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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 6 days ago

Welcome to your destiny! Oh great heroes!

or villains

In the fantastical world of Harvess, the vast kingdom of Ceosia governs over most humans within the realm. Through the authority of the church of light, the royal family ensures peace and prosperity through the lands, driving off evil that would prey upon humanity. The recent cataclysm has, however, brought chaos and disorder to the realm. Amidst the rapid forced reincarnation of many from another world, most were converted into children of Hecate, monsters naturally aligned with the demon king and his ilk. A fair amount were allowed to be reborn under the church and the College, but the favored few who made contracts with the Sacred Artifacts of the paladin order, naturally became paladins themselves. The public looks to these heroes to restore order and keep the peace.

Ceosia has several orders that act as the cornerstones to their civilization. These are, The Order of Light, The Order of The Paladins, The Order of the Magi, The Order of Harvest, The Order of Commerce, The Order of Shadow, The Order of Law, and the Central Order. All governed by the royal family and their personal knights.

- The Order of Light is the holy church and religion of Ceosia. They worship a divine being referred to simply as 'The Light', the true name of the deity has been lost to time. A creator deity, brother to the wicked Goddess Hecate and Rival to her spouse, Lucifer, The First Demon.
The Church's hierarchy is governed at the top by the Pope, who also acts as an advisor to the royal family, thus wielding even more political power than the other heads of their respective orders. Following this hierarchy are the Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests. The duties of the Church is to uphold religious values and tradition, retain worship and govern prayer and sacrifices. Those considered 'blessed' by the light have the power and authority to wield miracles, situational powers invoked by The Light himself. Any of the orders that have this blessing are referred to as Clerics. Monks are those under the order who have trained in spiritual power, similar to the Paladins, though with a focus on blunt instruments or hand-to-hand. A monk can also be a cleric. Inquisitors are monks that take missions under the church to act as their own form of 'paladin', though they don't have any sacred artifacts of their own.

- The Order of Paladins are a sacred order that governs over the Sacred Artifacts. Weapons forged by dwarves with the slain or sacrificed souls of powerful beings, chosen only to those they make a contract with that would reincarnate into this world. They are the hero-makers, an order that garners the most public favor. Aside from training the destined heroes, their ranks also consist of knights and squires; Warriors without a contract of a sacred artifacts, and servants to the heroes respectively. Beneath their grand Barracks in the capitol lies a labyrinth that imprisons and stores the great variety of artifacts that are presently ownerless. All members are trained to use Spiritual Power alongside martial arts, for the heroes this extends to training with their soul-bonded artifact. Knights and paladins are ranked as bronze, silver, gold, and platinum respectively, all heroes are at least ranked as silver. As squires are more of glorified servants, they are stuck at rank bronze.

- The Order of the Magi is the Educational Order of the Kingdom. In addition to providing standard education, they are also in charge of the Mage College Sarafel, and all things 'magical' within the kingdom's provinces aside from the Paladins. As both the Church and Paladins are skeptical of magic, these orders do not get along well with the Order of the Magi, and are often at the center of political conflict. Students that only know a little magic are referred to as Magicians. Apprentices are the next step up, and following them is the rank of Sage, and Mage respectively. Those that are able to use Sorceries are called sorcerers, and vocation spells Wizards. (A wizard can also be a sorcerer.)

- The Orders of Harvest, Commerce, and Law are all purely civil divisions of orders. The Order of Shadows is the underbelly of Ceosia. On the service they are something of a 'intelligence' group, having trained professional scouts and rangers to provide information. But discreetly they also handle less publicly known positions. Hired Criminals, Assassins, Black Market dealings and what have you. In relation to the Adventurer's Guild, they provide scouts to assist parties with travels and information relevant to any given quest. With the exception of any individual obtaining magical items, the order of the shadows do not have any means of supernatural training. Instead, they have more practical skills of stealth, trap-disarming, basic combat and martial arts, underhanded tactics and what have you. A classic rogue.

- The Adventurer's Guild is the Central Order of Ceosia, one that unifies all other orders under their employment. The guild provides a sort of hub for these various groups, letting them take commissioned assignments. Anyone can make commission requests, for a fee ofcourse, and jobs can vary wildly. From bounties set on monsters and criminals, to escorting wandering travelers from one town or city to another, to finding rare materials or even hunt down the demon king himself. As a freelance nature of employment, it is up to individuals to take what jobs they wish, incentive by whatever rewards the contractor provides for their quest. It is common for adventurers to form teams or parties.

Ideally I would like the guild based characters to have all formed a team for sake of simplicity. You can all vote democratically on what mission/quest to take from the bounty board, and that'll be the focus of each rp segment. You are also free to have your own villain PCs hunted or otherwise intervene in the quests if you wish.

Revived from dying in another world, it's been roughly 1 year (Not everyone was reborn at the same time.) since the cataclysm first started. There's been some time for most to have been trained properly, but some can be brand new and just arrived if you wish. You have the option to know other reincarnated characters in their past life, including player characters, as long as both agree/talk it out of course. Even if your character didn't get a weapon contract, they typically have great potential to learn faster and easier then people of the native world.

For Paladins:
The contract you make with your sacred artifact has soul-bonded the two of you until death. At any time you can summon the weapon and you're able to magically transform into your paladin form when you use your weapon (Think magical girl transformation but for knights, though you can be creative with your suit of armor, it doesn't necessarily have to be armor visually.)
All Paladins have spiritual power training which means that even without their transformation they have superhuman stats, but transforming into their knight form further amplifies their spiritual power. Additionally their magical weapon has a unique property and one special move it can use.

Spiritual power varies with individuals, typically speaking each rank can be considered a 'tier' above the former in general strength, though stats like speed and durability don't have to be split evenly with strength. If your character specializes in any given trait over others, be sure to mention that, otherwise it assumes they follow an even spread. As a general rule of thumb, a Paladin that specializes in one stat will be roughly equal in that same stat to a Paladin of one rank higher, (whereas stats include strength, speed, durability.) but as a consequence will have their other stats on the same level as a Paladin ranked lower.

For Magi:

Consider your rank first, Magician, Apprentice, Sage, Mage, wizard

Magician will only know up to 2 spells, and maybe some rituals. Apprentice will know at 4 spells and typically will have at least a familiar contract and a catalyst. A sage can learn up to 6 spells and one mastery spell (Infusion spells or Compound Vocations, or otherwise a very big/powerful spell), A mage knows 8 spells and two mastery spell, and wizards 10 with three masteries.

Note: you do not need to reach the spell limit to reach a rank. In theory you can know only one spell and still ascend the magic ranks if your magic is powerful enough, or otherwise experienced.

You can also list up to three ritual spells if your character is nerdy enough, regardless of rank.

Also consider what element your character has an affinity too. If you're at least a sage, you may also have unlocked a secondary element. Unlike your primary affinity, which is determined at birth, a secondary affinity is unlocked through a special connection with meditation and ritual through another element.

It is recommended, but not required, to have either a form of catalyst or a familiar if you are at least an apprentice, both if you are a sage or higher.

Grimoires are tools spellcasters use to study and record spells, sometimes they can draw power from them, particularly for rituals, so they are an optional but common tool among magi.

Elemental affinities are important as they determine what kind of sorceries and vocations you can cast.

You do not need to be able to cast sorceries to cast vocational magic, nor vise versa.

Signature spells refer to either Compound Vocations or Infused Vocations. If you don't cast vocational magic this can instead be just compound sorceries.

If you have a familiar, they can have one spell you can cast from them. If the spell is an invocation, the warlock curse will not affect you, but may curse the familiar similarly if they aren't a demon or other dark being. (Likewise, such a being wouldn't be able to have an evocation as their spell.) Instead of a spell, they can have a 'combat form' if you want to be more of a summoner.

For else: Standard equipment and any important details. if you wanna get by with just a magic item or something you can submit your ideas to me or ask for some ideas on my end if you aren't sure. If you plan on playing a cleric, keep in mind miracles aren't magic. You pray to the light and if it works, the light will offer you assistance based on the prayer. There is a limit to how often it'll work (think three times per adventure, mileage may very depending upon how big that miracle was) so keep that in mind. Its not a reliable power system but more like a 'minor wish' that can be ignored. Note Only magi can use magic, ignoring magic items of course. You can only be 'attuned' to three magical items. For paladins their contract also counts as a magical item.

I believe I left some details for the Children of Hecate monsters that people can be reincarnated to in the interest check, if you are interested in that you can DM me for more details.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 6 days ago





Backstory (Primarily what they were doing in the normal world before dying, maybe how they died, and if they did anything in the new world prior to the rp like training, or if they are just being reborn JUST BEFORE the start of the IC.)

Appearance: Paladins get their knight form to describe too.

TYPE: (Paladin, Magi, Skinwalker, etc.)

Rank: (As a refresher, general ranks for paladin (And people and monsters tend to rank themselves in the same tier as a reference.) Bronze, Iron, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Mythril.
For magi they are ranked as Magician, Apprentice, Sage, Mage, Wizard, Archwizard.

(note, avoid mythril/archwizard rank for now. The else are fair game.

For Paladin Weapons and familiars try to include a mini-backstory and deal for them to. Remember that before being turned into weapons, the souls within them were once a powerful monster or something. Its more optionally, especially if the artifact has lost its awareness you won't need to include it. But an idea on personality would be good if that isn't the case.

List of your powers/spells.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 6 days ago

For characters you can put them in OOC or PM me for me to review.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Kharne Blackmantle

Age: 24



Kharne is a behemoth of a man standing at six feet and nine inches and built like a heavy weight boxer. His skin is lightly tanned with dozens of scars crisscrossing it. His clothing is made from dyed silk, dark smokey gray sleeveless shirt and black pants. He provided the silk making it as strong as some armors that exist! His belt, bracer, wrist-band, and fur-lined boots are made from blackened leather.

Monster Form

He has not mastered his beast and is only able to turn into this monstrous unfinished form. Muscle and sinew are visible instead of smooth chitin. He's still gigantic in this form and can produce poison and webbing.

TYPE: Spider Skinwalker

Rank: Gold

  • Piercing Cleaver: A huge cleaver, roughly four feet long eight inches wide and half an inch thick, made of well polished iron that has a wedge on the back. The grip is made of a stained mahogany and has a patina covered brass pommel and 'cross-guard'.
  • Monster Silk Clothing: Simple garb made from his silk that is akin to armor without the weight and movement hampering. The coloring is dull and blends in to non-vibrant backgrounds. The leather belt and wrist-band are studded with iron spikes, his boots and bracer are lined with fur, and his fingerless glove is silk.
  • Bag of Things: A small back that is at the small of his back attached to his belt. It's a magical item that holds more than it should be capable of. It holds a couple water-skins, a bottle of wine, a special flask, money, and numerous meaty snacks from various creatures.

  • Monstrous Capabilities: Given that Kharne is a Skinwalker he is unnaturally powerful. His strength is immense, his speed unreal, and his reflexes frightening for such a young Skinwalker, possibly from his hunting habits and being of the Spider background.
  • Monstrous Defenses: As a Skinwalker he is resistant to most damages, minus silver of course, and has regenerative capabilities considering only decapitation seems to be what can kill him.
  • Spider Traits: He's a spider type, he has webs. No it doesn't just come from above his butt, he can spit it with his mouth. The webbing is quite strong and durable, able to easily keep a horse aloft. They can be sticky or they can be more like silk from moth larvae. As a spider he does house poison glands. Granted his won't kill someone unless he just injects the whole payload. But a bite can cause incredible pain, inflammation in the bite area, and fevers.
  • Champion: In his previous life he was a fighter, specifically Boxing and Kick Boxing. He was a natural at punching and kicking things, so much so he got into the big leagues with his skills.
  • Boost!: Using his limited magical capabilities he can increase his physical capabilities by 1.5x. This only affects his Strength, Speed, and Reflexes. The Boost effect is toggled on and off via his equipment, One Round on One Round off.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 6 days ago


so far everything's fine-ish, with exception to the boost magic. As defined this would be an alteration magic but he can't cast white magic being cursed as a skinwalker. If it was imbued to an item instead that could work. Alternatively if you were to use the invocation version, transmutation, you can use it to say change his physical biology to increase muscle mass and such for the slight edge? But it would only effect power in that example.

However if he's using his own mana to cast a spell and not something bound to an object, he'll still need three sources of elements to cast a transmutation/alteration spell. In both cases they require Earth Fire and Spirit. Since he's only magician rank, he wouldn't have a second element. So in addition to listing what his primary element is the other two sources would have to come from a catalyst and a familiar.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PapiTan
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PapiTan local trash panda

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 6 days ago


you can go ahead and put this into character tab
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PapiTan
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PapiTan local trash panda

Member Seen 3 days ago

Biff boff, into the tab it goes!
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Snagglepuss89 approved character! you can go ahead and put in ooc
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Archazen character has been approved!
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 24 days ago

Yo, had a lot going on for a bit, but wanted to try and join the discord, the link was timed and is no longer available. @BayRat
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 6 days ago


Whoops just saw this now.

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