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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

”Da cool bannah comes laytah!”

— Some Pleb

Tsubomi was so demotivated to do anything that she didn't even transform. She flung some apathy energy at the net holding girl to pacify her. Once that was done, she recovered the mascot.


The creature seemed to lose interest in whatever it was going to show Tsubomi. It only had so much patience for someone so dense, so slow, so detached from the world. It hopped out of her hands and ran off, no longer waiting for the lethargic girl. Of course, that wasn't going to stop Tsubomi from "chasing" it, leaving the net girl by herself.




What just happened?

She could have sword she saw a mascot jumping all over her bike. Being new to the area, the pink haired girl had decided to pretend to have it out for the cat, but that was only because she suspected that other girl was a member of the dreaded detention club.

She had heard a lot about them from other sources. She was a light girl from the city, and like some of them, she had dreamed of purging all darkness from the world. But to live that dream you need to start small. You can't take on the world's darkness if you can't first brighten up your country, and you can't brighten up your country if you can't brighten up your city. Well, the city of light was named as such for a reason. They had chased out the last dark magical girl years ago and now just mopped up0 what few miseria decided to show up. Naturally, they wanted to expand into other territories so that they could continue to spread hope and good will. Many went to other cities and towns to spread the light, and then there was Hibusa Town. Something about an entire club of dark magical girls had a sort of allure to it. The town's low population count and high dark magical girl density made it an unattractive target to many, but others saw it as a challenge. One that many regretted taking on.

But she was not here to mingle with the club.

Regardless of intentions, that did not change what just happened. That girl had done something to her. She would have never surrendered a mascot so easily, unless... yes, they used some sort of magic on her to inhibit her emotions. In her human form, she was not as resistant to such magics. The idea of having her emotions manipulated in such a covert way disgusted her. Anyone who deprived others of their ability to make choices were not nice people. Thinking about the sort of depraved things that could have happened to her in such a state made her skin crawl.

But this injustice would not be forgotten. She knew what Tsubomi looked like, and soon enough, she would know her name, address, friends, and everything else she cared to know. Then she would stalk her, and at Tsubomi's weakest moment she would strike! And then she would know the error of her ways when she looked up and saw her better, The Magnificent Morganite!
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

A few days after hashing out the basic details of their little beach trip, Nyxia once again found herself making her way to her partner’s high school. Since the Neon Tempest didn’t want any of the club members to know where she lived (besides Rei, who seemed to know everything about everyone), she and Roche had agreed to meet up outside the school and then “collect” the others. Since it was closed for summer break, there wasn’t likely to be anyone around, which was an added benefit to meeting there, instead of her house.

As Nyxia expected, her little theft had caused her parents to have a not-so-minor freakout, prompting them to triple the usual security detail. While this wouldn’t inhibit the Neon Tempest’s ability to leave the palatial mansion, it would prove a rather substantial obstacle for anyone trying to enter the property uninvited. Of course, there was still the problem of being gone for an entire day without anyone noticing, but as it happened, even the mysterious break-in and burglary wasn’t enough to keep her parents from visiting their relatives in Osaka. That meant she would only need to deal with the servants who barely paid her any mind in the first place. She only had to tell them that she wasn’t feeling well, and thus would not be having any meals, to ensure they never tried to enter her room and subsequently discover her absence.

Since she would be attending the upcoming outing in her magical girl form, Nyxia had chosen not to bring along any of the usual beach supplies. After all, there wasn’t any need for goggles, sunscreen, or anything similar when her practically superhuman body could shrug off such mundane issues with effortless ease. And as far as beach attire went, her outfit might as well have been a swimsuit anyway. That just left the transportation, something Roche had assured her that she would be taking care of.

“Hopefully it’s big enough that I don’t have to sit anywhere near Suki…” the Neon Tempest muttered as she leaned against the school gate and waited for her partner to arrive. Then again, for all she knew, the code keeper could have borrowed the track team’s bus…

Unfortunately for Roche, the track team rented their bus and didn’t have it just laying down on their off season.

But much as Suki could abuse her magical powers for less-than-honest pursuits, Roche had no issues going to a car rental lot and driving out with a van. A Magical Girl’s ability to go unseen meant things like paying for goods was more optional than requirement to life.

Nyxia would be visited by the sight of a white can rolling to a stop before her, the driver’s side window down with an untransformed Roche leaning out. She gave a small wave before slapping the door beneath her.

“Bad news, it’s not as comfy as a bus. Good news, you get shotgun and it’s got better AC then the track bus. Come on in, we got to round up the others and you’ll have to wrangle Suki into the back.”

Given how much the blood fiend tried to avoid her, Roche was entirely serious in thinking they’d be forcing Suki into the backseat at laser point. At least she expected Tsubomi to be easy.

As Nyxia came around she would catch glimpses of the trunk already loaded, flashes of colorful umbrellas, towels, and the long plastic tubes of snorkel gear. Roche didn’t draw attention to it, but in her ‘requisitions’, she had made a considerable effort to try and address everyone’s needs. It didn’t take someone with intimate knowledge of her to know Earthshaker was definitely an enthusiastic prepper.

“As long as I don’t have to sit anywhere near that perverted freak, I suppose it’ll work,” Nyxia conceded as she climbed into the passenger seat and propped her massive death ray between her and the closed door.

Its size was so great that the barrel threatened to impale anyone sitting directly behind her, but that would be a problem for said hypothetical person to deal with. Still, as she pulled the seat back and made herself comfortable, the Neon Tempest couldn’t help but catch a glimpse of the pile of beach equipment Roche had gathered for their trip. In particular, the colorful foam tubes called to mind her physical therapy sessions with Kaito at the family’s pool. Those sessions had predictably ended with her brother’s passing, but they remained cherished memories, nonetheless.

“You sure didn’t skimp on the supplies,” Nyxia noted with an amused smirk. “So, where to first?”

Roche would have liked to have corrected Nyxia and explained that Suki wasn’t as much of a freak as she thought her to be. That she was simply as warped as the rest of them, just in her own unique way, but try as she might it was hard to deny that Suki had set some awful examples of herself before Nyxia. That they even congregated in the same room together was miracle enough for the Rule Keeper not to press her luck.

Instead she looked back at the beach going supplies, pleased that she’d left enough of a gap to still see out the rear window. ”I tried to account for everyone. Got a propane camping stove if we manage to knab some fish or crabs, and there’s a cooler back there with drinks and garnishes.”

Even with Suki’s disastrous cooking skills, it was hard to screw up melting butter over cooked fish, after all.

With Nyxia aboard and the Omega Obliterator angled towards the backseat like a massive threat towards children whining if they were there yet, Roche pulled out of the empty school lot and onto the streets. Unlike when she ran as a Magical Girl, her driving was slow, methodical, and both hands remained firmly glued to the wheel. Her eyes slid briefly to Nyxia before returning to the road.

”We pick up Tsubomi first. She and Suki seem to get along, so having her already here should keep Suki from making you use your baby to settle her down.”

“What a pity,” Nyxia remarked with a wry smile. “And here I was thinking that would be the highlight of my day.”

Despite her words, the Neon Tempest knew that this course of action was probably for the best. After all, the less interaction she had with Suki, the better. Stretching herself out, Nyxia closed her eyes and allowed a contented smile to spread across her face. One arm rested over her stomach, while the other was wrapped around the Omega Obliterator, her hand gently caressing the beloved energy cannon. Now that she thought about it, this was her first time riding in a vehicle in several years. Indeed, she had only been allowed to leave the house a mere handful of times in her young life. Thus, this opportunity was one to be cherished. Perhaps it wasn’t as exhilarating as hunting Miseria, while leaping across the rooftops with supernatural agility, but it still had its own unique charms all the same, and thanks to Roche’s unhurried pace, she had ample time to savor it.

A relaxing drive through the city, with Roche stopping for exactly three seconds at every stop sign and maintaining a respectful distance between her and any car ahead. Fortunately for her Nyxia seemed to enjoy the painfully slow driving and they both came to relish the peaceful drive.

But all things had to come to an end, and they soon pulled up before the home of their resident drug dealer. Roche pulled out her phone and snapped off a text to Tsubomi announcing their arrival before settling back to wait, hoping she’d be as smooth as Nyxia’s pick up was.

For her part, Tsubomi was strangely already ready to leave when the others arrived. Though by “ready,” really, she was just awake. She didn’t bother bringing anything with her, nor with leaving a note for her working aunt and uncle. Instead she simply walked outside, and after considering getting in the trunk for a few moments, got in the car behind Nyxia.

The Neon Tempest barely acknowledged Tsubomi’s arrival, simply half opening one eye to watch as the emotionless girl slipped under her energy cannon’s barrel and into the seat behind her. This arrangement met with Nyxia’s unspoken approval, since she doubted someone so utterly apathetic would do anything to bother her relaxation, and the girl’s presence would hopefully prevent Suki from doing likewise.

Seeing the lack of reaction from both passengers as a blessing, Roche pulled back onto the road and set them steadily trundling along to find Suki in her hovel. This would likely not be easy, but she hoped seeing them all together in the car already would keep Suki from making too much of a fuss.

And worse comes to worse, Nyxia can wing her in the leg and drag her inside.

”That’s her place. Let’s hope she’s ready.” Roche murmured to herself, shooting off a quick text before leaning back, only the tightness of her hands on the steering wheel betraying her apprehension.

If there was something the motley crew knew about Suki, it was that she was despised just as much, if not more, by her own housemates than the rest of the detention club. If she was ready to go, she’d have been waiting in the picnic area where there was sure to be no one at this hour of the day. And sure enough, there was no one there.

Not even Suki.

One of the picnic tables had a piece of paper with the words “Have Fun” taped to the top of it. The rough, scribbled kanji could only belong to Suki, unless tsome underclassmen with a learning deficiency had come by.

The trio however didn’t need to vacate their vehicle and see the scribbled note to know Suki wasn’t anywhere there. Roche’s head hit the steering wheel as she groaned in misery, the seconds trickling by without any sense of Suki’s saccharine magical energy nearby.

”We….we can’t just go without her. It wouldn’t be a team building exercise without us all there.” Roche was certainly speaking more to convince herself then anyone else. In a shimmer of magic she was transformed, letting her sense for darkness steer her head in the direction of the nearest concentration. Given it wasn’t even midday it was unlikely to be a Miseria, so she quickly turned onto the streets and went off in pursuit of the feeling of Suki’s presence.

”She might not come willingly, but she’s coming with us even if we need to tie her to the roof.”

​​“That sounds like a great idea,” Nyxia noted, not even bothering to open her eyes. “It’s better than having her bothering us in here.”

In all honesty, the Neon Tempest would have preferred if they’d just left without the blood witch, but she knew how persistent Roche could be, and that it was pointless to try and sway her once she’d fixated herself on a course of action.

The van rumbled forward. The magical signature grew stronger as Roche neared what was sure to be her target. She turned the corner and looked to the roof… only to see Willow whimsically playing on her violin. She bound away without giving the van a second glance.

Suki might have had a magical signature if she was transformed, but an untransformed magical girl was pretty difficult to spot. But Roche had been told something recently. What was it? Something about having an expert on things you’re less familiar with? Was there a Suki expert around somewhere?

After unhelpfully coming across a fellow Detention Club member Roche growled in frustration, pinching the bridge of her nose as they settled in at a red light. She’d hoped she could have simply sensed Suki out, but this was a girl who had made an art form of avoiding Roche.

Clearly if Suki didn’t want to be found, Roche wouldn’t find her….but would another manage it?

”You know, this might be a long shot, buuuuuuuut,” Roche rolled the word off her tongue as she returned to her normal state, no doubt startling some drivers when the empty driver seat was suddenly filled. ”Tsubomi, where do you think Suki is?”

It took a moment for Tsubomi to respond. And then another moment. And another moment. And another. And another. Finally, after staring out the window for long enough that one would think she hadn’t heard, she replied. ”Somewhere with no people. Or just enough people for her to play with. The school? The pool? Hmm…” She was saying more words than normal, but they were slow on their way out of her mouth.

”If Suki wants to feel good, she might be somewhere quiet where there’s a handful of people. If she already feels bad, she might be somewhere where she can be alone.” A spark of thought traveled through her brain. ”It’s hot out.”

About fifty seconds of silence passed. ”It would be hard to catch her in the forest…”

After a bit of rambling, the resident Suki expert seemed to decide on the forest as where the blood molester magical girl might be hiding. Roche might have scoffed at the idea of Suki running off into the wilds, but it wasn’t as if she’d ever looked there before either.

”Okay if she’s in the woods, we’ll at least have an easy time sensing her. Though if she’s got any thralls I’ll need a hand carrying them out.” She grumbled as they pulled up at the nearest parking spot, hopping out and storming into the woods in her transformed state.

“Let’s hope she doesn’t,” Nyxia muttered, not opening her eyes or making any move to exit the now parked van.

Somehow the universe had conspired that a simple team building activity, really more a thinly veiled vacation in reality, had turned into a nature hike for Earthshaker alone.

And it may not even prove fruitful. Not only was the forest spread across the steep mountainside, but it wasn’t as if Suki was going to sit in one spot. By the time Roache looked everywhere, Suki could be anywhere. That was provided Tsubomi was even correct with her guess.

It would have seemed a fool’s errand if not for the frogs. Those slimy amphibians were a less-than-innocent sight in Miso given there had been a frog manipulating Magical Girl, but these ones were out cold. First it was just one or two tree frogs, but now there were whole piles of them.Their unconscious state raised some unpleasant questions as she followed them deeper into the woodlands.

Roache followed the trail of unconscious frogs for a bit, and she started to feel a magical presence.

Upon going a bit further up the mountain, she noticed a massive pile of frogs. They were very much awake, hopping and croaking like crazy. Their slimy bodies glistened in the scattered light that came through the canopy.

A blood soaked hand stuck out from under the pile, twitching occasionally.

”You know, if you hadn’t wound up like this trying to avoid me, I’d maybe feel a smidgen bad for your state.” Shaking her head at the absurdity she put up with as Rule Keeper, Earthshaker carefully stepped around the amphibians, toeing aside those that wouldn’t give her solid footing and ultimately reaching out to take the bloody hand. A tug would see her dislodged from her trapping, scattering the frogs in every direction.

Once scattered, the frogs froze in place, seeming to come back to their senses before hopping deeper into the forest. Suki on the other hand looked more surprised than harmed. There was blood on her hand, but that was normal for the blood witch. Roche’s eyes had wondered over Oros’s slimy figure, thoughts wandering along a familiar and frustrating track of aroused interest. Thankfully the Blood Magical Girl wasn’t interested in revisiting that song and dance, shaking Roche’s hand loose and letting clarity return to her eyes.

A sense of self that quickly had her rolling her eyes at the other girl’s pouting.

”I wound up like this because I wanted to be here. The frogs actually want my company.” The blood witch stood up. ”Avoiding you is too tedious. You have more spies than the paparazzi, and Boss Baby’s more or less given you the backing of the entire club.” She threw the side of her head into her palm, and a tiny frog flew out of her ear. It hopped away once free.

”Suki, I just climbed through the woods after driving through traffic trying to find you. I just pulled you out of a pile of frogs, for fuck’s sake!” It wasn’t often the track captain felt like cursing, but it was inevitably always due to the one standing before her. ”Nyxia and Tsubomi are waiting in the van. We all want to go together, and we are waiting on you. Honestly, I thought you’d be the most thrilled for this!” Roche threw her hands up, shaking off a few dim witted frogs who’d been clinging to her cloak as it billowed under the sudden movement. ”It’s warm sun, blue seas, and women everywhere in skimpy bikinis! You should be thanking me for driving you to a hunting ground where you can snatch up strangers at your leisure. And I even got you a camping stove to roast some fish. Come on, Suki, this is….it’s supposed to be fun. Even Nyxia is on board.”

”Fun.” Oros practically groaned the word through her smiling lips. But her eyes weren’t smiling. ”Somehow, I think Rainbow would be just as happy to stay home. She’s only coming along because she knows it’s what you want her to do, because it’s what Boss Baby wants her to do. And Nyx? I couldn’t buy her a ticket to watch a show with me. She shot me down instantly and is likely coming along as a favor to you. If either of them really cared, why are you the only one here?” She held up a finger. ”Don’t answer, I already know! It’s because the only person who really wants me to be there is you! And you only want me to be there because you’re a control freak. In fact, I think those were your exact same words when I signed up way back when. You said ‘It'll be fun!’ And it was, until I discovered what an obsessive controlling cunt you were.’”

Unfortunately for everyone involved, shouting at a Dark Magical Girl seemed to only exacerbate matters. Roche’s eyes narrowed and she stepped forward, teeth grit with rising frustration.

”You’re right, I am a controlling cunt. Because look what happens when I’m not! Tsubomi would sit on her ass till Ashbringer cuts her throat, and you decide to fuck off into the woods to kiss toads, and that’s when you aren’t running with your tail between your legs when you hear me coming. For someone who churns through women like a gigolo, you’re awfully skittish about anyone you can’t kiss and dump. I’m not just going to lay down and let some outside bitch crush us, so I’m willing to get in a van and drive all of you to have some fun and unwind and maybe make some headway in getting better. And that means I’m not letting any of you girls fall behind either. So what’s it going to be, Suki?” The tribal themed magical girl crossed her arms, taking in a breath as she reigned in her temper and glared at Suki with a cooler intensity. ”If you have another idea, I’m all ears. Tell me and we’ll see if it can work. But if all you want to do is fuck around with normal women and animals, I’ll drag you back right here and now.”

The corners of Oros’s lips curled into a sneer. ”Now that is the Bedshaker I know! The one who solves all of her problems with threats and violence.” She cast out her arms. ”Well your threats aren’t going to work on me, so you might as well use violence! You’ve wanted to do it for months, and now you have an excuse to do it!”

Roche’s arms tremble with emotion, nail digging sharp enough into her arms that Oros’ would no doubt notice the smell of blood emerge. She exhaled sharply and took another step forward, slowly unfurling a hand and offering it palm upwards.

”It hurts me that my old partner never understood me. I don’t want to hurt you. Sheesh, I don’t even enjoy fighting. I just want things to make sense. I want some peace and consistency in my life, and no matter how much I try you girls just don’t make it easy. No threats, and I won’t hit you. So, if you come down to the beach with us, I’ll hold your hand the entire way down to the van.” The Rule Keeper offered, keeping her voice soft like one does when approaching a skittish animal. ”Of course I know what the means for you, but you have my permission to…act as you would.”

Oros growled. She bit the corner of her lip. Blood oozed over her teeth, and trickled out of the corner of her mouth before rolling down her chin. ”Seems we were both misunderstood.” She folded her arms. ”I think I’m done with the Detention Club.” Oros looked away from Roche. ”I wanted some time to think, but what is there to consider? I don’t care about any of you, and from what I see, the feeling is mutual.” She sat down. ”The nice thing about having nothing is you can live wherever you like. So when Hong comes back to burn this place to the ground, it won’t be my problem anymore. So have fun with your camping trip, I'm not your responsibility.” She rubbed her fingers together.

Shock. Surprise, A smidgen of embarrassment. All flashed nakedly across Roche’s face as her hand returned to her side, digesting Suki’s shockingly negative words. This was more than just Suki’s usual evasiveness.

”You can’t mean that. You’re the one who kept trying to bring us together. You cooked. You got us to hunt for a new Magical Girl.” Even if those efforts all tended to backfire went unsaid. ”If anything you’re the one who cares the most about us as people!” Disbelief was clear in Roche’s tone, but her eyes were focused on Oros, passing over her slime coated form as though she could glean some cause for this about face. ”Suki, what happened? You of all people don’t go from trying to get Nyxia out to the theater to dropping everything without something going wrong.” There was a shimmer of light as Roche’s magical form faded, leaving the track captain vulnerable before Oros. It would take a touch and Suki could make the encounter end with a word. ”I’m not demanding and I’m not threatening you, but I need to know what or who hurt you.”

”I hurt me.” She said without turning around. ”I thought Tsubomi and I were closer than we really were, but she’s just another appointed babysitter. Really, it was pretty obvious.” She pulled out a pack of cigarettes, only to realize it was empty. She crushed the box in her hand and attempted to light one end on fire. ”So I’ve been in a reflective mood.”

The tanned girl flinching, seeing quite clearly how the prospect of being crammed in a car with Tsubomi would be a major turn off at the moment. Appealing to Suki’s libido might have been a mistake for once.

”Shit, Suki, I didn’t know.” Roche said, watching the attempt to set alight a cigarette carton with some concern. ”I get that it sucks being rejected, but she’s still your clubmate. She’s just….a cracked case. You’ll find a Magical Girl for you one day. Who knows, we’ve already met one out of towner, maybe we’ll find a friendlier one at the beach? It is the summer break, so you might meet someone who's looking for a cute girl like you.”

Was Roche laying it on thick? Yes, but she was feeling dreadful over Suki’s situation.

”As much as I don’t like how hard you can be, I think I prefer that to this version of you. You just seem so fake, you know?” She tossed the burning box off to the side and rested her arms on her knees. ”Drag me down the mountain, or don’t, but I’m done talking to you.”

”Fake?!” The Rule Keeper snapped back, her anger stoked even as she saw Suki deflate with dejection, unwilling to even put up a fight now. ”For someone who acts like they revel in all the dark shit we get up to, you can be pretty sanctimonious, Suki. Come on, let’s have a little honesty.”

Oros rolled her eyes, but still avoided looking at her former partner.

”If I wasn’t a hard ass, everyone would walk over me. Poor little orphan girl, her daddy hung himself and she’s got NO ONE left. If I didn’t have these powers, I would be dumped in a foster home and own nothing in my life. If I didn’t stick up for myself, you’d have had no issue using your powers on me ages ago.”

”Not true.” Oros said under her breath.

With a growl of rising fervor she reached out, grasping Suki’s outfit and making the blood fiend face her. Her fingers fell away but she was now closer then ever, nearly nose to nose as she snarled at Suki. ”Neither of us have the luxury of giving up, because we have no one waiting to pick us up…..but as much as you drive me insane, I still see you as more than just a problem kid. You’re a person, a comrade, and, grr, a friend.”

Oros raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

”So when I see you deciding to throw your life away and live in the woods, you can be damn certain I will bring you back. So you can either walk down there with me, or you’re going to have to endure me giving you a goddamn magical girl friendship speech till one of us dies of embarrassment!”

The empty carton of matches burned out. Normally there would be more than enough dry leaves and plant vegetation to facilitate a fire, but it had just rained the day before. It fizzled out without doing anything to the mountain.

”Fine.” Suki groaned. ”I'll go, but only because you’re annoying. But you can’t complain about me later.” She pushed past Roche. ”Let’s get this out of your system.”

Roche didn’t cheer, but she was sorely tempted when she found Suki was cooperating with her. Earthshaker rose, transformed to better handle the long walk back to the van. She quickly caught up to Oros the Joyful, and reached out to clasp her shoulder briefly.

The expected feelings creeped across her thoughts, but she kept her focus on supporting Suki as a friend and held the contact for a minute before pulling her hand away. ”Thanks, Suki….And if you need to talk, I can lend you an ear ”


The return to the van would be easier than the hike outwards, not having to worry about looking out for frogs. Though once she got there she quickly sped ahead, knocking on Nyxia’s window. ”Hey Nyxia, can you do me a big favor and scoot into the back with Tsubomi? It’ll make things a bit smoother, and you’ll have more leg room for you and the Obliterator.”

“I guess this means you found her,” Nyxia remarked with a scowl as she opened her eyes. She doubted that she’d actually have more room in the back seat, at least, if she sat normally, but the implied notion that Suki would be sitting in front of her, rather than behind, was a good enough reason for her to acquiesce to her partner’s request. “Okay, fine,” the Neon Tempest sighed as she got out of the van. “I suppose sitting back there could be more comfortable,” she conceded as she gave her body a stretch. Despite the earlier talk of strapping Suki to the roof, Nyxia knew that such a course of action was almost never going to happen, and if the perverted pinkette had to ride inside the van, then it was probably for the best if she was someplace Roche could keep an eye on her.

Getting into the back of the van, Nyxia laid herself out across the row of seats, while hugging the Omega Obliterator in the same horizontal position and using a blown up float as a makeshift pillow. This left her legs and the back of the energy cannon resting atop Tsubomi’s lap, but the Neon Tempest highly doubted Suki’s dead-to-the-world partner would mind the intrusion into her personal space. “Isn’t this nicer, baby?” she whispered to her massive weapon, even as its barrel poked out the now-open window above her. “Now mommy gets to hold you the rest of the way to the beach.”

Tsubomi didn’t usually get people. A statement that was only barely not true even when in her Acid Drop form. Something had to be wrong with her, but this didn’t actually go through her head as she carefully lifted Nyxia’s weapon and set it down on the now-vacated seat she had been in. Rather, the only thing in her mind was a loud static, or at least that’s what she thought it was. She went around to behind the van and sat down on the ground until Suki, Oros, had gotten into the front seat. Only then would she climb up on the roof and grab onto the racks. Though she instantly got bored of doing so, taking her shoelaces out of their place and tying her wrist to it instead. Feeling sufficiently secure, whether she was or not, she laid down flat on her back above Nyxia’s head, her feet above Roche’s. The static in her head died down a little once she finished.

Oros stared at the passenger’s side door. Even with all the clambering to shift seats, she didn’t react to any of it. She sat in the passenger’s seat and allowed her tendrils to unravel. Bloody ribbons floated around both inside and outside of the van, like an octopus at rest. She buckled herself in and looked straight ahead.

”Alright everyone, keep your hands to yourselves, relax, and let me know if you want the radio station changed. Nyxia can reach back into the cooler if anyone gets thirsty…..Tsubomi, please remain transformed, or we’re going to be pulled over.”

With those parting words Roche took off, eager to put the city behind them and hope the change in scenery would help them all mellow out, or die trying.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
Avatar of BrokenPromise

BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Why did we come here again?”

— Suki Oyama

It was the weekend, it was hot, and it was summer.

It was mid day by the time Roache arrived at the beach, and she wasn’t the only one that had this idea. Parasols, beach towels, and bathing suit-clad bodies stretched from one end of the beach to the other. It was the weekend, and most everyone was relaxing in the shade while the children and children at heart played in the shallow waters. A small child was building a sand castle, and another was burying “treasure,” which seemed to be a collection of sea shells. Further out there were a few people trying to surf, but there weren’t any giant waves to catch. They were mostly paddling around.

There was also a pier that reached far out into the vast blue ocean, but there were no boats presently. It did look like a group was about to go diving, so it was reasonable to think that the water was deeper that far out. Beyond the beach on either side were a few massive boulders that stuck out of the water like a dragon’s fangs.

Oros stepped out of the van and stretched. She arched her back, and every bone on her spine cracked. The blood that made up most of her uniform swirled and spread, before her magical girl uniform looked like a summer dress. She still had enough blood left over to make a sun hat, albeit a small one.

Despite the fact that almost everyone on the beach was having a good time, Suki really couldn’t connect to the joy they were feeling. She remembered there was a time she really wanted to be in a place like this with present company, but couldn’t for the life of her remember why. It was almost as if Suki had a dream about the beach, but now that she was here, the dream was fuzzy, and nothing in reality seemed to line up with what little she could remember.

There was some movement in the corner of her eye. She spotted a tuft of pink hair, but it vanished behind a parasol. Suki shrugged, unable to work up the ambition to investigate. Judging by the looks of the other girls, either nobody noticed it, or had her same reaction of not giving a shit about it.

Her eyes continued to scan the beach until she noticed a group of teenagers setting up a volleyball net. Her head froze, but she said nothing.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Wouldn't it be cool if Suki didn't know how to swim?
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Nyxia was awoken from her restful slumber by the sound of Roche announcing that they had arrived. Slowly opening her eyes and sitting up, the Neon Tempest found that instead of the secluded cove she had been expecting, the beach before her was downright crowded. Of course, none of the beachgoers would bother, or even notice, her in her magical girl form, and their presence wouldn’t exactly disrupt her own plans for the outing, but it was still a little disconcerting nonetheless. Hopefully she wouldn’t run into any of the other club members here… Exiting the van, Nyxia stretched herself out and allowed her bare skin to soak up the warm summer sun. Casting her gaze over the panorama before her, the Neon Tempest’s eyes lit up upon noticing the long pier leading out towards the distant horizon. If aquatic Miseria did exist, then the deeper waters offshore were the most likely place they would be found, which meant there was really only one thing for her to do.

“I’m going swimming,” Nyxia announced, before setting off for the pier. She didn’t particularly care if Roche chose to join her, but she hoped that Suki and Tsubomi would stay behind. While it was almost a certainty in the latter’s case, Suki was always a wildcard. Although it would be easy to suspect that the blood witch would try and flirt with the various other beachgoers, it was also possible that she loved the idea of swiming with her club mates even more. Indeed, maybe she even had a fetish for the water, the Neon Tempest thought with a shudder. Then again, maybe she hated the water and couldn’t even swim? That would honestly be the best case scenario, Nyxia reflected, which was why it was probably the furthest thing from the truth.

As she pondered these thoughts, the Neon Tempest had continued to draw closer to the end of the pier. At first, she had merely been strolling along at a leisurely pace, but as she got closer to her destination her pace quickened. Slipping past the various clumps of people with fishing poles, she came to a stop a few meters from the end of the pier. Directly ahead of her was a small group of divers preparing to head down, but instead of trying to squeeze past them, Nyxia decided to take a different approach. Her mouth curling into a small smirk, she took a few steps back, braced herself, and then darted forward in a burst of speed. Just before she reached the blissfully unaware divers, she leapt into the air, her powerful legs propelling her over the group and into the water beyond with a loud splash.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

After an only semi-awkward drive to reach the public beach, Roche peeled her hands from the wheel and leaned back into the seat with a heavy exhalation. She'd never drown for that long, and never with passengers. Did anyone notice how close they'd come to several collisions? She dearly hoped not, especially with one passenger having remained doggedly on the roof the entire way.

Now that they didn't have to worry about anyone reacting to a driverless car she transformed back to her magical girl form. The deeper tan was far better suited for the intense sun, and she merely had to shrug off her concealing cloak and letting it fade into motes of magical light to have a passable swimsuit.

The most obvious thing of note was that the beach was heavily crowded, and clearly Roche hadn't thought that far ahead as to how they'd relax in such a density of mundane people. But given their mostly invisible nature they could just filter them out with time.

"Alright, Suki, I'm trusting you to find a spot for the umbrella and plant it for us. Just toss out some towels and I'll help get the rest later. Tsubomi, why don't you see if there's a concessions stand or food truck somewhere." Roche said, trying to offer some semblance of structure for the now irreconcilable pair.

"If you can't find anything, I've got snacks and drinks in the trunk but I figure something hot and fresh would be nice. I'm going to catch up with Nyxia and check back later!"

The barely dressed magical girl bound across the sands, catching sight of Nyxia sprinting off the pier. She recalled the promise of showing her the undersea plantlife and bounded after her.

To the average beachgoer that day there was a sudden geyser of sand soon to attributed to a freak dust devil, but to the remaining Magical Girls it was clearly Earthshaker flexing her power to leap for the air. A shadow was cast as she shield materialized behind her lining itself against her bare feet. The following boom as she kicked off the shield and shot herself into the water, cleaving through it like a knife, was far less noticeable well above everyone's heads.

Roche's arms were braced before her, and her tattoos illuminated sharply as it absorbed the impact with the surf. The rush of air gave way to the bubbles and whirls of salt water, and though her lips were closed tight they still stretched into a smile as she plunged into the dark depths, passing by a smudge of pink and green that could only be Nyxia.

A twist and a kick had her momentum spent, facing upwards at the laser fetishist as she settled, strands of kelp rising around her from a forest of coral still sloping outwards into the deep, dark sea beyond.

And for once in their lives, it was utterly quiet, a serenity that was alien to the city dwellers.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Beach Episode."

Famously a relaxing time, right?

Acid Drop had managed to stay in her Tsubomi mindset the entire time she was transformed on the roof. The girl seemed to be full of unusual things today. She was fine with nearly being flung off the roof a few times, and as soon as Earthshaker parked the van, Tsubomi changed back to her normal form. Earthshaker wanted her to find food, but why? The best thing for everyone was to do their own things, and for Tsubomi, that meant staying on the roof. She pulled out her phone and held it in front of her face, still locked, acting as if she were reading something when nothing actually went through her head.

She gave a quick glance at the water when Roche jumped in, but soon turned her attention back to her blank phone. A few minutes later she turned onto her side so she faced away from the water and began to try to sleep. If this was a vacation from training, she'd take it.

Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Nyxia claims to hate me, but I seem to be on her mind a lot!”

— Suki Oyama

This was not a surprise.

Suki would forgive anyone that thought Roche was leader material. She was the track team captain and Rei’s right hand. Neither of those positions could be filled by someone without some leadership abilities. Though in her time observing Roche, the blood witch had realized that she only really had one quality that made her a leader of any kind, and that was that she ordered people around a lot. That might have worked for the track club, but Suki found it a little disappointing. Moreso that she felt like she had to put her special leadership powers at work here on the beach as well.

Yes, Suki thought. Go on, tell me what I should be doing. Task me with finding a place to set up a parasol and towels, keep Tsubomi busy too. Then run for the sea and swim with Nyxia. Because the only reason why any of us are here is to support your fetishized megalomania. Did you forget what you told me on the mountain? You said this was going to be fun, but perhaps it was only supposed to be fun for you?

Nobody was even in a swimsuit. Roche and Nyxia were transformed, and Tsubomi didn’t look like she had the ambition to change into anything interesting before coming. Suki could have put herself in a swimsuit, but there was no point. Nobody around her could see her, and the ones that could had no interest in doing anything with her. For once, the feeling may have been mutual.

Suki wondered why Unstoppable Doom decided to run into the great blue. She had a hard time believing Nyxia would do it for any other reason than to find a Miseria, but it was the wrong time of day. While it wasn’t impossible to find them in the middle of the day, night was when they liked to come out and play. That was why they usually did midnight hunts back in town. Perhaps the idea was just to get some lonely time, which Suki could respect. Only she was doing that back in the forest when Roche found her.

She didn’t know what she was doing, but she definitely wasn’t going to do what was asked of her. Even “scared of authority” Tsubomi had enough self respect to not become Roche’s tool. At least if Tsubomi was this lax about Roche’s wishes, it meant that this entire thing really was Roche’s idea and didn’t have Rei’s stink on it. Not that any of that really mattered. Roche begged Suki to come, so she was going to do everything in her power to have as much fun as she could.

But what did she feel like doing?

They say to let sleeping dogs lie, but Suki was feeling a bit mischievous. The volleyball game was in play, with the ball being passed from side to side in nice slow movements. Nobody was trying to score a point, they just wanted to bat the ball back and forth. But an unseen skater on crimson blades flew across the beach to the net’s location. When the volleyball was at the top of its arc, Suki dove above the net and gave the ball a solid kick. It screamed through the air on its way to Tsubomi’s head. Oros’s face was frozen in glee, anticipating the satisfying smack the ball would make against her partner’s head.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

See? There are plenty of things I don't want to vaporize on sight.
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

The cool water felt sublimely refreshing as Nyxia shot through it, the Omega Obliterator held before her like the point of a spear. Her momentum finally slowing, the Neon Tempest looked around to find that she was not alone, a small smirk playing across her face as she took note of Roche’s presence. A moment later, and she was once more in motion, the rapid kicking of her powerful legs sending her plunging further down with considerable speed. It wasn’t long before the colorful panorama of the coral reef spread out before her, equally colorful fish darting about amongst the intricate formations. So pretty… Nyxia thought to herself, her amused smirk shifting into a smile of genuine delight as she took in the scene of natural beauty. If only Kaito could be here to see this… But at least you’re here to keep mommy company, right, baby? she told her giant weapon as she closed her eyes and gently pressed her forehead against it. Roche was there, too, of course, but even though the Neon Tempest’s opinion of the rule keeper had softened considerably since their first tumultuous interaction, she would still never consider her family.

Thanks to the superhuman physiology of her magical girl body, Nyxia was able to explore the reef to her heart’s content without having to worry about heading back up for air. It might have come as a shock to those who only encountered her during the club’s nightly Miseria hunts, but there was more to the Neon Tempest than a psychotic killer of monsters. There were other things that gave her joy, and the freedom being a magical girl gave her to experience the world’s natural beauty was one of them. Holding her oversized weapon beside her like a parent might hold a small child, Nyxia pointed out the various marine life to it as the myriad aquatic processions swam past them. However, it soon came time to pursue other activities… Are you getting hungry, baby? the Neon Tempest inquired of her energy cannon. Let’s see if we can find you something to snack on. Departing the reef, Nyxia headed for deeper water, both farther out, and farther down. She knew well enough that most land-based Miseria didn’t come out until after dark, but at certain depths, it was always night, and it was there that she hoped her prey would be waiting…
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Ignorant to the storm brewing above Roche turned and kicked after Nyxia as the plunged into the dark depths, leaving behind the gentle sunlight above as their path grew illuminated by the light of the Omega Obliterator.

The panoply of sea life that even the casual beach divers were unlikely to sea was a cool balm against Roche's soul just as the chill seawater caressed her skin. It was quiet against her ear, feeling rather then listening to the shift in current or the warble of bubbles passing by. Yet life was abundant, and colorful fish passed by without a care so long as she kept her space.

While the others may have needed some cajoling, Roche could admit to herself she needed this vacation more then she needed it as a training trip. A change of pace after running herself into a rut. She certainly hoped they'd find some manner of underwater Miseria, but if they didn't she wasn't going to be nearly as torn up as Nyxia might be.

For all that the others doubted the prospect of deep sea miseria, Roche was confident they existed. Japan was an island nation, a nation of fishers, and one whose identity was tied intrinsically to the stormy seas. That monsters of darkness wouldn't be below those waves was a greater leap in logic then the reverse. After all, sea fairing history did abound with stories of sea monsters, and they couldn't all be dinosaurs or hallucinations.

And if I'm wrong there's always underwater sparring. Resistance training with this much pressure should get some results. The Rule Keeper thought, burying any further consideration as she sped up her kicks, pulling alongside Nyxia as the glow of her tattoos joined that of the laser canon. Two beacons eager and hopeful they'd lure some predator out of the dark.

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Good thing she didn't tie it to her neck.

Falling asleep is an interesting feeling. As one slowly fades into it, their mind becomes jumbled and holding onto specific thoughts becomes difficult. Each mental image one has becomes altered in noticeable ways, and it's easy to tell from this when sleep is about to come. And yet, nobody can remember falling asleep, or realize at the moment they do so. It's an eternal mystery what it's like to actually pass into it. Do we remain the same person after we fall asleep, or do we become a new iteration of that person, akin to reincarnation, kept "the same" only by the process of continuity?

Regardless, Tsubomi thought of none of this, as thoughts can't become jumbled if they don't exist. She still could tell when she was near the precipice though, and she certainly was when the volleyball collided with the back of her head with enough force to knock her forwards, rolling off the roof and finding herself hanging from it by her shoelaces around her wrist. Surprisingly, it seemed that her anti-falling measure had actually worked, at least somewhat. The ball that had hit her bounced upwards from the collision, then fell back to hit the side of the van's roof and launch back towards the direction of the water.

Tsubomi, for her part, didn't realize any of this, either, as the blow to her head had successfully knocked her unconscious. Blissfully, safely, unconscious as she dangled from her wrist. In the end, she had gotten what she wanted.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Who said rainbow and I still can't have fun together?”

— Suki Oyama

This was not a surprise either.

A normal magical girl would have easily been able to perceive the tell tale signs of a ball being kicked with above human strength. But Tsubomi only feared Rei. Anything else was below her notice, even something as obvious as a sonic volleyball. At least, that was what Suki would have told someone if they asked her about it. But nobody asked her, and she didn’t waste a single brain cell thinking about all the strange contradictions that Tsubomi was wrapped up in. All she cared about was the satisfying clap of the volleyball hitting Tsubomi’s head. It was enough to roll her off the size of the van. She placed her hands over her mouth to suppress her emotions.

A smile?

A gasp?

Suki felt conflicted. Tsubomi was just a filthy spy for Rei, but she had also been something of a friend. A very unenthusiastic friend, but the only one she could think of off the top of her head. There was Aria, but she was a long distance friend and just someone she messaged a few times a month. Suki wasn’t sure how to feel. She couldn’t laugh at Tsubomi’s pain, nor could she bring herself to go check on her former pal.

Over her shoulder, the volleyball players had just witnessed the wind catch their ball and fling it at a school girl’s head. They were shouting to each other while a total stud ran over to see what the hell a girl was doing on top of a van, and if she was alright. That’s right. Even out here, Tsubomi had people that were willing to look after her.

There’s only one person out here that’s truly alone.

Suki walked off. Maybe there were some children building sand castles she could kick over. It was always fun to see the wet sand fly, and there would be absolutely no repercussions for her actions, so why not?

”Wut did I tell ya?! Now I gots da powah!”

— The Magnificent Morganite

These dark magical girls were idiots.

It was hard not to point and laugh at their struggles. Even when alone, Morganite had a hard time containing herself as the team split up right before her eyes. She had heard that the Hibusa Town girls were strong, but their numbers were so disjointed that they practically defeated each other. She thought it would be a lot harder to split them up and defeat them, but this was going to be easy. After she dealt with the sleeping one, she’d dispatch the summer dress girl. Then she just had to bide her time for the other two to return. She doubted they would be a match for her even together, but maybe they’d get into a fight once they got back. This was going to be like taking candy from a baby.

But first, some much needed revenge.

As a light girl, Morganite didn’t relish such dark emotions. Yes, while this woman had wronged her, dealing with her was always going to be more about protecting others and righting past injustices. Morganite had seen what depravity like that could do to people. Having their ability to act removed so that someone could impose their will on them. How ironic that such a twisted individual was now left vulnerable before her former victim. Imagine having karma so bad that it catches up to you just a day later.

A shield floated over either one of Morganite’s shoulders. While defensive instruments by design, anyone who came across a magical girl with shields knew they had plenty of offensive capabilities too. But killing her opponent in such a state was dishonorable. She had a better idea.

Her hand came out of her pocket with a marker. Extra thick, the really cheap dollar store ones that were as thick as her pinky and smelled like paint thinner. She pulled the cap off with her teeth and gave Tsubomi a mustache. Then a little triangular devil beard, and some swirly marks on her cheeks. While she was at it, she gave her big blocky eyebrows and a pair of glasses too. Morganite giggled while she drew her masterpiece.

The sea life was beautiful, but Nyxia had come here to hunt Miseria. So she swam deeper into the ocean. And deeper, and deeper, and deeper. And after a few minutes, Nyxia’s schooling kicked in.

An island was effectively a giant underwater mountain that poked above the waters. Japan was a very “plump” mountain, which tapered off slowly. While most light didn’t make it any deeper than a few hundred feet of ocean water, you’d need to go down at least a thousand feet before you reached total darkness. Depending on where she was, she may have to swim as far as fifty miles out to sea before she could find water that deep. That was assuming the Misseria weren’t even deeper, in which case she may need to swim a hundred miles, or even two hundred miles out. Her body was far greater than that of a normal human, but this was still going to be quite the trek. It would take hours, and they might not get back before nightfall. They didn’t even know if there were any miseria out that far. And if there were, who knew if they were any stronger than the land based ones? And if they were stronger, did she have a plan to get away if they were too strong? Was it worth the risk?

Maybe those questions never crossed Nyxia’s mind, but they should have crossed Roche’s.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

I hope this isn't considered out of bounds...
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

While the darkest depths of the ocean would have indeed take longer to reach than was practical, darkness wasn’t the only thing Miseria were fond of. They also congregated around areas rich in negative emotions, places suffused with feelings of despair, anguish, and distress. And what better nexus of such emotions was there beneath the waves than the wreck of the Markov, a Russian cruiser that went down with all hands over a century ago, at the hight of the Russo-Japanese War. Its rusted remnants still rested off the coast, and while its unfortunate crew were now little more than piles of bones, Nyxia thought it was a fair bet that the emotional energy produced by their horrific demise would still be strong enough to attract at least a few Miseria, like vengeful ghosts haunting the site of their death.

The glow of her neon hair, coupled with those produced by her energy cannon and Roche’s tattoos, provided more than enough illumination for the Neon Tempest to navigate her way to an open hatch and slip inside the wrecked vessel. Swinging the Omega Obliterator like a searchlight, Nyxia carefully investigated every nook and cranny as she methodically made her way ever deeper into the watery tomb. The increasingly tight confines might have concerned other magical girls, or, indeed, Nyxia’s easily frightened mundane self, but the Neon Tempest was confident that if she did find herself in need of room to maneuver, it could be attained by the simple expedient of vaporizing the warship’s hull with a blast from her beloved weapon. As for Roche, she was sure the rule keeper would have little trouble keeping up.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

By her nature Roche wasn't one to have acted on the idea of swimming to the depths of the ocean without considering the actual logistics of the matter. It would take a long time even if they didn't get tired, side tracked, or lost as the currents could easily turn what seemed a straight line into a gentle curve hugging the coastline if they weren't careful.

Going along with the swim, then, was for two reasons. The first was simply relaxation, as the isolation and quiet proved a refresher after a somewhat tense and uncomfortable drive to the beach. the desire to stretch her legs was overwhelming to say the least.

But the second reason was because Roche had a few ideas on how to go far, far faster if they needed to, though she wouldn't suggest it unless Nyxia was looking to lose her patience. In theory, the laser she adored didn't gnerate much in backwards thrust, but if Nyxia were to position herself between Roche and her indestructible shield and fire into it, they'd have a rather speedy if wild means of deep sea propulsion.

Though having Nyxia in her arms like that would have left even Suki blushing, so it was a small mercy for the submerged pair that they came upon a sunken warship. Roche blinked, not having expected Nyxia to be as forward thinking as she was. Perhaps nautical landmarks was an interest of hers she shared with her departed sibling?

Nyxia was already boarding the ship, slipping in through an open hatch with her baby before her. Roche scowled, noticing the spaces were almost as big as her shield. Entering with her bare hands she followed after, taking less interest in searching the nooks and crannies and more in the water damaged signage. She steadily pulled ahead, moving along deeper and downwards with an eye for the cargo hold of the vessel.

After all, where else could a sea monster reside but in the biggest space available to it?
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Forever alone...”

— Suki Oyama

You know what? Maybe Roche was right. This beach trip was actually a blast! There was nobody around to tell her what to do. The rule keeper was busy chasing tale, Nyx was hunting miseria in futility, and Tsubomi was... not around. She was free to do whatever she wanted without repercussions. Another sand castle exploded as her foot sailed through it. She grabbed a beach towel a woman was laying on and gave it a tug, rolling her into her sunbathing partner. Then she hurled the towel into the sea before smacking a girl on the ass. Her victim turned to look at the nearest guy and smacked him in the back of the head.

She had made it from one side of the beach to the other. Suki scaled a rock and spun on her heel, observing her handiwork. There was a trail of destroyed sand castles, bickering couples, and crying children. A gleeful smile crept across her face when she witnessed it all. She had pranked hundreds of people today, and there would be no repercussions for her actions. They didn't know her name, they didn't see her in action, and she could do it all again and they would be none the wiser.

As she grinned to herself, Suki cast her eyes to either side of herself, But there was nothing there but the wind. Even the sea birds had retreated once she approached. There was some bird poop where they had been perched, but not a living thing was around her. When she turned around, there was nothing back there either. The beach might have been filled with people, but the rocky cliff side was not hospitable to anyone. It was a straight drop with a dense forest at the top. But Suki did not see any life there. Not birds, not deer, not even a frog. Her expression soured.

She turned back to the beach. The castles were being rebuilt, the couples were making up, and the children had dried their tears. Suki whimpered before sliding into a sitting position. She kicked her legs as she watched the last remnants of her of her mischief vanish from sight.

Her head popped up when she noticed that tuft of pink hair again, but it ducked away again.

If Tsubomi had the sense to wake up, she'd likely feel a welp on her head from where she had been struck by the vollyball. But more than that, she would realize that she was being carried by a group of swimsuit-clad teenagers. It was two girls and two guys, one of which was a total stud.

"How did this happen? I didn't know you could spike the ball like that!"

"Me neither!" The stud's jiggling pecs were somehow more distracting than either of the girls that were with him. "Did she have stuff drawn all over her like this when I hit her?"

"I don't know! She was behind me!"

"I'm not sure, but who would do such a thing?"

"Who would lay down on top of a van?"

"We need to wake her up. Does anyone have smelling salts?"

"Why would we have smelling salts?"

"For a situation like this?"

"Oh I'm sorry! I left my 'volleyball knockout resuscitation kit' in my other swimming trunks."

"Mouth to mouth then?"

"Is that how you wake up a sleeping person? let me google it on my phone."

They continued to banter as Tsubomi was carried to a beach towel.

The Markov? Did Nyxia have that right?

There was a Markov in the Russo-Japanese War a hundred or so years ago, but he was a Russian vice-admiral. His flagship was the Petropavlovsk, which was a battleship that was sunk by mines in a harbor. There was also a Russian cruiser called the Admiral Makarov, but construction didn't start on that until after the Russo-Japanese war, and the ship was never sunk. It was sold for scrap in 1922. Or the ship was made up or too obscure to be found with a simple google search.

Regardless of the ship's name or where it was sunk, how close were they to it? Japan had 22548.94 miles of shoreline, or 36289 kilometers for those who don't like freedom units. It was possible that the trip would take longer than going to a proper depth in the ocean, unless they were very lucky and it happened to sink at a harbor nearby.

But maybe knowing the name of the ship didn't matter. Hibusa Town was unique in that it was at the center of everything. It was paradoxically between a city, mountain, the forest, and the sea. It should be no surprise that any biome that popped into their heads was miraculously within reach, and so Nyxia had little difficulty finding a sunken ship to enter.

Regardless of which end of the ship the magical girls entered from, it would become evident that the recovery team had not been kind to the ship. Doors had been cut away, electronics had been recovered, and the hull looked like Swiss cheese in areas. There was a big business in recovering radiation-free metal for medical devices, and most of such metal was taken from ships that had sunk before the advent of modern technology. Getting around would not require blasting a hole in anything.

Both girls would also start to hear a sound. Something a bit more clear than the grumbling of the sea, almost as if they were hearing it in their heads. As they drew closer, the sound became more legible. Like static leaving a radio while it was being tuned.

Ah hah! Lalalalalalala...

It sounded... British? And boyish? Eventually both magical girls would join up in a single hallway. At the end of it was a grey blob that was holding a bar of soap in one of its tendrils and massaging its head with it. Eventually its singing stopped, and it turned to look at the two newly arrived.

It gasped in horror!

"Gah! Ankle biters!" It heaved the bar of soap at Roche (it would slow to a stop before it hit her) and quickly swam out of the hull.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

That sure as fuckin’ hell ain’t squid girl…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

As she made her way through the sunken warship’s flooded passageways, the Omega Obliterator’s glow bathing her surroundings in vibrant teal hues, Nyxia couldn’t help but think of how similar it was to a video game she and her brother had played several years earlier. However, there was one way in which this current bit of aquatic exploration was very different. Aside from a few instances of mundane sea life, the ship appeared empty, without even a single Miseria presenting itself to meet the brutal end every member of its wretched kind deserved. Where the hell are they?! the Neon Tempest grumbled to herself. There has to be at least one of those fucking things down here…

Yet, even as she thought this, a strange sound reached her ears.

What the…? Is that… singing…? Nyxia wondered incredulously. Indeed, it was extraordinary enough that a magical girl like her could hold her breath for so great a time. No one should have been capable of of actually singing in such a place, certainly not a mindless Miseria. Could it be some kinda aquatic magical girl? the Neon Tempest mused. If so, and if said girl had already killed all the Miseria here, well… Nyxia would ensure they started singing a very different tune…

Moving in the direction of the sound, it soon became apparent that it was no girl. In fact, as Nyxia clearly saw as she rounded a corner, it wasn’t even remotely human. The FUCK?!! The fact that Roche had stumbled upon the creature at the same time she did barely even registered in the Neon Tempest’s mind. The sheer absurdity of the sight before her left the teal-haired young woman in a state of stunned confusion, one which swiftly turned to annoyed fury. The creature was monstrous, of that there could be no doubt, but it didn’t look like any Miseria she had ever seen. Plus, it had been holding a bar of soap, and even seemed capable of speech. But even so, Nyxia wasn’t about to just let it escape. GET BACK HERE, YA FUCKIN’ SHIT PILE!!! she mentally roared, chasing after the creature in a burst of motion as it darted out of the ship. She was getting some answers, one way or another…
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The ship had been picked clean of valuables long before the two came there, passages cleared and openings cut for divers in bulky suits to haul away their prizes. Yet that didn't diminish from the faint wonder of exploring such a sight unencumbered and with her own eyes, providing a crispness to the experience that simple photography or footage couldn't capture.

That serenity went right out the window the moment Roche and Nyxia came upon the source of singing and whispered an inexplicable squid creature seeming to be bathing itself with a bar of soap. The sheer absurdity of it left both stunned, and the creature reacted with an affronted scream and hurled it's soap at Roche.

Water being what it was, the soap wound up gently floating to a stop before the confused Magical Girl, her hand catching it in passing to find it was indeed perfectly average soap. Which in and of itself was bizarre given the depths they were at that such a bar hadn't turned to suds entirely.

Is that thing a Mascot? A cowardly Miseria? Or did we just find an alien?! Roche's mind was far less murderously inclined but she was no less intent on chasing the anomaly down. Seeing Nyxia was going the direct approach, Roche slammed her first into the nearest wall and began blasting her own path to cut off whatever they'd found bathing in the depths.

Suki and Tsubomi don't know what they are missing out on!
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Inner monologues aren't enough to save my word count.

A boy stood in front of Tsubomi. In one hand he held Roche by the neck, and in the other a handgun. To be honest, it was hard to tell what kind of gun it was, because the boy had massive fucking tits pectorals. Why the word "pectorals" came to Tsubomi's mind when she saw them, she wasn't sure. What she was sure of was that the boy was talking. Something about how she shouldn't have been lying on top of a van. Had she been lying on top of a van? She didn't remember. She wanted to pause and think about it, but as she began trying to remember, the boy threw Roche to the side. Some sort of monster, a Misseria? No... a squid? Some strange looking thing caught her and ran away. Tsubomi followed it with her gaze only to find that Nyxia was suddenly behind it, chasing it. Why didn't she just shoot it? She shrugged, and turned back to the boy.

The boy continued saying things, evident by the moving of his mouth, though Tsubomi couldn't hear him. He seemed to finish speaking because he pointed the gun at her. She blinked, and the boy changed, becoming blurry. So she rubbed her eyes to try to bring him into focus, and it worked, but now the boy was Suki? And she was still pointing the gun at her. Tsubomi looked down and saw that she was still in her mundane form. Why didn't she transform? She didn't feel like she should, for some reason. And Oros, oh, Suki transformed for her apparently, was now shouting about something. Tsubomi checked her ears and tried to unclog them, but she still couldn't hear anything. The gun was shaking, but Oros lowered it as she stopped shouting. That was nice of her, but if Tsubomi couldn't hear her, how was she supposed to find out why Oros was mad? There was a lot of anger coming off of her, like steam being released from a canister in an anime. It was warm, but not the nice kind of warm that Tsubomi usually felt from people's anger. It was uncomfortable, humid. Suki, who was back to her normal form, seemed to say something under her breath. Then she put the gun to her temple, and -

Tsubomi woke up, finding herself now on a beach towel. Weird. She didn't remember being on a beach towel. She couldn't remember the end of that... dream? Nightmare? Could it be a nightmare if you don't feel fear about it, or about anything? Regardless, she sat upright slowly. Something made her mind go towards the other three she had come to the beach with. Oh, she was at the beach. Hadn't she been at the van before? She decided it wasn't important and looked around, seeing a group of people around her. Huh. They seemed concerned about something, but she didn't bother to ask what about. Her eyes lazily moved from one person to the next as she thought. Earthshaker and Nyxia had gone into the water, hadn't they? That must be where her brain got the idea for the creature in her dream, but what about the weird boy? One of the people nearby seemed to look a lot like him, but she didn't know if she had seen him before for him to show up in her sleep. Again, she decided that it wasn't important. The last thing she remembered was that Suki had been upset. Really upset, if the gun was anything to go by. She should be somewhere at the beach, but looking around didn't show her.

The apathetic girl was concerned about her. Or, maybe "concerned" isn't right. Concerned is defined as something based on emotions, right? So she couldn't have been concerned. Still, there was a nagging feeling in the back of her head, telling her to check on the other three girls. Who knows how long she'd been unconscious, after all. She slowly, so slowly that it seemed physically improbable that she could manage it, stood up, taking one more look around the beach.

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"For a beach episode, nobody’s doing a lot of beach stuff.”

— Suki Oyama

Suki had seated herself on the edge of the giant rock. She kicked her legs in the air, her eyes not really focusing on anything. Tsubomi was probably still behind the van, and the other two were probably making out underwater or something. That, or Nyxia was hunting miseria while Roche, in a strangely subservient manner, just quietly followed like the training wheels on a unicycle. Since Roche was as flexible with her leadership position as stale cheese, the former was far more likely to be what they were doing.

You know what? Screw this! If Roche and Nyx think they could have sexytimes while she and Tsubomi set up for their queen, they had another think coming! She had pranked everyone on the beach, it was time she pranked the sea.

With a stern face, Suki marched into the ocean. Her summer dress swayed in the sea breeze as the water crept up her ankles.

Tsubomi’s sudden revival caused everyone around her to hop backwards. They asked her if she was alright, the stud even apologized, but she ignored them. That included when they asked what had been scribbled all over her face.

Nyx and Roche had not returned. The only visible member of her party was Suki. Or was she technically Oros now? Hard to say. She was clearly in magical girl form, but the red dress and sun hat made her look like an entirely different magical girl. But Tsubomi was too familiar with her to ever mistake those dull red eyes for anyone else.

But Suki wasn’t going to get to the ocean. At least, not before something else reached her. A pink and silver bolt screeched through the air as it closed in on Suki. Unlike Tsubomi, she was aware enough to turn and face the incoming threat. She stepped off to the side just as the bolt “unfolded” and swung one of its shields. The ground detonated, making a splash and throwing wet sand in every direction. Suki rolled across the beach before standing up and looking at her attacker. She froze.

”Awe yas! Fighty time now!”

— The Magnificent Morganite

Morganite laughed. ”Das right, red head!” She placed her hands on her hips. ”You juz got rolled by the magnificent- She stopped when Suki made a mad sprint for the ocean. ”Oy! I waz talkin’ to yah!” The armored gremlin took off after her.

The chase would not last long.

As terrifying (yet clean) as the creature was, it was only a little bit faster than its pursuers. A squid could move at speeds faster than an olympic runner, but magical girls were not limited by things like physics and even causality. It also didn’t have any real defense mechanisms other than threatening to call the “bobbies” as it surged on.

Nobody knew the exact depth they were at, but there was just enough light to see a silhouette of something in the distance. At first it looked like a squid, then it looked like a girl. But as they drew closer they realized it was a squid girl.

A squid girl in a diving suit with a crazy number of gauges. It seemed pointless to have so many references for pressure, but magical girl outfits weren’t known for their practicality. That said, she had two oxygen tanks, weights, too many carabiners, flood lights on both shoulders (they were off), but the funny thing was she had no helmet. The deep diving getup went right to her neck, and then she had an eerie visor that she wore above her eyes and her rebreather rested below her neck. Though instead of legs, she had a slew of tentacles. So the idea of a sea creature needing diving equipment at all was a little silly.

The small squid creature floated up beside her and appeared to communicate with her. She looked at the newly arrived magical girls with some interest, and nodded back at her underling.

”My queen is willing to surface and have a conversation with you.” the squid-like creature was hiding behind the squid-girl while it “spoke” to them. ”But you must not harm me. I am not miseria, and you will gain nothing from killing me.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

That's not exactly the squid girl I had in mind…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

After a surprisingly short chase, Nyxia and Roche found themselves confronted with what appeared to be a squid-themed magical girl. Now things were beginning to make a bit more sense. Several other members of the Detention Club made use of minion creatures, be they winged tentacled eye monsters, giant chess pieces, or even copies of themself, so the idea that an aquatic magical girl had a squid monster for an underling wasn’t all that strange (even if its incongruous “voice” was disconcerting as fuck). In fact, the Neon Tempest had even vaporized several of the afore mentioned flying eyeball creatures after mistaking them for Miseria, much as she had just mistaken the squid monster now cowering behind its “queen”.

When the cowardly creature mentioned the possibility of conversing with the squid girl, Nyxia frowned before giving a nod of affirmation. Even so, she wouldn’t begin her ascent until after the monstrous magical girl had set into motion herself. While the Neon Tempest didn’t much care for socialization, there was a chance that this girl knew if there were Miseria nearby, and if she’d already killed them, well, she looked liked she would make a decent enough practice dummy for the Omega Obliterator…
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Even underwater and in unfamiliar terrain, Magical Girls were adept at chasing down prey. Granted, Miseria didn't usually run away from them, but pursuit to the monsters was still a cultivated skill aided by a general ability to sense magic.

It was never a question of being able to follow the squid, simply a matter of time and effort.

The tanned Magical Girl was thus surprised in spite of herself to find the bizarrely British creature cowering behind a squid themed diver who was either a Magical Girl or evidence that Atlantis was further from the Mediterranean then ancient astronaut theorists would have expected. With the former being infinitely more likely to be accurate she settled across from the tentacled pair, suppressing instincts ingrained in every Japanese Magical Girl upon seeing tentacles as she tersely sent the bar of soap floating back to the cowardly summon.

Nyxia seemed reluctant to show her back to the stranger, but Roche was willing to make the first step knowing Nyxia would be all-too-eager to shoot the stranger if she attempted to stab Roche in the back. Her shield manifested beneath her feet, giving her a solid surface to brace herself against before she blasted energy out of her feet, the glow of tattoos dimming as she rose amidst a rising cascade of bubbles towards the surface. Luckily magic carried little for pressure differentials or she'd be sorely regretting her speedy ascent.

Breaching the surface with a splash, she threw her sodden hair back out of her face and called her shield back from the depths, using it as a log to perch upon the water's surface.
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