye, waiting for the right moment to speak with Yami again.

Duke groaned but mokuba said “bro…what god has the head of a black dog…human body…and holds a spear with a blade on the end…” Ishizu wasn’t looking and said “That would be Set. Why dear mokuba? Find a picture?” Mokuba pulled on Dukes sleeve, the boy pale and shaking. Duke saw his face and looked where the boy was looking. Setos shadow wasn’t shaped like him. It was of what mokuba described and a pair of glowing bright blue eyes looking back at them. Duke moved back fast and put himself in front of mokuba and said “Seto! Move man!”

The shadow reached out and tried to touch the duelist before Mokuba yelled “Seto!” The shadow paused then lashed out and aimed at mokuba. In which Duke moved and grabbed mokuba, the pair slammed across the room hard and thru the thin wall there into the next office space. Duke held onto Mokuba, his eyes closed along with mokuba.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami could only laugh at Serena's show of excitement. One he had waited so long to see. Yami let Serena choose whatever rides she wanted and the occasional he though she would enjoy.

When Seto looked up to see what it was that Mokuba cried his name outland stood up, it was too late as he'd witnessed Mokuba and Duke flung across the room. "Mokuba!" He cried out to his brother. He looked behind him to see the shadow. Hearing his distress, his Blue-Eyes White Dragon appeared and about the size of a moose if not a bit bigger to be an appropriate size based on the room. "You dare go after my little brother you coward? Who are you?" Seto exclaimed with clear anger toward the shadow.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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After a while Serena was in line for a dessert called funnel cake when Bane said to Yami “reporting in my king. It seems one of my brothers has joined our side…one I didn’t expect to”

The shadow tilted its head at him and said “oh, seems my scouts were mistaken. I was told you were upset and in need of aid to rid of the enemy…” Ishizu was behind Odion who was protecting the tombkeeper and she said “by the gods…Set…the god of war…Seto…seems he was summoned her by your anger before…” she looked thru the hole and called “Marik! We need you!”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Waiting in line for a bite like funnel cake was something that was well worth the wait in his opinion. It was a treat that intrigued him everytime. Upon waiting, he heard word from Bane about another god joining them. "Oh? How so? Who are they?" he asks Bane.

Marik rushed into the study as fast as he could, arriving to his sister's call to see the hole as well as Duke and Mokuba knocked out. "Crap!" He goes toward the two to check on them.

That only made Seto's mood worse. "Yet you failed to answer my question. Who are you?" He asked again, more ground out with how upset he was. His dragon matching her master's anger with her posture and charging a blast when her master gave the word.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane chuckled and said “Set. He is too straight forward so you might get a call about his first appearance…he will take down getting used to but his blessed will be fine as long as he keeps his head”

The shadow said “really blessed one? My name said twice and you still ask? I thought you were the smart one? You’re not paying attention my boy…” Ishizu moved to Seto and said “Seto calm yourself. Getting mad won’t help…his a warrior and expert in all manners and matters of war and chaos. Take a breathe. Marik will check on mokuba…Duke took the hit I know your brother is alright”

Molina was trying to sit up when Marik came in, Duke not moving and blood under him. The young men groaned as Marik got to him. “Marik? Where’s…Seto…”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Yami felt his shoulders sag a little as if to sigh a little more inwardly, knowing that whomever the blessed one was, and he had a slight idea as to whom it was, he was going to be in for a headache. "i hope so too."

Seto was down right done playing games. He was ready to start a fight when Ishizu stepped in. Though it took a mention of what was being done in helping Mokuba, that he started to breath. Having heard the rest of it though calmed down was still abit upset about what Set did. Even Blue-eyes seemed to have calmed down some. He glared at the shadow of Set before tilting his head toward the direction Marik, Duke and Mokuba were in. "How are they?"

"Duke's gonna feel it a bit while Mokuba will be fine." Marik announces. He looks to Mokuba then. "Your brother is fine. Just upset with a god that they hurt you. About typical for Seto." He admits.

Seto gives the shadow his full attention then, knowing Mokuba is okay. "Smarter than you considering you blindly attacked your chosen's younger brother and their friend. Arguments happen." Seto counters while folding his arms over his chest. His dragon fades away. No longer seeing a threat among her master's presence.
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