Assallya, from her hiding place behind the wagon watched with brilliant blue eyes as the leonine barbarian laid about himself with dual axes while Viper rushing in after him and flaying goblins with his shimmering blade of light. She watched as the goblins, hearing the sound of combat, began to converge on the pair, rushing towards them.
That was it, that was what she had been waiting for. She'd needed them to gather together, to become close enough that she could hit them with one spell. They'd done that remarkably well. Then Breath of Life broke away, chasing after something that was out of her line of sight, leaving Viper to deal with the remaining goblins.
She wasn't sure why but it left Viper vulnerable. They were about to surround him. Assallya strode out from behind the wagon, bare feet slipping across the ruts made by the travelling wagons. Her golden hair followed behind her as she moved, the charms on her ankles and bracelets clinking softly against one another as she danced while walking, hips swaying. Her hands extended before her, tracing delicate movements as golden motes of energy surrounded her slender fingers. Ancient runes swirled into being, golden circles of light forming as she wove magic into a spell of slumbering.
[OOC: I rolled a 24 on my Sleep Spell. That should affect three goblins, maybe a fourth if he's wounded.]
@srpv @themadhatter420

That was it, that was what she had been waiting for. She'd needed them to gather together, to become close enough that she could hit them with one spell. They'd done that remarkably well. Then Breath of Life broke away, chasing after something that was out of her line of sight, leaving Viper to deal with the remaining goblins.
She wasn't sure why but it left Viper vulnerable. They were about to surround him. Assallya strode out from behind the wagon, bare feet slipping across the ruts made by the travelling wagons. Her golden hair followed behind her as she moved, the charms on her ankles and bracelets clinking softly against one another as she danced while walking, hips swaying. Her hands extended before her, tracing delicate movements as golden motes of energy surrounded her slender fingers. Ancient runes swirled into being, golden circles of light forming as she wove magic into a spell of slumbering.
[OOC: I rolled a 24 on my Sleep Spell. That should affect three goblins, maybe a fourth if he's wounded.]
@srpv @themadhatter420