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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Deide


Member Seen 17 hrs ago


Fenix Tear Main Guild Base

She snarked at Ayuna. "Canvas? Ya think. If red is the only color then that's too bleak, I probably don't understand you at the moment. By the way, did we have this conversation before? My head is a little fuzzy. I can see the Maidservants serving what Eris has cooked. Why don't we talk about it as we grab a bite? Your canvases and all.."

"We probably did, you do tend to jump from topic to topic, it wouldn't be strange that we talked about it" Ayuna hummed contemplatively. She herself was unsure about it, strangely enough.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the familiar pangs of hunger hit her "I'll take you up on that offer, i'm famished. We can talk all about how my choice in decor appals you in front of food"

Her gaze went to Ayuna with a slight glint of relief, her dojo definitely has benefits but Zeire definitely doesn’t look up to joining the strict regimen nor dealing with potential casualties.

She didn't know why, but at that moment, the small gaze of Zeire was...Irritating. As if she was a cat that escaped a deadly trap. She already made her come once, it shouldn't be hard to do it again. The Girl definitely needed the exercise and a bit of training in how to deal with overwhelming odds.

"We're heading to Iceberg, I'm a noble after all. I'm just needed for that foreigner passage, we're gonna fix that 100 year old broken bridge. She elaborated to Zeire and Ayuna.

As they moved to sit themselves, Gwen continued to fill her in the mission she decided to join, and after the "shy" alchemist proptly and predictably denied to join, she spoke up

"Shame, i had honestly hoped for something more...exciting,if i were to be honest.Though i expect there's more to this than just simple Bridge rebuilding, If they pegged this as an S-rank mission of all things

”Invisibility and healing potions, of course I have them, since you’re going to Iceberg I’ll prepare some cold-proof coating, for your equipment and cloaks for your companions at least…” Zeire whipped out a small notebook and started to write a list on it. ”And something if you need to dive under an icy river, do you have anyone who uses blades? I’ll prepare some sharpness oil for them too.”

"Thanks Zeire, as always, you are the one that's able to think ahead of us. Now, if only you've started going out more..."

She has so much potential to grow, she still couldn't wrap her head around why she prefer to stay in her lab all the time. Oh sure, research is important, but one would think some field work would be just as much if not more beneficial.

”Oh and Ayuna, I agree you should vary your colour pallet.”

At that she couldn't help but roll her eyes

"I'll have you know, Blood Red goes with everything, Especially Black walls and White Mats! You say that just because you were terrified of the place when i finally coaxed a day out of you for trying it."

Actually, wasn't this her chance to get her to come more often?

With shining eyes and a far too wide smile, she continued.

"You know...talking about it, you should join for another session,Dear. You made so much progress in just one sitting, if you started coming more regularly you could outshine everyone here! Wouldn't that be wonderful?"
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 days ago


Location: Fenix Tear Main Base | Interacting with: @Sho Minazuki @JrVader @Urizen

The reassurance brought a comforted smile on Eris's face. She was no stranger to back-to-back missions, her stamina and endurance being one of her best strong points along with her massive mana pool that allowed her the privilege to rest less. Still, even she needed her down time and these missions sounded like it would take the wind right out of her if she decided to rush her recovery.

Azuria continued to reminisce before tackling the problem at hand. Reuel, once again, was placed under recon. He always had a way of gathering information that left Eris frequently guessing how he actually obtained it. Still, he's their most trusted informant and certainly not someone Eris would question. And the fact that he had already investigated the matter put her even more at ease.

Eris didn't know what to feel about their numerous attempts on the Chancellor. The first time had come as a shock but she wasn't sure whether she was feeling worry about her or a twisted bit of joy that she was preoccupied with matters of her own health. It would mean extremely low chances to meet in these tumultuous times, even when the idea of having that joy in her made her stomach tie into knots.

When Azuria showed her moment of weakness, Eris was already moving to aid— a habit that had formed very quickly over the years she had been with the guild. The overwhelming urge to worry and fret over the younger ones, even if they held more power than she ever would, would overcome her. She helped the guildmaster up and waited with bated breath before the flames engulfed her to heal her.

"Don't speak of your death so soon when I am ten years your senior, Azuria. I fear my heart wouldn't be able to take it." The worry in her voice couldn't be veiled by the lighthearted joke as she moved away from her once she was stable on her feet.

She turned to give Reuel a wave. "I don't have any questions too. I'm sure I'll get more information on how Iceberg works from Gwen anyhow." She gave the guildmaster a pat on the head as she moved to the door. "Like Reuel said, try not to overexert yourself."
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Lucas Gutenberg

Rosletta Library, Reception Area

“Of course I’m going to tell you all the details, maybe we should publish books about the most notable missions our guild partakes in, something to throw to the guildmaster when we meet again.” Lucas answered as he mixed his rice with curry, the recipe was right adding yogurt gives the food new dimensions.

Counting family recipes as payment was certainly a good decision on his part, every day the guild is cooking something new.

“Take a seat Ceri, I know locking yourself up and reading is a tempting prospect but there is more to life than books.” he encouraged, sure a Gutenberg is a librarian by default but they are also wanderers, who met real people and touched grass. And honestly his workers need to do it more frequently.

“I wish I don’t need to join the games though, Sabertooth is definitely going for my head.” he jested as he recalled the ‘incident’, he will admit him faking interest at joining was a low blow for the group but is it really robbery if the books stayed inside the building. He won’t even be caught if not for a nosy kid recognizing him and what exactly he is aiming for.

The escape is worthy of an entire book on its own.

He rolled his eyes from the flirting, as long as he wasn’t involved he would be fine.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Fenix Tear Base, Rosletta Library

Ceri visibly flinched as Jericho made a rather sudden, in her opinion, appearance.

"He's lucky I didn't just eat blast him...why princess, though...not that I mind being called that, but..." She frowned under her hood, glaring up at Jericho as she'd listen to what he was saying. A mission? Really? Why did she have to go on some dumb mission? She really would prefer staying here and telling them all to get lost, but saying that would...well, would not be good, would it? Ceri fidgeted a little on the spot, her mild annoyance only being furthered as Izuki unceremoniously made an appearance dumping a book in her hands.


"...I'm not a child why would I...read this..." A mild slip of the tongue, though her voice was as quiet as ever, but she'd quickly clear her throat, looking up at Jericho and for the most part, completely ignoring the book and placing it on the table. "A-ah, I mean...if you don't mind...I'll eat with you all..." Ceri would quietly take a seat next to Amaya. The food looked and smelled good at least, but she really should think of some way to get out of this bridge job.

"Uhm...are you sure you want me to go with you, Jericho...? I'd probably only get in your way..." Ceri meekly stated. "A-and I do have more work to do, too..."
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jericho rubbed the back of his neck where Izuki's spear bit him with a seal. He found himself disconnected from the shadows. He felt that was an overreaction, but was glad that Lady Amaya agreed on the matter. "Sheesh, Izuki. All I did was ask a question and you both know Azu sees me as an annoying little brother. She wouldn't even listen to me ask after the meeting. But as for cleaning the library, I'll do it for nine months, Lady Amaya. I'll consider it part of my training. I need to get stronger... Something was off about last night and today. I need to be able to protect everyone." Before he could explain further or seek deep into his thoughts he felt a book being placed into his pocket. He took it out to read the title, Beauty and the Beast. Maybe he'd read it on the journey.

Looking at the title reminded him of the other thing Lady Amaya had said to him. "Oh, yes. I'd love to help you shop for a look as soon as I get back from the Great Glacia Bridge. I'm actually excited to go. I know they say she's been missing for years, but I wonder if I'll see Glacia herself once the bridge is fixed. Though I doubt she's nearly as powerful as you, M'Lady." He put the book back in his pocket making sure not to forget it.

When Ceri asked him if she really wanted him to go with her he was disappointed at the question. As if he wouldn't want his favorite person at the guild with him. Don't tell Nirvana or Gwen that. "You? Get in the way? Never. Work, smork. Like Lucas said, you can't be cooped up in here all the time. It's not healthy for a growing princess. Ask Rapunzel." While the others started sitting down for breakfast he looked at his own stomach which began grumbling. "Second breakfast already? I guess I could eat." He sat down across from Amaya and Ceri so he could talk to them both.


Meanwhile Nirvana decided to do some light training and eating in a nearby lake after the meeting. He had his twin daggers out as he stood in the lake waiting. His eyes were closed and he was training his other senses to detect the movements of the fish around him. In a flash he struck the water numerous times with both blades. Once he was done he opened his eyes and saw five fish stacked tightly on his daggers. "Oh, breakfast is going to be amazing today."
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fenix Tear, Guild Hall

𝐴nd so all our breadbaskets has been satiated in a heartily climax upon a daybreak sup, a casual daily smashing to fill the gut and quench the thirst like Accountants nibbling or gobbling to focus on the time ticking edgings known as Quests.

Deliberately steadfast, our phoenixes having marked their quests, neck to neck were like eager headhunters ready to make ends meat. Prior leaving the comfort zone, Azuria summoned those who were inside the premises except for those who've departed to their Quests. Master expressed all her sermons, bluntly delivering the bad news with the good news being saved for last.

Clearly, the sermon was a sign of holy indignation & tough love, Azuria had suspended Lucas from librarian duties because of Sabertooth Guildmaster Minerva having exposed his misdeeds via Lacrismart footage. Although an elaborate punishment, it's only light for a month, Ifrit despite not being told was also released from librarian duties for a lighter sentence of two weeks while Zeire incurred enough infractions that's worth a year cuz'of restricted section. Then there's Rena & Shinra who wasn't around, even though she's a day old member, Azuria didn't tolerate her brainrot B-Cuber livestreaming in the library.

First impressions be damned.

Shinra though amicable to everyone was only banned for a day and because of his judge of a character, Azuria revoked Rena and Shinra's bans immediately.

Just as how swift Azuria think, she immediately added more sentence duration for Lucas to a year just as Zeire, while so praising him for his hardwork, lifting his ban and turned into a vacation equivalent.

"No buts. You may enter the library but your powers are nonexistent, you may enter thrice a month, you need to be in shape and be more active in the outside world. From now on, for the whole year, you're with Gwen & Jericho." Azuria thought of a way of making Lucas more productive since he was at odds with Gwen and the noisy people in the library, this was the perfect opportunity.

"I have spoiled you Zeire. I wanted you to be better. Perhaps, the B-Class has made you complacent, you will be B-Class no longer after Crime Sorcière returns from their 100 Years Quest." Azuria was fuming at this point.

"Zeire, you and Ceri will take the A Trials with Crime Sorcière once they are back. I am contemplating disbanding B-Classes and will make the recruitment criteria to A. I am not mad, I am just disappointed and see this as a necessity, Pergrande no matter how you hide from it, is continuously at war with the Demons. His Majesty is desperate for quicker manpower."

Azuria sighed and caught her breath.

The S-Classes weren't present during the meeting because they're deployed except for Amaya who was in the Library and likely with her enhanced senses can hear every word.

Azuria turned her attention to the A-Classes, she used her Lacrismart to transmit thought projection that reached all the way to Port Camlann. "Jaina, Shinra. You thought it was Reuel? Not really. Kinda. You two will take convoy on Iceberg, in tally, this is an S-Class Quest and the both of you will pave the way for Reuel. The both of you will not just beat up a KKK, I want one alive and apprehended and taken to the Guild. Weisz will be giving specific targets.

Ceri remains unpunished.

End of Flashback.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iceberg, Adalborg - Fortuna
@Aku the Samurai@Letter Bee@Sho Minazuki@BlackMaiden

Adalborg is a seaboard checkpoint in Pergrande between the two crossroads, either Iceberg or Snaerverold. It's a port that is not far from Port Camlann, traversed only by boat at its capital, Fortuna, a zealous town that worships Angels. Or so they say, [Kay-Kay-Kay] KKK.

Set apart from the rest, the lone craftsmen was reaching his destination, for he knew the job must be done.

For standard travelers, it may take three days to get around the seaboard and for Adventurers, 7 hours, but not for those with specific skillsets that make them built different. Among those unique mages are the S-Class for they muster advanced spells like Teleportation and their level far eclipses any Mage in Elentir excluding the Seven Star Saints. It'd take a whooping 7 minutes by foot with their exceptional teleportation to casually waltz from Pergrande to Adalborg. Although inferior to the S-Class, the A-Class are no pushovers, except that it takes them four hours to get to Adalborg, they are to travel by a Manaburst Aircraft Blimp that's licensed to reach Adalborg & show their travel pass.

Reuel was given specific instructions by Guildmaster Azuria and while it's no different from busting KKK Cultists, his rendezvous point is none other than the Order of The White Creed and its credible informants, vital for this Quest.

In the same vein, it was Azuria's backup decision that's mixed with grieving intent of Amaya to have her partake the urgent Quest.

A Though Projection of Azuria was briefly with Amaya and Reuel.
"I sensed how far corruption has tainted Fortuna. It's my prerogative that both of you are here. I'll set the record straight in the name of Ankhseram and as a Devil Slayer before my mercy as your Guildmaster." Azuria knew what's bound to happen.

"Remember Reuel, bring me the the Baron and his family with you, alive, find whatever valuable information and wipe out the KKK Branch that controls this town." Azuria reiterated his mission.

"I understand your grievances for Iceberg that's not far from here. However, in the name of Ankhseram and Archangel Zarathos, the Angel who bestowed me authority to judge the living and the dead as the Spirit of Justice and Vengeance, Amaya Aurora Vanisis, I will compel you to destroy this town after Reuel returns with his prospects by sun down, I will sound the Trump--..." She took a deep breath and sighed, knowing how unfortunate Fortuna will soon be.

"No. YOU will decide whether or not to destroy this hopeless town. Lest God Ankhseram deem it far too gone."

Azuria Rutines is a Guildmaster, a leader who fights alongside her Guildmates, a warrior who fight alongside her men.
Few Moments Later

Fortuna, Ballroom Dance

"Bonjour, long time no see Monsieur Reuel and pleased to meet you Moiselle Amaya. I am Lestat de Drualac, your informant for le mishon." The young Vampire from the White Creed introduced himself.

The Vampire then used Archive Magic, flashing his prospects of the Quest including a fancy artifact that looks like two canine gauntlets.

"Le download Requip inside your minds, undercover zis mishon is. Fake Identities to be used, give it to me and I will make true of le names in registrar. Use Requip for ze Ballroom clothes, you will find Baron. Kenji Juntao amidst the crowd but beware, le KKK Territory this establishment is. It's rare for Monsieur Reuel to bring nice lady ehh, so unlikely, is Moiselle Amaya le fiancee?" The young Vampire, who was one of Reuel's informants, taunted him.

Suddenly, a flash of light glistened.

"Duke de Drualac, we found these two without passes." Referring to Shinra and Jaina.

Two Bouncer Vampires got Jaina and Shinra on their grip and they're magically dampened with magic dampening cuffs.

Not so long ago...
Weisz trolled Shinra and Jaina by mentally manipulating their minds with illusion magic, giving them the impression that they got their Ballroom passes.

"Trèspaia? They will be dinner for tonight!"

Some things just don't go as planned.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Avalon Skyline | Licensed Manaburst Aircraft: Pandora
@Digmata@Rune_Alchemist@King Kindred@Deide@Polaris North@JrVader

A Private Blimp owned by the wealthy, Gwen Óðnskaðe, she argued through thick and thin with her father for Fenix Tear to use it. The Blimp is running on autopilot and everyone is made comfortable except for Jericho, which Gwen intended on purpose as to get him to behave. A Blimp like this is controlled by the speed of thought that's channeled via mind Lacrima receivers.

It didn't take long Gwen to take the Blimp but she certainly was quicker to argue with Lucas just as the living legends: Gray Freagarthach & Natsu Vortigern did. This all went up the richter scale because whatever Lucas said to Gwen, just made her go nuts. The fight was eventually broken up by Eris and Ifrit.

Gwen and Lucas are sealed inside a runic room setup by Ifrit, it looks normal but the barriers are invisible and see through. It can't be dispelled easily like standard runes because these are chronorunic solid scriptures that Ifrit developed during his time in the White Creed. Mostly a spell to counter Dark Mages, Rogue Mages and the KKK, a typical action between Gwen and Lucas, these two just can't get along and argue every damn time.

"Wanna have another go, Luckyboi? I am sick and tired of your crap since we got here." Gwen is stuck with Lucas without her clothes in the said entrapment rune, in the background we see that the flooring and the walls are dented since both of them had been shooting spells at each other, they just have minor bruises from said spells.

"Our groups will be split into two ways and I can't believe I'd be stuck with you, Bookface! Though I'm glad you can't make rules up because this isn't a library. If I can't beat you up with magic, let's settle this with our fists...unless being a Gutenberg means you can't hit a woman! Gwen was mad that Azuria has decreed what it meant earlier.

Icebergan Envoy, Lucian Aigad, asked Eris and Ifrit, his voice is monotonous. It's about to be a three hour journey, mind you that Reuel's group is three hours ahead of us in this Quest, so this segment was more of a flashback of what's to come.

"Are these two always like this?" Lucian Aigad is a Mage from Iceberg, Team Eris's informant and one of Ifrit's colleagues in the White Creed.

His wife, Rei Aigad, tended to the motion sickness of Jericho with her Healing Magic while their children were playing with Nirvana, the Exceed.

"I dunno how to tell you two about the details of the Quest, would you kindly so free up Lady Óðnskaðe and Sir Gutenberg first, so we can have a proper briefing."

Chancellor Elektra interrupted Lucian and winked at Eris.

"I'm just a Thought Projection, I figured Ifrit should take Gwen and Lucas with him while Eris takes Jericho, Ayuna and that Demon Child with her. Personally, I prefer the groups don't split unless it's their discretion based on the situation that calls for it." Some things don't change, Elektra though an ally of Fenix Tear, her hatred for Demons remains high and racist against Ceri.

"What's wrong Eris? You look pale, did you see a ghost." Elektra held Eris by the chin like this.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iceberg | Fylkirlén | Main Capital | Castle Blüdenfort
As the air to the bird & sea to the fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.
Nothing but agonizing wailing from a seemingly innocent woman has cried within the confines of the fortress, the woman was devil-possessed as she was floating and speaking an alien language so gibberish.

She dressed in white, she was beautiful yet was eerie, three priests from the Holy Magic Council of White Creed were speaking in tongues yet couldn't exorcise the target. Switching to the scene, multiple priests were alarmed about the situation, the bells were erratic, ominously ringing, clanging & banging, its sound waves to & fro was seen, glistening reverberating. Footsteps to the exorcism chambers are heard, stomping, thumping, over & over, over & over, over & over again, hurriedly zooming to the direction of the fracturedly blended souls.

The next scene had the Priestly Choir with their homilies, chanting, chanting, chanting.

Im Namen An-ḫkseraam
Und zum Sohn, Zeref
Zum Heiligen Geist


(Repeated 7x)

Singing, chanting, mumbling, muttering and all sorts of deceleration to cast out the stinking malevolent soul inside the woman.

All for none, neither of it were working, if anything it barely did anything, it amounted to stalling the inevitable as the holy set began seeing creeping things of unholy objects. Heads were popping, blood was pulsating and maniacal cackling heard from the woman as if it's not her own voice.

"In the name of Allfather, and his sonful incarnation, Zeref and the Holy Ghost, we cast you out!" The Main Priest, Father Luke cannot do anything, he was on the receiving end of a laughing stock as he took the woman's green vomit with carpentry tools like nails.

But then the Devil Slayer arrived.

Fylkirlén Church's Divine Executioner

Hear me
Obey me
Revere me

For Allfather God Ankhseram ordained the heavenly hosts through his sonly incarnation, Zeref as the Holy Ghost dwelleth upon Elentir.

Throughout the Angelicals of the Aluhim, the Hajahim & the Gordohim, they have made their decision, the verdict of the Gods resent you, unforgiven, thou Dragon Gods lay their judgment upon this rock, you are unworthy to dwell upon the living, repent and be baptized — receive this mercy in Mount Zonia

Im Namen An-ḫkseraam
Und zum Sohn, Zeref
Zum Heiligen Geist


Pastor Vergil laid his hands upon the possessed woman, a flash of beaming light can be seen all the way from the sky and outside, it's as if his flames, fractured the structure of spacetime.

White flames can only be seen after the purification.
The man then reported to the next scene, it was the throne room of the Isenlord, the ruler of Iceberg.

"Lady Setsuka, I take it that this wailing is our actual prospect, God Zagrebal by the extension of God Rajabel, doesn't take kindly to traitors yet I see that this woman was brought by Moiselle Liv, Mortal Sinners either be exorcized or judged by hellfire for this was the traitor that leaked info to Fenix Tear."

Jester of Isenlord
Suddenly, crows made out of darkness emerged from the ground.

"Kekkakakakakajaja!" Brandon in his ghastly entrance, not just stripped the handmaidens of the Isenlord but also devoured then, eating and leaving them without a trace.

"Sinner? Ain't the world not perfect, Pastor? It's better to sin, in order to overcome sin! Darkness can only be overcome by those who knows darkness, like the starry skies in the cosmos, those shining stars of Mother Cosmos in the end will be devoured by darkness for that's their life cycle in space! Like a Dragon who eats in full."

KKK Member — White Mage

Sinners? There's no such thing as sin to the KKK, gentlemen. With her eye magic, candles begin to float and as their fuel was blood, and then the exploding blood, opened portals to eat the remaining corpses into the portal.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

We all have that attention span deficit, asking what is even going on, as your beloved Gamemaster, Chairman of Brainrot, my Covenant of Comasters, moving forward will be doing what I do, post summary count, this is member retention quality and because I love y'all.

Always remember, we are all equals fighting for the same cause and when there's a break needed, we will commit Unlimited Break Works!

Being honestly upfront with each other helps, that's why I love y'all. To tell you honestly, my way of doing things though questionably fourth-wally, is a matter of care and love, I am the Honored One and y'all are the Chosen Ones.

This is a moment of sacred text and not a means to rush anyone.

Long story short, Fenix Tear had breakfast and discussed about the things to come, they had interactions like a daily morning routine. Each played their roles according to how they act, an example of it Jericho being the gallant, hanging out with just about everyone in the guild with his cutesy athlecism in the speed of darkness. Ceri being our moe-moe little etherious, Amaya being our resident wisewoman, Gwen doing Alchemy things with Ayuna & Zeire. Meanwhile, Azuria having private moments with her trusted set of S-Classes on a critical mission that's an S-Class, hoping that it may change the tide of the demonic fog raids.

Jaina, Shinra & Reina initially not told about the true nature of their Quest was then explained by Weisz, one of the Hitmen & members of Azuria's Blackops Squad. In the long run, it's revealed that their Quest is the same as what Team Eris will be partaking, and to standing still of twist, Amaya joins the Quest, making her a partner in crime with Reuel. Our lonesome Craftsman, being the best at his job as more than a craftsman, is the best Blackops Squad member, had connections, network of informants from the Icebergan vantage point. Reuel and Amaya then encountered a Thought Projection of Azuria, who gave them proper details of their Quest, shockingly, Fortuna being corrupted may soon meet its desolating fate.

There's also a meeting prior everyone's deployment.

Gwen & Lucas duke it out offscreen and will be seen in Digmata's post.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Frayed Nerves and Violent Responses

Featuring Lucas and Gwen

Before we witness the former librarian’s reaction to such a brazen challenge, let’s turn back the clock for a few moments, an hour to be exact.

To say that Lucas is not pleased at his ‘forced temporary retirement’ at the library is an understatement, he may still have access to all of the books inside the place thanks to his divinely gifted item but nothing could replace the atmosphere that was provided by Rosletta Library.

But he can make peace with that, because admittedly he had been pretty lax at searching the said site and perhaps this was the push he needed to stay focused.

But why did he need to work with Gwen ‘walking public indecency charges’ Óðnskaðe, to be honest he doesn’t need the aid. He had been working alone before he became one of the founders of Fenix Tear and he proved in his earlier adventures that he could do missions with minimal help.

He could work with her for a mission of two but them working together for an entire year? He would devour Snow White’s frozen apple or wear the wicked queen’s iron slippers and dance to her death.

So when they met again at the airship and started throwing barbs as usual he didn’t bother filtering his mouth.

“So princess, how many strings did you pull to get this job, definitely not a lot since you’re related to Saint Ur & Crime Sorcière’s leader, Ultear.”

He wasn’t really sure why but it seemed that Gwen took his words so poorly that the resulting sparks became more intense than usual. Maybe we should pass the spotlight for and let the walking public indecency tell her own side of the story.

And so that's how it started, comparison just because of nobility and bloodline, Gwen 's by no means immediately related to neither Ur, the third-ranking wizard saint nor Ultear, the leader of Crime Sorcière, they're only related by clan.

Gwen got this Quest because she wanted to and it's her own merit, she volunteered even though Azuria had it in mind for her to be included. She was enthusiastic about working with Eris but that excitement just dropped when Lucas was included by the wise tactics of Azuria. Jericho alone would have been sufficient but more participants in this Quest were breaking her ambivert meter.

To wind it back, she's glad to know that the Quest she wanted to take that was out of bounds because it's an S-Class Quest only was like an answered prayer.

Understanding the tense relations between Iceberg & Pergrande are no-brainer. If one was to describe Iceberg & Pergrande, one likens to a love-hate relationship that will only unite against a common foe. Any day is going to be a hostile one since Iceberg indiscriminately kills anyone who passes by their border due to the ordinance of the ruler, the Pontifex. To pass by the border is to gain trust, this is done by appointment setting or in Gwen's case, her family's sign that's engraved in her torso.

“Don't get the wrong idea, Mr. Founder, by that logic, you also get more jobs by virtue of being one of the guild's founders!” She banged the dining table that she's seated next to Ayuna and Zeire.

She wasted no time, launching herself on Lucas, delivering a cold-fisted ice punch to his guts.

The librarian somehow managed the blow by a hair as he took a few steps back, that was unnecessarily aggressive. It seems the lady had begun showing her true colors.

But she wants a fight then fine, he’ll give it until she becomes obedient.

“Pillar!” He commanded as a pillar of light formed, launching the noble to the air, giving them distance and more importantly time to cast their spells.

“Glyph: Cannon!” he shouted as he launched a powerful blast to the still airborne Gwen like they usually do outside the library.

Gwen hasn't even stripped yet.

“Ice Cannon!” Gwen's quickest response was an equivalent force, using Ice-Make, the impact of their clash, resulting in a foggy steam.

Alchimia: Creo Lumen | Light-Make

Gwen then sends projectiles of light spears against Lucas, reshaping them into afterimages of herself. Afterimages were airborne shockwave images of Gwen that's meant to confuse Lucas. If he misses, said afterimages, they will explode into a flash of light.

Alchimia: Creo Ignis | Fire-Make

The “real” Gwen moved quickly and was behind Lucas, charging her fist that's clad in blue flames.

Or is it now? Whether this is light or akin to a Thought Projection, something wasn't right to get that opening blind spot.

Lucas covered his eyes as steam began to emerge, when he looked around he saw the countless illusions the woman employed. Well it doesn’t matter if he cannot find the real Gwen

Glyph Magic:Shield

A wall of light surrounded Lucas but he wasn’t planning to defend himself, not at all.

Glyph Shape Light

That wall of light exploded, hitting all of the illusions and unbeknownst to him the real one. The real one that is still positioned to attack him as the sudden influx of brightness assaulted his eyes.

As their battle ends up more serious than intended, the two seemingly forget where exactly they are.

And that they have spectators.

Taking advantage of what seemed to be a “flashbang’d” Lucas, she knew she had to be careful.

Alchimia: Creo Sanguinis | Blood-Make

Her pain tolerance may not be as grand as Ayuna but Gwen went ahead and took the risk by biting her hand like a certain titan.

Tendrils, if not, a rush of barraging blood whips was used for a linear diversion.

Meanwhile, Azuria sighed at the sight she witnessed, six years and these two just don't get along. She heard stories about Gray and Natsu's rivalry, is this what it's like to be?

Izuki wanted to intervene but Azuria stopped her.

“No. Let's see their resolve.”

“Ice-Make: Rosen Krone!” Gwen’s main move.

Icy thorns of roses erupted from the ground, hoping that it would encase Lucas.

Lucas failed to recover in time and found himself surrounded by thorn shaped ice, slowly surrounding him. Too little time to build the armor or shield to protect himself, a risk of leaving himself if forced to break himself out.

Fine Gwen, you want me to feel pain.

Glyph Magic Pillar

Glyph Shape Light

Countless pillars filled the roof before slowly turning into countless arrows, it is clear that Lucas is using a lot of mana for this spell.

The Librarian grunted in pain as thorns began tearing into his skin and clothes but he kept his focus.

Glyph Weave: Endless Damocles

The arrows began falling down, destroying the icy roses, the floor and raining down on Gwen.

Gwen took it to heart that Lucas is slightly faster at casting spells, she made a run for the arrows, dodging the raining arrows and taking some hits, putting up with layered ice shields way too late, that it also broke & that's how she got some bruises.

She smirked at the excitement.

“No pain, no game.” Gwen strips fully.

Azuria immediately cast a barrier for the fight, knowing it may just damage their surroundings even more, she could have done it earlier but their clash earlier just mowed the ceiling, the reception and half the walls destroyed.

Gwen freezes the entire floor around them including Lucas’ legs for good measure, the air around them and also lit everything in a burning sea of blue flames, to thicken the air, an environment that Gwen is used to, breathing in such a low pressure area.

She took advantage of the terrain that she made, she was skating with the ice and jet propelled by the blue flames, heading straight to Lucas.

“Ice-Blade: Seven Slices Dance” She may not be a physical powerhouse like Eris but having deducted that mid and long range spells will only stalemate, Gwen attacked Lucas on close range.

Lucas was so focused on making sure his swords would land accurately to dodge the creeping ice on the floor, this forced him to waste a few crucial seconds to get his leg unstuck when his onslaught ended.

So when he saw Gwen charging at him with blades out of ice he knew that the only thing he could do was defend.

A pillar got sliced as Gwen went closer and closer.


His shields fared a little better taking two slashes to be finally taken down.

Two… Three…

He called upon his armor and while it protected him from the blades two times, he was not protected from concussion nor the fragments which would explain the wounds on his body at the present moment.

Four… Five…

A small spiteful plan in his mind, he allowed himself to be slashed in the chest further ruining his clothes.


He stretched his arm to Gwen's face, as Glyphs began to take shape in front of her.

Seven… Glyph Magic: Canon

The two techniques swung at the same time, never clashing, just moving as fast as they could to the intended target.

The fight was eventually stopped by Izuki, who shuts off their magic, faster than the eye could see, with her runic spear.

The 14 year-old S-Class signaled Ifrit to trap them into a prisonic realm of invisible runes, where they can't use magic.

Before the S-Class closed the door and locked them in, she glared at the two and spoke.

“The two of you will work together for a year, either the two of you find to get along or you will be spending the entire trip together in this box.”

With those parting words the door shut closed and with few pushing of the clock’s hands the two found themselves at the present moment, where Gwen is challenging Lucas for a second no-magic round of their fight.

“That is stupid.” Lucas spoke bluntly, referring both to the provocation and the idea he won't hit her because she's a woman. He was about to launch a non-lethal cannon to her face after all. Imagine trying to rule the world but not hitting the Chancellor because she is a woman.

“You might as well go dig your grave if you reserve your hands exclusive to a half of the demographic.” as the 6th Gutenberg learned who got distracted by womanly charms to not notice the axe about to decapitate him according to the records of his daughter the 7th Gutenberg and first of the female Gutenbergs.

“And we're supposed to reconcile, not fight!” he spoke until a particular mission crossed his mind during the founding days of Fenix Tear. His face distorted a little before he spoke with unprecedented sincerity.

“There was a town always besieged by monsters, every year they ask the guilds to protect them for an entire day while they celebrate their sacred festival.” he paused a little for dramatic effect.

“That sacred festival is all of them beating the crap out of each other. Everyone who lived there threw some hands with someone regardless if they're a man, woman, children or somebody’s grandma and some of the mission takers got involved as well. Do you know what they said when I asked what exactly is the purpose of that festival?”

“They said it was to let the grudge of everyone be out and allow everyone to be friends. It was stupid, idiotic and quite frankly just a senseless way to let go of rage.”

He then looked at her and grabbed her by the shoulders.

“But quite frankly, it might be what we needed.” he finished, headbutting Gwen with the last words.

If he's going to work with her for a year then he will make sure that he gets his pound of flesh for all the frustrations he has with her.

Okay that hurt. Gwen got what she wanted but was groggy from the impact.

He really did mean his words, something that paid tribute to Iceberg’s equality between man and woman.

“In Iceberg, there's no distinction either.” She muttered.

“Yeah, it might be what we needed.” Gwen delivered a kick to his groin.

Lucas could have a sharp amount of pain between his legs, that was a low blow but quite that's what it means to enter a no holds barred fight.

So he took a few steps back and returned the favor with a blind right punch if Gwen tried to charge him. God he wish he could land this because he never had experience with this fighting without magic.

Perhaps he needs to work on that as well.

Gwen blindly rushed and took that punch, she fought in the demonic fog raids, so this was nothing new.

She got a basic understanding about CQC as a Magic Knight before joining the guild, admittedly, she relied too much on her magic.

She took the brunt in the face, she spitted out a tooth from that impact and her nose and mouth were bleeding.

“I could kick your balls one more time but let me say this, if our fists are something, then my kick would have ended your bloodline right here.” Gwen implied, rather bluffed about the implications of what she just said.

“We both know how spiteful I am. We really should reconcile, my eternal rival. How about I continue your bloodline?”[/color] She teased Lucas.

Lucas rolled his eyes at her innuendo, he had been at the receiving end of this thing too much that he found himself desensitized to her teasing.

“So you're surrendering?” he asked as he looked at the spitted tooth? Is he really that strong to knock permanent teeth out?

No wasn't, he was fit for travel but not for fighting.

“Oh no I'm not.” She hummed.

“Ok, I half-regret saying that, it feels weird like my heart skipped a beat. Like hell no!”

Getting such intrusive thoughts only made her flustered.

Gwen chewed the scenery and observed the structure of Lucas.

“We've been at this for 6 years, how time flies, hard to call you a runt now, when you're a head taller. Can't say the same down there, when I just kicked it.” She trolled.

Gwen reminisced.

Lucas considered throwing another punch at the reminiscing Gwen as she talks to herself. He wondered what exactly is the thing she was being nostalgic about.

Regardless it took the fight out of him, you can't call kicking someone while their head is in the clouds fair.

He decided to sit down on the floor, momentum clearly out of his mind.

“You were strangely aggressive this time, did I say something that pissed you off?" he asked, offering an olive branch.

He was satisfied now, time to think about the future.

The invisible prisonic realm dispelled.

“Tch. I won't say much, Dear Librarian.”

The librarian felt cold air as they finalize their temporary truce, something tells him there is something important he is missing.

But it can also just be the wind outside the prison, definitely that.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Fenix Tear Base, Rosletta Library


She knew the story of course, she had read it a few times...but she didn't see the correlation. Ceri frowned.

"But what if...I wanted to be...?" She'd mutter under her breath, a deep frown forming on her unseen lips before shaking her head. Right, she couldn't just hide even if she wanted too. She had to blend in, and at least act like she was part of this guild. "Okay...I'll go with you then. T-thanks for having me..." Who knows, maybe she'd get to actually stretch her wings for once...slim as of a chance as that would be.


She had never been on an airship before. Not that being up high was new, sun bathing high in the sky was something she quite enjoyed doing if she wasn't being watched, but being here on an airship...it was quite a novel experience. She didn't have to worry about anything, just...watch the world below as they flew across the vast landscape. It was quite...entertaining, watching the world move from this high.

For the most part though, she kept to herself. She didn't want to interject and she certainly wasn't about to get between Gwen and Lucas - she'd probably die if she so much as accidentally so much looked at them. Especially Gwen. Ugh, why did she have to strip like that? Not that she minded she was rather pretty-

"Jericho..." Ceri would pull her head away from her vantage point and her somewhat troublesome thoughts as she'd walk over to Jericho. Might as well bother him a little since her being here was his idea. "I've never been to Iceberg before...have you been? I've read about it a little, but..."
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Hidden 29 days ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 days ago


Location: Air Blimp | Collab with: @Urizen @JrVader

Off to a great start as she eyed Gwen and Lucas’s force cage. Something to make them get along but, by the looks of it, that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. They usually got into these kinds of situations but she hoped that the situation would cause them to calm down a little and focus on the big picture.

Oh well.

She approached Ifrit who essentially became the two’s babysitter and patted him on the shoulder. “Wonderful start, isn’t it?”

“Absolutely peachy start.” Ifrit sighed to himself. A small part of him found comfort seeing familiar faces join them on this mission, even if it was a diplomatic visit and not a recreational one. Unfortunately, that joy was completely overshadowed by the headache that was Gwen and Lucas. He leaned in to Eris and said “Once this is all over, remind me to discipline those two.” He gestured to the force cage behind him.

He looked at both Lucian and Elektra’s thought projection. Before speaking, he thought to himself. ‘Should I bring up the letter? Nah, I don’t wanna have another headache to nurse.’ He cleared his throat and spoke up. “Lord Aigad, we do apologize about the… unprofessional first encounter. I would ask that you excuse the two of them from these discussions. Any relevant information will be passed to them by Eris and I once they… find common ground.”

He cringed a little as Elektra’s thought projection gingerly grabbed the cusp of Eris’ chin. Don’t get me wrong. Elekra was a thing of beauty. The right amount of allure and power. Unfortunately, Ifrit saw her as nothing more than a walking red flag. He’s interacted with her enough to know he’d rather stay ten feet away from her at all times. Ifrit can’t do much about her advances either. ‘You’re not an A-Class anymore,’ he thought to himself, ‘find your own way out of this.’

Lucian nodded but seeing that Elektra was already present, he found that his presence won't be meaningful since a higher authority is present, so he teleported out of the scene, signaling Elektra.

As there was one Elektra, she became two. The Thought Projections of Elektra sought to discuss things as is. She did the same thing to Ifrit just as how she was to Eris, but only from behind, her image glitched for being an afterimage.

She patted Ifrit’s back and spoke, her voice sounded distorted for a bit.

”I know what's bothering you, not ,and I need you to focus on this Quest.” She said so suggestively.

The Thought Projection was made for Ifrit only and no one else can see it.

“Come. Come to my office with Eris after this Quest.”

Elektra wasn't the sort of person to waste time, she intended to invoke more afterimages but it's too taxing.

As for Eris, Elektra was too close at face length.

“Beware of thunderous snowstorms, I'm sure you wouldn't like it.” She said to Eris.

Seeing Elektra again was not a pleasant experience for the mage, the confusing mix of emotions once again resurfacing as she edged closer— too close for any sort of comfort. Anger surfaced at the forefront then but quickly tampered down to avoid any sort of conflict… and also partially because she couldn’t really punch a thought projection.

She huffed. “If I didn’t know any better, that sounds like a threat.” She moved to gain some distance between her and the thought projection. “But I guess it is good that I do know better.” Despite what she was saying, there was an underlying tone in Eris’s voice as she leveled her eyes with the chancellor.

Without missing a beat, she turned the conversation back to the quest at hand. “We should get onto the briefing, Chanel. I’m sure you’re quite a busy person.” The sooner they got this briefing done, the sooner Elektra had no reason to stay around.

Ifrit was unphased by the provocitous advancement, though her words did ring true in his ear. ‘So she does know about the note…’ He thought to himself. His attention went back to Eris when she spoke up. “Yes… And, to be clear to all other parties. As far as this operation is concerned. Guildmaster Azuria has placed Eris in charge. I am simply fulfilling an advisory role, acting as supervisor and aid when needed. Please, Elektra. If you would, fill us in.”

Elektra can't help with humor with what's happening but it can't be helped as there's a job to be done and sentiments exactly what it may be has nothing to serve in this Quest but no, there are remnants of sentimental values.

“Eris…Take it from your bestfriend, not Chancellor Elektra but Chanel, c’mon now, I literally mean that there's a literal lightning & snowstorm that's 7 kilometers from now, I can sense tantamount of ethernano, reverberating, in fact, as the Chancellor of Pergrande, I'm also going to warn you with my input.”

For a moment, Elektra broke character, she still felt something for Eris as her childhood friend but as someone in a position of power, she had to be firm.

Her Thought Projection distorted since the airship’s getting farther and the pulsating magic power was interfering with the lacrima system.

“I'll set the record straight.
The Kingdoms of Avalon:

Among these Kingdoms, only Iceberg and Ofrifheimer had been frenemies with Pergrande. However, 15 years ago, Tartaros Hellgate Devil of Calamity, Deliora colonized Iceberg & we got plenty of refugees as we all know.” Elektra referred to Gwen, Azuria and Zeire.

“The reason why you're all selected for this Quest is more than just the bridge itself.”
She paused.

“Ifrit, I understand your disposition as merely a proctor to the progress of Eris, however, I disagree, you cannot tame lightning naturally unless there's manmade intervention, the real me is already at Iceberg, whether you protest or not, I supercede Azuria, you will join me on a meeting with the Isenlord, Setsuka Vanisis, I require your diplomacy to ensure that Iceberg allies with Pergrande and I'm sure your petulant Guildmaster, if she had any tact, would have agreed on the path you should be partaking and the progressive growth of Eris as an S-Class would be her fairy tale to tell.” Her presence struck fear and intimidation as ominous it became, making a valid demand.

“As for you Eris, you will bring Lucas, Gwen, Ayuna, Jericho and that demon child with you to the advertised surface of this Quest.

There lies a broken bridge that hasn't been repaired for 100 Years, it was called the Great Glacia Bridge, built by the Bifrost People in reverence to the Blue Dragon God Glacia. Despite the long war between Pergrande and Sin, the bridge itself served as the best route for Merchants to travel with their horses from Iceberg to Pergrande.

Your destination is on the same road to Fylkirlén, the capital of Iceberg.

The Great Glacia Bridge spans from the capital, erecting in between Kingdoms, Snaerverold & Ofrifheimer. These Kingdoms are thankfully far from interfering with rebuilding the bridge and both are equally dealing with their own problems.

Gwen is needed to forge the icen bridge, Jericho is needed to enchant Dragon Slayer Magic properties on the bridge, I intend Lucas to memorize Ice-Make to assist Gwen.

As for you Eris, the Bifrost aren't kind, they're feral beasts, with Take-Over Magic, I'm sure you can speak their language.”

Oh, so there was a storm brewing close enough to the ship. “Thank you for the warning then.” Still, there was some sort of sick satisfaction with how she had reacted. Eris signaled for Lucian to tell him about the incoming storm and to try to find a route to avoid the storm. It would be better not to have any sort of complications after all.

Finally, past all the taunting, Elektra had settled to brief them about their mission. Their actual missions, if you will. It appeared that Ifrit wouldn’t actually be joining them for long but she didn’t envy his position. Diplomacy to ensure alliances was difficult and usually rife with loopholes either party that could lead to the benefit of one and the detriment of the other and Eris wasn’t so keen on having to keep an ear out.

She nodded at their assignment. Just proceed as planned. “I do remember Gwen mentioning that this bridge repair would take a while. How fast would the process be expedited should Lucas be able to help?” She doubted anyone in the current group would be too keen on staying on the bridge, fixing it, for longer than necessary.

Or, if the Bifrost were feral beasts, it was entirely possible for Eris to somehow get them to help. They were the original builders of the bridge; though, it did seem like their sentience had slowly degraded over the centuries. Or, if all else comes to fail, she could take over a Bifrost and help there.

Ifrit sighed. And here he was thinking the whole mission would be a walk in the park for him. That he’d get to stay out of sight and observe the actual acting force on its mission. He, of course, would step in if asked, but he had a good feeling he’d go the entire mission without having to be called on. Eris has grown a lot ever since she came to him as a B-Class. He trusts her ability to lead an expedition on her own. He also knows the extent of everyone’s power on this mission. And though Ifrit holds some of his guildmates in a lower regard (he doesn’t like having to act as a babysitter, much less having to imprison his peers in an especially powerful prison just to stop them from blowing up the bridge), he knows the extent of their power and trusts them to have eachothers back.

But… Nothing goes easy when the White Creed’s involved. Ifrit speaks from experience, having served both alongside the white magicians and within their own organization. If the White Creed get involved its sure to throw a wrench in the plan. Back in the day, he was lucky. He could go to his superiors or the roundtable knights and ask them to help deal with the Creed. Nowadays, he’s the one other go to to mediate. Ifrit knew when to speak up, and knew when to not challenge rank.

“As you wish, Chancellor.” He showed little reaction towards Elektra’s ominous hostility. Maybe in a yesteryear he would have been intimidated, if slightly. But nowadays he knows his worth. He knows his strengths, alongside hers. He has nothing to be scared of. After a brief moment he activated his Temporal Glimpse. The whims and wanes of the River of Time washed over his vision. Using his sight, he glimpsed at the Thought Projection, following its flow back to where it spawned. “I’ll meet you once I land… I know where you are.”

He turns to Eris, saying “I trust you can handle them…” He gestures towards Gwen and Lucas. “If worse comes to worse, fall back. I’ll send a Thought Projection your way and help continue the assault if you retreat. Remember what I taught you, and you should do just fine… Oh, and wish me luck.”

Eris gave him a smile, something between amused and apologetic. "We'll be fine. I don't envy your position, good luck with the meeting."
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Hidden 24 days ago 24 days ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Reuel Ashcroft

~Fortuna City~


A thick fog pervaded over the old city, architecture from centuries past, classical and beauteous, carved out by skilled artisans of unknown origin. Statues of strange and unusual figures decorated the front of many large buildings and the streets were quiet as they always were, even with so many people walking about. This tucked away city held secrets going back even before its own founding, and with each passing night those secrets would be peeled away by it's blasphemous residents, and then washed to ash by the cleansing fire.

The sound of the church doors swinging wide open would bring all within to pay attention to the invader and interloper. What appeared to be a convent would turn their heads to him, and a priest of foreboding presence at the far end. Their eyes rested on the man in the black coat, with silver hair reflecting the dim sunlight of the outside world as the sun began to set, and eyes that hid a true nature.

"Who are you to disturb my sermon?" It was clear they didn't know who he was, but of course, he knew who they were.

"Ahhh, to be honest I've been hearing you guys coming here every week you know? I was too shy to join you guys, but today I've mustered up the courage, if I could have a seat for today?", his mannerism was affable, yet there was a veneer of condescension. He shrugged his shoulders as if shaking off the stiff tension of the situation. Of course, he knew what he was saying, this was not any normal convent and gathering... Every one of these people here were getting ready to brandish weapons and magic, the moment they heard him say he had been hearing them here every week.

"Every...?!" The words connected in the priest's mind, a blast of dark demonic magic flew from their hand. Cleanly it appeared to strike this mysterious newcomer, but as the attack cleared, the man still stood there, unaffected. A mysterious inky darkness disappearing from around him as the smoke cleared. A devilish smile forming. The entire convent was now getting up, brandishing weapons, some of them showing strange symptoms or exhibiting unusual appearances. The priest himself began to break out of his clothes as a black furred form began to take shape, wings of velvet and horns, a classical demon one might find on the front lines.

"I know not who you are, but you are a fool to have revealed yourself like this, we shall wi-...! Huh?" A single flash of black, like taking a freshly inked brush and doing one stroke across a canvas. The eyes of the ill-fated demon rested upon the man again, a black inky scythe in his hand.

"When did you...!?"

"Sorry, I'd let you finish, but it looked like you might make things messy. But don't worry, your precious convent is in good hands", the demon unable to utter yet another coherent word gargled and roared until he was nothing but dust and darkness. The attendees of this convent looked from their priest to the man at the door, fear rippled through their bodies.

"Don't even think about a change of heart, everyone here's gotta die. Loose ends and all that", and with little ceremony the closest few were cut down by a thin black blade, appearing only a moment, spattering blood to the next in line as they fell to the floor. Two small silver blades glinted from his hands as he got to work.

Hours later...

A scene of carnage sat before the small cloaked man, his eyes wide in shock, and then very quickly followed by fear. His eyes followed the blood and corpses, the destroyed benches, all mixed with empty cloaks and clothes and weapons, cheap and otherwise, as well as the signs of magic being used through marks along the walls and floorboards. Sat upon the altar where the priest used to... Exist... Was Reuel himself, despite the handiwork and bloody result, he appeared completely untouched, as if he had just appeared here among the carnage after the fact.

"Well, took you long enough, I had to entertain myself for a little while...", he dusted himself off and stood up, walking towards him.

"Of course, so long as your family is not involved in this cult, they are safe from me too... Well, now that you've seen this you know it's time right?" His tone was mildly threatening, the condition of their cooperation. He had something on all of his informants that let him bend them just a little. This man was but one.

"Y-yes... Mr Specter... ", he seemed to shrink away but it seemed to simply be his nature. This was Reuel's informant... Or at least, one of them. He has a couple others, but this one seemed to be the most reliable in the movements of the cult leader, and that was exactly why he had contacted him today.

"Very well, then go about your day as normal. When you see your great leader, simply activate this... And then run", he handed the man a small satchel, containing a bunch of what appeared to be silver marbles. "Crush it in your hand and drop it, it will emit a unique smoke... Everything else is out of your hands", he pat the man on the shoulder before walking out, this church was hidden in the hills just within the city's perimeter, and so the view of the city of Fortuna lay before him. The sun was rising, and by next sunset there would not be a single KKK member alive.
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Hidden 23 days ago 23 days ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Jericho beamed with glee at Ceri agreeing to go with them on the mission. He may have been a bit overprotective of her. He concerned himself with her entire wellbeing, but he at least tried not to be too overbearing of a big brother. "You're welcome. And don't worry. You're going to have a wonderful time. I wonder how we're going to get there."

Jericho no longer wished he was on this trip. He couldn't believe he was experiencing motion sickness. He couldn't remember the last time he had. If he didn't know better he'd swear Gwen had something to do with this. He did know better, but he tended to have a blindspot when it came to her. All of his attention was usually kept on keeping her clothed, not her nefarious schemes. He wasn't a cop, he just didn't want people seeing his----nevermind. Anyway. There was one benefit. He was currently laying on a mother's lap being healed. He was being comforted in two ways.

Meanwhile Nirvana was playing with her kids. "They remind me of you when you were their age, Jeri. Sometimes I wish your mom and dad had another kid. Then I remember how big of a handful you were and are and come back to my senses."

"Kill... You..." Jericho said weakly.

"Yeah, yeah." Nirvana laughed. "You know I love ya kid."

Just then Gwen stripped and due to his circumstances and the fact that she was in a magical prison he couldn't get to her. "Gwen... Naked..."

"I don't get what's the big deal. You used to take your clothes off all the time as a kid. Used to yell, 'The beasts don't wear clothes and I'M THE KING OF THE BEASTS!'" Everyone laughed, including the kids.

"Will... definitely... kill you."

When Jericho could form coherent sentences Ceri asked him a question. She was way too precious. This and Rei's comfortable lap were more than making up for his embarrassing childhood story. "I haven't, but I'm excited. I heard they have tons of dragons. But I'm most interested in their Dragon God, Glacia. But what have you read about it?"

The two continued the conversation until Jericho's ears perked up at the sound of a princess being insulted. When he heard it the second time confirming exactly what he heard he couldn't help himself. He launched himself feigning that he just now mustered the strength to move to defend Ceri's honor. It was partially true. If it wasn't for Elektra referring to Ceri out of name he wouldn't have even considered leaving this cushion until they arrived at their destination.

He dashed forward unsheathing his blade before he even got to the Thought Projection. Even if it wasn't really her he had no intention on physically harming her. He was angry, not stupid and she'd know that. His blade found his way under Elektra's throat. "Chancellor, if you wish for us to help you, I'd suggest you give the dear Princess Ceri the respect she deserves and refer to her by name instead of spewing out venom every time you say the word Demon. I could taste it all the way over there. There's a certain gravity to your words and it tastes bitter." Without waiting for a response he sheathed his blade, keeping his eyes on her the entire time. Ceri was family and he didn't care about a mission or whatever punishment he could receive for this. As a knight he'd fall on his sword to stand up for his guild family.

@Urizen@Polaris North@Rune_Alchemist@Digmata@JrVader
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Hidden 19 days ago 17 days ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Our Mages were sent on an S-Class Quest to Iceberg
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Deide


Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Flying was a strange thing. It made one feel free, able to see the world in a new perspective. And yet, you are still constrained by what holds you afloat. Freeing,yet still constrained. Truly strange.

Musings aside, everything seemed to be going well. The flight took off without problems, Lucas and gwen were getting along well, Ceri got a bit out of her coocon, Jericho was threatening people he really shouldn't about silly things, Eris was flustered and Ifrit was still being it's timely self.

And yet... Something seemed of. She couldn't understand what it was, a niggling feeling of...unease? Not something she feels often. But what was causing it? Everyone seemed well, there were no possible threat in sight, so why was she so sure of the incoming danger?

“Beware of thunderous snowstorms, I'm sure you wouldn't like it.”

And then, she remembered what Elektra said before. Thunderous Snowstorms. A Natural disaster instead of a man-made one. Far less exciting, but it might still prove dangerous.

Looking over to the Horizons, she could finally pin-point the source of her unease. A roiling storm, seemingly not that far off from our own ship, and, if her sense weren't lying to her, coming towards our location.

Thinking quickly, she bit her right thumb, the left taking hold of her Water-filled Jug.A quick dip of her thumb later, and the process of transmuting it into her blood was started. They still had some time before the Storm would hit, and she will probably need some reserves.

That done, she swiftly moved towards the others, so as to be heard even through their talks and squabbling.

"Sorry to Interrupt, but we have a situation. Storm over the horizon and quickly closing in. It's gonna hit us in a bit. Thought you all wanted to know that."

Her job as the bearer of ill omens done, she refocused on her Jug, so as to speed up the process. Afterall, if things continued like this, they probably would need an emergency teleport out of the ship.
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Hidden 18 days ago 18 days ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

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Shinra Rudegarn

Location: Fortuna

Stopping by the restaurant had been a blast, even if he’d had to pace himself to spare Rena’s wallet the extra strain, and he was as pumped as ever to start the quest. Weisz had explained the mission in further detail while they were eating, though Shinra only really listened to part of it. Most of what they spoke about went over his head, but the important bits stuck with him. That was more than enough.

Whatever the Krispy Klub Krew were up to, they’d stop them, finish the quest, get their reward and then call it a day.

At least, that had been the plan, but now, things weren’t exactly going the way they were supposed to. They’d made their way to Fortuna easily enough with their invitations and from there on, Shinra was happy to let Jaina take the lead since she was more knowledgeable than he was. And, yet, things had taken a misfortunate turn in no time at all.

He wasn’t sure when exactly, but something must have gone wrong somewhere along the line. Everything had been going well until suddenly it wasn’t.

The next thing he knew, he and Jaina were in cuffs and being dragged off to who knows where for apparently trespassing, and Rena was nowhere to be found. Things had happened way too fast for him to wrap his head around.

Shinra snapped out of his confused stupor with a shake of the head, then his brows furrowed, “Hey, what’s the big idea? We’re not intruders, we were–”

He found himself cut off as the men spoke over him, ignoring his words entirely. His shoulders slumped as they continued like he wasn’t even there, and he tugged on his cuffs listlessly. His ears perked up, however, when they mentioned having him and Jaina for dinner.

Shinra blinked.

.... Wait, were they serious?!

Shinra planted his feet to the ground, resisting the pull of the “We’re not gonna be anyone’s dinner!”

Shinra’s arms tensed and the chain linking the cuffs broke as he launched himself at the ceiling, landing in a crouch as his Ether Gear activated. He sent himself flying downwards with a light push off the inverted surface, a fist cocked back as he yelled–

“Magi-Mech Attack: Gravity Fist!”

His punch hit the bouncer holding his guildmate with tremendous force, breaking the floor and sending rubble flying every which way. Without a moment of hesitation, he grabbed Jaina around the waist and broke contact with the other vampires.

“Hold on tight!” Shinra called out as he jumped at a wall, smashing through it to leave the building, and the vampires, behind.
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Hidden 17 days ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Amaya kept her eyes closed the entire carriage ride. Every part of her wanted out from the nausea to the cramp need to the fact of her attaire. She was suppose to be training for the grand magic games, she was suppose to be tending to the library. Yet the guildmaster had the gale to order her to assist on a mission. The nerve of some people.

She heard the projected guildmaster speak and heard her plea. So she was to clean up the mess of this hopeless city all because some god deemed it so? She skuffed lightly to herself, the nerve to order her around. Yet she still couldn’t give a reason why she followed orders. She just did it seemed. She got out of the carriage heading to meet the informant as she listened quietly “uh yes, let’s go with that for now “she spoke to the informant as she really had a bone to pick with whoever thought she, a powerful dragon, would ever be married. She sometimes hated the choice she made as she looked around where she stood stopping to face in the direction of iceberg. Oh how she wanted to check in, see how her people have grown and adapted. To ensure the hidden essence she left there was still enough. No for now this town was her focus
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Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Jaina Dalton

Weisz, you asshole! Jaina screamed in her head, We're through, you hear me?! You're not dating me, ever!

Now... To study Shinra's magic and moveset. She had an inkling that it was not easily copied, so best to turn to the spells the Vampires used, if any. Remembering her studies, she tried to see if these Vampires were the intelligent ones; if so, she had plans for their forbidden knowledge, but only if she can get Shinra or Amaya to break those damned cuffs. So her next words were, "Shinra, break my cuffs too - These guys might have information we want!"

Dust was in her hair but Jaina didn't care as she had a lot to study, a lot to find out, and she could not do that Shinra was taking them away from the battlefield. Thankfully, she had a solution to that - Namely breaking her cuffs on Shinra's shoulder with a loud smash, before shouting at the guy, "Our friends are fighting against our foe and you're taking us away from them! Don't you understand that those guys are the ones we're supposed to go after in our mission? Let's help Amaya out; I have some Kulto Kalium Krusade ass to kick!"

Assuming - And it was a big assumption - That Shinra listened, Jaina squirmed away from the young man's grip and headed back towards 'Ballroom', hands glowing black-tinted gold as she prepared to attack the foe; normally, she'd use her Memory Archive to copy a few combat spells, but she had a theoretical use of her Memory God Slayer abilities that she wanted to test out, and with a grin, she shouted, "Memory God Slayer Magic: Calm Reaction!"

She exerted her power, causing the Vampires to slowly lose their instinct for violence and willingness to use it. With a grin and a smile, she then asked the nearest one, "Hey, hey, hey, mind telling me just what the Kulto Kalium Krusade is planning, please? While we're at it, throw in the location of your cult's libraries; I want to give Lukas a gift. In exchange... I believe that reducing the amount of death, of sapient beings, within reason is a good thing. So why don't I rub out your memories of the Kulto Kalium Krusade plus anything that turns you against Humanity so you guys can have a chance at life?"

It was a fair bargain, Jaina thought to herself as she readied her Memory Manipulation Vortex to extract and alter the Vampires' memories so that she could learn all that they knew, filter out the less useful stuff, and then find out where their libraries were for reasons she had explained already.

She wanted to know more, not just to add to her stores of spells, but also knowledge in general; her enemy was a strong foe with many forbidden secrets, a threat to Humanity, but intelligent and cunning and more than a little scholarly despite her disgust for their thesis and conclusions. So, Jaina Dalton indulged herself in scholarly inquiries - Best to know their secrets, their lore... And any plans they had to wreck this lovely seaside city where Humans and others can learn to face the ocean, its wonders, and its horrors.

As the Daughter of the Sea; like heck, she'd let the foe prey on those who respected it.

Unless ordered to stop, she'd unleash a Memory Manipulation Vortex, one that could only be resisted by willpower equal to her friends, and give these Vampires a new chance at life; a new chance to live and redeem themselves. She'll wonder about the ethical implications of doing so via magically-induced amnesia later...

@Aku the Samurai, @Urizen, @BlackMaiden, @Sho Minazuki
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