”Hey! I'm not a Zombie nut, I'm a Supernatural nut. Cryptids, Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves, you name it I love it. Probably why I liked Elio so much…before all this. He had a certain vibe to him ya know? Almost fae like. Or vampiric. Hard to tell when the eternally young all derive from similar tropes.” Hermes corrected Hannah. Perhaps a major part of it was the history and ties that monster flicks and stories had intertwined with queer culture. A way to express oneselves beyond the normal means. He thought as he took the wipes from the nurse and began to clean off the blood of his coach off of him. When he finished he tossed the used wipe into the nearest bin. Looking towards Carver as she asked him if there was anyone else he'd care to contact.
Suddenly the rent a cop came barreling into the nurses office, bloodied arm as he apparently got bit. So much for the warning Hermes had given him. The alarm began to sound in the school, and Hermes looked towards Hannah and Carver before quickly pulling out his cell phone. ”I'll call them. It's my cousin Mandy, she's older than I am and can pick me up if need be. But she's deaf so I have to video call her.” The phone rang a few times, as Hermes anxiously rapt his fingers against his leg. ”Pick up, pick upm.” If this was an outbreak that could be spread by bite, he didn't want to he around to find out.
Mandy didn't like to text and drive, but she saw the message from her classmate pop up. She smiled a little and finished the drive home. Once she had parked she responded to her dad, "Home! Mind helping me bring stuff in?" Then she sent another quick message off to her classmate Kristian, "Hey yeah. I saw some crazy stuff on the news. How true do you think it is? Think it’ll be like 2020?”
As she started to put away her phone it rang, this time it was a call. She looked at her phone and saw it was her cousin Hermes calling her. Shouldn’t he be in class? Mandy picked up, making sure the camera was on her, "What’s up?” She asked, one handed, her middle finger brushing along her chest upward. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed.
Hermes propped the phone against the wall on the floor, sitting down criss cross as panic filled his eyes. He held one hand palm up, with his fingers pointed towards the right, the other hand palm down and perpendicular to it as he tapped the two together twice before taking his right hand and pointing his index finger towards his ears and twirling the finger in small circles around it before continuing to sign some more. Schools crazy. People are dead and security was attacked. I don't want to worry mother. Please help.” His signs had improved over the years, but some were still sluggish and clearly required some thought before acting them out. Grammar all but forgotten as he focused on getting the message across.
"People are dead!” Mandy exclaimed. Her dad was coming out of the house to help her get all the stuff she had bought. "Let me tell dad. I’ll come get you.” Mandy climbed out of the car enough to talk with her dad, but the phone camera was still on her, and the kitten she held with her left hand. With her right hand, she told her dad, "Hermes called me, he needs me to pick him up from school. People are dead. I’ll be back.” She considered having him take all the stuff and kitten inside, but he was asleep on her arm so she didn’t want to bother him.
Hermes held his right hand up, Index finger out while the rest were down and his thumb rested on his middle. He turned his hand around with a bit of a swoop before then reiterating the back handed single finger. Just one. My coach. Figure I should go before the number climbs. He looked around behind him, watching the officer who got bit for a moment. Worried about what might happen next.
Her dad did a quick sign of “Drive safe.” Mandy nodded, and climbed back into the car, buckling back up. "OK. I’ll be there shortly. Wait for me somewhere safe. I’ll call you when I get there.” She started the car back up and drove toward Hermes’ school.
Hermes placed four fingers against his lips and then moved them away before ending the call. ”My cousin is on her way to pick me up. She's with my uncle too if that helps any. Just need to wait for her call again until then.” He said towards Carver. He looked at Hannah trying to force a smile. ”Fuckin’ wild first day of school huh?”