Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago
Zeroth Post


The year is 1888.

Times are changing in Europe. The world hurtles towards the 20th century with great advancements in industry, culture and technology. Across the Atlantic, however, progress is a little slower.

They say that the new world was discovered when Norsemen followed a hot, red streak across the sky that sent storms of ash raging all across the world. Many hundreds of year on, this shattered continent is still untamed. The air here is thick with stories of folk who’ve witnessed things that defy reason; rivers running red, whispering woods, and dead men walking. Populated by creatures twisted by otherworldly influences, and etched with eldritch ley-lines, the American frontier is a place where European order doesn’t quite apply.

The people who have carved out lives in this rugged continent have learned to survive: but survival here means more than just battling the elements. It means confronting the unknown. There's plenty of work available, thanks to the abundance of untapped resources, but none of it is easy. Outside of major colonial settlements, wealthy industrialists known as Barons hold most of the power, employing labourers to tap into the fat of the land, and mercenaries for protection. In the frontier, progress is a double-edged sword. For every mile of track laid by the Barons, there’s a cost -- a price paid not just in sweat and toil, but in the balance of forces that have long governed the land.

Whoever you are, you're a soul making your way through the lonesome west. Perhaps you live in a cowtown on the frontier, or maybe you're a city-slicker setting out into the unknown for the first time. The frontier is a diverse place. While there are plenty of labourers working on a Baron's dime, there are mercenaries, outlaws, lawmen, prostitutes, trappers, monster hunters, gamblers, cowboys, doctors, preachers, and all manner of people. All of you, whoever you are, have two things in common. The first, you have been called by something. Something inexplicable. The sky cries out your name, beckoning you further west than you've ever been; where it's said that a raging storm never ends. Where only the natives have ever really returned from. Where skin-walkers and wendigos dwell. But also, where miracles are said to come true.

The second thing you all have in common: you're in need of a god-damned miracle.

♤ R U L E S ♤
♤ R U L E S ♤


In addition to core site rules.

Writing standards & collaborative trust

I'm looking for people with solid prose & storytelling skills. I won't set any kind of minimum post length, but I'd very much to prefer avoiding low-effort posts. If you are in a back-and-forth conversation with another character, consider working on a post collaboratively. 'Yes anding' is another reason I am looking for more confident writers. The GMs will be guiding the overall narrative of the story, but ideally we can trust everyone to push forward individual plot beats. Anything major can be discussed in the discord, but I am super happy with the idea of people improvving situations without too much micromanagement.


I am not going to tell you this RP will be historically accurate, but let's at least try and create the façade of realism. Put a little effort into making your character & posts authentic! You don't need to meticulously research the 1880s, but just be conscious of avoiding including anything ill-fitting.


As a rule of thumb, I will always consider exceptional applications, but for the most part, the group will be limited in size (for the sake of fluidity and quality). With this in mind, please be aware that applications may be rejected if they do not meet the previously outlined requirements. In the interests of wasting neither your time or the GMs', please make sure to read the rest of the rules before applying.

Mutual respect

Respect eachothers time and efforts. On hiatus? Let us know, we can figure out a way to phase your character out temporarily. However, if you disappear without communication, expect your character to be killed off. When communicating with eachother, let's keep the vibes chill. We're all here to have fun.

♤ A P P L I C A T I O N ♤
♤ A P P L I C A T I O N ♤


Submit applications through a PM with both GMs before posting in the thread. Please review setting resources in the OOC before submitting an application.

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Tlaloc
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Tlaloc Metal Fingers

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

S U P E R N A T U R A L F O R C E S & ' M A G I C K '
S U P E R N A T U R A L F O R C E S & ' M A G I C K '


In North America, supernatural energy referred to as magick is a pervasive and unpredictable force that is etched into the very fabric of the land. This magick is ancient, wild, and deeply intertwined with the natural world, often manifesting in ways that are as mysterious as they are powerful. It’s not a structured or easily controlled power but something raw and primal, governed by the land, the stars, and the spirits that inhabit both.

Magick flows through the continent itself, particularly in areas near the Storm. The soil, rocks, and even the water in these regions are infused with energy, leading to strange phenomena like glowing rivers, floating chunks of earth, and forests that whisper to those who enter. Certain plants and minerals have absorbed this magick, becoming potent ingredients for spells and rituals. Naturally, creatures have also been affected, with the most dangerous monsters in the known world dwelling within the American borderlands. Wendigos, chupacabra, yeti -- even the walking dead.

As of 1888, very little is known in terms of the scientific workings of magick. It sometimes manifests elementally, with some being able to summon fire at their fingertips. Sometimes, it involves summoning or communicating with spirits. There appears to be no distinctive limit or ruleset for magick, but the vast majority of human practitioners are unable to wield the power for long without exhausting themselves. Curiously, however, the closer one strays to the Storm at the heart of the continent, the more their powers thrive.



United States
With the exception of its East Coast, the USA is an untamed nation. Ever since European colonisers set foot on the region's soil, its distinct differences from the rest of the world were felt. This is a place where supernatural energy courses through the land, evolving and disrupting the flora and fauna in unpredictable ways. Its sprawling frontier is ever-expanding, but forever burdened with the dangers of lawlessness, border disputes, and supernatural disturbances. Despite its dangers, the frontier has an abundance of untapped resources, and thus provides a great deal of opportunities for the brave and desperate. In recent history, two wars have affected the region. First, the Mexican-American war in the 1840s, which saw Mexico cede Texas to the US. The war was also relevant due to both sides' usage of magick in battle; a practice that was mutually outlawed by both sides as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Needless to say, the second and by far the more bloody war, the American Civil War, saw widespread, covert usage of magick. Already struggling to survive in the perilous west, the Civil War nearly broke America -- but it didn't, and in 1865 the war ended with the abolition of slavery. The Southern States, still reeling from defeat, have been left with the most deep-set scars from the war, further de-stabilising the already disrupted region.

The Storm Region
What would've been the 'Mountain States' is engulfed in a persistent storm that defies natural explanation, having become the epicenter of a new kind of gold rush -- one for strange, supernatural materials that defy the laws of nature. It is believed that this region is the heart of the continent's strange, supernatural energies. Those that are able to brave the storm and return alive are said to have accrued great bounties, both materially and spiritually; but there are very few to have done so. This phenomenon has drawn opportunists, scientists, and adventurers, but also powerful interests from both within and outside the country.

Canada's role as a British stronghold in North America has been elevated due to its proximity to the mysterious materials in the Storm Region. The British are heavily investing in scientific and military expeditions to explore and exploit these resources, often competing directly with American and Russian interests. The Canadian government, largely a puppet of British interests, supports these efforts, though there is a growing unease among the Canadian populace about the dangers posed by these unnatural pursuits.

Russian Empire
Russia's North American colony is centered around Neo-Novgorod, often referred to as Novgorodka, a burgeoning port and military outpost that serves as the launch point for Russian expeditions into the interior (modern-day Vancouver). The Russians are keenly interested in the supernatural materials found in the Storm Region and are engaged in a fierce competition with both the Americans and the British for control over these resources.

Native Americans
The Native American territories range from a patchwork of smaller nations, to vast, untouched regions. While many tribes were displaced during the westward expansion of European colonies, others have managed to hold onto their lands, often in areas now considered too dangerous or too strange for widespread settlement. Due to centuries of experience with the continent's ruthless supernatural qualities, the Natives are comfortable dwelling in areas that colonisers fear.



Texas Rangers
In remote areas of Texas, the only source of lawkeeping outside of local Sheriffs is via the rangers. Tasked with travelling the lands in search of threats to society and rooting them out, the Texas Rangers are usually occupied with monsters, pirates and outlaws. Some rangers are known to dabble in forms of magick to help uphold peace in the frontier.

The Barons
Though not an organised group, the colloquially named 'Barons' are a group of extremely wealthy industrialists and tycoons who sweep the frontier in search of its natural riches. Despite being despised by many for their greed, the Barons are accepted by most due to the jobs that they provide. Employing thousands to build, mine, harvest, and protect, the Barons' power and influence increases the further from the East Coast one goes. In frontier states like Texas, the land is just as much under the Barons' watch as it is the government's.

Security Agencies
Outside of heavily populated areas, there is a heavy presence of various security agencies. Often hired by Barons, the agencies are elite paramilitary that protect the interests of the highest bidders. Unlike lawmen of the United States, they rarely care about jusitce, and are instead much more interested in getting paid. If you ever cross someone of prominent wealth in the West, be warned, as you may be paid a visit by a private agent.

Rio Grande pirates
Marking the border between Mexico and the United States, the Rio Grande is one of the most prominent rivers in the continent. It is also seeped in strange arcane energy, and has resisted any and all attempts to be quelled by either bordering nation. Thus, it is rife with crime. Pirates and smugglers from both countries, as well as the Carribean, make their berth on the Rio Grande, frequently raiding coastal settlements around the continent.

A M I S T A D , T X
A M I S T A D , T X


Amistad, Texas, is a rugged and rapidly growing boom-town in the untamed frontier of southern Texas, just north of the Rio Grande. Originally a small, temporary settlement for travelers and traders, in the last three years it has evolved into a more permanent town with a core population of several dozen hardy souls who have chosen to make it their home. These residents have carved out a hardscrabble existence amidst the challenges of the frontier, drawn by the promise of opportunity, even as the town remains a crossroads for transient workers, drifters, and adventurers chasing fortune or escape. The town’s layout is simple but functional, with a main street lined with wooden buildings; a general store, a blacksmith, an infirmary, and a modest inn. The heart of Amistad is its bustling saloon, 'The Kiskadee Cantina', where locals and visitors alike gather to drink, gamble, and exchange news. The dusty streets are often filled with the sounds of hammers striking nails, as new buildings are constantly being erected to accommodate the influx of people.

Despite its small size, Amistad is a place of constant movement, with new faces arriving daily, some staying for only a few days, others longer as they prospect, ranch, or trade. The transient population often doubles or even triples the number of people in town, bringing with them stories of the frontier, rumors of riches, and the occasional trouble. The town's proximity to the Rio Grande makes it a strategic location, but also a dangerous one. The town is ever-watchful for the threat of attacks from pirates and outlaws who roam the borderlands, seeking to plunder the wealth passing through. The people of Amistad have learned to be cautious and well-armed, with every able-bodied man and woman ready to defend the town should needs must.

Adding to the already abundant dangers, the surrounding wilderness is home to creatures born from the strange magick that has seeped into the land. These monsters occasionally stray too close to Amistad, posing a deadly threat to anyone outside the town's perimeter. The Texas Rangers, however, frequently patrol the area, keeping these supernatural threats at bay and ensuring that the town remains a relatively safe haven in an otherwise perilous land.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Festive
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Festive "Aut Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam"

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Let's get this party of this rolling!
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Tlaloc
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Tlaloc Metal Fingers

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Amistad, TX

1- The Kiskadee Cantina:
The busiest place in town; the local saloon. Ran by Ol' McRiley.
2- Morales' Eatery:
A proto-café where meals and coffees are served. Used predominantly by workers and travelers.
3- Haven Inn:
Accommodations for travelers and temporary residents, which make up a large percentage of the town.
4- Infirmary:
A small medical clinic headed by Nurse Davis.
5- St. Joseph's:
A Christian church; sometimes used as a community center. Currently lacking a permanent priest.
6- Town Hall:
The administrative center for the town. The workplace of Mayor Davis.
7- Sheriff’s Office:
The law enforcement center. Has a small jail in-built.
8- Bank:
A small financial building wherein townspeople may deposit money, or request loans.
9- General Store:
A central hub for purchasing food, tools, clothing, and other essentials.
10- de Groot's Barbershop:
A place for haircuts, shaves, and sometimes informal news exchanges.
11- Hadfield's Bakery:
A shop wherein bread and other baked goods are made and sold.
12- Rangers’ Safehouse:
A building used by Texas Rangers when they are in the area; also accessible by the Sheriff.
13- Schoolhouse:
A small, one-room building in which the town's children are schooled.
14- Campbell & Sons Blacksmith:
A workshop for metalworking, horseshoeing, and repair work.
15- Saw Mill:
For processing timber into usable wood for building, most of which is used in the town itself.
16- Assay Office:
A place where miners could have their precious metals tested and valued.
17- Livery Stable:
A facility for boarding and renting horses.
18- Depot:
A station where stagecoaches stop to pick up and drop off passengers and mail. Doubles as a post office.
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