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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 42 min ago

Zhara nodded and sat back down and held her face. “It can be just that if I am stalled or wounded…the mark on my back shows that. It’s cursed now, but I can use that to my advantage. I feel with Apeps magic is nearby…” she looked at Seth and said “there is another reason I wished to speak with you…I have to tell someone and I feel I can trust you will know what’s best…” she looked down at her fingers and said “I think…I have fallen in love…with our pharaoh…”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Seth was intrigued by this news that Zhara put in his lap and it showed. "The Shadow surprises me by the day." Sounding like a tease. Then became serious. "You understand that it would be difficult because of status between you two alone, yes? It's not that I don't doubt you both could make it work should the Pharaoh accept and return your affections."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 42 min ago

Zhara looked at him and blushed. “Wait you think I should tell him?! I wasn’t going to. I mean, what would I even say? What would he do? It would put him in such a situation…no I couldn’t do that to him…I’m just a shadow…” she was looking back down at her hands, bright red
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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It was hard to keep straight face when Zhara was freaking out like she was infront of him. Rest an arm on the table, another covering his mouth as he tries not to laugh. "Calm yourself, Zhara. Though I did not mention such a thing, I do admit that it was reckless to think you might confess. What you and the pharaoh do is not exactly of my concern. The way I see it as long as the pharaoh is not harmed, then all is fine." Seth explains.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 42 min ago

Zhara blinked and looked up at him, bright red. “So…do you think I should tell him? I mean having secrets would cause more problems…I just don’t want him to be worried about me or…wish me gone…”

There was a knock on the door ans it opened with a guard there. “I’m sorry Master Seth, but there is a message for the Shadow from Master Mahad. It seems the pharaoh isn’t feeling well and he is concerned.” Zhara got up and said “we both better go”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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The priest was wondering how to explain it to her when there was a knock on the door. He looks toward the guard before sighing. "Go ahead a see to our pharaoh. I need to clean this up before going incase any of us Priests maybe needed." Seth says as he stands and begins to clean the notes, reports and the map back into the chest.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 42 min ago

Zhara nodded and ran out of the room, her hood back on. She made fast time getting back to the palace and found Mana outside waiting for her. “Mana what’s going on? The pharaoh was fine last I checked on him”

Mana looked at her and her hands were shaking. “His not himself. He finished the last bit of paper work then a message arrived. After he read it he started acting off…saying things that made no sense and talking to people not in the room…” Zhara frowned and moved to go inside and asked “where is he?”

“His in Mahads work room, it was closer then his bedroom and Mahad thinks he was somehow poisoned…” Zhara said “get Mahad for me. Tell him I need to know every action of the pharaoh the last two hours” mana nodded and ran off as Zhara walked into the pharaohs office. She looked around and found the message on the desk. She moved to it and looked at it on the desk, knowing better then to touch it.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"I believe it is a plant that can cause one to see things. However i think there is more than one effect on that note. We hare still working to identify them." Mahad informs her as he enters the room. "As for the note, it from one of the Brotherhood." He continued while still making his way to the desk. "Mana is watching our pharaoh in my stead."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 42 min ago

Zhara looked up and said “what is he doing exactly? What can I do?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Mahad closed his eyes and sighed. "I do not know I would put this. First what happened was our Pharaoh acting strang with speaking to nothing. But then just before you asked for me he also started to act like he was drunk." He states, opening his eyes.

"So far no other symptoms have reveal themselves. However it will be safer that he gets to his chambers and stays there till these symptoms wear off. Luckily since this is plant based, it will wear off. And with the Pharaoh not making any sense and his senses dulled, it would be wise for Priest Seth to up the security. Between he and I, we can help with guarding the Pharaoh's bed chambers from the outside while you are with him on the side of the room." Mahad explains further.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 42 min ago

Zhara was thinking then her eyes widened “of course…seems my trick worked.” She moved to the letter and picked it up and sniffed the powder, then did the crazy thing and dapped it with her finger and licked it. “Just as I thought…I know this poison. And I know he will be alright” she moved pasted Mahad and said “do what you said…but I’ll need a lot of fresh water for him. He might get ill from this if he doesn’t stay hydrated”

Mana was at the door waiting when she heard this and asked “Zhara? What…” Zhara paused and then smiled her sly smile and said “promise not to tell Seth…I’ve been slipping him herbs from my stock since I arrived at the palace. Building his immunities like I have since I was a child. This poison normally would have made him deathly ill and damage the mind. But since his been taking the poison in small doses for such a long time now…this is the out come”

Mana blinked and said “you’ve…been poisoning him?” Zahra said “well in a good way. It’s the same dose I take. I slip it into his tea in the morning while his alone working…his guards never noticed.” Mana looked at Mahad, worried he might lose it hearing this.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Mahad followed after Zhara wondering what in go's names was going on. He had a servant get a big pitcher of water sent to the pharaoh's chambers. Arriving to his chambers and stopped with her.

Now to say he was mad was a an understatement and was very likely livid with Zhara and that she was poisoning the their Pharaoh especially who was their dearest friend. HOWEVER.....Taking a very large deep breath (and it was very noticeable)....he saw the logic and reasoning as to why Zhara did this and the result of those efforts were just beyond that door. So Mahad could be pissed off all he wanted to....but instead was going to refrain form lashing out and using some VERY colorful words.

"Get our Pharaoh to his chambers...." and with that Mahard turned around sharply and walked away before he lost what composure he had left.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 42 min ago

Zhara turned and said “I had to do it Mahad. If I told the council they would have been furious and wouldn’t listen to reason. And he knew I was giving it to him. He asked me for ways to become stronger. So I told him what I did in training. Then he asked me to do all that I could without him knowing, wanting to training his mind on being able to tell when I was doing something. He figured it out in a week. I would never lie to him, Mahad. The others yes…even you and mana. For his sake I would do anything” she walked into the room and saw the pharaoh.

She signed, seeing him in such a state made her heart hurt. She moved to his side and knelt to be at his level. “My prince…would you like some help to your chambers?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Mahad had stopped when she spoke her mind on why she did it. He did not turn around however he knew Zhara wouldn't lie or decieve them. It just hurt that he and Mana had been out of the loop and just to find our now after all this time. So for when the door to his chambers opened, he looked back to see Zhara go inside, he looked to Mana with a stoic look on his face. "Mana, come. Our Pharaoh's chambers need a thorough search before Zhara escorts our Pharaoh there. Priest Seth will encounter us on the way. Do not speak a word of this. I'll tell him what he needs to know." Mahad instructs as he turns away and making haste.

Atem was sitting on the floor with his back against Priest Mahad's bed and was muttering to himself. Feeling like the room was spinning and wavy. Seeing someone had approached him, he looked up slowly and smiles seeing Zhara. "Zhara! You still never answered me about your favorite animal." A sudden pout on his face. It seemed like she was possibly one of the ones he saw even though she hadn't been there.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 42 min ago

Mana nodded and followed him saying “she’s thinking of his safety master…she is so smart…I mean, to apply her own training to her protection? To give him more ways to stay safe if he was alone? I get why she didn’t tell us…I mean, anyone could be listening…”

Zhara smiled and took his hand and pulled him up, pulling his arm around her shoulders. “Sorry, it’s a hard question for me. But I think it must be the wolf. I mean, what else could it be? What is yours my prince” she started to lead him out of the room, holding him upright.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

His eyes were starting to betray him as his pain began to show with it being her and him with no one in sight. "I can still be frustrated with her even with what their decision maybe."

Atem could feel the room sway as he was getting up. To stumble like a new born horse. "Otters" He tells her while he stumbls.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 42 min ago

Mana moved and said “master…you know her as well as I do. She knows best when it comes to his safety. She would rather die then let anything happen to him…I think she did it to protect us too…the prince sucking out snake venom…”

Zhara blinked as they walked into the hallway and asked “when have you seen otters?” She paused and then looked around and then moved and picked him up into her arms, her strength another trick not everyone knew. She carried him to his chambers, about to walk up on Mahad and Mana.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"I know that, Mana." His shoulders sags as he just let's it be. He was still hurt.

"I havent....buuuut....I have heaaard of them...fluuuuffyyyy....cuuuuute, inntelllligent. Cunning too olive heard..." Atem slurred but chuckled but then turned away from her to no one and puts a finger to his lips "Sssshhhhh!!!"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 42 min ago

Mana sighed and said “then why do you look like a beaten dog right now”

Zhara smiled as they walked and said “what is your friend saying?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"It would be nice if Zhara would lean on us more especially in our Pharoah's safety. I understand if she wanted to keep me in the dark for my sake with myself being a High Priest and Sacred Guardian to the Millennium Ring. But to at least not tell you or at least a hint would be nice." Mahad admits.

Atem looks toward Zhara with a sly smile. "It's a secret."
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