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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Serena thought and said “honestly I never thought about it…I figured I’d duel and follow my fathers orders till one day i wouldn’t make it home…”

Tristen smiled and looked at Joey “if I weren’t so tired I say this calls for a victory dance…”

Adam was still with Seto and Set. He said “maybe the power released when the puzzle was solved has made this land an anchor for similar power…I mean, think about what are the chances of the trials that has faced yugi and Yami…all just happen to appear here?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Her answer almost made Yami falter. That was certainly no way to live. At least not to him. Why would her father do that to his own daughter he wondered. He shook his head to rid himself of any thoughts he wanted to say out loud. "Had you," hesitating unsure if he had the right to ask. "had any ideas when you were younger?"

Joey laughs, knowing he would do the same thing, laying on his stomach of one of the laid out foutons. Cora sat on one, her shoes under the coffee table. She listened and imagined if this was how a sleepover was like. Minus the saving the world bit. If so, this was nice.

Seto shook his head. "Not all of them. When he was dealing with the Seal of Oricahlcos, that ended up being outside of Domino for most of the time.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Serena sighed and said “when I was young I wanted to be a historian like my mother…but that changed after she got sick and died…it changed everything for us. It changed father…if I think about it now…I’m not sure past dueling.”

Tristen laid down by Joey and said “this reminds me of Duelist Kingdom…camping out like this…”

Adam nodded and said “true…but the god cards ending up here…heck, anything related to the card game…” Set looked up from the map and said “of course, closer to the king of games…closer to the pharaoh that opened the shadow realm and freed the monsters trapped there…starting the realm of peace…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Looking down at feet, Yami felt like he opened up an old wound. "I'm sorry." The last thing he wanted to do was bring up pain such as this.

Joey nods. "Yeah....I remember.....those were the nights...." reminiscing of those nights.

Seto could only agree, seeing all the signs, everything that everyone had had gone through. Though that last part Seto was confused. "What do you mean by that?" He asks.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Serena looked at him and said no reason to be sorry. It’s not because if anything you have said or done. Just how fate played things out…but now that I have answers…maybe I can change my fate…”

Tristen smiled and said “hey have you heard from Mai?”

Set looked at both of them, Adam looking just as confused “you know why the monsters of the shadow realm answer his call? Why the gods are still listening to him?”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Yami understood. He leaned over and placed a kiss on the top of her head. "I would want nothing more than to see it happen." A smile formed on his lips.

Suddenly wide-eyed, he pulls out his phone to check it. "She's over in Kyoto right now. She'll won't be back into Domino for a couple days." Joey supplied.

Seto looked confused. "Humor me." Folding his arms over his chest, wondering where this was going. He was pretty sure he knew.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Serena blushed at his kiss and smiled softly “I know I could do anything with you at my side…” she hugged his arm as they walked. Then Yami heard Bwne say “I hate to butt in…but you have a tail…can’t tell if it’s a foe or just a fan of either of you…be wary…”

Tristen sighed and said “thank goodness she is safe. What is she doing over there? You warn her about what’s going on?”

Set looked at him and said “his the pharaoh that stopped the true darkness…he will always been seen as the true pharaoh…as does his Shadow as the true keeper of the Gate…the one she died to sealed once and for all. Saving all human and monster kind…I figured this was known knowledge”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hearing that wanted to make Yami groan out a whine. Yes. He wanted to whine right then and there. It was all going so well and now of all times their date was being interrupted. 'Thank you.' he keeps close to Serena, his face still close to her hair. "We have an uninvited third wheel. Not sure if fan or foe. I haven't looked back yet."

"She's got a little meet and greet going on there. But I told her the short version." Joey implied.

"Figured as much. I knew about the whole Pharaoh part. It's the whole Shadow part were piecing together because there wasn't anything that said about her in the tablet and any records any known records that the Ishtars kept. At this point we are back to piecing together memories because they were somehow suppressed like his memories about him against Zorc. So this was given knowledge. Now we're learning that Domino is a magnet for trouble because of the Millennium Puzzle and it's activation making that happen." Pretty much ranting which was rare alone. But at least he was wrapping his head around it all.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Serena looked up and glanced over his shoulder a bit to see and said “it’s a duelist. Not hooded. Wait a moment…” she turned them to look at a stall and tried to get a better look and said “you know any guys that are tall with blue hair? Yellow eyes? He seems to be watching you closely but not trying to be seen…but is very bad at it…”

Tristen nodded and said “good…if she’s coming back better tell her to meet up with us…knowing her bad luck she’s going to get pulled into this mess…”

Set stood up fully and said “ah, so the curse of the guardian still stands. We wondered if Bane would allow it to be broken when Zharas soul was given another chance…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Yami followed Serena's lead in this as they looked at a stall. Yami thought about the description she gave him and wondered who fit that appearance. Sadly no one was coming to mind. "I cannot recall.

"Yeeaahhh...probably should." Joey begins to text Mai about letting them know when she wad in Domino so they can meet up.

Seto released a heavy sigh and nods. "Hopefully soon too." There was a knock on the door which the Kaiba looks to the door to see Marik there. "Sorry if I am disturbing anything. Adam? We were wondering if you may have any cookies?" He asks.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Serena watched the man closely and said “he looks worried…hold on, I’m going to draw him out…don’t move” she slipped from his side and down the alley and around. She saw the man watching Yami still and muttered “his got no idea…” she came up closer to him and then heard him muttered to himself “pharaoh…he seems alright…but I need to warn him…” she moved towards him and suddenly a flash of light appeared between them and a knight in light aqua armor appeared and said “who are you? You dare attack the king?” Serena pulled her staff out and said “who are you? Why are you watching my pharaoh!?” The man turned and said “Timius! Wait!”

Tristan nodded and yawned then said “so are the brainy boys pulling an all nighter?”

Adam blinked and looked at him “cookies? I think in the kitchen above the stove…why?” Set chuckled and said “I forget how funny humans are…you need to have the curse be lifted. Then the pharaohs memories will be recovered. But beware…it will be the most painful experience he will have to relive…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"Be careful." Yami tells her before Serena leaves his side. He curiously looked to the stall before him to see it had jewelry and other trinkets. Deciding to take a step closer, he looked at the trinkets before him. Seeing one that stuck out to him, the pharaoh thought about it for a moment or two before finally deciding to purchase the item he was brawn to, figuring it would be a nice gift.

With a burst of light and the sudden screams and people running except Yami, he looked to the scene before him. What confused him most was the man and armored spirit before him. It was hearing the name Timeaus that he wondered if it was the same Timeaus that he knew of. Cautious, Yami walks over. "Wait. You said Timeaus, yes? Who are you?" He asks, guarded and ready to call upon his deck when needed.

Joey shrugs. "Who knows. If their still up by the time we wake up, that will be our answer."

"We got the Foutons ready and Tisten said something about it being complete with Milk and cookies. It sounded like an idea and figure to ask." Marik answers with sheepish grin.

The older Kaiba nods. "Figured as much. And right now I would not be surprised if Yami isn't ready or will be ready to experience it." Knowing he would feel the same if it involved Mokuba. "Do we have any update on Mako?" Seto asks Set.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Serena was in full battle mode and her eyes glowed gold as she jumped into action to defend her king. The man turned and Dartz stood before him. “Pharaoh! I’m sorry about this truly. I need to talk to you and” then a blast from the two guardians facing off and Dartz turned and said “timeaus! Stop this! She is not our enemy!”

Tristen nodded and said “sounds good to me…”

Adam smiled and said “that does sound nice. Ya go for it. We might be up longer with this new mystery unfolding…”

Set turned his head to check and said after a few minutes “yes my scouts have the fisherman…but it seems they are taking a different route back because someone else was looking for him.”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Yami was not expecting Serena to suddenly go on the offensive, but was even more surprised to see Dartz of all people. Some of those memories were not good. "Dartz?" He looked to Serena then who was fighting Timeaus. "Serena! Stand down." He ordered. "Timeaus is an ally." Which meant so was Dartz.

"Thanks." Marik heads out of the room to go find the cookies in the kitchen.

Seto nods. "Got it." He sits down in the chair and getting on his laptop running the data on the leylines and where each one might end up based on the pattern before him.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Serena couldn’t hear him as she struck at the knight who was actually having a hard time with her. The knight turned and said “Pharaoh? Is she with you!?” Then the former dragon caught her attack and said “my lady? I’m sorry about this…” then his power shot thru her making Serena gasp in pain and then the glowing stopped and she collapsed against the knight who floated back to the ground and laid her down. “I’m sorry my king, pharaoh. I think I triggered something in her…”

Set walked around and stood behind Seto and said “interesting…you seem to be able to do your own magic with your human technology” Adam chuckled and said “Seto is the own who invented the duel disks” Set blinked and said “truly? Well now I’m more impressed then I was before…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Yami was watching as Serena had continued her assault with no sign of stopping. He hadn't need to answer yet as he saw Timeaus subdue her of which he came running as the dragon knight came down. Kneeling beside her, Yami knew Timeaus would do his best not to do serious harm but he couldn't help but look her over. "Bane?" Hoping he could provide an answer while resting a hand on her cheek.

"Yeah. To find out that my design was not far off from the Diadhank that Yami and my Ancestor used back then." Seto grumbles half heartedly. Like he knew then. But he was still proud of it. For now he was going to focus on making sure the positions were right from map to pattern.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bane said “I’m here my pharaoh. What’s going on? I can’t see anything all of the sudden” Serena stirred a little and Dartz moved to kneel down and said “it’s alright my friend. You can return to watching” the knight nodded and vanished. Darts said “I’m sorry pharaoh, he must have sensed the power and thought we were being attacked again…who is she?”

Set said “it’s was a good design. But I like yours more. More stable. If you could ask, those of the past would deal with them breaking a lot…weak supports on the dueling frame. But anyway…” he looked at Seto and said “just because your linked to the past that doesn’t make you the same man. You are your own man in your life. You just get to have great power…and you have become a stronger man then priest Seth ever could have been…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Yami felt a sense of relief seeing her stir which he brushed his thumb across her cheek softly before removing his hand. 'Serena was knocked out after attacking an ally, Timeaus unknowingly. I couldnt even stop her with a command.' he relays before looking to Dartz. "She is my Shadow." Yami informs Dartz. Not giving him the knowledge of their relationship. He was still wary of his sudden appearance, especially coming back from the dead. But if Timeaus was with him, he would hear Dartz out.

There was a ever so slight pause to his typing upon hearing Set's words. He always had to prove himself his own man. From Gorazburo to his Ancestor, Seth. "Power or no power, I will always prove everyone wrong."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Darts frowned a little then said “so…the myth is true then. You did in deed have a shadow protector…seems I should have trusted that professor I met so long ago…” he got up to look around and said “let’s find her somewhere to recover, then we can speak more freely. Can you carry her or may I do it for you?”

Bane cursed and said “seems our guest has powerful allies enough to block my shadows…I can see you now. Just the time when she left your side and then she was on the ground in your arms”

Set smirked and said “that’s why I like you. You don’t let others bind you to their version of you. You are the man you made yourself…and I highly respect the bond with your brother as well. I have that as well…so I understand fully…”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Yami thought about it for a good moment lifting her upper half and maneuvering her to being on his back. Lifting her up and adjusting her carefully, his arms supporting her legs. He then stood up, looking to Dartz. "I should be fine. Thank you for the offer." Yami looks about. 'I wonder what triggered Serena to act like she did. But for now we need a place for her to recover and i dont know if it is wise for Dartz to know the location of the warehouse unless you can find a way to know if he is trustworthy enough.'

Seto listened to the god who continued to compliment him. While use to it and not, at least not by a god himself. "This will be a few minutes or so. Once we know the precise location, we will know where each portal should appear."
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