Hidden 1 mo ago 28 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

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NOTE: This has nothing to do with the SCP universe. This is just old-school zombies. No SCP related things have to do with anything, not even SCP-008.

That said, let me explain.
This is going to be a realistic RP, which means.
1. Only human characters. No ender men, no spartans, no cyborgs no nothing. Just plain humans.
2. Your character can be skilled in certain things, certain weapons, hand to hand combat, explosives, etc... But he can't be an expert on everything. Just make them 2 or 3.
3. Realism in general. This means that you can only carry certain amount of things, use certain amount of energy (run, jump, fight, etc...) and can have certain objects. This is an apocalypse after all, not everything will be available.
4. Keep it serious. Of course you can have humor jokes puns etc, but this is the apocalypse, dark and scary.
5. Weapons. You can only have so many weapons with you, although if you have a shelter, you can keep some there. No mass destruction weapons like rocket launchers or stuff, although there might be some part in which one might be found.
5.1. Ammo. There is no unlimited ammo in here. You can only have so much ammo, a clip or two per weapon. You also have to keep track of how much you have. You can have a counter at the end of you post to keep track of the ammo of the current weapons you have with you, for example.
Pistol: x10(rounds)
Arrows: x12
6. Backpacks:
1. no backpack: maximum movement
2. small backpack: normal movement, but a little more restricted
3. big backpack: not able to roll, nor jump long or high distances
4. camping backpack: you are a fucking rock, you can run for short amounts of time and not too at much speed, you jump 2 cm.

1. No OP characters.
2.1. If you want to talk to me about something that is not completely important abut the RP (your character, rules, etc..) just PM me, and if I consider it important, Ill add it up on the rules.

4. Don't rush. Wait to see if someone is writing a response.
6. Another person's character can only be killed if that person wants too.
You can and will die if you do stupid things. Yes, you can get out of most situations but there are things in which you will die, or others will die.
So, if you are surrounded by a lot of zombies and they are close, unless someone saves you, you won't survive. If a Seeker pins you down, and no one is close to shoot it, you die. , This won't just make it more realistic, but will also encourage helping each other.This doesn't mean that you can go around and shoot someone, but if, lets say, you saw someone being attacked by a runner which would mean death since its impossible to fight those things in hand to hand combat, and you decide not to help him, he dies. You can post it yourself, or another person (rule about post above being dominant still apllies) but he still dies.
IMPORTANT: This doesn't mean that you can just make a zombie attack someone else randomly. If you are in a group you are safe, kinda, the problem is when you go solo. So, lets say you separate yourself from the group, you are an easy target, but that doesn't mean someone else can go like *A hunter jumps on (you), he dies* NO, you have to have time to react, and you just can't get stuff thrown at you directly. If someone is to die that person has to be alone, or have done something stupid to put him and that position, but you just can't say that a person is attacked and dies.
IMPORTANT: If it is already established that certain group of zombies will come, or that a certain location is safe, don't change it. The group will come, and the zone will still be safe. However, the zone can become temporally unsafe. There might be a breach on the security and the advancing group of zombies might be able to enter. Stuff like that, realistic, and no random stuff. It has to be coeherent.
7. Only one character per user, unless that character dies, then you can create another one.
7.1 IMPORTANT: If your character dies, you have to wait at least a whole day in order to make a new character.
8. No excessive quoting. No quoting, its just not needed since what as happened, has already happened, so if you want to talk to certain character, just do so.

CS has to be approved by GM

If you want to talk to me about anything related to this, or not related, use steam or PM me, don't use OOC for things that could be discussed.

...I have a feeling Im forgetting something. Oh right, setting.
Year: 2010
Place: Big city in ruins. Exact location Brooklyn New York. Buildings are fine but abandoned, however stuff is broken and old. Cars randomly parked, some work but it’s very very rare to find one.
Population: ZOMBEHS!!!

Your average slow stupid zombies. Can only be killed by destroying the brain, however, you can decapitate them, or tear limbs apart so they are useless.
There might be some special zombies like Runners or Seekers, but no chargers or tanks, these are human zombies, no super soldiers infected.
IMPORTANT: If you want to add a new type of zombie, you can. Just tell me how it looks, what it acts like, etc... A complete resume, and if I think it will add variety and it’s not OP, then it will be added. It can be your own invention, or from a movie/book/videogame/etc....

NOTE: Rules and stuff might be changed depending of how it goes.

Ok, now that everything is explained, lets get started.
You have to give some information about your character.

Name: Isaac
Last Name: Unknown (to lazy to make one, might do so later)
Past Job: Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA).
Expert In: Assault rifles, sniper rifles, and close quarter combat.
Weapons(as in, weapons you have now): Berretta M9 (pistol) x3 clips, 12 rounds each. Kalashnikov (assault) rifle, x2 clips, 35 rounds each. Barrett M98B (sniper) x2 clips, 10 rounds each.

Physical Appearance:


Location: Small sets of apartments. 4th floor.
Supplies(located at "base"): Canned food for 2 weeks, water for 4 weeks, a few first aid kits and medical stuff. A small set of combat knifes.
(You have to introduce your character like that more or less
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Chronic
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