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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Mommy? Sweetie, I'm afraid I'm not your mom. I'm Leila's mom. Have you seen her?" Michelle then stood straight. "She's about this height," her hand was by her waist, palm down. "Red hair, blue eyes. Wearing a white top and black jeans."

It was a silly notion to go on thinking she'd get anywhere by asking the worm such questions, but she had to at least try. Michelle then leaned on the edge of the surface where the worm lay. "I can also help you find your real mommy too, is that okay?" If she was being honest with herself, she didn't really care too much whether it was okay. None of this was, what was happening to her and her daughter, so it was only fair. "Here, help me find her..." Michelle scooped up the worm before climbing the few steps. "Is there another way out of here, something that doesn't involve getting in that water?"
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

E.Y.122, The Endless Store


Amanda did indeed cover herself in the dried blood found at the locked automatic doors. However, she also found herself in the center of the only source of light in the entire vicinity.

To her ultimate end.

The glowing eyes and smile twisted at an unnatural angle as it approached the light, eventually coming into view. The smiler was a dark, gangy entity, with massive teeth formed in a smile and long, clawed limbs. It's body was made entirely of a scratchy darkness, hard to make focused.

It loomed over Amanda, white eyes staring as she sat there, covered in old blood. One step, then another, as it approached, massive teeth unwinding, gaping maw aiming to swallow her whole.


It didn't.

Instead of devouring Amanda, the smiler instead began licking her face, neck, and hands, removing the blood. It hummed in satisfaction, finding sustenance in this.

As the smiler took its fill of the old blood, licking Amanda clean, the door she had initially entered the store with unlocked. The way back was open.

Additionally. Near the locked automatic doors, a metal ‘Employees Only’ door lit up, with an exit sign over it. A way out.



Michelle's goodness paid itself forward, indeed. It was as if the room itself reacted to her kindness.

What had once been an ominous well of ethereal water, now changed. The water slowly drained thirty feet, revealing a horizontal door painted in red. On top of the door was a soaked basket, filled with a bottle of water and zip-loc bags full of cotton candy, elephant ears, and corn dogs.

Above the door, embedded in the stone, was an exit sign, glowing a soft green.

Whatever she hoped to glean from Mr. Squiggles, at least she could do it in a new somewhat safer environment.



There was a strong sniffing noise that split the air. The monster, the smiler was sniffing the air, it's head twisting this way and that in the darkness, looking for the one that hurt Hazard.

”Don't be shy, oh please. Come out, won't you? I won't hurt you. Much.

It stepped forward, as if attracted to the fear dripping off Abel. There was a brush of something on plastic, and a crunch as a part of what may have been the plastic castle becoming crushed under a smiler's hand.

Giggling. Almost maddeningly happy, confident it had Abel pinned. With fear, as well as confusing him to a corner of the room.

The glowing eyes came closer, surveying the darkness, alerted slightly by the shuffle of plastic balls as Abel removed himself from the pit. A head turned sharply, the smile widening.

“I got you…”

And massive hands in the darkness reached out, groping for the source of the sound, searching for Abel, in the murkiness.



Alas, before Lucas could take another step towards Zuzu, before he could inflict a blow that the poor ponycorn just could not handle, the room rumbled in response.

A splash of water.

And then, jaws enclosed upon Lucas as, from the water, erupted a massive eel, yellow eyes staring angrily, hungrily, at Lucas.

Its teeth tore into the upper levels of flesh and clothes on Lucas’ wet form, before it yanked back, and pulled Lucas back into the water.

And the eel began to sink into the water, dragging Lucas down with it. Down, deep, the light of the water leaving, diminishing, seeping into darkness.

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Hidden 30 days ago Post by Squirrel98
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amanda Lewis
Tears kept rolling down her cheeks as there was blood to be seen everywhere, even on her own skin. The monster coming closer and closer to her didn't help either. She tried to keep her mouth shut as to not make the monster angrier by screaming. She had to be strong. She just had to be. When it looked like this would be the end for her, she closed her eyes with great force that hurt her muscles and skin. Memories of her becoming a mother and being a mother to her one and only child, her world, flashed before her eyes and in her mind. The only thing that she could think of doing was apologizing to him, apologizing for bringing him to such a dangerous place and for not saving him or returning to him.

It was a great surprise to her that the monster chose not to eat her. Instead it started licking her, licking the blood off of her face. It was a huge relief for her that her impulsive strategy happened to work. However, she wasn't going to let down her guard so easily. Her body was as still as she could keep it, while her eyes were focused on every single action the monster was doing. When it stopped licking her and seemed to be done getting the blood off her, Amanda slowly stood up. She made sure not to make any surprising movements.

She heard two clicks that sounded like a door unlocking. They came from two directions: the one she came from and a new one. The choice was very easy to make. She had to go on further, there was no looking back for her. She had to go on to new doors, new places, in the hope that her own child might stand there waiting for her. If they were still alive at least... But this wasn't the time to fear for his life. She slowly backed away from the monster, thanking him for keeping her alive. While still watching out where she put her feet, still looking for other possible monsters being there, she went towards the 'Employees Only' door and opened it.
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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 1 hr ago

“Well look at that, you’re my good luck charm!” A few brief moments that were filled with relief once the water had drained and Michelle didn't have to risk drowning, which would have more than likely happened as she didn't know how to swim. "And we have snacks for the road..." She smiled down at the worm, petting the top of its head as if she were petting a little kitten. Michelle made her way to the door, noticing the basket to be just the tiniest bit out of her reach. But that was an easy fix.

"Hey little guy, I'm gonna put you down for a moment, okay?"

She was gentle in placing him on the ground, as if a rougher handling would have put its delicate life in danger. Looking up at the basket, Michelle jumped up an inch or two to knock down the basket, pushing it away from her with her hand. She was successful the first try, and quickly retrieved back a few steps to avoid being hit in the head. The somewhat loud crash didn't startle her, but being it was a few feet away from the plushie, it could have done a number on its tiny body. "Sorry about that, I should have put you further away."

Michelle grabbed the snacks and bottle of water, taking a knee to place them inside her bag. She figured it was be better to save them until they were truly needed. "Let's head out, shall we?" She scooped up the little worm before heading through the door, fully intending on keeping the plushie for as long as possible.
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Hidden 20 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

P.B.121, The Long Train


The ‘Employee's Only’ door led to a strange sight indeed. Amanda found herself on a train, a long train, darkness of a tunnel outside the windows. She could hear pin-drop silence as the train sat there on the tracks, unmoving.

The only disgusting part were the leeches hiding in the shadows, squirming in the darkness. Larger than normal. Black, ugly things. They seemed to be aware of her presence, but made no move towards her.

Doen the carriage, if she were to carefully step over any leeches in her path, she would find words elegantly stenciled over the window beside the train's exit double doors. It read as followed:

I rest between blood and other bodily fluids,
You love to drink me,
I change forms when beaten,
What am I?

Down another carriage, near the end of the train, there was one more closed exit door with writing stenciled beside it:

I move one step at a time,
I rule all,
Everyone is out to get me,
And when I die they always call me their mate,
Who am I?

Looking at the doors themselves, they seemed unresponsive to any button pressing or forcing open. It seemed the riddles had something to do with the doors, but was up to Amanda to decide how she wanted to tackle this room.

The eggbutts, excluding Hazard, were also present on the train, sitting on one of the seats, staring at Amanda.

P.B.118, The Lurker Hallway


Michelle, burdened with food and companion, made it through the door to the other side. She stared at a wall with lights pointed downward. Looking to the left, the hall extended endlessly, and looking to the right, the hall extended endlessly.

Directly in front of her was a shut door similar to the one she had just exited, made of wood, with a knob. Spray painted in black beside the door was a jumble of letters that, at first, made no sense.

Jg zpv xbou up npwf qbtu uijt epps,
tubz tujmm.
Tubz qfsgfdumz tujmm.

And as Michelle would ponder over what the words could possibly mean, she could hear it. Far in the distance on her left side, a slight pitter-patter of… feet?

Mr. Squiggles seemed to squirm in Michelle's hand, ”Whatever you want to do,” it said in her child's voice, “Do it quick.”

Hidden 18 days ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Michelle looked down for a moment. "Still not used to that." With a slight shake of her head, she looked over the random set of letters. The first thing she did was attempt to establish a pattern or find any words that would be easy enough to guess, and it didn't take long. "Zpv" was "you". The next thing to determine was the first word. If didn't have any of the other three letters, so she guessed it to be "if". That made sense as it certainly flowed in a sentence.

After that, Michelle took out her cell phone as it'd be hard to try to decipher the phrase with no pen or paper, especially since she was working against the clock as the worm had said.

A few minutes later, thanks to the powers of deduction, Michelle had figured out the phrase. "If you want to move past this door, stay still. Stay perfectly still." That was more or less what she had been doing up to that point as she worked on the puzzle despite the footsteps unnerving her more with each approaching step. The instructions had been clear enough, and Michelle waited in place, heart beating so hard it could practically burst out of her chest.

"I hope I'm doing the right thing," she whispered to no one in particular, though maybe the worm would offer some insight. Was the approaching person, or thing a friendly? She wasn't prepared to find out, but she didn't have any other choice.
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Hidden 18 days ago Post by Squirrel98
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amanda Lewis
Amanda was disappointed to find herself into a new room. This place just kept going. How many rooms did she need to escape before finding her son? Apparently at least one more, and this time it was a train. There were a lot of noises, so she started to look around and soon discovered dirty creatures crawling all over the place. She wanted to vomit, or cry, or both. But she had to be strong and finish this room, just like all of the others. Amanda decided to look all over the train to have a good overview of the place. There were two riddles. She didn't know the first one. It's between blood and other bodily fluids and I love to drink it? So it's a liquid. Maybe water? No, how would water change forms when beaten? Amanda didn't know the answer, so she decided to focus on the second riddle.

The second riddle turned out to be easier for her as she quickly realized what the answer was. They move one step at a time, rule all, everyone is out to get them and when they die, people call them their mate. The riddle is talking about a game of chess. The king can only move one step at a time and when he dies, people yell 'Checkmate'! That has to be the answer: the King.

Amanda was smiling brightly from happiness as she had finished one of the riddles. However, her smile quickly disappeared as she suddenly detected stuffed animals. Did she see these ones before? She wasn't sure. Where they alive as well? She didn't know either. Maybe she should say something to them. "Hey... I-I think I solved one of the riddles... The answer is the King... From a game of Chess."
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Hidden 14 days ago 14 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


“The answer is the King... From a game of Chess.”

Immediately, the black creatures withdrew, leaving the train empty save for herself and the remaining eggbutts. Squeaky noises emanated from them, though they did not move.

“You did it, you did it!”

“Game win!”

They squeaked out in their high-pitched voices, clearly enthused and excited. The riddle had been answered correctly. And now?

One of the carriage doors would open, allowing Amanda to travel to the next room.


Michelle had figured out the phrase. But that wasn't the tough part. The tough part was now waiting. And ever increasingly, the footsteps in the darkness became heavier and closer. They shook the very floor, ans caused the lights to quiver.

Mr. Squiggles squirmed uncomfortably in her arm. “You sure about this? You got a death wish, lady?!” It squeaked in a child-like voice.

The seconds ticked down, the footsteps getting closer, until finally: the door opened in a blinding flash of light, and ushered Michelle in from the monsters of the corridor.


The Smiler sniffed. It sniffed and sniffed, until it's sick smile increased. It's eyes slowly turned towards Abel.

”...Found you~!”

But before the Smiler could take another step forward, a strange sensation overtook Abel. His whole body shivered and quaker, like wind was rushing over him. Until he disappeared. The Smiler stared on in confusion, but it was true. Abel was wholly and utterly gone…


The eel's sharp grip held firm, dragging Lucas deep below the surface. No matter how hard Luca kicked or tried to fight back, it was useless. The jaws were simply far too strong, and the eel far too possessive of its prize, of its desire to protect the stuffed animals.

As Lucas’ breath began to fizzle out, and his lung began to burn and scream, something strange would occur. One moment he was there in the eel's jaws, and the next? Completely vanished. The eel's jaws clamped down on nothing but water…

E.Bl.123 - The End

Amanda, Michelle, Abel and Lucas would all find themselves ankle deep in pearlescent water, staring down a long hallway broken up with ribbons of light. And indeed, each could see the other. Everyone could see how soaked Lucas was, and everyone could see the worm stuffed animal in Michelle's arms.

Further down the hallway, a tall, spindly man walked towards them. His feet walked on top of the water, and he was dressed in a suit. Where his face should have been, there was only smoldering black.

He stood in front of them and gave a polite bow. “Friends. Honored guests. I give my congratulations. Two of you have completed the task I gave you.”

His smoldering face seemed to gaze at Amanda and Michelle. “And for you two, there shall be a reward.”

From behind him, there was the soft splish-splashing of little feet as Leila and Nigel ran up to Michelle and Amanda, giggling and smiling. They seemed in perfect health. Perhaps even better, with the warm rosiness of their cheeks.

Beside the suited ‘man’, a door opened. He gazed at Michell and Amanda. “For you two, a door that will lead you back to the daycare, as if nothing ever happened.”

Then, the man turned to Abel and Lucas, staring at them coldly. Before a row of sharp, jagged teeth appeared along where his mouth ought to be.

“You two… You two did not complete my task. For you, is nothing. Nothing except feeding me, and relieving me of my hunger. And oh, how I hunger for humans…”

Over the man's shoulder, Abel and Lucas would be able to see Maria and Isabella wholly enraptured in conversation with all of the stuffed animals: Zuzu, Mr. Mister, Miss Misses, Hazard, Wilbur and Winston, Mr. Squiggles, and Angelica. The stuffies were entirely dotting on the children, sharing sweets with them and playing with them.

The suited man glanced at the children and stuffed animals, before turning back to Abel and Lucas. “Fret not, I will keep your children safe. Forever…”

In a blink, the watery floors opened up beneath Abel and Lucas, and they disappeared.

Shortly after, Maria and Isabella disappeared, along with the stuffed animals. Wormy on Michelle's arm also disappeared. The man regarded Michelle, Amanda, and their reunited family with a look of satisfaction, before he disappeared as well.

And the door was open and waiting, allowing the two women to return to their lives. Perhaps improved, with their collective experiences.

The End.

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