Faith Lancaster
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Human Description: A long supporter of King Lamont DuFairre, even before he was a king. Faith was a battle mage who advised the black sheep House Marceilles before they took in the lone DuFairre. He was just a young sprout at the time.
Having refused to raise the taxes, tensions ran high between House Marceilles and the False King DuRant. But Faith inspired House Marceillies to wait, as they had the key to win the rebellion and restore order to Ravenfell. They had the last true heir to the throne.
Seasons passed, as more support leaned towards House Marceilles. Lamont grew into a young man under the watchful gaze of Faith. Faith had taught him how to grip his sword, how to cast a spell, and how to navigate the battlefield.
Finally, it was time. Lamont, House Marceilles, Faith, and a small battalion rode on their horses to the castle gates, and overturned Arthroyeaux, eventually finding the False King DuRant, and executing him.
Faith continued to watch with satisfaction as Ravenfell became peaceful under King DuFairre's reign, despite a few high-class members of DuRant's court escaping. Faith was soon made a part of the Clandestine to sniff out the remains of DuRant's court. Thus, his journeys have led him to Arrowfell.
Magic/Seed: x Unknown.