It was a blessing that nothing much happened during Silje and Morden's watch, as the former spent most of it staring at her phone with little regard to the world around her. It probably shouldn't have come as a surprise considering the early hour, but there were still no news pieces or discussions to be found on last night's incident — which, honestly, was almost as weird as the incident itself.
... But that just meant her post about it would be the first. She'd go viral in minutes!
As Silje was writing her draft, Gerard finally got through to some sort of authority. Silje could tell, despite sitting too far away from the screen to see anything. The guy had that 'stuck-up important dude' kinda voice. Bleh.
Silje tuned most of what he said out, confident that Justice would catch her up on anything important being said, and in way less words. She liked that about her. She was good at summarizing things. And picking out snacks! No wonder she was their leader.
As Silje stole another glance at the princess — which she had been doing the entire morning, trying to build up the courage to ask her for a selfie — she happened to catch a part of what the important guy was saying.
"The images and stills from the crash, you've shown no one else, correct? From this moment on, consider those as good as classified."
... Hm.
Ever so slowly, Silje moved her finger from the post button over to delete, instead.
Then Mordie gave his report on what they'd seen, and Silje snapped back into WARDEN mode. While Val and Kali were pitching in, she hopped down from atop the truck where she'd once again made her nest, and hurriedly made her way over. Without warning, she quite literally (head)butted her way into the conversation, hitting Gerard square in the jaw in the process.
"They were powered by mist engines, too!" she gasped, shoving her face almost directly against the screen, hands thrown up in the air. She kept her voice quiet since the others did, speaking in urgent hisses. "But the mist coming out of them was all strange and creepy. It's hard to explain. It was like..." she gestured wildly with her hands, trying to put into words the inexplicable feeling of dread she'd felt back at the crash site - and, admittedly, failing spectacularly. "Abnormal! Corrupted! Um... Unnormal."
It didn't seem like adding more descriptors would've helped get her message across, so she abandoned that whole train of thought and hopped over to another. "And! All of the weird stuff was preceded by a mist storm. You should look into that, mister cap'n man, sir."