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Name: Ellion Fabryn-Dela-Kandry
Stats sheet: (click here)
Summary: Naive Yankind Magitek-Archaeologist on the Run (Rogue/Tinkerer/Wayfarer).
Description: Hailing from the Yankind Hegemony, Ellion has a pale body and unruly hair, and bright, inquisitive violet eyes. He wears a simple traveling outfit and cape, and carries pouches in which he keeps broken magitek shards that he pockets during his archaeological antics, which he has learnt to fuse together into various alchemical effects. His experience of the world outside of Yankind College starts and ends at ancient dig sites, so he is still very naive about the world. Indeed, even most of his home-country is foreign to him, as only the ancient Magitek of the world captured his attention from a young age. Recently, during one of the digs of the College, a very much intact Golem was found. Yankind ordered it brought back to the homeland for further study and exploitation, but that didn't sit right with Ellion. It may have been ancient and terribly fascinating, but she seemed to be sentient! So instead, they escaped together, and have been on the run from the Hegemony to this day.
Speech color: ba9fd5
What drives you? Is it desire, vengeance, or a burning need for freedom?
“Vengeance? I thought I was applying to the academy, not to the military, haha. I… I see, not ones for jokes. Sorry. I’m just… A little nervous, 's all. I guess I’m just curious! Was that a good answer?”
Are you part of a criminal gang or guild, or do you work on your own?
“Man, you really are serious about the vetting process, huh? No, it’s just me, me and my family. My parents wanted me to go into science, like they did. And what better place to do that than the Collegeon?”
Is there a place you can call home? Or is it true that, in the end, we all die alone?
“Well, Yankind’s my home. And I don’t like the second question. How dangerous are the expeditions?”
What is the most important rule in your personal code?
“Question everything… I think?”
Did you learn your craft from someone? What is your relationship with them?
“Well, before they got me, my mom was an explorer. Tomb raider some would say. And my dad was a Magitek engineer. I inherited both their interests. I hope I got something of a quirk for myself too. Gotta be a little bit rebellious, right? We’ll see.”
What have you lost in the pursuit of progress and innovation?
“Well, it ate up my time. I just get so focused on things that I forget to stay close to other people sometimes. I hope my parents don't blame me for that.”
Is your craft something revolutionary, or is it an established field of work?
“I don’t know. I don’t think it is. It’s just a bit less organized than my parents would like. I just like puzzling things together, you know? Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t, a roll of the dice, honestly.”
When an item or effect is created through your abilities, what does it look like?
“Well, you know Magitek. Buncha runes. Glowy stuff. Big friggin’ beams. Awesome.”
What led you to live a life of endless travels? Was it your choice? …are you tired?
“I wouldn’t say endless travels. Just every now and again. Are the Collegeon tents any good? Nice and cozy? Ah nice. Tired? Do I have bags under my eyes again? Drat! No, that doesn’t mean I’m tired! I just like staying up at night, tinkering with stuff, ‘s all. It’s just a little *yawn*. What was the question again?”
Is there a place or person that feels like ‘home’ to you?
“Not really. Mostly I've just busied myself with my studies so I've never really taken the time to make a lot of friends, or keep them. People always did think me a bit... special. But I hope to find some like-minded people at the Collegeon!”
You have met many people and visited many places. Is there one you can’t forget?
“Anyplace that has Magitek! It's just so cool! I-- I probably shouldn't say this, but I've been collecting scraps. I keep them as souvenirs. Oh, but nonfunctional pebbles and the likes, don't worry. I wouldn't deprive the Hegemony of their hard-earned treasure.”
You lost something or someone because of your travels. What happened?
“I... What...? Gosh, I certainly hope nothing bad like that's gonna happen to me...”
“Vengeance? I thought I was applying to the academy, not to the military, haha. I… I see, not ones for jokes. Sorry. I’m just… A little nervous, 's all. I guess I’m just curious! Was that a good answer?”
Are you part of a criminal gang or guild, or do you work on your own?
“Man, you really are serious about the vetting process, huh? No, it’s just me, me and my family. My parents wanted me to go into science, like they did. And what better place to do that than the Collegeon?”
Is there a place you can call home? Or is it true that, in the end, we all die alone?
“Well, Yankind’s my home. And I don’t like the second question. How dangerous are the expeditions?”
What is the most important rule in your personal code?
“Question everything… I think?”
Did you learn your craft from someone? What is your relationship with them?
“Well, before they got me, my mom was an explorer. Tomb raider some would say. And my dad was a Magitek engineer. I inherited both their interests. I hope I got something of a quirk for myself too. Gotta be a little bit rebellious, right? We’ll see.”
What have you lost in the pursuit of progress and innovation?
“Well, it ate up my time. I just get so focused on things that I forget to stay close to other people sometimes. I hope my parents don't blame me for that.”
Is your craft something revolutionary, or is it an established field of work?
“I don’t know. I don’t think it is. It’s just a bit less organized than my parents would like. I just like puzzling things together, you know? Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t, a roll of the dice, honestly.”
When an item or effect is created through your abilities, what does it look like?
“Well, you know Magitek. Buncha runes. Glowy stuff. Big friggin’ beams. Awesome.”
What led you to live a life of endless travels? Was it your choice? …are you tired?
“I wouldn’t say endless travels. Just every now and again. Are the Collegeon tents any good? Nice and cozy? Ah nice. Tired? Do I have bags under my eyes again? Drat! No, that doesn’t mean I’m tired! I just like staying up at night, tinkering with stuff, ‘s all. It’s just a little *yawn*. What was the question again?”
Is there a place or person that feels like ‘home’ to you?
“Not really. Mostly I've just busied myself with my studies so I've never really taken the time to make a lot of friends, or keep them. People always did think me a bit... special. But I hope to find some like-minded people at the Collegeon!”
You have met many people and visited many places. Is there one you can’t forget?
“Anyplace that has Magitek! It's just so cool! I-- I probably shouldn't say this, but I've been collecting scraps. I keep them as souvenirs. Oh, but nonfunctional pebbles and the likes, don't worry. I wouldn't deprive the Hegemony of their hard-earned treasure.”
You lost something or someone because of your travels. What happened?
“I... What...? Gosh, I certainly hope nothing bad like that's gonna happen to me...”