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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 2 days ago

The center bonfire was rarely not lit but this time it was especially feral, as if the fire itself was being summoned and anxious about the coming events. The flames danced to rising drums and with each thundering bang people marched from their tents, merging together as a crowd around the blaze. Three hunched over figures brooded over the flame, one wore a mask so big it nearly consumed him, which made the giant glaring eyes with spears=like irises even more threatening. Another wore a hood and was dressed in darkness, only a long nose sniffling from the abyss as the cold air hit her, and the last was covered in so many tattoos that it was impossible to really tell what the man was, although he was muscular and bald.

As more people came, some joined to play additional drums, thudding even more from their slumbers to the call of urgency. Tapada demanded the respect of rest, and for a moment you could swear as more were awoken that the ground shook a little in beat with the growing army of noise, be that a sign of anger or support one can never know. The sun was still drifting overhead, disappearing from its perhaps shortest visit yet to date in the tribes history "No more" The mask elder gestured with a wave of his hand and the drums stopped, his voice was hard and callous, like ice that either shanks you or melts to splashing freezing cold "The ceremony will begin"

A staff is picked up by the masked elder and he stomps it on the ground "I am in place of Monono!" He declared.

Then handed the staff to the hooded elder and squatted.

She banged it on the floor too, gentler than the last "I am in place Taruakak!" She stated, less energetic.

Once more the staff was passed to the tattoo elder and she sat cross legged.

"And I...am here for the people. Those that can not be here anymore and those here now"

He said it with a soft hardness, like chalk marking a stone wall. a soothing scratchiness reserved only for the tired chords of old age. He did not sit, in fact, he stood proud and spied everyone's faces around him in the light of the flame. His eyes inquisitive, judging as he did "We are in crisis..." He stated and slowly two men came in with a giant plate, easily big enough to platform an adult man, carrying mountain of mushy looking mushrooms within its grasp.

"We are in famine" He said and pointed to the food. It was enough mushrooms to feed a feast 3 times over, so naturally the towns people ushered confusion and looked at each other for explanation. An explanation that followed with men bringing out more plates, this time, however, the plate carried a mountain of fish bones, then another cores of apples and fruits, finally the last bowl came out with only bones and skin of deer and the panicked silence of people murmured into gossiping confusion "This is not Karako's wrath" He explained simply and, there seemed to be some minor exhale of relief at those words from the villagers.

"Last night our guards saw a large shape of three men run away into the darkness, munching and throwing away these" He waved his staff over the bones and pips and rubbish left in front of them all "It is only through fortune that they awoke to preserve the mushrooms, but that is all. We won't be able to fish enough from the local lake or hunt enough wild game to keep us all"

"We are in crisis" He stated it simply, coldly, as if he was reading off a dreadful diagnosis and his eyes peered with a questioning brow, awaiting for anyone to speak on the matter before he continued.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lu
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Lu She Who Brakes for Butterflies / \3 \3 \3

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Waking-Lion stood solemn, quiet as he considered the ceremony. Presented with the evidence, anger burned in his belly like the fire his dark eyes stared into. To steal was a cowardly way to live, and, more importantly in the moment, the village was bound to suffer for it.

"Shall our hunting parties travel further? Shall we send scouts in search for areas where game, fish, or forage is greater?" Walking-Lion spoke in questions, but truth be told this was his way of making a suggestion. He was still a young man and must defer to the elders. He did not comment on the thieves' escape, they would all be more vigilant moving forward. Certainly that would be enough to prevent reoccurrence.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by ScreenAcne
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ScreenAcne shit,Boo!

Member Seen 2 days ago


The scraggly body of the village cook wandered from the tent in a groggy state, holding a small, bright chicken in his hands with all the tenderness of a prime breed cat. Whatever was going on, he was hardly paying attention, his mind unable to give more than a vacant stare at the crowd of people and shifting plates as he took his spot in the crowd. It's only after the third plate came out did he flicker with a sudden, oncoming alarm, followed by a rising smile that masked the worry poorly. Once he heard the explanation, he gripped onto Little Love, his chicken and curled around her a bit as some others peeked at it and him. His attempts to hide it poorly.

"We can make it. We just need to scramble and get to it" He assured out loud, emboldened by Waking Lions suggestions, which he agreed with thoroughly, almost too eagerly as if he was more supportive of anything being said than panic or emergency rations. He made sure to lower the chicken behind the crowd, his head peering over Lion's shoulder as he said it. Just in case they provoke a moment of sacrifice from him.


The Elders Word

The bald one turned to Waking Lion's words, giving by the kind of eyes you can be choked with if you gave them even a hint that you may be speaking out of term or ill will, a glare he gave to all youngers that talked to him. The hidden gaze of the hooded lady and the still glare of the masked of Mononno judged them both, almost as if they were like little kids that spoke in the middle of a poker game, before they turned to each other. The masked one hurled a rocky voice voice at them, gravelly and tense "If we let criminals take without violence, Monono will be displeased with us. We have been punished enough" He pointed at Waking's and Sun's direction, scoldingly.

"We must track down these criminals and KILL them" He stops and for a moment the bald elder gives him the same look he just gave the Sun Kissed and Lion, while the hooded woman stays silent. As if spurned on to justify himself to his peers and the village he repeats "Is it not said, by the Smasher of Skulls 'Of those that steal, give them to him' and furthermore I remember he demands they be strangled" He knocks on his mask, making a hard, bongo like sound as he does, as if to beat his chest "Go on. Defy his commands, show him we suffer theft. See how that goes"

The hooded woman scratched her hairy chin in thought before saying in a simple shrill "I suppose we could try to gather food. Many places near aren't explored properly, if we can find an extra source of food...some trees....new game....maybe with that and the lake...and rationing...we could survive while the farmers renew the soil. If we're together, we can do anything" She nods to herself at the end, as if she said something sagely and religious in and of itself to counter the masked one recitations.

But the tattooed leader slowly turns to them with a silent uncertainty "The food they took was great. And the mouths they had can only be so big, finding the thieves may let us reclaim some of our stores. Enough to survive. They were only on foot. I call upon the young of the tribe, to make a choice" He stops and he points at the crowd, waiting for those willing to step out and be chosen. He always does this though, he will start choosing himself if none do so. Perhaps it was merely a test of character and commitment from the old man.

"Do we please vengeance and try to gather back what was taken, stop this from happening again?"

"or shall you venture forth and expand our claim. The young who will go on this trek must choose, for the rest of us must remain and try to recuperate and ensure what we can of the tribe will survive the coming famine"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Nakai had at this point, had remained silent so far. But his attention was there, and his eyes and ears dutifully watched and listened to what was happening. To think they were going to starve because of three men, though if they ate that much food, then their appetite must be large. Still, he agreed to the words of Walking-Lion. Perhaps if they send parties forward to new places then they may have a chance to regain what precious food they have lost to these three men.

But now he has a choice, does he join the young of the tribe and hunt down these thieves? Nakai is a shaman, not a warrior, and he knows this well, but he does know how to defend himself. Still, is it his responsibility as a shaman to hunt down the thieves and bring them to justice or try and find new sources of food? It is a tough choice he has, and after thinking about it, Nakai had made his choice.

Speaking with calm as he spoke up, "I will go with the hunters and explore new lands in the hope they have food. Either fish or game or crop. I will ask the spirits to guide us in this task."
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lu
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Lu She Who Brakes for Butterflies / \3 \3 \3

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Waking-Lion nodded, "While we certainly do not wish to anger Monono," he said, acknowledging the elder's concern, "what if we fail to find these men? What if what they took is gone? Whether they are punished or not, whether what was taken is returned or not, finding new resources will only benefit us. And-" Waking-Lion nodded now to Nakai, "If the spirits will guide us, surely, we may travel more boldly.

Waking-Lion steadied the nervous energy that was rising within him, coiling like a venomous snake in the pit of his stomach, its hissing filling his body with dread. He did not like the idea of leaving the camp behind, unable to protect it from the unexplored horizon. However, he had suggested the expedition and wholeheartedly believed it the best course of action, so he would go in spite of the dread within him.
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