Da Eskape Plan
Home Universe/Name of Franchise: warhammer 40kShip Class: Viper-class Scout Sloop converted into a
grunt assault shipRole: Boarding ship + troop transport
Physical Size (roughly): ~1km ~0.5km abeam
armaments:Gunz battery turrets (2x): random assortment of slug throwers and missile launchers that can either underperform (due to misfire) or over perform (due to ork faith) entirely at random, causing the ships firepower to fluctuate moment to moment in battle
Prow Gunz (x1): forward facing assembly of the above to be used while charging for a ram
Boarding torpedoes: short range dumbfire rockets who’s payload consist of boys and grots rather than explosives
Klaw: set of 4 massive blades attached to the front of the ship, used for ramming
Tractor Field: Massively increase the gravitational imprint of a vessel several times larger than itself, which acts like a crude tractor beam, dragging small ships towards it, and making it better at sticking to larger ones.
Boarding chamber: a large chamber behind the armored ram, with earlocks leading out of it, used to either leap from the ship to an implied foe, or to rapidly unload troops onto the ground should the ship land.
Ground detachment: Every single ork boy is a warrior above all else, and all gretchen can and often are press ganged into fighting. Most battle with crude but effective guns and melee weapons, but there are many ways a boy might specialize, such as into a sneaky Kommando, monstrous cavalry riding Beast Snagga, a jet pack equipped storm boy, big game hunting Tankbusta, or a dakka obsessed Flash Git.
Orks generally use a lot of vehicles and mechs when they can, but most of those aren't good for boarding actions, so the ship wasn’t made with space for them in mind, meaning that part of the freeboota’s armory was abandoned when Da Eskape Plan was put into action. The two exceptions where the Battlewagon
Daisy, Mista Nailbrain’s pride and joy, that he just could not leave behind, and a number of
killa kans who were just barely able to squeeze onboard due to only being a bit bigger than their boss.
Replacements for the rest of their armory will need to be rebuilt, or, more likely, looted from the locals.
History of the Ship:Da Eskape Plan started life as a Viper-class Scout Sloop of the imperium of man, but at some point got lost in the warp, and ended up as part of a space hulk, a drifting amalgamation of various ships all smashed together and lost in space. The hulk was discovered, and then commandeered, by the infamous freeboota Kaptin Bluddflagg after his final
rampage of an adventure across his old stomping ground of Subsector Aurelia, during which he saved it from annihilation as a result of completing a contract to kill the space marine turned demon prince who was in the midst of causing said annihilation.
Space hulk are a grand prize for any ork, able to carry masses of boys and unpredictable in their movements, perfect for sneaking past defenses and hitting sweet, lootable, worlds, something the kaptain did a whole lot of. He also did a dash of mercenary work on the side just for the fun of it, which went well till they kicked the wrong tomb world at the behest of the adeptus mechanicus and got overwhelmed by the undead robotic necrons that swarmed out of it.
This is where Da Eskape Plan comes in, as it was exactly what its name implies, a kunnin plan cooked up by the Kaptain’s first mate (Mista Nailbrain) for just this kind of dire situation. Having ripped out all the useless scouting equipment to fit more engines, and suitably orkifying its loadout, the ship was intended to be used as a glorified escape pod, a function which it served perfectly.
The kaptain, his important subordinates, and as many boys, grots and snottlings as could fit crammed into the vessel, after which fired its own engines, and blasted clear out of the spacehulk before the necrons finished molecularly disassembling it. The necrons proved sticky however, pursuing Da Eskape Plan across the stars, till the kaptain was offered a way out by a certain godly entity. Of course, rather than just take the deal as was, Bluddflagg was sure to drive a hard bargain, and got a promise of a right proper scrap with some crunchy metal bugs and a chance of looting whatever the bugs hadn’t converted into themselves yet out of it as well.
Notable Crew:Kaptin Bluddflagg (Kaptin)
Mista Nailbrain (First Mate/Head Mekboy)
(young master) Spookums (Cabin boy/Kommando Nob)
Brikkfist (Storm Nob)
Bonez (Head Painboy)
Yowboy (Beast Snagga Nob)
Pinkertun (Runtherder Nob)
Unique Technology/Traits:Ork teknologee: ork technology operates more because the orks believe it will than because of conventional physics, seeming to work far better than its ramshackled construction would indicate (though they still are prone to malfunction). This makes Orks masters of salvage, as broken parts are easily recycled into ‘working’ ones, and an ork mekboy only needs to sort of have an idea of how foreign technology works to start working with it.
Tellyportas: Orks have mastered (with the odd mishap) the art of teleportation, capable of producing short range personal teleporters, or linked teleporter platforms which can be used to transport orks across interplanetary, though not inter stellar, distances. The erratic nature of these devices makes their use by species with less robust physique ill advisable.
Void Shields (possibly non-functional due to the lack of a warp to divert energy into)
Warp drive (possibly non-functional due to the lack of a warp to drive through)
Ork ecosystem: Orks, Gretching, snotlings and squigs are all the product of a fungal ecosystem that first grows and then births the fungus animal hybrids out of itself, before sustaining them with more conventional fungal fruits. This means that, given enough time, their orks can replace or even grow their numbers at a rate mere animals are unable to do. The ecosystem itself can be spread wherever orks die and release spores of it, making them something of a self replicating biohazard that will likely be tomorrow's problem if the spread is not contained.
Crew Size: 16k krew members, mostly diminutive gretchen/snotlings, plus an unknown number of Squigs
Faction/Operator/Owner: Kaptin Bluddflagg, leader of Bluddflagg’s Freebootas