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Name: Constantine XI
Title: End of Empires
Class: Shielder
Gender: Male
Alignment: Red Faction
Height / Weight: 172 cm/59kg
Source: IRL History.
Personality: As long as there is an independent Greek Nation, Constantine XI is content with whatever agendae his Master gives him, although he’d prefer that said master not commit too many atrocities, even against - Ugh! - Turks. He enjoys life as someone reborn anew in this world and its little pleasures, such as tea and coffee (do not remind him that the Turks introduced it to his city after they conquered it), the sunlight through glass windows, and reading the newspaper in the mornings.

He also urges involvement in modern-day politics to his Master, such as funding a political party here, supporting a revolutionary movement there, and above all trying to keep Greece from going further into upheaval and debt - The only reason he does not waste his Noble Phantasms on that nation is because of his low opinion of the current leadership of the country (That and the fact that he’d get a Ruler going after him)...

Bio: At the back of his mind, Constantine XI had always known that he would be the last Emperor of the Romans/Byzantines, and that the Imperial tradition which began with Augustus, and the Constitutional tradition which began with Romulus, would end with him. Nevertheless, he bravely faced his destiny, looking for allies, money, and aid to help stem the inevitable. Few came, and his own blunders in the diplomatic sphere even hastened the Ottoman Assault on his capital, the now-dilapidated city of Constantinople.

When the assault came, Constantine XI made his final stand, making the enemy pay for every inch of ground, and choosing to make a desperate last charge at the Ottoman Sultan’s Janissaries when they finally came for him. It would be the end of a life soaked in misfortune, in futility, in an endless quest to stem the inevitable tide - He had no regrets except this: That he was leaving behind his people to suffer oppression under a foriegn power.

He died, but his legend lived on, in tales of being rescued by an Angel in order to restore the Empire in the future. Those tales, and the memory of his last stand, earned him a place in the Throne of Heroes, where he waited for the aspirations of his people to be fulfilled. Which they were, in part, when Greece itself was liberated but with Constantinople itself, now named Istanbul, remaining in enemy hands. Nevertheless, he can be content with that, content with seeing the descendants of his brothers prosper again in this new modern world.

He had found peace.

Weapon: Constantine XI carries an angelic sword which lights up in white and black flames when it strikes an enemy, as well as a coat and uniform which are supernaturally tough enough to serve as armor even against other Servants’ attacks.
Parameters: E-A stats usually.
Strength: C
Endurance: B
Agility: B
Mana: C
Luck: E-
Class Skills:

Magic Resistance (B): Negates E, D and C ranked spells. It is difficult for them to be affected even by Greater Thaumaturgy.

Riding (C): One can flawlessly manage beasts and vehicles if they have received the proper training and adjustments. Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above-average skill. However, Constantine XI cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts

Self-Field Defense (C): Applies damage reduction beyond defensive limits, but he is excluded from the effect's target.

Personal Skills:

Defensive Engineer (Custom, B): Constantine can improve the defenses of one’s lair, mundane and magical, by up to B-Rank, making them hard to penetrate by intruders. This applies to things as mundane as walls, moats, and reinforced concrete bunkers, as well as bounded fields and mystic sentries, which he gains an ability to interact with and reshape to more efficient parameters.

Military Tactics (Sieges and Last Stands, A-): Applies a + modifier to a single Anti-Army Noble Phantasm of oneself and allies and a rank down or - modifier to the enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. Note that if not in a siege or last stand, this merely applies a rank up to up to a single Anti-Army Noble Phantasms with their rank not exceeding A of oneself and allies and a rank down (as long as it is not A rank or higher) or - modifier (as long as it has a +) to enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm.

Bravery (B): At this rank, the threat of overwhelming force does not faze Constantine XI, who can resist mental interference effects of this rank (note that Magic Resistance already negates most such attempts to interfere with the workings of his brain), but more importantly, it increases the Melee Damage he inflicts.

Battle Continuation (C, Fourth Personal Skill): A Skill that allows for the continuation of combat after sustaining mortal wounds. It will also reduce the mortality rate from injury. This Skill represents the ability to survive and/or the mentality of one who doesn't know when to give up, consisting of one's strength of vitality in predicaments.


Fighting Style: Constantine XI fights defensively most times.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Stats, Skills, and Noble Phantasms are used with ConmanWolf's Permission.

Name: Lucius Tiberius
Title: The Sword Emperor
Class: Saber
Gender: Male
Alignment: Evil
Height / Weight: 6'6/170kg
Source: Historical Legend (La Morte D' Arthur). Also, Fate/Prototype.
Personality: The emperor of Rome is the embodiment of Rome's greatness. The final attempt to restore Rome's glory, and he might well have been in life. He is everything a greater ruler needs to be. Patient. Tactical. Wise. But all of that is meaningless when all you know is war. When all you know is a collapsing empire all around you. Even if he could restore life to the corpse it would be by filling it with blood taken from others.

But it is for Rome. It is to encourage the glory of Rome, and bring the whole world once more under its banner. It is arrogance, and ego that drives him. An unending need to conquer all others, and subjugate them under the banner of Rome.

If Rome is the world, than Lucius shall become a god over humanity. To stand at the peak above all of mankind, with no others to match him. Except one. It is unacceptable for one of greatness to deny themselves their position. Their right to rule over the world.

Bio: Rome was the empire that ruled all. It’s list of great emperors extends beyond the ones people recall. Caesar. Octavian. Otho. Domitian. The one all forget though is the greatest of them all. The emperor known as Lucius Tiberius. He who wielded the blade Florent.

His origins are simple. Rome was dying. The diseased and weak grip of the Emperor Leo had caused Rome’s body to decay. The people who once bowed to Rome had begun to pick at the corpse. Lucius himself was born of the line of Romulus, though the blood had become so diluted with eons that he possessed no godly powers himself. As such, he was swept up into the endless wars as another for the fodder. Known only as Lucius Tiberius. Given armor and a sword, and nothing else. He was expected to die like all the others. But he fought, and fought, and drove his sword into the hearts of his enemies. The fields became soaked in blood, and as he looked up to the sky, he made a vow to the Goddess Flora…

“I promise the tree of Rome shall grow, if only I had the right to rule.”

It was that moment, the blade of Rome appeared in the middle of a field. The dead who had fallen in war all moved to face the blade, in worship of it perhaps. This, the blade Florent, said to have been lost, appeared on that field as if by magic. Said to have been lost since the time of Romulus himself.

Generals arrived, and attempted to pull the blade from the pile of corpses. But all failed. From all sides of the kingdom, the rich and regal descended upon the field to claim the blade. But all failed. Emperor Leo himself, a withered husk of a man, unfitting to lift a sword, much less swing it, appeared in a carriage drawn by a thousand horses.

He failed. And nobody attempted after him. Nobody, but the boy called Lucius. Still not a man, he was a child in the eyes of Rome. In a motion, he gripped the blade, and pulled it free from pile of death. He was to be the emperor of Rome. at that same time, across the sea… King Arthur had pulled free Clarent, to become king of the Britons.

Lucius Tiberius earned the support of the nobles and the generals, who bowed to him as the emperor to be. Their desperation was perhaps to earn favor with the new emperor, but Leo refused. He was enraged, and drew his own blade. Only to topple, and die where he stood. His heart failing him in horror at his emperor being taken from him. So, it fell to boy, now named Lucius Tiberius, to rule as Emperor, and true to his word it flourished. The tree of Rome began to grow and spread its roots out once more. Lucius traveled to the Orient, where he sought to claim lands Rome had never touched. Years passed in constant war, as it was all he had ever known.

But after many years, he heard that a king of the Britans had appeared and ruled from a city known as Camelot. Lucius, arrogant and full of pride after having conquered the mysterious lands of the Orient, turned his attention to this king. Lucius demanded that Arthur pay him tribute and recognize him as his sovereign, as had been done by Britain since the time of Julius Caesar. Arthur refused on the basis that the British kings Belinus and Brennius had defeated Rome in the past. In retaliation, Lucius, still boiling with arrogance, gathered his army from all over Africa, and Spain.

The battle was met at the coast of the Channel, as Arthur dare not let such a force of nature step into his kingdom. A wise choice, but still a costly battle was held. King of the sword and Emperor of the Blade clashed. Their swords sparking against each other. Holy sword against a cursed blade that had tainted Rome. Clashing, striking, and echoing through the land. But a cursed blade can never beat a holy blade forged in the heart of a planet.

Arthur called upon Excalibur, and the light of the holy blade burned away at Lucius’ being. The last sound the emperor made was a roar of laughter. Overwhelmed as his mind cracked from the agony. All that remained was his sword. The army broke and scattered.

Thus ended the legend of Lucius Tiberius. In his last moments, some claimed they heard a scream of fear as he was erased from the face of the Earth.

Weapon: Florent - Primary Weapon. Read Noble Phantasm Section for more details.
Parameters: E-A stats usually.
Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: A
Mana: B
Luck: A
Class Skills:

Magic Resistance (B): Negates E, D and C ranked spells. It is difficult for them to be affected even by Greater Thaumaturgy.

Riding (B): Capable of handling modern vehicles with the skill of the best racers or pilots. Gains intuitive understanding of the mount they ride, as if a bond between them exists. Monstrous mounts appear at this Rank.

Personal Skills:

Bravery (B): The ability to negate mental interference such as pressure, confusion and fascination. It also has the bonus effect of increasing melee damage. Not usable under the effects of Mad Enhancement.

[Effect:] As the rank increases, the ability to resist mental interference as well as increase melee damage increases.

Imperial Privilege (A): An ability that, due to the insistence of the owner, Skills that are essentially impossible to possess can be obtained for a short period of time. In cases when the Rank is А or above, even the "burden to the body" can be acquired (such as Divinity).

[Effect:] Allows for the usage of additional skills, such as Mana Burst (Lightning, A), Chinese Martial Arts (A, apparently, he managed to make it to China in his legend), and also activating his Noble Phantasm, Florent, without having to fulfill the conditions for its use.

Incitement (B): A Skill that functions as the acquisition of the words and gestures to lead the citizens and the masses. Especially, when employed against an individual, it functions as a sort of mental attack. It is the skill of a tyrant king to gather than army, rather than a kind king to gather a Round table. One is a power over others by crushing their own, the other is to gather in peace and raise the hopes and dreams of others. Nothing is more Lucius than this skill. To dominate, and crush.

[Effect:] With this skill, Lucius has the ability that with just a few short words he is able to take people into a heated emotional state. This could be anything from sending everyone nearby into an utter frenzy, to making everyone pitifully sad. There is no real scope he is limited to, only limit is the amount of emotions he can instill in people. Granted that is still a very broad, as with it he can do things such as making someone believe that they're to be betrayed by their greatest friend, instill deep doubt about some of the their greatest beliefs, or make them even consider their entire life choices, each mental attack with in a simple sentence or two. Alternatively, he could also do something such as make his men have complete trust in him and yet also raise their morale of the entire army and keep it like that for months on end if needed. It was with this amazing ability that he was able to win many wars and command his men to the fullest.

A skill designed to control armies, and inspire cooperation amongst the various countries that made up Rome. When utilized on a crowd, this skill inspires confidence, or other emotions the user desires. It can be be considered almost on par with the power of a command seal. Almost. When utilized, crowds of NPCs fall to his command. Masters and servants have a higher natural resistance.



Fighting Style: Lucius is basically Arthur/Artoria's dark counterpart, focused on swordsmanship with an uttelry bloodthirsty style of fighting.
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: Compiled World

I. Intro

Fifteen years after a catastrophe known as 'Second Impact', Earth is being attacked by Alien beings called 'Angels' which seek to raze the fortress city of Tokyo-3 for their own sinister purposes. These beings, similar to the Kaiju in movies, are immune to nearly all forms of conventional weaponry, and can only be opposed by strange mechs called ‘Evangelions’, which in turn are piloted by children, whose 'strength of heart' can cause the machines they run to emit the same energy that the Angels use to render missiles, artillery, and even nuclear blasts ineffective.

NERV, the organization which maintains and uses the Evangelions, is in fact a subordinate group for SEELE, a secret organization that secretly controls world politics to serve their secret agenda: The Human Instrumentality Project, which aims to merge all human souls into one entity in 'Third Impact'. Gendo Ikari, NERV's leader, had plans to bend the Human Instrumentality Project to his own agenda: To reunite with his dead wife, Yui Ikari, during the merging of all human souls. To do this, he made sure that his son, Shinji Ikari, would be the pilot of the most important Evangelion, Unit-01, and unwittingly bring about 'Third Impact'.

It happened; Shinji Ikari, while trying to save a fellow pilot, Rei Ayanami, triggered an incomplete Third Impact which devestated the planet. Fourteen years later, he was woken up and tricked into creating a Fourth Impact. Then he actually found his courage, grew up, and taking responsibility for his actions, defeated his father Gendo and risked all to restore the world by making it so that Angels and Evangelions did not exist. This was all in your History textbooks.

You live in the world Shinji finally succeeded in saving: The world of the Rebuild of Evangelion movies. It is a peaceful world (most of the population being subjected to Instrumentality and then having their individuality restored more than a decade later will do that). Some people resent Shinji Ikari for bringing down disaster on them in the first place, but even more revere him for actually growing a spine and reversing the damage and then some. You can even talk to him and his wife, Mari Illustrious Makanami, and his exes, Asuka Langley Sorhyu and Kaworu Nagisa (and his adoptive sister, Rei Ayanami), from time to time; you live in the same town.

But SEELE's lingering obsession and frustrated desires cannot be defied so easily...


You were camping out with Ken Illustrious Ikari, son of Shinji and Mari, when it happened.

The sky turned red again, the campsite was engulfed in a pillar of light, and instead of the pristine Hakone countryside, you are now on a hill overlooking Tokyo-3, a city you only knew from textbooks as the original Tokyo was restored when Shinji Ikari fixed everything. You see Sachiel, an Angel who was Shinji's first kill, advancing towards the city, mundane ordnance ineffective against it as seen in the history videos you were forced to watch at school. You have a few adult supervisors; among them is Adult Shinji himself, who is flashing back to the past he had thought resolved. One wrong move and you're dead, either by the hands of the Angels or by humans who might see you as enemy spies.

What do you do? What do you and the other children do?

II. Lore and System-less play

Consult the EvaGeeks WIki for further details, but long and short of it is that your OCs are from after Rebuild of Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 (4.0), the final movie in the franchise as a whole. You are mainly OCs, kids aged 14 - 16, and the only adults are various Canon Characters who are with you camping out (you can play them with special permission). You do not start out with an Evangelion or any sort of Mech and have to rely on your knowledge of the world's future in order to get by... And said knowledge might be imperfect due to Alternate Universe shenanigans.

Do not let Gendo or SEELE or the JSSDF (Japanese Special Self-Defense Forces) catch you.

III. Rules

1.) No Godmoding or Powergaming, aka no controlling other players' actions, no defeating your enemy in one shot, and no shrugging of all hits without an AT-Field.
2.) Any consenting relationship between people of the same age group is allowed, whether it's Homosexual or Heterosexual. If you cannot stand such things, don't post here in the first place.
3.) Be polite to others.
4.) You do not start out with Evangelions.
6.) If you are permitted to play Kaworu, he has lost his Angel powers and cannot get them back. Disregarding this will lose you your permission.
7.) There are no stats or rolling; we go by pure narrative storytelling. This is not a license to cheat and win everything by yourself; see Rule #1.
8.) Rule #7 might change if enough players want it and it's really necessary.

IV. Character Sheet:

Appearance:[/b] (No IRL pictures)
[b]Age:[/b] (14 to 16 if a kid; older if you're an adult)
[b]Bio:[/b] (Backstory; at least one paragraph of four to five lines each - More is preferred.)
[b]Mundane Skills:[/b] (What is your OC good at?
[b]Personality:[/b] (At least one paragraph of three to five lines each - More is preferred.)

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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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World of Darkness: Heart of Infinity (Anime Facelcaims Permitted; Sorry if you disapprove.)

I. Intro

Infinity City is the newest metropolis in the US, built on what was once Olympic National Park during the closing years of the 2000s' as part of a plan to stimulate the economy. A controversial project even among the many conducted in the World of Darkness, Infinity City was advertised to be a showcase of future technology, where all races and classes can live in peace and prosperity, law and order, where new methods of administration and education can be applied without restrictions from 'tradition' and 'culture'. Obviously, it was too good to be true.

Those who thronged to Infinity City for new opportunities found themselves preyed on instead, not just by Mortal swindlers and oppressors but by Supernatural beings who hid in the shadows and sought to influence the fate of the city. Vampires who sought blood and power, Werewolves who wished to protect the Earth but hated civilization, and Mages who sought to 'guide' Humanity to 'Ascension' according to their chosen ideals, Infinity City eventually became a secret battleground. For its fate will decide Humanity's doom... Or salvation.

Long story short, this is a World of Darkness (Old World of Darkness, specifically) roleplay set in the fictional city of Infinity, Washington. You get to play Vampires, Werewolves, and Mages (other Supernaturals need GM Permission), in an Open World where you can focus on politicking, action, and crime even as a greater threat rises in order to test your spirits...

Playable Templates

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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Princess the Hopeful: Freeform Contagion

Disclaimer: The idea was someone else's, but I was allowed to borrow it.

I. Intro

In the independent archipelago-nation of Beaux Rêve (Sweet Dream), situated in the Pacific Northwest, ideas and ideals clash as the world knocks on its door, seeking access to resources both mundane and supernatural. As a place that is radically different from most of its neighbors, many of the customs are alien even on the global stage. Colonized first by the French elite when Europeans first came and claimed what they saw as the New World, Beaux Rêve has adopted a number of notably French customs and expressions, intermixed with British, American, Russian, and Japanese influences.

The Capital, Beaux Rêve City, is famous for its extreme and bizarre one-school policy. A space the size of a whole city district has been carved out to make space for a truly massive educational complex, ranging from nurseries all the way up to university faculties. Children from all over the city are made to mix regardless of their economic circumstances or housing situations. This brings a number of advantages and issues. Bullying is high, many classrooms or even whole buildings are left vacant due to issues or a lack of funding, teachers face extreme workloads and massive classes and the economy of the whole city has shifted to accommodate this. Everybody knows somebody who works at the school, and rumors spread like wildfire about the daily happenings. The district and the schooling system is just commonly known as "The Complex" or "Beaux Rêve Educational."

As the center of the nation's economic life, the Capital is also split into a number of districts that serve various needs. The Complex is the main district, located at the center of the city. The residential district isn't split by any official lines, but the disparity between rich and poor is clear to see, with worn-down apartments overshadowed by massive skyscrapers and penthouses belonging to the ultra-rich. It's not particularly rare for people to live in other districts above shops, in barracks-like accommodations for laborers, or on the more rural and suburban city borders. Other districts include the commercial district full of bustling markets and French imports, which contrasts with the industrial district full of broken-down warehouses and demolished factories.

The party currently in charge is the Autocrats, who have used Beaux Rêve as a testing ground for their larger plans over the years. Challenging this party are the Humanitarians, a slightly awkward and needs-must party made up of a mixture of people who genuinely want to change things for the better, and others who are simply riding the wave for power or for more cynical reasons. Rumors of more extreme elements of the party decry extremism and violent demonstrations.

Princesses and Princes, aka Magical Girls and Boys, are the dominant supernatural force in Beaux Rêve, if one does not count Hunters, who serve as their oversight. Both Princesses and Hunters have taken up arms to protect the Capital and wider nation, with average folk becoming empowered to take the fight to the core of the issues facing the town, as Mortals squabble about their differences on the streets. The Light that they represent is delicate, however, flickering in the face of so much darkness and suffering. Individuals struggle with their burden, far too spread out and fractured amongst themselves to weather the looming storm. The chances are low, but if those standing for what is right can brook the crashing wave, the path to a brighter future could be left in the wake.

Everything is on the verge of collapse, and that weight falls squarely on your shoulders. If you don't have to strength to lift it up, the dedication to make this place better, then it will drag you down with it, along with all you've ever loved.

II. Haphazard Info and Exposition

All right, what is Princess the Hopeful and why should we care?

Princess the Hopeful (Tv. Tropes page here) is a homebrew tabletop game, a custom splat based on the Chronicles of Darkness (New World of Darkness 2e) setting and system created by White Wolf Publishing, now owned by Paradox Interactive. The homebrew focuses on Magical Girls and Boys (or Magical Women and Men) who are literally driven to be 'Good People in a Grimdark Universe', fighting for a legitimate cause that does not give them a guarantee of victory. They fight because a cause is genuinely right, even if they're slated to lose, and that's where the horror of the game line comes in.

Thanks to the reality-warping plague called the Contagion (which exists in Canon), there are significant differences between this world and 'Vanilla' Chronicles of Darkness, namely that Princesses are as powerful as Mages in this RP (to make sure people don't ignore this ruling, I will be managing everything related to Mages as well as Princesses). Also, Beasts don't exist here for reasons anyone who knows about them can understand. Every other CofD 'race/template/splat' does exist here, though.

But what do we do? Are we part of one single party?

Yes, you're part of one single group of 6 folk (8 counting GMPCs), whose goal is to prevent the city from going to crap due to partisan infighting between the two fictional political parties of Beaux Rêve City (the rest of the archipelago will be explored in due time).

Beaux Rêve City is the size of Wellington, and has a slightly smaller population. The island it stands on, Beaux Rêve Island, is as big as Hawaii (the island), with the surrounding environment being similar to Olympic National Park, only developed with farms and sawmills and factories, although large parts remain pristine.

There is also a volcano, Mt. D' Albret, named after Jeanne d' Albret, a notable figure among the Calvinists in the French Wars of Religion. Said Volcano has a large deposit of red diamonds, the rarest kind of diamond on earth IRL, which in turn makes Beaux Rêve (the nation) extremely rich and important.

The other islands of the archipelago are roughly estimated to be as big as the other islands of the Hawaiian Archipelago; this is to reduce the GM's workload. Also, Beaux Rêve Island is 1609.25 kms/621.34 miles away from Graham Island in Canada; a moderately wide stretch of ocean away.

Anyway, if you want to play someone not a Princess (aka any other template in the Chronicles of Darkness except Beast), consult the White Wolf Wiki.

III. Rules

1) No Godmodding or Powergaming, aka no controlling other players' actions
2) Any consenting relationship between people of the same age group is allowed, whether it's Homosexual or Heterosexual. If you cannot stand such things, don't post here in the first place. That said, do not violate SB rules; that means no sexualizing minors.
3) Be polite to others.
4) Please notify me if you will be gone for more than a week, I myself will let you guys know if I will be gone for that same amount of time.
5) The GM reserves the right to control inactive PCs as NPCs in order to keep the plot moving.
6.) If anything conflicts with a strict reading of the Chronicles of Darkness canon, the Contagion changed reality to make it so.
7.) If you want to play a Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, or any other Template (that isn't Beast), you are in charge of writing up what powers your OC has; do not abuse this right to god mode. And if you can prove that you know the lore for those Templates, the GM might consult with you from time to time.
8.) We're not using dice or stats; we use the honor system, narrative necessity and plausibility, and common sense.

IV. Character Sheet

[b]Name:[/b] (What’s your characters name?)

[b]Age:[/b] (How old is your character? 16 - 30 preferred, but younger/older OCs can be applied for on special request)

[b]Physical Description:[/b] (What does your character look like?)

(Place any photos or written descriptions here. If a Princess, post your Transformed Self's costume)

[b]Weapons and Items:[/b] (What kind of weapons or other important items does your character have? If your character has cash, put it there too.)

[b]Are you a Princess/Prince? :[/b] (Simple Y/N question)

[Spoiler=If a Princess]
[b]Calling:[/b] (Champion, Grace, Mender, Seeker, Troubadour; consult the Princess Wiki for more details)

[b]Court:[/b] (Clubs, Diamonds, Spades, Hearts, Swords; no Tears, Storms, and Mirrors, but their Invocations might be allowed - See below. Consult the Princess Wiki for more details.)

[b]Invocation:[/b] (Consult the Princess Wiki for details. All 'Vanilla' Invocations plus the ones from the Road of Dawn supplement are allowed if you can explain why your OC can access them. Also, you get 1 Invocation at Level 3, 1 Invocation at Level 2, and 1 Invocation at Level 1).

[b]Charms:[/b] (As part of the buffs to Princesses and Princes, you get to buy dots in Charm [i]Families[/i] not just Individual Charms. This means that you can buy Fight 3 and get all Charms that are compatible with your Invocations up to that level. To balance this, you only have 5 Charm Dots and you are capped to Level 3 in any Charm Family on Character Creation. However, for your Calling's Affinity Charm, aka Fight for Champions, Connect for Graces, etc, you get a [i]sixth[/i] dot you can only invest in it.)

[Spoiler=If a Mage]
[b]Path:[/b] (Acathus, Obrimos, Mastigos, Moros, Thyrsus.)

[b]Order:[/b] (Adamantine Arrow, Guardians of the Veil, Mysterium, Silver Ladder, Free Council.)

[b]Arcana:[/b] (4 Dots, but your Affinity Arcanum gets a fifth and a sixth you can only invest in those. Consult the Wikis on what the Arcanum are.)

[b]Short Bio:[/b] Tell us your character's story up to this point. Who are they exactly? Where did they come from? What are they like? All of the above goes here.

V. Sample Bio

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Name: Matilda of Tuscany.
Title(s): Margravine of Tuscany, Soldier of St. Peter.
Class: Rider.

Gender: Female.

Alignment: Lawful Good.


Attribute: Man.

Bio: The Historical Facts

A young girl raised to rule in the absence of male kin, heir to vast holdings in the north and center of Italy, Matilda was a genuine believer in the rights of the Holy Church against the secular lords of the realm, and at the age of fifteen, raised an army to fight for the legitimate Pope in Rome against a would-be usurper. On the way to fight off the more numerous forces of this false claimant, Matilda had an urge to go on a hunting trip, a hunting trip that took her to an ancient grove and brook from the Age of Gods, where a winged horse, of the blood of Pegasus himself, was calmly drinking the clean water.

Seeing, in this majestic beast, an advantage against the enemy and their heretical Mages, Matilda went towards the winged horse, which, though not a Unicorn, was impressed with the purity and beauty of the maiden who approached him. Eventually, she was allowed to ride the Phantasmal Creature without the need for bridle, saddle, and spurs, and returned to her camp with her new steed, which she promptly asked her force’s chaplain to bless.

With her Pegasus under her, she repulsed the forces of the Antipope, dispersing the rogue Magi who had gathered around the latter and forcing the enemy force to retreat. She then had the real Pope, Alexander II, bless the Pegasus further, sanctifying the Phantasmal Beast and granting it and its rider protection against Magecraft and even Age of Gods Magic, as well as the power to harm the enemies of Humanity, such as Vampires and other Phantasmal Creatures.

Eventually, her Flying Horse would be the wonder of all of Italy, and also the terror of her enemies, who eventually included her first Husband, Godfrey the Hunchback, who argued that the beast was a ‘heathen monster’ that deserved to be culled, Papal Blessing or no Papal Blessing. When the two ended up on opposite sides of a war over Papal power, she took to the skies and fought, and for a while, managed to force the ‘Holy Roman Emperor’, Heinrich IV/Henry IV of the Salian Dynasty, to humble himself before The Pope in her fortress of Canossa, which became forever marked by the event.

But Heinrich proved treacherous, and it was up to Matilda and her steed, now seen as the Guardian of Tuscany itself, to try and stop him from seizing control of the Holy Church for himself. And in Rome, Florence, and Canossa again, she fought tenaciously, supporting her efforts by giving her patronage to scholarly monks who made an argument for the Church’s right to defend itself and its supremacy over the Kings of Europe.

She won in her old age but had sacrificed much in her struggle, giving up many of her rights and powers to the cities of Northern Italy. Her governance became hated, and eventually, the purity of purpose and spirit that had driven her began to show spots, spots that were eventually enough for the Guardian of Tuscany, her winged horse, to forsake her.

And so she died, having won and lost much, but secured a place in history as a result.



Endurance: B

Agility: A

Mana: A

Luck: B

Class Skills:

Riding (A-) - Matilda tamed a flying horse that was also the one depicted on the historical Flag of Tuscany, a flying horse blessed by a Pope and which carried the blood of Pegasus himself. However, riding any other steed or vehicle lowers her rank by one.

Magic Resistance (B+) - Blessed by the legitimate Pope separately from her steed, Matilda can overcome even feats of greater Thaumaturgy.

Personal Skills:

Charisma (B) - You don’t just persuade people to go fight against the premier monarch of Western Europe without having actual charisma where it counts. Matilda can and will rally the supporters of the Church to fight and win a war.

Valor (B) - She fought in battle without needing divine revelations to push her into warfare (no offense to Jeanne D’ Arc), had a few losses, and had a costly final victory. She can thus negate mental interference that can turn her from her goals, and a bonus to melee damage.

Military Tactics (B+) - She’s been besieged many times, and so can boost the skills and strengths of any forces that put themselves under her in a siege; the boost to Military Tactics represents this.

Fate is in Heaven (A) - The absolute purity of purpose that Matilda has on behalf of the Pope’s rights against the Secular Kings and Lords of Europe allows her an advantageous check to any action she takes on the battlefield; several centuries before Nagao Kagetora does the same for a different Deity.

Eye of the Mind (False, B) - Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. So long there is even a 1% chance of a comeback, this ability greatly improves the chances of winning (Copied from Archer EMIYA).

Noble Phantasm(s):

Name: Guardian Steed of Tuscany
Title: Last of Pegasus’ Bloodline
Rank: EX
NP Type: Anti-Army
Range: 2 - 50
Maximum Number of Targets: 150

Description: A flying horse that was the last of its kind to stay out of the Reverse Side of the World, the Guardian Steed of Tuscany allowed itself to be tamed by Matilda due to her purity of purpose and heart as well as her beauty. Blessed by a Pope and held in awe by the people of North and Central Italy, the Guardian Steed found itself immortalized in the Flag of the Tuscan people, sealing its place in history even after it had finally left for the Reverse Side of the World.

A Phantasmal Beast descended from Pegasus himself, the boost from the Pope’s Blessing has given it better Magic Resistance and improved healing capabilities on the level of regeneration, as well as the ability to inflict increased damage on Vampires and other beasts dubbed unholy by the Church. More aggressive than its progenitor, the Guardian does not need to be compelled to use its strength in battle and can unleash shock waves from its wings to tear its opponents apart.

Name: Fortress of Canossa.
Title: “The Place of Broken Pride.”
Rank: A
NP Type: Fortress.
Range: 1 - 50
Maximum Number of Targets: 1000

Description: Matilda’s Seat of Power. The place where an Emperor had to humble himself before The Pope on the snowy ground. An imposing castle constantly surrounded by snow and manned by a garrison of shades modeled after Matilda’s memories, the most powerful trait of this Noble Phantasm is how even the sight of it radiates a mental assault on the mind, which mixed with the cold and the snow and the wind, is meant to force the attackers to surrender and give up on their cause.

Basically, it is a fortress surrounded by a raging blizzard, which assaults your mind when you look at it and is manned by shades who can shoot arrows of prana/mana at you or otherwise fight. To go up against the castle is a risk of being compelled to replicate the ‘Walk to Canossa’ where you humble yourself before its occupants…
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Fallout New Vegas: Hope and Conflict


II. Rules

III. Character Sheets

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Noble Arms - The ASEAN War

In the twilight of World War II, magic became real, yet scarce. This source of this magic, the Noble Arm, was the rare ability to conjure up a supernatural weapon that can defy the laws of physics, a weapon bound to the user's mind and soul; summoned by their will into reality. For reasons that are still unexplainable despite years of research, Noble Arms only take the form of weapons from before the First World War, however, despite the antiquity of these forms, the power they bear to the battlefield is unlike anything modern technology has been able to produce.

  • The ability to manipulate the elements to the user's will.
  • Forces that can reduce matter down to atoms in seconds.
  • The strength to withstand the explosion of a nuclear missile.

All of these powers, and more wondrous and terrifying abilities, come with Noble Arms. Thus, the ones who bear them, the Arms Masters, are sought after by countries all around the world. Where once the strength of a country was decided by the technological strength of its Army, it is now judged by the power of its Arms Masters.

But this state of affairs has produced sadness and strife; the world was just not prepared for the possibility of superhumans, people who just by existing, challenge the notion of equality between men. And so Arms Masters and Normal Humans lived in an uneasy state of coexistence, with radicals on both sides wishing to shatter the peace and dominate one another.

Then, in the early decades of the 21st Century, from the years 2019 to 2022, the status quo shattered again, with three groups of beings, only one of them claiming to be part of Humanity as it is now, manifesting the ability to give Noble Arms to those who once lacked them, albeit under conditions which appeal only to the desperate. These factions, known as "The Big Three", are:

Their machinations have swept the old divisions out of the water, destroying the fragile order of the world as apocalyptic warfare breaks out all over it. China, once held at bay by the ASEAN countries, has rearmed and mustered an army of Arms Masters through vile procedures and is preparing to overrun Southeast Asia. The Philippines, once a bulwark against Chinese expansion, even elected a Pro-Chinese President, who used a loophole in the Constitution banning a second term as President but not Vice President to run for the latter position, then assassinate the person who did become President, only to have his nefarious actions found out and lead to his overthrow and replacement by a 'Government of National Salvation'.

However, the previous President's loyalists established a rival Government and invited China's armies and fleets in, alarming the other nations in the region. One thing led to another and the region was now engulfed in war.

We all live in interesting times...


All right; I've tried running Noble Arms, TheHangedMan's RP idea, several times now, and tried to add my own spin on it once before. Now, I am trying again with my darkest RP yet.

This is a game where you play ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) or ASEAN-allied folk (US and European Volunteers) as OCs and China is the enemy. These OCs/PCs will be part of one group, Task Force Obsidian, whose goals are to act as one unit to engage in operations against China's People's Liberation Army and its assets while defending ASEAN's own.

There will be both adult and child soldiers as Noble Arms are not selective and the situation is just that desperate. You are not limited to Arms Masters; people who use their own skills and technology are permitted as well.

Addendum: I always planned for this to be a difficult, challenging campaign with a little bit of scariness, but which will ultimately bring out the OCs' and players' smarts while punishing acting like a stereotypical action hero. And by that, do stupid stuff, get difficulties. Play things smart, use common sense, and cooperate with others while using your powers in interesting ways (a lesson I myself was forced to learn a few months ago), and you guys get rewards, including but not just limited to victories.

And now, the meat of the lore.

OOC Discussion Discord
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Name: Neil Harper

Age: 18

Physical Description:

Important items:

- School Mop.
- Smartphone.
- School Uniform (and underclothes).
- Backpack and Textbooks.
- Packed Lunch.

Short Bio: Born to well-to-do parents who can give him a decent education, Neil was odd in the sense that he had an Imaginary Friend, 'Niklaus von Hildmann', who looked exactly like him but was a noble of a place called the Barony of Weißer Berg, aka White Mountain. This Imaginary Friend knew things that Neil did not know on his own, such as a full dictionary of what his world knew as German, how to fight properly with swords, and how to ride a horse. Most importantly, he taught Neil a few bits of Magic; nothing that would get him in trouble in his world, aka Earth, but enough to convince Neil that his imaginary friend was both real and telling the truth.

Niklaus regaled him with stories of Weißer Berg and how it was beautiful in all seasons, filled with happy villagers and valiant knights, and how his father ruled over a prosperous and peaceful land, which was in danger from an Emperor who was trying to crush the rights and liberties of his people. 'Nik' also told Neil that he was a magical prodigy, a 'Dimensioneer', who can mentally bond with people from other worlds and eventually, exchange places with them with their consent.

As is obvious to all, only some of that spiel was true, namely the 'Dimensioneer' part. The Emperor was not evil in the beginning, and Niklaus' father was a petty tyrant. Nevertheless, as Neil grew up, he eventually allowed Niklaus to suggest a 'contract' that would allow them to exchange places with each other across worlds and dimensions.

The first exchange was wonderful; Neil was able to enjoy a lavish banquet while Niklaus got him a date with the hottest girl in class. Further exchanges provided even better learning experiences until a guard made a remark about 'crushing a serf revolt' and another talked about hanging children from trees. And it was then that Neil found out that his friend was false; more inquiries revealed that not only was Niklaus' father a cruel, corrupt man, but Niklaus was one himself, having slaughtered innocent villages and extorted huge sums of copper, silver, and gold coins, as well as grain and other food.

Oh, and the Emperor they were rebelling against was someone who wanted to stop that behavior.

When Neil confronted Niklaus about this, the latter laughed at him and said that this was part of his plan all along - On their eighteenth birthday, a secret clause in the contract they made will exchange their places for real, permanently, and he will be able to avoid the fate that was coming once the Emperor inevitably won. Oh, and that there was some sort of conspiracy but he had to find that out from the Church of Existence. Good luck!

And so it happened as Nik predicted; the Rebel Nobles were defeated by the Emperor's Gunpowder Army in the Battle at the Gates of Kaiserstadt, Prince Otto was knifed to death by the imprisoned nobles when he came to assure them of clemency, and the Emperor ordered Niklaus, the last survivor of his family, enslaved in response and sold in Venedig.

Just as luck would have it, Niklaus and Neil turned eighteen just when Nik arrived in the city to be prepared and processed into slavery. Now, Isekai'd against his own will and forced to try and escape his would-be enslavers, Neil seeks help from the Church of Existence... If he can find them!

Starting Faction: N/A

Spell List:

Dimensional Contract (Dimensional + High, allowed by a Character Trait) - Is capable of making a pact with one other person, and only that person, to exchange places with each other across multiple worlds. This pact, however, has been negotiated by someone who inserted a clause permanently changing their places after a certain amount of time. Note that High Magic can Nullify the Contract, but until then, this 'Spell Slot' cannot be used for any useful Magic.

Bond across Worlds (Mind + Dimensonal, allowed by a Character Trait) - Neil can telepathically communicate with Niklaus, his treacherous friend, even across universes, and this communication is two-way, with Niklaus watching over Neil's actions and ordeals.

Portal (Dimensional) - Allows Neil to create a portal to a place he can see with his sight, and this can be used to conduct short-ranged false teleports. However, Dimensional Magic is always flashy, unlike Timespace (a Forbidden Area), and so it is easy to detect him using this.

Mantle of Memory (Mind) - Neil can temporarily alter people's memories to make him feel like a familiar, even friendly presence, and this allows him to go through areas where he normally would not be allowed to go.

Perfect Recall (Mind) - Neil can give himself near-perfect memory of all information he has absorbed since infancy.

Learn Faster (Mind) - Neil can watch someone do something (fencing, shooting, even gardening) through his eyes or a magical recording, and master the relevant skill for one to three posting rounds. This requires that his body be able to endure the requirements of said skill in the first place, but he is athletic enough for most physical work and styles of fighting...

Character Traits:

Dimensioneer - Allows access to the Dimensional Contract and the Bond across Worlds spells.

Fairest of all the ‘Princes’ of the Earth - Neil's face and body are the perfect mix of masculine and feminine traits, strong and smooth, lean yet toned, and all perfectly proportioned. Even on Earth, he is of supermodel-level looks.

Traditionalist Spell Mastery (Dimensional, Mind) - Neil has Spell Mastery of Dimensional and Mind Magic and can cast the spells he has of those Schools with only his words, gestures, or in emergencies, pure thoughts.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, Side Story in Baguio

A destroyed town from 86; pretend that this is Baguio.
OOC Discussion Discord
Background Lore Document

Seven decades ago, the Computer Scientist Alan Turing invented an 'Occult Programming Language' that made magic real. The most common form that 'magic' took was the Noble Arm, which was the ability to conjure up a supernatural weapon that can defy the laws of physics, a weapon bound to the user’s mind and soul; summoned by their will into reality. For reasons that are still unexplainable despite years of research, Noble Arms only take the form of weapons from before the First World War, however, despite the antiquity of these forms, the power they bear to the battlefield is unlike anything modern technology has been able to produce.

  • The ability to manipulate the elements to the user's will.
  • Forces that can reduce matter down to atoms in seconds.
  • The strength to withstand the explosion of a nuclear missile.

It is now 2022, and the world is both different and similar to how History should have gone. Trying to redress its humiliation in this timeline's 1988, the current rulers of China have launched an invasion of Southeast Asia, forcing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to attempt a collective defense. Foiled three times, first in their attempt to land in Lingayen Gulf, then battled by their countrymen, the rebel Qing Restoration Society, in Mischief Reef, and finally humiliated by the destruction of Jinghong Dam in their own territory, the People's Liberation Army now count on exhaustion and treachery from within to force one of ASEAN's key members, the Philippines, to yield.

Despite early victories on the battlefield, the Philippine Government of National Salvation is stretched thin as its leadership faces opposition from the myriad political families/clans that hold large amounts of power over the provinces, many of who genuinely blame the PGNS for the Chinese invasion even as the People's Republic of China bribes them with cash, gifts, and promises of preferment if they'd just yield to the invaders. Nevertheless, it was believed that the Danggal Family, which controls the City of Baguio in the Northern Philippines, would stay loyal to the PGNS, if only because of their close links with the Americans who still recognize the PGNS as the legal government of the country.

They were not. On November 2, they seized the city for themselves and declared their intention to invite the Chinese in. Now the Philippine Government of National Salvation scrambles what forces it could to break this treasonous clan before their treachery dooms the entire nation!

This is an interest check for a Side RP/Spinoff RP of Noble Arms: The ASEAN War (link here), where the goal is to expand on the setting and elements that receive only mentions or exposition in the Main RP, as well as affect key elements in said RP, ranging from if debilitating information leaks affecting the Main RP's OCs would continue or if the ones from the Philippines will have a country to return to after all is said and done.

You have the option of playing Arms Masters, people that through personal development, positive or negative, have manifested a Noble Arm, a weapon formed from and linked to, but not part of one's soul. You can also be ordinary but not unimportant service-folk/service people: Special Forces Infantry, Air Force Pilots, Marines, Boat Drivers, or even foreign volunteers from Europe, America, Japan, or everywhere else.

Antagonists need special permission from all three members of the GM Council (Being Recruited).

You can find the Lore in the Noble Arms Lore Thread and the relevant lore for playing a character, plus the Character Sheet Skeleton, is below.

Relevant Lore

Character Sheet


Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Innocence Lost: Mercenaries (A Science Fantasy RP)

Official Discord Server

I. Intro

II. Alien Species
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Noble Arms: The Normal People, an ASEAN War spinoff (Jets, Mechs, and Ships!)

It is 2022, nearly a century after the unintended consequences of one person's folly.

On the verge of Allied Victory in World War II, the British Scientist Alan Turing, one of the fathers of computer science, fed captured Nazi occult research into a prototype computer and accidentally made it work, leading to the manifestation of Noble Arms. These magical weapons are symbols of their user's inner selves, manifesting when a person undergoes great change and development in their lives, for good or for ill.

Taking the form of obsolete weapons and tools such as swords, spears, muskets, books, and even wooden ships, the Noble Arm can possess devastating powers that defy the laws of reality as we know it.

  • The ability to manipulate the elements to the user's will.
  • Forces that can reduce matter down to atoms in seconds.
  • The strength to withstand the explosion of a nuclear missile.

You are not one of them - You are a normal person who paid for their normalcy by giving up opportunities to gain a Noble Arm and the great power, prestige, and responsibilities that come with it.

But being normal does not mean staying powerless; your normal life has grounded, you, kept your mind clear, and you are willing to use technology to even the playing field against Arms Masters. These include machines of war that run on the Occult Principles which make Noble Arms work.

What does that mean? You are one of these individuals, given access to cutting-edge technology developed by the Paragons of Science, a group of renegades that took knowledge of the Occult Programming Language that created Noble Arms out of Britain and America's secret vaults and began giving it to the world.

Fighter Jets with infinite ammo and cockpits that negate G-Force. Mechs with railguns and plasma blades that can match an Arms Master and their Noble Arm one-on-one. All to save the world from its most recent crisis.

In the year 2022, this world is similar, yet different; bound to the history of another timeline yet struggling to break away and become its own thing.

The most immediate crisis is the war in Southeast Asia, where China has launched a special military operation against the ASEAN countries. In response, the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries, united by the threat of Chinese aggression, have fought back with a mixture of mundane grit and the strategic use of Arms Masters, applying supernatural force where it is most needed.

Called in to aid its Chinese ally, the Russian Pacific Fleet, bolstered with ships, ammunition, and Arms Masters from North Korea, is maneuvering south to the Tsushima Strait, entering Japanese waters in a deliberate act of war. In an unprecedented move, Japan and South Korea have set aside historical enmities to form a fragile alliance, determined to halt the Russian advance - Your group is key to doing so; you may lack the supernatural abilities of the Arms Masters, but you have the tactical minds and will to fight back.

This is an interest check for a Side RP/Spinoff RP of Noble Arms: The ASEAN War (link here), where the goal is to expand on the setting and elements that receive only mentions or exposition in the Main RP, as well as affect key elements in said RP, including if the JSSDF will show up to help the protagonists in that Main RP.

You are restricted to Normal People at the start of the RP, but depending on your personal development, you can gain a Noble Arm of your own.

Antagonists need special permission from all three members of the GM Council (Being Recruited).

You can find the Lore in the Noble Arms Lore Thread and the relevant lore for playing a character, plus the Character Sheet Skeleton, is below.

Relevant Lore

Character Sheet


Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

An old Korean man who is 5'7 inches tall and 80kg in weight, Admiral Yi Yeol keeps a finely-groomed white beard and mustache that accentuate his brown eyes, which can switch from friendly to stern in mere seconds. Lean, yet muscular, Admiral Yi Yeol bears the mark of many years practicing traditional Korean Martial Arts in his body language and his hand calluses, and his uniform is clean and immaculate as per regulations; he is not ashamed of his increasing wrinkles.

Name: Admiral Yi Yeol

Age: 62

Nationality: South Korean

Jet or Mech: Neither; he has a Sejong the Great-class destroyer.

Preferred Armament: Guided Missiles, but he also uses the other IRL arms and ammunition of the Sejong the Great-class destroyer.

Custom Modifications:
- Custom Computer Core capable of calculating and processing Occult Programming Language.
- OPL-based 'cheat codes' reducing the effects of environmental hazards by 90%, allowing it to endure typhoons, tsunamis, blizzards and extreme temperatures without being destroyed.
- OPL-based 'cheat codes' making the ship's hull as tough as carbon-fibre armor without affecting its weight and maneuverability.

Misc Abilities: Taekwondo, Korean Swordsmanship, Archery, and Equestrianism. He is, of course, a competent and well-read Admiral who knows the capabilities of his fleet and that of the JSDF's enough to be appointed the overall commander of the combined Japanese-South Korean flotilla.

Personality: An honorable man, known for his wisdom. A loving grandfather and father. An open-minded family patriarch who is capable of extending courtesy and politeness even to his enemies. Well-read, generous, and above all, willing to fight for his country within the bounds of reason and morality, a stance that has earned him the dislike of war hawks and doves alike, who see him as not taking a side. His response to that is that he has a side - The best interests of his country and its people, which are helped by hewing closely to Humanity as a concept.

*Likes: Beef Bulgogi, Books, Martial Arts, Learning.

*Dislikes: Bitter things, his own country's politicians and corporate goons, the suggestion of treachery.

Fears: The fall of his country and the international order he has helped prop up for decades.

Bio: Yi Yeol is a descendant of Yi Sun Shin, one of the greatest naval commanders in history. For years, he endaevored to live up to that name, even pursuing a military career under the sometimes stifling pressure of his family. He had an arranged marrriage; he had a wife and several children and he loved them dearly. His children were raised better than he himself was, with them being allowed to choose their own paths, for good or for ill. Some of them died before him; he took care of their children, his own flesh and blood. It was a mundane, boring life, one that grew his skills while keeping him away from Arms Mastery.

Then, the ASEAN War started with the People's Republic of China invading everywhere at once, emboldened by the US President's inexplicable withdrawal from world affairs. He was called up to lead the South Korean Navy; his predecessor had been assassinated by a North Korean Arms Master. Accepting the help of the Paragons of Science, he began coordinating with the Japanese Self Defense Forces in preperation for when Russia and North Korea send their fleets in support of China, anticipating that they would have to go through the Tsushima Strait. This was what happened sooner than he expected, and this November of 2022, he is ready to confront this unprecedented foe, and sink their ships to the bottom of the ocean!

*Current Goal: Defeat the Russian and North Korean fleet.

Military or Civilian Rank: Admiral.

Hidden 4 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Noble Arms: The ASEAN War - Thread Three, the Darkest Hour

It is 2022, nearly a century after the unintended consequences of one person's folly.

On the verge of Allied Victory in World War II, the British Scientist Alan Turing, one of the fathers of computer science, fed captured Nazi occult research into a prototype computer and accidentally made it work, leading to the manifestation of Noble Arms. These magical weapons are symbols of their user's inner selves, manifesting when a person undergoes great change and development in their lives, for good or for ill.

Taking the form of obsolete weapons and tools such as swords, spears, muskets, books, and even wooden ships, the Noble Arm can possess devastating powers that defy the laws of reality as we know it.

  • Many have the ability to manipulate the elements to the user's will.
  • A few can control forces that can reduce matter down to atoms in seconds.
  • The rarest have the strength to withstand the explosion of a nuclear missile.

The People's Republic of China, in its haste to recover from the Humiliation of 1988 against the smaller countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), has entangled itself in multiple, simultaneous, 'special military operations' against its neighbors, a state of affairs encouraged by the Downward Descent, a cult of Noble Arms Masters that believe Humanity's desire for progress and advancement is a lie that ignores its dark, but true, nature.

Now the PRC is suffering a death of a thousand cuts in a dozen warzones, with its greatest success being the defection of Laos and the northern parts of Cambodia to its side after a botched peace conference in Phnom Penh. However, this, as well as signs of increasing coordination with North Korea, Russia, and Iran has brought a reluctant United States into the war after two years of attempted withdrawal from the world stage.

You are part of Task Force Obsidian, a mix of Arms Masters, people who can manifest Noble Arms after surviving what changed their lives, and Normal People, who in turn have paid for their normalcy by lacking magic, but make up for that by being skilled in guns, vehicles, and aircraft, as well as primitive mechs.

Right now, you and the others of TFO are back in the Philippines, where the Chinese have resumed their attempt at invasion. You have been given housing in the evacuated ‘Trinidad Academy’, a School for Arms Masters and Normal folk whose students are either fighting the enemy on other fronts, fled, or are dead. There, you are either a veteran member trying to lick your wounds, or a new recruit who has been selected to fill up TFO's ranks.

Your commanding officer, the young Arms Master named Noel Alonso, has been kidnapped. Many of your comrades are missing or somehow inactive. China, once on the back foot, has resumed its offensive.

We all live in interesting times...


All right; I've tried running Noble Arms, TheHangedMan's RP idea, several times now, and tried to add my spin on it once before. Now, I am trying again with my darkest RP yet.

This is a game where you play ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) or ASEAN-allied folk (US and European Volunteers) as OCs and China is the enemy. These OCs/PCs will be part of one group, Task Force Obsidian, whose goals are to act as one unit to engage in operations against China's People's Liberation Army and its assets while defending ASEAN's own.

There will be both adult and child soldiers as Noble Arms are not selective and the situation is just that desperate. You are not limited to Arms Masters; people who use their skills and technology (some of which can keep up with most Arms Masters) are permitted too.

And now, the meat of the lore.

OOC Discussion Discord

Background Lore Document
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