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Hidden 10 days ago 10 days ago Post by bubbamoo
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bubbamoo Not This Lifetime

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The Withered

This was not the right path.

This was not the right fucking path.

The blood that pools beneath your feet proved as much although the directions you were given said–

Wait, what did it say again? Your map is gone and you’re alone. Your breath runs hot against the cold wind, quick and panicked. Where did everyone go? They should be here.

You shouldn’t be here at all.

Before you stands…something. Unmistakingly human. Undeniably not. It rises slowly over the corpse it has gnarled into a shape so sickening, even the blood exiting your veins curdling at the sight. Its teeth begin grinding together into an eerie smile-like gesture, pupils vibrating back and forth as it focuses on your chest. At your heartbeat beneath your ribs. Your sternum. Between your lungs encased by veins, nerves, muscle and fat. You dare not move. No length of training could prepare you for this. They didn’t tell you it would be this way.

The stench of blood and raw meat overwhelms your senses, and the cold is beginning to settle deep within your bones and through. This forest, its pines whispering silently through the breeze as night falls, casting ever long shadows across the thick blankets of snow. The sun no longer graced the land and instead left this barren forest an open invitation to those that roamed the dark. But no songs were heard. Not even the wolves rejoiced. They had been long dead.

The creature raises its head, and you close your eyes. Whatever happens at least let it be over quick. No one is coming to save you.

Whatever life you had lived previously is gone now as you stand before the queen and her council. Powerful individuals; grand mages, generals, scholars. Both young and old, they’ve lived through what seems like three times your lifespan, been places you could never imagine, have seen the darkness that lies beyond the mortal realm and have been brought back from it unscathed. Their eyes pierce into your own as you bend your head toward the ground in appeasement. As your sword lies bare on the ground in front of you, so does your soul. Naked but Worthy. Your treacherous path has led you here to this moment. Through the battlefields of the East, the burning villages, the underground trade. You’ve fought your own brethren, crazed out of their minds from starvation, disease. And yet…you’ve survived. You’ve studied hard and fought harder through clenched teeth and broken bones and bloodied, battered, and bruised fists fighting for any reason to stay alive. You have to stay alive. You must. This is just the beginning.
Others who’ve fought the same battles kneel next to you; their eyes fixed on their future. Each one crafted individually by their Gods, all still being carefully molded into beautiful gifts. Each path wildly different but all leading to the same place. Your judgment begins now. Each of your stories are about to change dramatically as you’ve finally realized where you belong.

Welcome the Wither hunters. May your Gods bless your journey and grant you the courage, wisdom, and health to overcome all obstacles. May your feast be plentiful and your bed warm. And may the night be gentle in these uncertain times.

More info added if interested :)
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 41 min ago

This looks pretty cool
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'm not sure if I can join, but it looks interesting.
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@bubbamoo, I might be intererested, yes.
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I might be interested since I was looking for something horror-y to scratch a certain itch I've had recently.

Though, I've got a few questions before I can say whether or not I'm actually interested.


1. What kind of horror will this be? Is it psychological and atmospheric? Is it going to be jump scares and "OH MY GOD, SUDDENLY BAD THING APPEARED OUTTA NOWHERE!"-ish? Will it be more along the lines of splatter-horror, where people and other living things get horribly disembodied in the most gruesome and painfully violent ways possible?

2. Given that our characters (apparently) all hail from a similar background, what can we be expected to already know and be capable of? What age-range are you looking for the cast to be in?

3. Since this is apparently a fantasy-horror, will we be able to play as races that aren't humans? Or is this more of a low-fantasy setting?

4. When it comes to art-theme and styles, are you going for realistic, western fantasy-ish, anime or some other form of feel and themes?

That is all I wish to know for now. :)
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by bubbamoo
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bubbamoo Not This Lifetime

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@POOHEAD189 @Theyra @Letter Bee Welcome welcome, I appreciate everyone’s interest so far even if you may or may not be able to join, glad you’re here :) I’m gonna be writing a whole lot more to this soon, I was just getting a good idea of it was worth it or not but honestly I’m real excited

@Xaltwind Of course! I’ll do my best to keep things brief

Before I begin, I should explain that this is a bit of an experiment for me; I’ve been creating this world on and off for about 4 years but in the last 4-6 months I’ve been really doubling down so it’s been on my mind a lot. I haven’t had a whole lot of chances to really bring this world to life and so I’m here to see how this plays out in an actual storyline. So not only do I want this to be fun for you guys, I’m on a mission to fill plot holes and craft in the smaller details I can only get from other pov’s. What I’ve written here is just a small tidbit of a much larger world :) anywayyyy

1. As far as horror goes, it’s gonna be a mix of both. I loveeee writing exposition especially when it comes to atmosphere but I know it’s a little harder to stay focused when that’s all there is. So it’s both gorror and psychological.

2. When it comes to player characters, I’ve definitely got to get the abilities/skills down especially when it comes to how powerful the characters are, etc. I want this to be more roleplay than tabletop game and characters get stronger via storyline rather than a leveling up system. That being said, I’m willing to give a lot of creative freedom with what your character knows, just avoid being a world-crushing sorcerer yknow? I’ll definitely have more info to give once I start building the character form for sure

3. Oh yes, I’ll be going more in depth on this in the future. For this world, there are basically two main races, and sort of a mix in between. I did want to ask everyone if they’d rather stay true to this or would have a better time adding in the typical fantasy races.

4. I try to keep it as realistic as I can when magic is involved. Think sort of like game of thrones or whatnot

Feel free to ask me to elaborate more on any of these ^_^
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@bubbamoo, will this have a Discord server?

Also, is this RP relentlessly hopeless, or is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
Hidden 10 days ago Post by bubbamoo
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bubbamoo Not This Lifetime

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@Letter Bee I wasn't planning on it, but I could make on if needed

It could be both, depending on how it plays out. I like writing out doom endings just as much as I like the opposite haha
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@bubbamoo, Nice! Fair warning, btw - I like fighting for a happier and more hopeful ending.
Hidden 9 days ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 3 days ago

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