Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX
As soon as she was out of Rowan’s sight, Grant’s demeanor completely changed and set the mood for the next couple of day; interrogating the bunny on how she managed to slip away. Willow kept the story simple, committing the lie to memory - she had been wandering for so long until Rowan found her and returned her. When they were finally convinced that she wasn’t lying, life went back to the normalcy that she’d known before Petal Bakery and its owner. Except she was now closely watched at every moment.
Apparently, her disappearance had created quite a stir that the Beowulfs expect to make a pretty penny on her. Which is why they stuck her in a dress that’s going to drive everyone wild, with the high leg slits and low neckline. Gold jewelry adorned her neck, wrists, and ears with the threat that she’d be punished should they go missing. For the last few days, she had been forced to learn some choreography for a set with a couple of ‘less exciting’ bunnies.
Her eyes keep shifting to the door, hearing the hustle and bustle of those invited through it. Will one of them be Rowan? She keeps fidgeting and chewing on her lip, forcing the makeup artist to shoot her a glare and reapply her glossy, deep red lipstick. Aethel Beowulf stands by the door, an earpiece in his ear as he waits for his father to start the event. His sleepy gaze glances over Willow with a bored expression. Apparently parties aren’t his thing. A tinkle of bells sounds and Willow is ushered towards the small dais in the room with the other bunnies before the curtains are closed shut. Then the sound of people moving inside.
“Sit anywhere you’d like! You’re our guests and as such have been awarded with a delightful pre-show now that Jewel is back! And she is as precious as ever!” Aethel sure can put on a front when he wants, Willow thinks. The room is built like an amphitheater with bar tables and chairs scattered on each platform for guests to sit. At the bottom is Willow, anxiously waiting to search the crowd.