Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Assallya, from her hiding place behind the wagon watched with brilliant blue eyes as the leonine barbarian laid about himself with dual axes while Viper rushing in after him and flaying goblins with his shimmering blade of light. She watched as the goblins, hearing the sound of combat, began to converge on the pair, rushing towards them.

That was it, that was what she had been waiting for. She'd needed them to gather together, to become close enough that she could hit them with one spell. They'd done that remarkably well. Then Breath of Life broke away, chasing after something that was out of her line of sight, leaving Viper to deal with the remaining goblins.

She wasn't sure why but it left Viper vulnerable. They were about to surround him. Assallya strode out from behind the wagon, bare feet slipping across the ruts made by the travelling wagons. Her golden hair followed behind her as she moved, the charms on her ankles and bracelets clinking softly against one another as she danced while walking, hips swaying. Her hands extended before her, tracing delicate movements as golden motes of energy surrounded her slender fingers. Ancient runes swirled into being, golden circles of light forming as she wove magic into a spell of slumbering.

[OOC: I rolled a 24 on my Sleep Spell. That should affect three goblins, maybe a fourth if he's wounded.]

@srpv @themadhatter420

Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 14 days ago

I took a look aside me, wondering how much frenzy I need to flurry my chromaticsword after Breath of Life went for an Orc - gross I thought about that orc - a male raping goblin that discords goblins to reave as such, hence an "orc" not a goblin. Nope, it'll need to be a flourish the elfgirl was getting involved. Had She been a Civilian I'd of made crossfire easy. Because She wasnt of our Party I had to ask "What can you do?" Her wariness gone and Her self mystical-ing into the fray. @Assallya@themadhatter420
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago


As the spell is cast, 3 of the 5 goblins near Viper start to sway from side to side before they collapse onto the floor in a deep sleep. Only being attacked would wake them up with how powerful the spell affected them. This would leave fewer enemies for Viper to be able to handle fairly quickly.

Suddenly Breath of Life is pushed back holding both axes in front of him in an X as the orc pushes him back, stopping just before his tail touched the cart. Breath of Life let out a very loud growl about to spin into a frenzy as he swung both axes one after the other while the Orc dodged the first two swings but got hit when Breath of Life went to spin slashing one axe along the orc's ribs.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Assallya, feeling more confident in her success stepped forwards, one bare foot stepping over the body of a fallen wagon driver as she moved away from the wagon. The range eonbher next spell was short, a mere twenty paces at most. Viper could handle the remaining goblins, provided no more came running, and the orc was likely more dangerous, more likely to be an experienced opponent for either Breath of Life or Viper.

The blonde elven girl adopted a wide legged stance and once more Assallya began to weave, her long slender fingers twisting in the air, strange sounds issuing from her mouth that defied the ability of one to remember.

The Mind Sliver was not a powerful spell, lancing at the orc's mind with pain and disorientation,asking him more vulnerable to special attacks.

(OOC: Mind Sliver cantrip. 1d8 damage, reduces his saving throws by 1d4 until my next turn.)

@srpv @themadhatter420
Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 14 days ago

She hadnt answered. But some goblins were albeit about her so I did a twirling reaping with my chromaticsword counterclockwise eradicating three much like I had previously clockwise those 3.
1 goblin alive to kill - instinctually aware of that I halted my twirling to arc my sword high. With a downward bringing I pressed forward and ran a strait at the goblin, having the sword enlighten above my gait as silver lining to the goblins doom. Reaching out, and slowing my pace the sword came down, upon the goblin, with my pace repowered I repelled the sword so it would slitherslice through the goblin, razing it into fourths.

Letting the sword be grounded I slowed my approach onto blood, turned to see what Breath of Life had done. A goblin went for them, it was sliced through the back from a command of my sword.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago


Breath of Life saw the Orc actually stumble back and it confused him. He hadn't touched him but then he looked over his shoulder to see the woman had cast some sort of magic at the Orc. He was shocked she was able to break the Orc's defense temporarily. Breath of Life didn't have any magical ability, never have, and never will even if he tried to study the arcane arts. This did give him a great opportunity to get another couple of swings of his axe as the last swing managed to slice his neck with a critical hit. As the first Orc dropped, he was able to see 2 more heading towards them. "Viper...Kill that last goblin and cover my six." He said calling out and preparing to take on the next two Orcs until Viper could help him.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 14 days ago

"They're dead" I told Breath of Life. -suddenly a rumbling began to be sensed, subtle but impending. "Sounds like its coming from the forest!"
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Assallya, feeling more confident now that the goblins were dealt with. The orcs were more of a threat but then Breath of Life and Viper both seemed to be competent warriors. As a result the blonde elven sorceress considered continuing with her previous tactic, using herwgics to disorient and weaken the opponents of the two warriors.

Then she heard Viper's cry and turned her attention to the woods, scanning the treeline with her tapered blue eyes.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago


Breath of Life looked up as Viper called out the movement he either saw or sensed. As he saw the 2 orcs come into view, he let out a curse. They were not along. They took too long to come clear out the camp and the army was staring to catch up. From the looks of it, a small battalion of orcs was coming through the trees leaving this as the only window to retreat or try and fight. He could tell they were a bit outmatched though no matter how much he thought he was the best fighter in the land. "We need to retreat. We will need more fighters we are about to be outnumbered!" He yelled out to viper starting to back up still in his defensive stance. "Get what you need from your cart before They get here. Hurry!"
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 14 days ago

I took myself into the forest behind me, escaping silently.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Assallya twisted at the hips and spied the orcs emerging from the woods. She then turned and looked towards her wagon and judged the distance and the intervening wagons. There was simply no way she was going to get her wagon free in time before the orcs would be all over it. The blonde elven woman issued a curse that would make the most jaded sailor blush. Her disguise kit, her costumes, her library, her potion making tools, all her possessions were in there. That was how she made her living!

With another curse, she simply grabbed her light crossbow and bolt case off the wagon and turned to run, chasing after Viper and Breath of Life.

Hidden 7 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 14 days ago

Extreme Viper wonder albeitly Had I said I was "escaping" I'd have to keep it satiable and do so, like a Ranger., slithering about the turf of the forest arcing the main area the wagan was, assaulting the orcs' range. When the times came I'd love slaying them between trees, especially getting my chromaticsword lodged in them for particular sharper kills.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago


Breath of Life saw her hesitiation to not take the whole cart and only grab her crossbow grabbing her arm as she got close enough to help her run a bit faster to keep up. "Relax...we will be back. We just need more back up." He said considering who he could take. He could either ask his father or his mother, both very talented rangers, maybe even his brother's bardic inspiration would also be very useful. He ran towards the guild hall looking back at the woman again. "Before we enter the guild I need your name." He asked the elven woman.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by PreservedVessel
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PreservedVessel The Corrupted

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Styx made his way down a tree, spotting something that caught his eye. Styx was in his scout form, less lethal, but still deadly despite the size. He landed on the ground with a thud and picked up what he had seen, a silver coin. He studied it curiously and bit into it softly, leaving a nibble mark. Styx then stashed it into a bag he was carrying with him, it was made of leather and with a pattern of crimson flowers on it. He then hoisted it over his head and wandered around the forest, his current location. He spotted a tavern within an hour of traveling around the forest, and so, he set his belongings down and stalked the people inside, he was being cautious.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Assallya marveled at Viper's absence. She'd seen him run away from the caravan towards the woods but now there was nothing. Whoever he was, he was certainly skilled in remaining hidden. Either he had the skills of a dauntless ranger or he was a scurrilous thief. She imagined he'd probably be picking at them with his bow, slowing their pursuit. She'd have to thank him later if that was the case. If he didn't get himself killed that was.

"By Myrkul's shriveled black balls," the golden haired elf cursed roughly as Breath of Life ushered her along, reminding her that they would return, "There simply wasn't time. That old nag of a draft horse isn't going to be outrunning orcs and unlocking the door to get my things would have caught me in their midst."

Hopefully he was right about regaining her wagon. It was valuable for resale as it was so she hoped the orcs wouldn't break it apart. There was even the chance that one of the orcs might seize upon taking it as their own home. She shuddered to think about cleaning up after that but, most importantly, her trade bars would be safe inside the floorboards.

When he asked her name she replied, "Assa'Alliyeh Kressanthair", and then amended the statement to, "Northerners call me Assallya, Assallya Kressair."

@srpv @themadhatter420
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago


Breath of Life nodded. "Trust me... the people I have in mind can get here faster than we will." He said as he picked her up over his shoulder in a fireman carry. With his impressive Feline Agility, he was able to sprint from the woods into the clearing heading straight for the Adventures Haven bursting his way into the tavern and placing her on the ground letting out a light pant. "Mom, Flickering Fire...we need backup, the orcs are working the god-forsaken goblins." He said as a female tabaxi and another male tabaxi approached them.

"What happened and how many did you see?" Aryail asked the elven female curious to see what she saw knowing Breath of Life needed a moment to catch his breath.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The blonde woven wizardess was taken aback. So much had happened and so fast. With the towering figures surrounding her Assallya swallowed. The gypsy dancing girl and witch wasn't much of an adventurer. She mostly crafted charms and drew potions, only some of which were actually magic. It was one of the reasons she was a traveling witch. She had a tendency to anger communities.

"I'm not sure," the woman said, "Breath here defeated all the goblins that had ambushed my caravan and then more began to arrive. There's no way to know how many were going to come out of the woods. When the first dozen emerged I was already running."

[Tag Everyone in the inn]
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by SsssssSsSsssSs
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SsssssSsSsssSs Phase-Scene/Shadow-Rave is the question!

Member Seen 14 days ago

At that moment Extreme Viper opened the door, enterred, and closed it. I addressed the peeping eyes of the denizens and said to Breath Of Life, the Mystic, and Breaths Family. "The orcs didnt follow us. And rather seemed interested in only the maneuver to the wagon. None pursued other ways, like the forest, or the path to the road routes." I got closer "Seems like 30 of them though. I dont think theyre working with the goblins. Likely those were the last goblins They were fighting."

@Assallya @themadhatter420
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 2 days ago


Aryial nodded her head as her green feline eyes looked determined. "Okay, you need at least Nikita, Denali, and probably Flickering Fire as a start to join us. Aryial looks around at all the people in the tavern who are members. "We need volunteers, all will be paid in gold to join the fight." She said like a command as the guild leader but she would not force everyone to fight if they were not interested. "Goblins are about to attack the town. Silver will stay here and make preparations to lock the guildhall down to offer safety for those who do not help." Silver Night nods his head to his wife as the blood hawk on his shoulder flies over and lands on Aryial's.
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@themadhatter420 @srpv @Sp00ki @Archazen

Assallya was truly torn. Sitting on one of the tavern benches she weighed her options. She wasn't sure if she should stay or go. She wasn't an adventurer. She was a herb witch. Sure, she dabbled in potions and crafted small charms but for stupid things like luck, love potions and aphrodisiacs. Most of those were fake anyways.

Still, she needed her wagon. Everything she had was in there. Without it she'd be forced to go back to playing the streets. That was something she didn't want to do.

"Okay," the blonde wizardess agreed, "Let's go do this quest... thing."

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