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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 2 days ago


"He stood higher than trees, higher than hills, higher than mountains. His footsteps thundered and sent the great beasts in the woods running. He reached out his hand, and carried the tribe past all woes.

'Kin' He spoke, as rough and loud as a avalanche in a canyon 'We are together in our trek. So, I will carry you until the sun shines'

and that is how the roads and layout to where we ended up became a mystery, but love, normally is a mysterious thing"



Tapada is a thing of geography, he rarely moves but he does it's a earth shattering event. Never subtle, never small, every action he takes is big and blatant. Should he rise in anger then you might as well be facing a erupting volcano, be that in combat or an argument. His visions are fantastic, almost overwhelming to the point of causing seizures in humans when he deigns to give them and yet when he is silent, it can be as deafening as his roars and it's his silence he likes to give most. Despite all of his kindness, the great titan does not move for anyone whims and only when he feels he is given proper tribute of meaning and sacrifice will he deem to make any sort of real action. He demands scale, and humans rarely manage to get close. In this he is proud, in this he is disconnected from the earthly woes of others with his head in the clouds.

He carries a certain fondness for the camp and the humans that make their life there, or rather, he has a fondness for where he put them and would lose that fondness should they move. But what are the frustrations of Naritopa who only cares when great tragedy has taken more than it should of?

That is a question many humans in the camp sometimes wonder. Outside of his kindness, it's hard to know what really goes in a divines mind, but Tapada is especially bad. He rarely talks more than he demands, and when he express what's within, it's only to convey a notion he has in mind. He treats himself as a natural force, and his blessing or anger being no different than choosing to stand with the wind at your back or your front"


Tapada is one of the only religious figures with a decent documented state. Although his religion is rather basic, the humans of the camp have no ambiguity about how to please him, summon him or anger him.

1: " When the work is done, sleep shall be paramount, when the work is done, rest your head and to those that disturb that rest? Be they within or without the community, show wrath and anger. Roar and when roaring fails, show claws. When the work is done, you are a avalanche awaiting your summon. When your work of the day is done, it is time for sleep and rest and rejuvenation"

2: "Karako great creation is placed for all reasons. So know this, those that destroy without absolute needed cause disturb Karako and those that disturb karako rustle the earth....disturbing Karako disturbs me....so don't do that"

3: "Your trek was long and of many feet, who's prints could no longer follow. Don't disrespect the journey to home that you now know, for doing so disrespect your ancestors. Disrespect the travelers and you disrespect me"

4: "No throne should be so comfortable that it beats the grass on your feet. No burden is so big, you cannot be a man. So walk as one and give away your indulgence of laziness. Laziness is never a good thing"


Tapada can be communicated at any time by burning fairy wood in a temple of worship. While fairy wood is burning drums should be played in a slow motion as if they were two feet walking in a lazy manner. To please Tapada the sacrifice should be of a great trek made in his name to a new location you haven't been to before, with the ritual summoned and a great pledge to do so in his name and honor his travels.

Returning, even if you are injured, without making the trip to your new location causes great anger in Tapada and is generally not a good thing. He is also fond of rhubarb plants being burned in his name in large quantities.

As general favors, Tapada can cause great natural events, especially ones of rock and stone. This includes avalanches or the creation of great sink holes, cracking canyons and shifting mountains, but he can also move items a great distance away, especially humans to a specific location with relative safety by carrying them.

To those that he especially favors or grows a liking too, he can impart certain spells regarding feats of stamina and large amounts of rock and gold dragged from the depths of the earth. As a physical trait, those especially loved will find themselves growing unnaturally large for a human over time, with records showing some growing up to 8 feet, even if many years past their maturation phases.

Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Lu
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Lu She Who Brakes for Butterflies / \3 \3 \3

Member Seen 1 mo ago


ROLE = Warrior


"Beast Slayer"


My father was a warrior named Barking-Dog. He was from Walwaha, a people of fierce warriors. Barking-Dog disappeared when I was a child. It is unknown what became of him. My mother was a huntress named Mayura, daughter of the great huntress known as Still-Grass.






Waking-Lion is on the shorter side as men go, being about 5'5", but walks upright with good posture. He is lean and muscular, with various, though not especially prominent, scars from the battlefield. Waking-Lion is a proud warrior and it shows in his body language, and on his face when he isn't wearing the mask his father left behind. His eyes are large, dark, set under a heavy brow, and full of optimism. He smiles often, a broad and crooked thing.

Waking-Lion wears the mask his father left behind whenever he leaves camp, believing it to make him a better warrior akin to those of his father's lineage. The mask is carved of sweet smelling wood and painted lacquers of white, greens, and gilt; the golden accents beginning to fade with wear. Along the curve of the chin, only visible on close inspection, are inscriptions in an unknown language.


Waking-Lion is stubborn, single-minded, and careless with his own safety. He has a strong sense of morality, finding anything running contrary to that to be deeply upsetting, infuriating even.

Do not kill except to protect.
Work to protect and grow the community.
Sacrifice of one's self, not of others.

Waking-Lion is patient, hard-working, optimistic, and compassionate. He firmly believes that there is a bright future ahead, so long as everyone cooperates to achieve it. He may be somewhat naieve at times, as he tends to assume everyone also wants to work towards this bright future and will act in the interest of community. In an instance where proven wrong in this regard, he would be inclined to lose his temper. He is quick to help someone else, but will rarely seek help for himself. His status as a warrior is everything to him, protecting his camp, family, and friends is what pushes him forward.




Getting married.


Learning what happened to my father.


Obtaining a weapon of great power to use to protect our camp.



Being called before the elders for a failure in my performance of my duties as a warrior, being seen as incompetent because of it.


Discovering that my father willfully abandoned my mother and myself.


Being maimed or crippled, so that I would no longer be able to fulfill my duties as a warrior: no longer able to protect our camp.


Sun Kissed

"There is a distance about him so I do not know him very well, but he is a hard worker and has a sense of humor; for that, I like him well enough. Despite his hard work for the village, he seems to rather be left to himself. While I do not understand this, I suppose he is allowed his solitude if he wishes."

Known village member
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sun Kissed




"Child of the Sun" - "Blesser of Meats" - "Shame of Tulork"


"Of my past, there is only sadness. Sadness arises of its own accord and hardly is a thing to give to gossip to play with. But of what needs to be known, my father was Thinks of the Grave, my fathers father was known as Speaks-the-truth, and my great grand father was A-Dove-Racing the-Sky. Of my mother, she was an outsider and that is all there is to say. My real mother were many and in the village."





Left Over Points: 4


Black hair coiling out like panicking spider legs wrestling match with a group of snakes. Beneath this crown is a gaunt face so sunk in his cheeks threaten to fall in entirely, held only by the hard masculine line of his scrawny bone structure. His eyes are sunken, retreating back into his skull, making the two large red suns painted on his face appear bigger than they are. Everything about Sun Kissed fits his name, as he looks like several things left out in its glare far too long. Shriveling skin, wrinkly hands, sinking features and drying, entangling noodles of hair. Despite this, his eyes shimmer with a shine only seen in metal held to the summer sky and his smile somehow has a healthy, hearty weight to it befitting a happy monks at a feast.

Of his body, he is taller than most. but it's of a sort of tallness of a body frayed and pulled longer than it should be, like over used rope. He has a muscular frame but it's all wrong, muscles sit on his boney body like small rocks on a stick. He wears only a loin clothe and a pair of sandals constantly. His skin is tanned.


Sun Kissed has a smile that is unreached by the pains of life. You look at his smile and like his body, that inner being is untouched by outside, barricaded and protected against even his own physical state. But in that grin is a flex, a strength in his eyes that boasts that he is immune even to you, almost challenging at times for others to try. Despite his good mood, his up beat optimism can almost be callous, as he remains unreachable and is determined to be so from all material and outside woes. Be it loss or victory, he remains firmly in place and should you try to budge him, he will treat your presence with a cordial but challenging, happy tone.

He takes pride in not caring, and pride in caring when he does and in this he finds his strength. This controlled presentation can make him almost impossible to truly know without getting on his bad side, and those on his good side are just as controlled as everything else he takes in. Prepared and managed no different than a dish or a task on the fields, ever convinced that hard work of his own or the satisfying of others will deter them from bothering him for long or drilling deeper, a sort of deceitful arrogance to it all. Despite his popularity, he is alone despite being a public figure in the camp and it's never really clear if that's how he likes it.



Cook a meal made from a divine beast

Eat at least 20 different animal meats

Discover the forgotten Naritopa that his grand father used to commune with


Seeing his mother or her tribe

Being forced to reveal his true feelings

Having to cook his Pet Chicken "Little Love"



"He has bought me meats to cook and bless in the past. Of this I will only say small things for small things we only constructed together, he is a reliable hunter and I think, frankly, he uses that mask to hide how much my jokes make him laugh. Sometimes it not a good enough at doing so though! In him, is merely a man that wants to protect his village. Of this, I have little issue...yet"

Known village member

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