Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan was going to say something before he paused and looked to the door. It's started. He set the brush down and wiped his hands on a rag as he moved into the cafe area. He unlocked the door to the shop and then pulled it open. "Perfect timing it seems. I was going to call you after I cleaned up." He gestured for him to enter and closed the door when he did. He shoved the rag into his pack pocket.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery - Denver, CO

Grant grins wolfishly as he enters the baker, casting a sidelong look at Willow before his gaze shifts back to Rowan. “Seems like the folks ‘round here were right. I’ve gotten a few calls saying our precious Jewel was sittin’ all pretty in your bakery.” He gives Rowan a pat on the shoulder, letting his large hand linger for a moment before he turns towards Willow.

“Miss Jewel, we’ve been mighty worried about you. I’m so glad you’ve been found safe! Come over here and give ol’ Grant a hug.” His arms open wide in an invitation. Willow stands up from her chair and slowly walks over to Grant, who pulls her into his side as soon as she’s in arm’s reach. “The Beowulfs will be so happy - you can expect your reward sooner than later.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan looked between them, keeping his face neutral. He then looked to Grant and fished out something. He pulled a card from his card holder and held it out this time. "Send me an invitation and I'll be glad to purchase her and anything else that catches my eye. That'll be reward enough for me."

The card clearly told Grant who he was. A Kimb. Not only a Kimb, but the one who was estranged from the clan and had his own wealth and power... and he wanted an invitation to an auction, after being so.. about discrimination? Was Kimb really just putting that up a front and was actually like all of the other Beowulfs clients?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery - Denver, CO

Willow glances between Grant and Rowan, feeling weighted pressure from the former’s arm. Grant takes the card and raises his eyebrows appreciatively before grinning to ensure his pearly white fangs are visible. “Ah, of course. We’ll be sure to let you know as soon as she’s back in rotation.” He pulls his arm back before ‘patting’ Willow’s back, forcing Willow to take a step forward towards Rowan. “Tell the man ‘thank you’, Jewel.”

Back turned to Grant, Willow offers a small smile to Rowan to let him know everything's okay. “Thank you, sir.” She says with a small bow of her head. Behind her, Grant pockets Rowan’s card and sends a quick text to the Beowulfs to update them.

“Alright, it’s time to get going. Mister Beowulf is on his way with the jet to make sure you get home safely.” Grant puts his arm around her shoulders again. “Thank you kindly, Mister Kimb - we look forward to seeing you soon.” He tips his hat, ready to turn and leave with Willow.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan looked to Willow and then offered her a smile. One he doesn't use with her. It almost feels predatory and he's definitely showing more fang than he usually does. It's for show. He looked to Grant and offers a nod. "Certainly. I look forward to it. Feel free to invite me to anything before.. perhaps so I can get a feel for it?" He offers another smile to Grant, and then opens the door for them. "Fly safe."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Outside Petal Bakery - Denver, CO

“I’ll let my bosses know.” Grant says as Willow tries to not focus on the wolfish grin Rowan displayed. She knows he’s playing a part, but it’s so starkly different from his usual demeanor. The tracker keeps his arm around her shoulders but is busy with his phone, so the bunny takes the small opportunity to give Rowan a tiny wave as they leave. It’s not long before a black SUV with dark tinted windows rolls up and Grant guides Willow into the backseat before following.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

The whole week he didn't see Willow set his nerves on fire. He had finished cleaning the bakery and packed his bag after Grant picked her up. After flying home, he came up with a plan with his contact and then they waited for an invitation.

He got one, but it hadn't been what they wanted. Something about a debut party, but it was better than nothing. It let him see her. So now here he was, handing his invitation over to the doorman, with his right hand man at his back. It was checked and he was shown inside, taken to the 'meeting' room. This wasn't the room where the 'merchandise' would be displayed. This was the.. meet everyone who would be bidding.

That was fine. He moved to the bar located in this room, ordering a drink for himself as he waited, sipping it gently. He wore a suit he had just bought and purposefully. So Willow would be able to find him easily. He wore his hair like he usually did, not really finding it in himself to really change much; half of it up in a tight bun while the rest was split in two braids and draped over his shoulders.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

As soon as she was out of Rowan’s sight, Grant’s demeanor completely changed and set the mood for the next couple of day; interrogating the bunny on how she managed to slip away. Willow kept the story simple, committing the lie to memory - she had been wandering for so long until Rowan found her and returned her. When they were finally convinced that she wasn’t lying, life went back to the normalcy that she’d known before Petal Bakery and its owner. Except she was now closely watched at every moment.

Apparently, her disappearance had created quite a stir that the Beowulfs expect to make a pretty penny on her. Which is why they stuck her in a dress that’s going to drive everyone wild, with the high leg slits and low neckline. Gold jewelry adorned her neck, wrists, and ears with the threat that she’d be punished should they go missing. For the last few days, she had been forced to learn some choreography for a set with a couple of ‘less exciting’ bunnies.

Her eyes keep shifting to the door, hearing the hustle and bustle of those invited through it. Will one of them be Rowan? She keeps fidgeting and chewing on her lip, forcing the makeup artist to shoot her a glare and reapply her glossy, deep red lipstick. Aethel Beowulf stands by the door, an earpiece in his ear as he waits for his father to start the event. His sleepy gaze glances over Willow with a bored expression. Apparently parties aren’t his thing. A tinkle of bells sounds and Willow is ushered towards the small dais in the room with the other bunnies before the curtains are closed shut. Then the sound of people moving inside.

“Sit anywhere you’d like! You’re our guests and as such have been awarded with a delightful pre-show now that Jewel is back! And she is as precious as ever!” Aethel sure can put on a front when he wants, Willow thinks. The room is built like an amphitheater with bar tables and chairs scattered on each platform for guests to sit. At the bottom is Willow, anxiously waiting to search the crowd.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan looks up when the guests are filtered in. Looks like no one wanted to talk to him before the show. That's fine. He moved into the room, scanning it quickly and finding a table on the middle row near the center. He half sat, one of his legs propping itself onto the chair rung and setting his glass on the coaster provided. His assistant didn't take the other chair, but instead stood behind him and to the side.

His eyes scanned the crowd, seeing all who was here and who wasn't.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Like clockwork, the Beowulf children start making their rounds and greeting guests. Aethel makes his way over to Rowan and takes the empty seat. “You must be Rowan Kimb - Grant told us about how you saved our poor Jewel from the wild.” He holds his hand out across the table and flashes a perfect smile. “I’m Aethel Beowulf, Jewel’s souteneur.”

Willow tries to listen closely to see if she might hear Rowan through the crowd, tempted to peek through the curtains. Apparently her feet carried her without her knowledge because the other bunnies pull her back, lightly smacking her head with hushed whispers asking what she’s even thinking. “S-sorry.” She replies to them meekly.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan had sipped from his glass when he eyed the man coming to him. Hmm. Beowulf. He set the glass down when Aethel talked to him, taking up the seat at his table. He shook the head, nodding lightly. "Least I could do. She seemed too well mannered to be a regular bunny." He looked back to the curtain for a moment, then to Aethel again. "Would you like a drink? I can have Killian fetch you one." He went to gesture for Kilian.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Aethel shakes his head. “Thank you for the offer, but my father gets testy about any of us mixing business with pleasure.” He smirks, glancing at Kilian for a moment before turning his gaze back to Rowan. “I’m sure you know what that’s like, being a Kimb and all.” Several bystanders who had been eavesdropping quite obviously cough and make show of moving along and starting conversations elsewhere at the mention of the name. Aethel chuckles, running a hand through his hair.

“They’re just hoping to catch any whiff of a scandal.” He places his elbows on the table and leans closer to Rowan. “So, just what about our Jewel had you so eager to throw your morals aside? I thought you were a wolf trying to bring about a new society away from this part.” He doesn’t say it malice or ill-intent, just curiosity coloring his tone.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Killian only spared a glance to Aethel, before looking back at his tablet he had. Fingers sliding over it, probably for something to do with Rowan's work.

Rowan hummed, watching the other people leave as he lifted his glass. He shifted, settling more on his seat and crossing his legs. How was he going to say that would get them to-- His eyes had slid away and then moved back to look at Aethel again. "Have you heard of the rare occurrence of Fated Mates?" He offered a smirk and a slight tilt of his head. Perhaps he didn't have to say anymore. If that's all he needed to say, then him wanting to buy 'Jewel' would be in the bag for the Beowulfs. It would be in their interest to let him win.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Aethel chimes with laughter, almost obnoxiously loud as he chuckles. “Then by all means, welcome to the event.” He stands and reaches out his hand again. “I have others I must wine and dine, but enjoy the show. She’s been working hard, after all.” He leaves, still chuckling lightly to himself at how interesting he found Rowan Kimb to be. His seat’s not empty long before a different Beowulf sits in it.

Xavier Victor Beowulf the Fifth doesn’t offer his hand or his name, but instead eyes Rowan coldly. Despite what his brother said, he holds a glass of scotch and taps his forefinger on the glass as if trying to figure the other wolf out before his shifts in his seat to watch the curtain open. The lights dim and the room fills with polite applause - no raucous whistling or lustful catcalls at a Beowulf event.

A soft spotlight shines on Willow as she steps forward from the other bunnies, her hands held in front of her so no one can see them shaking. The light in her eyes makes it hard to discern anyone in the crowd from someone else. Aethel starts to speak, just offstage from Willow. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I reintroduce you to Jewel!” That’s Willow’s cue to smile and bow for the audience before Aethel continues.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

He shakes Aethel's hand and lets the man walk away. He had started sipping his drink when the next Beowulf sat in the chair. Since the man didn't introduce himself, not that he needed to. He only offered a nod towards him. He leaned back, looking to he curtain as it started raising. Killian turned off his tablet and slid it under his arm as he set his attention to the stage.

He offered his own clap, Killian even joining in and then he was just watching the stage. He didn't immediately look to Willow, but looked to the others before he finally looked at her. His elbow moved to the table, his hand cupping his cheek as he just watched. He was keeping his face neutral, but he was honestly furious. She looked lovely, but he didn't want her dressed like that for something like this.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

“Jewel here is a purebred bunny, born here on the Beowulf estate!” The music starts as Willow and the other bunnies begin to dance. The moves are simple, meant to accent Aethel’s words while also showing Willow off. “She’s twenty-four years old and pure in more than just her breed.” Willow can’t help the deep red blush that colors her cheeks, showing through the makeup on her face. She might not have given the statement a second thought before, but if Rowan is in the audience, she can only imagine what he would think of it.

Aethel goes on to announce her age, height, and even weight before he lists off her skills in cooking and cleaning while adding ‘fun facts’ such as being the sister to two other bunnies who found a home thanks to the Beowulf events. The music starts to shift. “And wait until you hear her sing!” Willow holds her hands together in front of her again, the nerves getting bad at this point as a mic is set up for her to sing into. They’d tried to get her to sing louder in rehearsals, but inevitably it was decided she’d need the mic if anyone would be able to hear her soft vocals.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan's ear on the top of his head twitched at the announcement of her being 'pure'. He already knew that. Killian leaned down, speaking softly to him as his eyes were trained on the stage. It was loud enough for the Beowulf to hear and Rowan knew it was on purpose.

"Sounds like she's a virgin. Will be good for a first time heat breed." Rowan gave an acknowledgement sound, tilting his head enough to speak but not look away. "We'll have to ask if she's fertile if Aethel comes back." He turned his head back to the show.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

The torture finally ends with Willow finishing singing the song and the lights fade back on and Willow can finally see the audience. Her eyes go wide and her blush comes back with a vengeance as she see Rowan practically front and center - well three rows back and center. Aethel distracts her from just openly staring at Rowan as he sidles up next to her and places her hand on his arm. “He’s an interesting one, that Rowan Kimb.” He says in a low voice while motioning to the other bunnies to start mingling with the crowd.

Willow and the Beowulf stay on the dais though, Aethel staying to make sure no one is inappropriate but also to let everyone have the chance to meet Willow. She peers up at Aethel, tearing her eyes away from Rowan. “How so?” She asks.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan looked to her when she searched for him. He only offered her the barest of smiles before he was looking away at the other bunnies. He turned his head to Killian when the Omega leaned over. "I'll get you a fresh glass." The Omega stood and looked towards the other Alpha. "Fresh drink, Mister Beowulf?" He held out a hand for the glass, already holding Rowan's almost empty one.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 1 day ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Willow tries her best not to smile when she catches Rowan’s, turning her gaze to look at Aethel as he responds. “You haven’t heard of him? He estranged himself from his family, saying he didn’t want to do anything with this world.” He gestures to the room before he guides Willow to the edge of the stage to greet someone. She doesn’t pay much attention, which is fine since the man isn’t interested in really talking to her as much as watching her as he asks Aethel questions.

Meanwhile, at Rowan’s table, Xavier Jr regards the other man there for a moment before nodding curtly. “Scotch, please.”
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