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Welcome to The School of Special Skills and Talents

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 24 days ago

Today is the first day of the first semester and all the new students have arrived. Dr. Andre sat in his office finishing some paperwork at a record-breaking pace. His super intelligence made documents like child's play to him. He had found a whole new set of students to join and he needed to finally introduce himself to them. He had recruited a few of them but not all. He left his office and headed to the front of the school where all the students were waiting for the start of the new day.

"Welcome to The School of Special Skills and Talents! I am Dr Andre Saunders, principal and founder of the school. Everyone here has one ability or another and all of you will learn to control and use your abilities for the rest of your life. Some of you may even one day become teachers here if you want. This will always be the best place for you to be able to learn and see things you could only imagine. One by one please come up to me and I can give you your schedule for this first term." He said as he stood near the front door wondering which student would come up to him first.

~~~ *** ~~~~

Persephone stood in the crowd of students feeling her shyness getting the better of her suddenly. She was normally a very determined person but seeing all the other students and knowing each of them had their own abilities made her nervous. She was worried people would judge her for being able to control fire, everyone seemed to fear her when they found out. She was anything but a bad person. She waited in line to meet with the principal making sure to be at the very end.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by apheline

apheline they/them she/her

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Iris Fontaine stood in her art classroom, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nerves. The room was already filled with the rich, comforting scent of paint and fresh canvases, a fragrance that always reminded her of new beginnings. She paced back and forth, glancing around at the familiar walls adorned with her students' past works, each piece a testament to the creative journeys she had guided. The sunlight streamed in through the large windows, casting a warm, golden glow over the rows of easels and drawing tables arranged in a loose circle to foster a sense of community. Iris had always believed that the setup of a room could greatly influence the energy and inspiration of its occupants, and she wanted her students to feel free and open to express themselves from the very first moment.

As the clock ticked closer to the start of the day, Iris found herself torn between standing behind her desk or positioning herself in front of the chalkboard. She wanted to appear approachable, someone they could easily connect with, but she also wanted to convey the sense of order and structure that the first day often required. Her hands fidgeted with a paintbrush she had absentmindedly picked up, its bristles soft against her fingers. In her mind, she ran through her introduction again, thinking of the right words to ease any tension her new students might be feeling. Taking a deep breath, Iris decided on a spot just to the side of the chalkboard, a happy medium that would allow her to quickly shift into whatever role the room needed her to fill. The bell was about to ring, and she wanted to be ready for whatever faces might walk through the door—nervous, excited, or perhaps both.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 25 min ago

Allana Lang of the House of Kent

Walking through the halls she’d been called to the morning orientation and after listening to a corporate higher education spiel with a slight twist. She even started chuckling for moment as she wondered if anyone here could nuke the planet?

Be kinda sexy if she could find a Teenage Negasonic Warhead, they had to be hell in bed. Looking around the group as the Doctor gave his speech she wondered just how many had powers.

When no one else went forward she did, might as well get this over with she figured. Walking forwards she went up the steps and looked at Dr. Andre. “Allana Lang.. Kent” She told him. “Schedule..”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Delios Hawkins

Delios woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. He slammed his hand onto the top angrily to stop the blaring alarm. He got out of bed and dressed for the first day of school. The young man was going to get a lift from his friend, who was also attending school. While waiting for his friend outside, he looked at his phone, checking for any emails. Noticing his friend coming towards him in his 2003 Honda Civic. This friend of his wasn’t someone Delios would consider a friend. Delios was, in a way, using him for his selfish reasons. The ride towards the school was quiet, with Delios mostly staring out the window. Ignoring his friend, who was trying to have a conversation with him.

As the two parked in the parking lot, the two young men exited the car. They were walking to where Dr.Andre would make his speech to the new students. His friend seemed more focused on the female students around them than the principal’s speech. Delios looked bored out of his mind during the speech, staring into space and wanting to be elsewhere. Cringing at the thought of him being a teacher.

After the speech, Delios stood up and walked behind his friend toward Dr.Andre. After his friend got his schedule, Delios stared at him, wondering what his ability was and if he would be worthy enough to be considered beneficial. “Delios Hawkins." He said flatly while taking the printed schedule from his hand. He then walked away and ignored his friend while reviewing his schedule. He looked annoyed about some of the subjects that were on his schedule. As he looked at his schedule, he didn’t see where he was going, so he bumped into another student (Allana).


Matthew Perkins

He got ready for the first day of school and had coffee because he knew it would be terrible. Matthew dressed and drove towards the school. He stood where the other professors were, enjoying Dr.Andre’s little speech. Once that was finished, he headed off inside his classroom, preparing it for the first class of the semester. He sat at his desk and waited, excited for the new batch of students that would come in.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 25 min ago

Allana Lang Kent

In process of reading her schedule and seeing what she’d need to get altered or moved Allana dropped the paperwork when someone ran into her from behind. Stupid fuck probably had his eyes glued on a telephone screen.

Grunting in surprise as their papers dropped with hers, she crouched, laying her books on the ground as she started collecting papers and sorting through who’s was who’s.

“Sea Lion? Dolphin? Whale?” Allana snapped. “What were you in your previous life, since you obviously never learned to walk before.”

“That one’s mine,” she said shoving several papers at him and grabbing one from him. She was more irritated than angry. She was going to be late, didn’t know where the first class was, needed to get her schedule changed and now had to resort all the paperwork and hope she wasn’t missing anything.

“After you learn walking try to learn to look where you’re walking.” God she was being a bitch…. Again. “Look I’m sure you’re a nice asshole, but I have to get my schedule changed, and I’m going to be late for my first class because you ran into me.”

Pulling out the map she looked at it and then at buildings around them. “I should be able to get there, as long as you don’t trip me… again.”

Grabbing her books and papers, most were here some were his but then he had some of hers as well. Taking off at a run she headed for her class, Gym. First thing in the fucking morning? What a shit class.

Heading to the office after gym, and a second shower of the day, Allana stood in line to get her class schedule shifted. And if the administration didn’t see eye to eye with her she’d kill them all.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Little Bird
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Little Bird Caffeinated Lifeform

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Julia Strauss

Julia stretched her legs, pushing against the grated cage that separated the rear and front seats of the police cruiser. It had been a longer drive than she had been on before, coming upstate from West Chester County, and the State Police, naturally, didn't care for the comfort and legroom of the people they detained, even if those people were only barely legal. The officers riding in the front seat threw a cautionary glance her way her toes rattled the cage. "Sorry," she said. "Kinda cramped back here, ya know?" Both officers turned their attention back to the road ahead without acknowledging her comment. Julia rolled her eyes, and tried to peer through the gap between the seat in front of her and the side of the car. It wasn't much, but she could see just enough through the front windshield to not feel completely trapped.

Why they were still treating her like a threat, she had no idea; even the court judge had deemed her incident two years prior an accident; it was her other misdemeanors that had ultimately earned her the room in juvie. "You know," she mused to the two stoic police in front of her, "that if I really wanted to make a break for it, I'd have already zapped both of you." A light crack popped from her left index finger; she had her issues with control, but she had been getting better, and supposedly the place she was going would help her refine that. Both men gave her another side eye, more annoyed than before.

"Just be quiet," said the driver. "And sit still. We're just about there." He pointed ahead.

Through her limmited line of sight, Julia made out the emerging structure: a large, sprawling brick building on an emaculate lawn, with grounds that stretched a good distance in every direction. As the squad car drove closer, she could see that other students, and possibly teachers, were beginning to convene and make their ways into the school. As they drove further down the main driveway, Julia could see more than a few faces eying the car. Some were surprised to see the police coming through, while others wore expressions that suggested that it wasn't the first time someone had arrived in such a fashion; she guessed that the unfazed ones had been around the school a while longer, and had likely seen just about everything.

The car came to a smooth halt outside of the main entrance, were a cluster of students had gathered. Julia's door swung open, and the officers pulled her from the vehicle. Both wore neoprene gloves, similar to what a lineman would wear. The driver uncuffed her hands, and pulled her forward until she was standing in front of them, facing the building. "So agressive," she spat. She shook off the soreness and patted herself off. "You just gonna stand there then? You got me here; job done, mission accomplished."

"Not until we see you walk through those doors, the driver said, his partner nodding in agreement.

"Fine then." Julia turned her attention to the man standing by the school's entrance in time to hear his name. 'Dr. Andre Saunders,' the head of the school. She knew the name. The people at juvie had told her that it was Dr. Saunders that had smoothed out the arrangement for her to attend here; they had also told her she'd best thank him, as he might have spared her an exteneded sentence into prison after she had turned eighteen.

Two students stepped forward from the crowd receiving their class schedules, and passing through the threshold and out of sight. As the second student reached the Dr. Saunders, Julia began weaving her way to the front of the crowd. The thought of the officers eying her up any longer motivated her to the front the mass, where she inadvertently cut off another student as she approached the principal. "Julia Lee Strauss," she said firmly. "And thank you for inviting me to come here," she would add as she took her schedule. She slipped through the front doors into the grand foyer, watching the cruiser pull out from the corner of her eye.

She emerged quickly into the foyer, coming to an immediate stop as a pair of her peers seemed to have had a collison of sorts. A female student was ripping into a guy for not paying attention to where he was going; she recognized both of them as the students that had gotten their schedules just moments prior. "That's one way to meet people, I guess," she chuckled as the girl stormed off.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 24 days ago

@Varshanka@Eviledd1984@Little Bird

Dr Andre Saunders

Andre looked up seeing it was one student he had his concerns about. He knew this student would be on their best behavior but he could sense the aura around them. He smiled to hide his concerns though not giving a single clue away. "Yes, Ms Allana here is your schedule. If you need anything feel free to reach out to me or any of your teachers. Have a good semester." He said as the schedule was handed to her.


The headmaster looked up as the next student approached him hearing his name. With his super intelligence, he memorized all of the enrollment documents for every student. "Ah yes, The ability to manipulate time. You are going to love your first period." He said handing him a schedule and shaking his hand. "It's great to have you here with us. If you ever need help reach out to me after our class at the end of the day." He said as he gestured the boy to the door. The first period is on the first door in the left hallway." He said smiling as the next students walked up to him.


The next student who caught his attention was Julia. She was a recent find when he was meeting in other towns for potential students. "Yes of course, Don't worry your first period is going to be the best class to be able to keep that incredible ability in check." He said with a smile as he handed her the schedule and gave similar instructions to a previous student in her class. "If you ever need anything let any adult know." He said as he gestured for her to head inside.


She also had her brief encounter with the professor who gave her a small warning to reach out to anyone as soon as she felt her anger getting out of control. With her ability, it made her very dangerous to be around people even if she had no intention of ever hurting anyone. She needed to keep her calm to maintain that wall up. She nodded her head and headed to her class knowing where it was, being her second year there. She walked into Ability Control class and sat in the far back of the classroom.

Amelia Daniels

Amelia was already in her classroom as students started to walk in. She had her back facing the door and writing on the white board her name and the course information of what class she would be teaching. She also was sure to include her codename as well because sometimes and in some situations she would be referred to as that and it would mean something important was happening. She would explain more of that when her class started. It was all part of her first-day curriculum. She turned to sit at her desk waiting for all the students to enter the door.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@themadhatter420 @Varshanka

Delios Hawkins

Delios looked up at the headmaster, not surprised that he knew about his abilities. He assumed the headmaster would need to see every ability his students had. “I will be sure to keep that in mind.” He answers dully while taking his schedule. A part of him wondered what kind of ability the headmaster had. It would have to be quite powerful, or Delios assumed. The young man took the schedule, finding that the first and third classes could be pretty insightful. As he looked at his schedule, he bumped into a girl who angrily spoke to him.

My apologies, miss; I should have been looking where I am going.” He said with a smile. Something noticeable about him was his accent. If one could compare, it was similar to the Trans-Atlantic accent of the old movie stars. He stared at her for a moment before continuing to speak. Watching her run off, his smile turned into a scold. “Fucking bitch.” He muttered before walking off towards his first class.

As he entered the classroom, he sat in the back. While waiting for class to start, he looked at some TikTok videos.


Matthew Perkins

Meanwhile, Matthew was sitting at his desk, waiting for the new batch of students to arrive. He looked pretty excited as he noticed students starting to come into the classroom. “Good morning." he said with a large amount of enthusiasm. He stood up and wrote his name on the chalkboard, but he forgot to do so beforehand. After he had done this, he sat back down in his chair. He was looking at the clock, watching the time ticking away. Waiting excitingly for the bell to chime.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 25 min ago

Allana Lang Kent

Sliding through the door she grabbed the first empty seat she could, flipping her hair out of the way as she sat, the door closing just as the bell rang. Great, she was next to clumsy fool and the felon.

This was going to be a wonderful class. Grabbing a note book she started to doodle, drawing knights and gleaming swords and demons, though the demons looked like they were winning most of the time.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Little Bird
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Little Bird Caffeinated Lifeform

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Julia Strauss

Julia found herself a spot to step aside, removing herself from the cluster of other students. She pulled out the schedule the Principal had given her and examined it closely. It wasn't difficult to memorize; four classes seemed almost too light of a load. She shrugged the thought off, figuring that the four classes were the ones most vital to better navigating her powers. All for the better too, as she couldn't care less for the fluff of homework she used to get in 'normal' school.

Wearing a rearing smile, she made her way to her first period: Ability Control.

She slipped into the room just seconds before the bell chimed. As she made her way to an open seat, she noted two familiar faces. The clumsy guy from the hallway, and the other the angry girl that had berated him were already seated. Julia drifted smoothly, sitting at a spot between the two of them. "Heyy." She spoke half to the teacher, and half to the students on either side of her. "Julia Strauss." She jumped on the introductions.
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