Threshold of Knowledge
Pathfinder Second Edition Adventure
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Hello and welcome to Threshold of Knowledge, a Pathfinder 2nd edition adventure.
DISCLAIMER: This is my first time GMing a P2e adventure, ever. Please be patient with me as I get my bearing of the rules.
This will be a one-shot for up to five level one characters.
Please take a look at the following and let me know your thoughts or feelings about any items.
Having a session zero lets players share character details, making it easier for their characters to have links and relationships with one another before the adventure starts, and gives players the chance to become invested in each other's characters by organically learning what decisions other players made. These sessions also give veterans the chance to help less experienced players through character creation. Lastly, session zero can give you a better understanding of the characters and help the players integrate them into the adventure in interesting ways.
- Recap the basics of the campaign you established earlier, particularly where it starts and any themes you feel will be important for the players to understand as they roleplay.
- Have the players introduce their characters. If they have detailed backstories, it's usually best that they start out just describing what the other PCs could learn from first impressions. If they want to go deeper into their backstory during play, they can do so later.
The terms “line” and “veil” can give your table a common vocabulary for the concepts described in this section. A line is a hard limit to the actions players might take, such as “We're drawing a line at torture.” The group agrees not to cross a line and omits that content from the game. A veil indicates something that shouldn't be described in detail. The scene fades to black, or the group moves on to discuss a different topic, though whatever the veil is drawn across still happens. For example, you might say, “We'll draw a veil as those characters head into the bedroom.” Players might find they need to modify their lines and veils as play continues.
Content to discuss as a group:
- Bloodshed, injuries, and even dismemberment might be described. However, excessive descriptions of gore and cruelty should be avoided.
- Romantic and sexual relationships can happen in the game, but players should avoid being overly suggestive. Sex always happens “off-screen.” Because attempts at initiating a relationship between player characters can be uncomfortably similar to one player hitting on another, this should generally be avoided (and is entirely inappropriate when playing with strangers).
- Avoid excessively gross or scatological descriptions.
The following acts should never be performed by player characters:- Torture
- Rape, nonconsensual sexual contact, or sexual threats
- Harm to children, including sexual abuse
- Owning slaves or profiting from the slave trade
- Reprehensible uses of mind-control magic
How I do things
First and foremost, how I do things is up for discussion. If you have experience you'd like to share with the goal of making TTRPG on Roleplayerguild a smooth experience, please share it! If you have experience with P2e and want to share, please share it! This is a collaboration.

I envision this whole game to be the six of us (five players, one GM) physically sitting around a table. As such, I'm going to switch to and from roleplay as a character and my GM voice regularly in a single post. I'll format it differently with color-coding and the like to make it easy to distinguish when I'm talking, and when I'm speaking for a character.
I'm not going to lean heavily into the traditional Roleplayerguild way I've seen this done, because this isn't a traditional Play-by-Post game. This is a Table Top Game adapted to be PBP. That just means that you're going to be reading me as if we were sitting next to each other and I was asking you, the player, what your character is doing, then having you roleplay what your character is doing.
Some rules and expectations
I expect you are all here to have fun and play the game. I know Play By Post games can fall into the funk of schedules and real life VERY EASILY. That said, I expect players to post something on the board at least once a week. Just touch the "IC" board once a week at a minimum.
I'm not going to corral us into Discord or some other type of communicating platform at the outset. Now, if we need something outside of RPG to communicate, this is always an option, but this is not required. As such I'm going to be leaning heavily on the OOC thread.
Don't godmode other characters, but I will allow, to a degree, you as the player to write for some (trivial) NPC interactions. Don't stop a scene flow because an NPC didn't nod at you, or something similar. Use your best judgement, and if you're not sure, go with it and we can rewind your post if it's on the cusp. Or maybe I'll just roll with it as the GM.
Let us know if you're going to be absent from the game. Though we don't suffer from the same scheduling conflicts a regular TTRPG in person might, we still expect you to show up, and bring snacks.
Decided to add by group poll:
The Storyteller will post at least once every 2 days. Players will have 48 hours to respond.
What I need from you
Cast of characters:
Player | Character Sheet |
@rush99999 | Jenk |
@Digizel | Saur |
@clanjos | Starfinger the Younger |
@Vertigo | Tanraeth Moontold |
Wait list
1. @Cao the Exiled
I want to take this moment to prompt a couple things:
1. Have players discuss what they do not want to see in the game. If you have strong feelings about gore and don't want it described, please feel free to discuss that below.
2. Allow you to introduce your character to the group. Give a brief summary of how they ended up as a part of this cohort of students seeking to learn magic. A few sentences will suffice.
2. Allow you to introduce your character to the group. Give a brief summary of how they ended up as a part of this cohort of students seeking to learn magic. A few sentences will suffice.
Now... Roll initiative to introduce yourself!
No, seriously. Use this link: roleplayerguild.com/campaigns