Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago
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♤ P L A Y E R C H A R A C T E R S ♤
♤ P L A Y E R C H A R A C T E R S ♤


" T H O S E W H O ' V E H E A R D T H E C A L L I N G . . . "
" T H O S E W H O ' V E H E A R D T H E C A L L I N G . . . "


As played by @Tlaloc


As played by @Festive


As played by @TaintedMushroom


As played by @Archazen


As played by @Cool Ghoul


As played by @Skelm


As played by @Bayrat


As played by @JJ Doe

♤ N P C s ♤
♤ N P C s ♤


Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Tlaloc
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Tlaloc Metal Fingers

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "


" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "
" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "


" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "


" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "
" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "

" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "
" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "

" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "
" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "

" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "

" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "
" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Festive
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Festive "Aut Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam"

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" G U I L L E B U R N E R "
" G U I L L E B U R N E R "


" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "
" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "


" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "


" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "
" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "

47 years

June 2nd, 1841

6'1 ft

195 lbs




" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "
" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "


"Yer acting like ya don' even know me."

Guillermo is often silent, a man of few words outwardly as to not reveal who is to the town folk. The demeanor he wears is often cold, closing most out but the rare few who are able to crack out a bit of his personality. Although to most, he is closed off. Keeping a wall around his mightier than Hadrian's. However as cold as a man he presents, he shows kindness to those deserving, with a soft spot for the animals of the frontier whose nature was free of the supernatural energy. Guillermo is a changed man than he was over a decade prior, he has mellowed. The spitful nature he held as a young man had almost faded from his being in times other than rage.

Out on the frontier, nature is the devil and its creations are its demons. Despite having been raised as a child religiously, he was faithless. To him, there were no gods of this land. His morals stood gray and his philosophy asunder, changing his ways to fit the situation at hand. He is a man who yearns for a normal life, but has yet to atone for his sins of the past. There is silt is on his hands, but to Guillermo? It was a necessary evil for his survival.

" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "
" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "

"Describe myself? Ya got eyes, don'tcha?"

Years of running brings naught but fatigue to the face. Guillermo is a man whose age rears it and dares not to hide, he bears a face riddled with a full beard of dirt-colored hair, ragged and jagged in spots he had cut down with his knife whilst on the road. The top of his head was overrun by a full mane of short-length hair which curled as it lay in place. The face of Guillermo continued to sport the same look throughout his adult life, a stern-looking (by most accounts), straight-faced stare. His eyes were low, the bags under his eyes stood still in time like the scars that lay scattered around his body. The body of which stood with a tall stature, with the muscles from his younger days persisting til the present; life on the frontier wasn't easy.

The garb of a survivalist is one of practicality. Upon his shoulders Guillermo sported a dusty brown leather jacket, one stressed with the years of travel and utility. Atop the jacket, slung across one of his shoulders lay a bandolier strapped tight to his chest, and around the other lay loosely his saving grace; his rifle. And the sombrero he first found (stole) when he came to America sat on top of his dome. His old dusty and dirty white shirt peaking from beneath his jacket as it floats around the denim on his legs, which stretch all the way down to his black pair of boots.

" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "

"Que? Oh, I was born in Mexico, survived the war, and been out here ever since."

Under the blanketing light of a candle that burned ever so dimly against the clouded Californian sky, and the unlockable screams of a woman who yearned for the trials of motherhood, a long-awaited child was yielded to the couple who were surrounded by the graceful presence of close friends and family. Guillermo was nothing if not the child of abject wonder. Born from the barren womb many a doctor claimed would never bear the fruit that is children, the life force the boy was given to run this game we call life came with the loss of his mother; a handmaiden Isabella Rojas.

Following the loss of his mother, an inkling of a picture-perfect life for Guillermo was ripped asunder. His father, Marco Perez, stood as a general within the Mexican army, and owner of many a rancho across the San Diego territory, and provided nothing but a void of the parental love assumed by many to be oh-so guaranteed to the boy with the incredible nature of his birth. A baby who sought the bosom of a loving mother and the gentle grasp of an adoring father was met with but the child surface of an iron chassis that held sustenance and the disregarding touch of the very same maidens who worked beside his mother. There was no heart, a life void of the assuring touch of love which allows one to see the world for the green it is rather than solely the gray. As the years passed in but merely a blur past his eyes, and for the first time in years, Guillermo had once again seen the man who had aided in giving him life, returned from the war with the Americans. In front of him stood a man whose life had been changed on a level irreversible by even the most skilled Native Shaman. Was he different? Could he be different? Guillermo held a staunch indifference, the man in military garb, wounded all over with bandages wrapped around several parts of his body had never been a father to him.

As more years flew by with a pace unmatched the man who gave him life soon lost his own. Free of the master that held him in shackles to the grounds of the Perez home, Guillermo took off like the blowing wind. A man fresh of the master who held his shackles tight to the home, Guillermo took a sprint under the never-ending void of the night sky. A newfound vigor coursing through his bloodstream like a drug led Guillermo down to the estate's stable. Within the confines a horse lay in wait beyond the stable doors, a stallion bearing a mane of butterscotch brown, a tad shorter than the lot; the runt of the pack. "Ascuas" as he had come to call him, was the one thing who had stuck by his side for the long run, and Guillermo wasn't leaving without his prized mount. Both wearing that same spark within their eyes, they took off. Led by the dazzling light of the moon to far beyond the bounds of the place of his birth.

Life upon the frontier lands had been a far cry from the rose-tinted view many on the coast had uttered. Coined as a land with unlimited opportunities the tales and odes seem to overshine the reality of the stories told under pit fire light in the wee hours of the night. Through his travels, there have been many a time his survival seemed near to zero, and yet he continued. Guillermo hunted, living off the land. He learned from the many native tribes who had added the young man in his desperate times, taking on traits and acquiring skills, he had learned more on the land than he did during his years with a teacher. Although the land was his mother during his numerous escapades, Guillermo was not shy to steal. A petty little thief, whose hands latched on to whatever lay unattended within his reach.

A man of but twenty years of age, the day the news of a war between America and itself broke to Guillermo, it was the point of no return in his lifetime. In times of war, the only side that wins is the one that makes the most money. Like the conniving thief he was, Guillermo used the distress of all to take advantage of both sides. The fire, the brilliantly striking inferno of his hate was the only thing that marked the scene after his robberies. "Burner" was the moniker the infantry slapped upon his name. Like a flame snuffed out, he was in as quickly as he was out. The young man was now treated as an outlaw by both U.S.A. and C.S.A. lawmen. Guillermo stuck his reign of terror all across the South and Midwest; stealing and burning as cascade of national guardsmen followed close in his wake. With the end of the war on the horizon, Guillermo retreated back into the depths of the frontier.

" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "
" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "

"Ya got good booze, some good folk too."

With the year of his age creeping up ever so quickly, and his days as one of the most wanted criminals on the Gulf Coast a bygone era of regret, Guillermo sought an area void of the papers of his face, void of the bounty on his head, and far, fringe regions of western Texas, nestled into the Rio Grande was the perfect place. It was discreet, and had a high enough population to blend in with hoping his now-aged face would block recognition. After years in the grueling years in the prairies and plains of the midwest, tucked in the shadows hiding all trace of himself from bounty hunters and rangers seeking the prize for his head, the isolation had finally broken him. The town was his return to civilization, and while he didn't live in the town proper his little tent on the outskirts of the town limits kept him connected, and with his secret hidden for the time being, he will stay for as he can.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by TaintedMushroom
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
"W E S T L E Y M A S T O N"
" W E S T L E Y M A S T O N "


" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "
" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "


" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "


" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "
" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "


June 15th, 1844


178 pounds


" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "
" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "

”I”m a bad, bad man.”

Life for Westley has been an ugly affair, and as such has produced an even uglier man. Callous, cold, quick to anger, and quick to the trigger all describe Westley. Westley’s Irish blood runs strong in his veins, and his anger and rage have typically landed him in hot water that he’s rarely been opposed to fighting his way out of. He wasn’t always so brash, but Westley has endured things no man should have to and has long since grown to believe his attempts at leading a decent life will lead to naught but ruin for himself and those surrounding him. As a result he’s grown into a selfish and aggressive man who tends to stick out only for himself and is motivated purely by greed and self interest.

Once upon a time, in a younger man's day, Westley could have been called idealistic, kind, courageous, even perhaps a hero. In fact, on the day he turned 18 Westley left home to join the Union. Westley’s service record was remarkable, and the medals he’d brought home supported this. But it was the darker things that he brought home that left more of a mark on his life than medals or valor. The things he’d experienced in the war left scars too deep for any to see, scars that would twist and distort how Westley would see the world and navigate its choices. The boy who’d left was far from the damaged man who’d returned. It was definitive to say the least that going to war had changed the trajectory of Westley’s life in ways that not much else could.

" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "
" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "

Westley stands at an imposing six foot four inches but carries a wiry lithe frame that one would say is on the edge of being healthy for his size. He wears an eye patch over his left eyes from an injury he suffered during his time as a soldier. He has long blonde hair and sports a medium length goatee and a slightly pointed mustache. Westley’s gear and clothing all show age and wear with much of his clothing itself being patchwork. The two most well maintained possessions would be his trusty rifle and the revolver he keeps at his side, both of which shine in the light but also sport signs of generous usage. Nothing else on Westley’s person indicates any sense of value, even his hat is worn and ragged from the many years it’s protected him from the sun.

" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "

Westley was born in 1844 to two parents of Irish immigrants who settled in the greater Cincinnati area. He was the youngest of two and his family was catholic and as such struggled with many aspects of immigrating to the US. the Mastons were a family of simple farmers who tilled the field and spent the majority of their time handling the responsibilities that came along with their small homestead and as such led a simple life. In 1846 Westley’s father left home to participate in the Mexican American war, it was his belief that it was their duty as aspiring citizens and immigrants. Unfortunately two years after he’d left to fight the Mastons received news their father had fallen in battle. Westley was only 4 when he’d lost his father and the Maston family’s course took a turn for darker roads.

Growing up without their father made life difficult, Westley’s older brother, William, had to step up and assume many of the responsibilities left behind by their father. Westley himself was also required to step up and share this burden with his brother as soon as he was able. Their mother unfortunately struggled with coping with the loss of their father and the relationship between the three grew tenuous over the years. Westley grew resentful of his mother and the responsibilities thrust upon him from such an early age and constantly found himself at odds with his brother who had more sympathy for the plight of their mother. All the while their mother had become a shell of a person after the death of their father. As the years grew so did the divide growing between Westley and the rest of his family.

In 1861 at the start of the civil war Westley demanded to be allowed to serve. It was always his belief that his father’s sacrifice had been him doing his duty and believed likewise that it was his duty to serve as war was once again breaking out. His mother and brother were in stark contrast to this opinion, having blamed the late Maston’s sense of duty for his untimely death and the burdens that were left behind. What little semblance of a familial relationship they had soon began to fray under the tensions created by these differences. Westley was not allowed to join the Union until 1862 after he turned 18 and declared that his family no longer had any say over what he chose to do. Westley felt no need to look back as he left home behind to join the Civil War.

War, duty, hell. Westley was abruptly humbled upon his enlistment with the Union. Life as a soldier was far from what he’d grown up romanticizing as a kid and it was hard to imagine how his father had determined that this was what mattered. Regardless he put his all into it and turned out to be a remarkable soldier, but the things he was forced to witness would forever retain a place in his soul. Westley remained with the Union until its eventual victory and was discharged with a handful of accolades and medals, but also a handful of injuries and a fractured mind. On returning home he’d expected the reception of a war hero, instead his mother and brother demanded he leave. Words were exchanged and things escalated, to this day it’s hard for Westley to explain just how his brother ended up dead, but he did. After that Westley left, as far as his mother was concerned both of her sons had died that day, she’d said so herself.

The years that followed were remarkably cruel to Westley, any endeavor he attempted often ended in failure and he found it difficult to maintain any sort of relationship with people. For years he merely wandered from place to place doing whatever he needed to keep himself kicking. Eventually, as things grew harder, the list of lines that he once told himself he’d never cross was steadily growing smaller and smaller. Eventually he picked up a gun and took to bounty hunting when necessary, sometimes an outlaw would be at the end of the barrel, other times maybe a lone unsuspecting fool that would provide Westley the resources to get by for a few more days. Westley tried to be moral when he could but when survival was on the line he found himself often willing to sacrifice those morals to keep himself kickin’. Regardless he did his utmost to keep things quiet, avoiding the idea of any sort of large crimes or extensive robbery.

As time has marched on Westley has found himself spending more time bounty hunting and pursuing security or mercenary work. For the most part he’s merely traveled like a nomad, refusing to place down any sort of long term roots for fear of the chaos and calamity that tends to follow him.

" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "
" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "

Westley finds himself in Amistad as the end of another security contract approaches. The recent caravan he’d been traveling with had been uneventful, lucrative even. But they were growing familiar with Westley, attached even. Both of these things spoke to a darker anxiety deep in Westley that drove him to quickly determine that at their next stop he’d have to find alternative employment. Westley was adept in many skills that were invaluable on the road and thus typically had no trouble finding a caravan hiring protection. Alternatively he might spend a few days resting his legs, give his horse some time off the long road, and check up on the local bounty board for some short term work. All in all Westley found himself in Amistad by chance, convenience, fate perhaps? An inexplicable pull westward had been drawing Westley further and further west but it was hard to really determine why. And so Westley found himself in Amistad awaiting the fingers of fate to work their way across the threads of destiny. He had no idea why.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Archazen
Avatar of Archazen


Member Seen 9 hrs ago

" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" S I R R E G I N A L D H A W T H O R N E "
" S I R R E G I N A L D H A W T H O R N E "


" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "
" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "

Sir Reginald Percival Hawthorne

" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "

Surrey, Great Britain

" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "
" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "


April 15th, 1843



Caucasian (British)

" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "
" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "

"Ah, where to begin? I suppose one could say I am a connoisseur.."

Reginald is a man of refined manners and impeccable etiquette, a relic of a bygone era. Outwardly, he presents himself with the poise and dignity befitting his former station as a butler. His speech is measured, his attire always immaculate, and his demeanor unflinchingly polite. Yet, beneath this veneer of civility lies a mind fractured by tragedy and vengeance.

Reginald is a man who has nothing left to lose. His actions are guided by a personal code of justice, often placing him at odds with the law. While he retains the grace and precision of his former life, his actions are now driven by a sense of liberation from societal constraints.

Despite his descent into psychosis, Reginald harbors a deep disdain for those he deems beneath him. He views the downtrodden and the less fortunate with contempt, seeing them as a reflection of the world’s decay. His interactions are marked by a curious blend of gentility and menace, a testament to the duality of his nature.

In the harsh landscape of the Wild West, Reginald stands out as an enigma. He is a man who adheres to his own set of rules, unbound by societal norms. His journey is one of navigating a world that has taken everything from him, seeking moments of peace amidst the chaos. Though his hands are stained with blood, he sees his actions as a necessary evil, a means to an end in his fractured reality.

" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "
" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "

“Must I truly indulge in such trivial inquiries? Very well, if you insist on knowing the superficial details of my appearance…”

Reginalde’s appearance remains a testament to his unwavering commitment to refinement, despite the chaos that surrounds him. His face is adorned with a meticulously groomed, small curled moustache, adding a touch of old-world charm to his stern countenance. Perched atop his head is a pristine bowler hat, always perfectly positioned, a symbol of his enduring elegance.

His right eye is framed by a polished monocle, which he adjusts with a practiced hand, lending an air of sophistication to his piercing gaze. His eyes, though shadowed by the weight of his past, remain sharp and observant, ever vigilant.

Reginald’s attire is the epitome of immaculate. He dons a pristine black suit, tailored to perfection, with not a single thread out of place. The suit is complemented by a crisp white shirt and a perfectly knotted black tie. His polished black shoes gleam with a mirror-like finish, reflecting his dedication to maintaining his appearance.

In his hand, he carries a long black cane, an elegant accessory that complements his refined demeanour. The cane is a symbol of his dual nature: refined on the surface, yet capable of swift and decisive action.

" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "

"a tapestry of refinement and ruin. Once a butler in England, now a wanderer.."

The lights, casting a yellow hue across the devastated room, swayed gently, revealing the scattered bodies, blood stains, and shattered china plates. Amidst the chaos stood the man responsible, his presence both commanding and eerie. He meticulously wiped his cane, the instrument of his grim symphony with which he orchestrated his melody of destruction with chilling precision.

Reginald, once the dignified butler, now fugitive, maintained an air of unsettling calm. His sharp, black suit remained immaculate, a stark contrast to the carnage around him. His posture was impeccable, exuding an eerie sense of control and refinement despite the surrounding chaos. His cane, a simple yet elegant accessory, was now the symbol of his dark revelation. His eyes, cold and calculating, scanned the room with a detached sense of satisfaction, as if each fallen body was a note in his macabre composition. The room, once a place of opulence and order, now lay in ruins, a testament to his wrath and the meticulous nature of his vengeance.

And the reason for his vengeance was clear: they were responsible for the death of his niece. This act of retribution was not just a crime but a deeply personal symphony of justice, driven by the loss of the only family he had left. The memory of his niece’s innocent smile haunted him, fueling his resolve as he exacted his revenge. Each strike of his cane was a note in the requiem for his lost family, a testament to the depths of his sorrow and the intensity of his wrath.

" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "
" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "

“Must we persist with these incessant questions? Very well, if you must know.."

The act of vengeance marked the beginning of Reginald’s descent into madness, a journey where societal norms no longer held sway over him. The murder of his employers shattered his moral compass, leaving him adrift in a sea of chaos and anarchy. Drawn by an inexplicable pull, he felt compelled to head west—a land of lawlessness and opportunity. The untamed frontier seemed to call to the turmoil within him, mirroring his fractured mind and new life.

The journey was arduous, but this magnetic pull drove him forward, seeking solace in the vast, untamed landscapes that reflected his own turbulent soul. Each step he took was a note in a new, discordant symphony, the rhythm of his cane against the ground echoing the beat of his fractured mind. The Wild West, with its boundless horizons and rugged terrain, offered a sanctuary where he could confront the darkness within him and live by his own rules.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Cool Ghoul
Avatar of Cool Ghoul

Cool Ghoul Really a Ghoul, Thanks for Asking

Member Seen 2 days ago

" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" D E T L E V S C H Ä F E R "
" D E T L E V S C H Ä F E R "


" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "
" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "


" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "


" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "
" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "


Midsummer, 1841

6’ 2”


German American

" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "
" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "

“To preoccupy oneself with interpersonal trivia in times as wholly dark and grim as these is, I must say, ill-advised, given there are other, more important avenues to commit one’s time… However, in the interests of being forthcoming, I will oblige, if you will deign to keep your expectations humble.”

Detlev was a man of stoic bearing, his rough exterior long-hardened by the myriad horrors he’d witnessed in darker, mercifully-distant days. A living testament of the dire threats coiled tight around the heart of the Frontier, with their secret intricacies scribbled upon his mind and flesh in a plethora of gouges and scars, he’d long since committed his life to hunting darkness wherever it may propagate. Whether in the shadow of beasts and monsters, or within the hearts of men broken and lost, he ensures they either fall before him, or he dies in the attempt.

Yet there’s more to him than that - the shadows he casts stretch longer than most, and those attuned with the distortionary magic of the Frontier would sense a ghostly aura about him. It is said in certain mythological tales that those who have witnessed death in abundance throughout their lives are marked by it, a sign of misfortune to those who walk at their side, yet through exposure, comes familiarity, and that, in turn, begets comfort. As such, Detlev doesn’t much fear death - and as such, puts no stock in fighting to deter it, as others often do.

" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "
" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "

“Scars aren’t lessons, as some would hasten to tell you - they’re empty vessels, reminders of lost things you can’t ever get back, important things. Tell me, friend… What have you lost? What do you wish you could hold so very tight in your grasp, one final time?”

A veritable shade of a man, his strides long and his stature tall, with broad shoulders indicative of an impressive physique at some stage in his life, a stage that has evidently long since been lost to time. As such, he appears gaunt and frail, his wiry musculature maintained only through the frequent exertions his work demands, and the same extends to the way in which he maintains his hair and beard.

A misting of silver ever decorates the man’s chin, each bristly little fibre visible even at medium range - the man was clearly once a diligent daily shaver, but now neglects such a luxury. A messy mop of similarly-coloured hair sits atop his head like the plumage of a ceremonial helmet, packed neatly together and held in place by a leather binding, the consequential tail poking out just beneath the brim of his hat. And what a hat it was, marked with slashes and bullet holes galore, just like the man who wore it - his golden eyes shimmering just beneath.

" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "

“The more a man commits himself to the hunt, the more the line between man and hunter blurs - until, one day, he is destined to awaken and find there is no longer a divide: he is his hunt, then, and will embody its aspect until his very last day.”

Born in a small town in the Comancherie, Detlev lived a simple life as a farmer's son. He was taught the ways of the shovel, the rake, and of course, the hoe, and educated to the best of his father’s ability. The town’s sheriff handled his tutelage when it came to the other important aspects of Frontier life - learning to shoot, learning to hunt, using a knife in the applications of cleaning a kill… And, of course, making one.

As with all things in a place such as this, if a simple life’s trajectory wasn’t jostled by the clumsy hands of fate, it wouldn’t be the Wild West, would it? At the height of The War, and as a consequence of the reliance of magick on both sides, the abandoned battlefields of concluded conflicts became beacons to the shadows that dwelled in The Storm. Such skirmishes happened often in the Comancherie, and the small town of Lubbock would soon pay dearly for simply existing in such a place. Lost, and without his family to tether him to a normal life, he instead accepted an offer from the Sheriff to avenge those he’d lost, to use his hatred and grief to stop others from experiencing the same incredible loss he had.

And so, he was handed off to The Vorstag Brigade, and trained to brave the lands surrounding The Storm to fulfil their mysterious agenda. He saw a lot of death in those years, and though he became an exceptional fighter, he felt a hollowness in the pit of his soul that only grew wider and deeper with each passing season. Lost and broken, he one day took up his rifle and left to rejoin the world, to desperately remind himself of the reasons why he still fought, before it was too late - but all that time spent hollowing himself out to be a better hunter, created space for something else to take root…

" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "
" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "

“If I were a man of sarcastic temperament, I’d speak of the exceptional conversation. To put it simply, I owe an important debt to your dear Sheriff, a personal debt I’m loath to share - and I intend to linger until I am able to see it repaid, no matter what that may entail. A man must always play his hand, and play it fair: even if he doesn’t agree with every card he holds.”

As with most drifting folk, Detlev was merely passing through - but after finding some measure of common ground with Sheriff Ramos, and the recollection that they’d hunted a monstrosity together a fair few seasons past, he was convinced to remain for a time… But deep within himself, in a place long neglected, he found himself drawing plenty of similarities between Amstad and Old Lubbock - there was an unspoken and nuanced nostalgia to the place, and it brought rare comfort to his long-troubled soul.

Paradoxically, comfort is fairly uncomfortable for Detlev. So accustomed was he to life spent sleeping on cold ground beneath a threadbare tarp and a fading fire, that the concept of resting within a walled abode, upon a modest bed was something he’d found quiet joy in rediscovering. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t move on when his time comes, no… It only meant that, for now, he could allow himself this rare respite. And, perhaps if the clumsy hand of fate were to once more sweep across the board, he’d get to share some of his experiences with curious folk, and in turn, learn some new things himself.

These days, his rests have grown ever frequent and overlong, and progress moving from place to place is slower than it used to be… A fact he isn’t quite yet ready to fully embrace, an dso, some time away from the road will likely do him some good. He hopes, at least - a fell, whipping wind blows through Amstad, and he can feel the guttural, primal pressure of The Storm’s influence even here…

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Skelm
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Skelm Moof Milker

Member Seen 3 days ago

" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" P R E A C H E R R O S S "
" P R E A C H E R R O S S "


" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "
" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "


" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "


" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "
" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "


October 16th, 1845


182 pounds

Dutch and English descent

" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "
" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "

A devout man of his faith, Ross exhibits a kind and generous personality to his congregation; he is not easily startled and has a real penchant for helping others in need. As a result, he almost always has an ear to the ground for any random happenings that may occur throughout his journeys. It is a way to stay informed and apply himself to where he is needed most. However, it is best not to cross Ross in a negative way; he has a real mean streak that some may consider unbecoming for a man of God. He tends to become obsessive or radical, especially for a cause he firmly believes in.

In addition, Ross is both well-versed and wise in his knowledge of the Scriptures. He is very open and accommodating to those around him, which helps him to relate with people on a more personal level; they can easily talk to him, and he will listen and offer advice. As a priest, he is also quite the orator.

" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "
" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "

With his tall frame and piercing gaze, Ross exudes an air of confidence. He has a youthful disposition characterized by an impish smirk that often plays over his features and zeal reflecting in his blue-gray eyes. Several days’ worth of stubble often adorns his cheeks and his mop of dark hair, bleached by the sun, is unkempt and seemingly unorthodox for a man of faith; someone who typically should command a ‘respectable’ appearance. A few wings of silver around his temples are the only evidence of age catching up with him, but at this stage, it makes him look more distinguished. His attire is the typical conservative dress of a clergyman—dark pants, vest, and black duster with a white clerical collar. He occasionally wears a black hat as an extra layer of protection against the elements. A silver chain also hangs around his neck, brandishing a crucifix as a safeguard against evil forces.

" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "

Orin was born in 1845 in Paradise, Pennsylvania, a rural farming community located in the southwestern part of the state. His father, a farmer and saddlemaker, took pride in tending the land and the simple life it afforded him. Naturally, he wanted to pass on this knowledge to his son, hoping he would one day assume the responsibilities of maintaining the family homestead. However, Paradise was hardly a utopia. Young Orin couldn’t help but recognize the contradictory nature of the town’s name. It was a barren plain, the land scarred by the furrows of time. There was no future here except the monotonous toil that led to poverty. It was a lonely life, which helped him eventually find inspiration in the work of the traveling minister who arrived one day on the family’s doorstep. When the residents of his little town crowded inside the single schoolhouse to hear the minister’s sermon, there was a spirit of awe and reverence about it all. Orin had found his calling.

Several years later, he left home at the age of eighteen to attend the theological seminary in Philadelphia to become a Presbyterian minister. Ross was an intuitive and enthusiastic student who also displayed a rare talent for connecting with his peers on a higher level. He could empathize with them in an esoteric sense, almost as if he could perceive their spiritual essence, an instinct that helped him forge a relationship with God, excel at his studies, and graduate with honors. He became ordained in 1867 and was awarded a congregation in the nearby town of Ardmore a short time later. While settling into his new home, he married the love of his life, Edith Conlan, an Irish immigrant who served as the town’s school teacher.

However, after a fruitful introduction and over a decade of blessings, Ross’s time in Ardmore turned tragic. The aftermath of the Civil War took a toll on the local economy. This resulted in a wage dispute when the town council informed Ross they could no longer afford to pay his salary. While he continued to work for several months under these conditions, honoring the Word of God over money, the conflict reached a critical point when his wife suddenly died from dysentery. He did not have the money to pay for the expenses, and out of desperation and grief, he resorted to ‘borrowing’ from the town’s coffers and the same people who refused to compensate him. He fled the area and headed West before he could face the consequences of his actions.

Ross arrived in Texas a disgraced man, reeling from Edith’s death and riddled with guilt over the nature of his sinful ways. As a result of his despair, he wandered aimlessly through the desolate landscape, adopting the role of a circuit preacher. He routinely stopped to preach the Good Word in fields, barns, and private homes, always grateful for the hospitality. Oftentimes, saloons or dance halls were the only buildings large enough to hold a worship service. If nothing else, these ‘dens of inequities’ assured good attendance. Nevertheless, Ross failed to find fulfillment through his efforts. He was still lost and seeking answers to validate his faith—but more importantly, he needed to atone for his sins. He came to doubt his purpose in this life and began questioning the different aspects of morality itself.

And so, he turned to God, fell on his knees, and prayed. What he experienced was an epiphany that widened his spiritual awareness and enhanced the talents he had first witnessed during his time in seminary. God had physically laid His hand on him, a divine gift that marked him as an arbiter of good and evil; a devout Christian, and a servant of the Almighty. With God as his compass, manifesting as a small voice or a vague premonition, typically an emotional burden weighing heavily on his heart—sometimes he even hears the voice of his departed wife, Edith, serving as his spiritual guide—Preacher Ross now travels across the untamed wilderness towards enlightenment, curing those who are suffering or incapacitated by malevolent spirits and to cleanse the land of the evil forces spawned by the devil himself.

" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "
" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "

Ross had been volunteering as a chaplain at Fort Merrill in eastern Texas when he received the prophetic vision about a burgeoning town near the banks of the Rio Grande. Edith whispered to him while he slept, her voice filtering through his dreams to point him toward Amistad, TX. She did not explain what he might find at his destination, only that he must travel there and make his presence known at the right time. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to accomplish beyond that, but he had complete confidence that his intuition, reinforced by the power of God, would show him the way.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" W E L C O M E Y E L O S T S O U L "
" J E S S E L I "
" J E S S E L I "


" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "
" Y I E L D Y E R N A M E ? "


" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E F R O M ? "


" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "
" Y E C A N F I L L O U T T H E R E S T "

" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "
" T E L L M E ' B O U T Y E R S E L F "

" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "
" D E S C R I B E Y E R S E L F F O R M E , Y E A H ? "

" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "
" S O W H E R E Y E B E E N , W H A T S Y E R P A S T ? "

" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "
" L A S T , W H A T B R O U G H T Y E H E R E ? "


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