Nitta Kochimei
Adolescent |
Female |
Demihuman (Cat) Description: An armed courier serving House Rhinecliff...is what she should be, but Nitta thinks that she only got her job because her parents were relatively high-ranked individuals within Rhinecliff's army. In most cases, she just carries letters back and forth...which feels kind of pointless when the Duke himself has the ability to create magical flying letters to begin with.
She saw him, after all! She knows he can do that!
Which just means that it's a pity job she got, probably because her mom mentioned how her eldest daughter couldn't hold a proper position in the city and wasn't smart enough to get anywhere in school.
Most of her work entails carrying letters across the various townships within Odonfield's sphere of influence. Occasionally, she's sent off to the Tearmoon Glade to drop off small packages. Nitta likes the latter job the most, because she gets to make some extra coin from all the jilted lovers sending scathing letters to their former soulmates.
Magic:When she was ten years old, which feels like forever ago but her parents claim it was just yesterday, Nitta learned the magic for summoning a Familiar at a college she snuck into.
Of course, she did it, hoping to get a cat (her parents were against keeping pets, especially cats, because it felt awkward with their lineage). She got what looked like a puffed up 'octopus' instead, which was cute in its own way but definitely slimy and immobile.
A couple of the professors got involved afterwards and there was some commotion amongst the adults that she didn't really understand, but in the end, it was decided that it wasn't that big of a problem. Nitta got to keep her pet, Ogo, who ended up occasionally being a reliable source of navigation when she got lost.
It didn't eat or poop too, so at least Ogo's better than a cat in that way.