Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kalina Kovalic

In any other circumstance, Kalina wouldn't have bothered to give the civvie bleating for help a second thought. WARDENs were trained to kill their enemies first, not play fire rescue for every idiot that got caught in a free fire zone. But that wasn't a civvie. That was a complete and utter asshole. Then again, it'd been four years. Maybe she was remembering the voice wrong.

She leapt to the side of the RV the voice had came from, investigating the knocked out man. And...damn it. It was him. Ivan Vorokov. An associate of the Marauders by proxy, in that he ran supplies and logistics, acquiring whatever materiel the unit needed. Or at least he would be if he wasn't an unreliable cheat, swindler, coward, and all-around dirtbag. Unfortunately, his contact list in both Rassvet and Vangar was too extensive to justify giving him the boot. So Kalina needed to keep him alive. She narrowed her eyes, a low sigh coming out of her breath as she squatted down to heft his unconscious body over one shoulder.

"Gerard, bringing a casualty over to you." She intoned over the telecomm. "He's mission-critical to my father's unit. I need him alive." It was a rare occasion that Kalina actually asked for anything directly, but this was too important. She sprinted over towards Gerard and the Princess's location, dumping Ivan's sorry form off in front of her teammate and giving him a brief stare to impart the gravity of the situation on him before she turned to dash back into the fray.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 3 days ago

--Rassvet - Tanker Crash Site--

Between her squadmates' responses and Justice's radar-sense report, it was beyond any shadow of a doubt that they were under attack by... Fucking wildlife! Really? Out of everything that could accost them; between the local populace, hostile warbots, and the unidentified airship, it seemed like everyone and their mother were out to get the Barghests. For a fleeting moment, Valerie had the feeling that Collette might be better off staking out on her own rather than sticking with them. At this point, she wouldn't be surprised if a meteor of precisely the right size suddenly dropped right on top of them, just because it could.

For the moment though, she still had enough fucks to make lemonades out of these toothed lemons life gave them. Right, what was the current situation? They were under attack by a pack of landsharks, Morden "birthed" himself from one attempting to swallow him, Kalina disemboweled another with her unconventional weapon, Justice brought the literal hammer axe of justice upon the beast, Collette subjected an overeager landshark to a slow, painful death via immolation, and Gerard was making sure said princess stayed unchewed, also, there was a survivor of some importance in the RV, and last but not least, Silje designated herself as shark bait.

... ... ...


By the Earthmother, Siljeee!

"Tch...!" Gritting her teeth in palpable frustration, Valerie began flowing power into Haylel, raw mist processed into violet-colored energy as the weapon's glowing parts shone brighter while its rotating barrel spun faster. An increasingly louder hum came from the unique weapon as the ex-Maiden prayed to the divine Gaia she had enough time to save her childhood friend and squadmate from becoming shark meal.

Just as the Nephilim finished charging, no fewer than three bullet sharks came at Silje, the largest one - the broodmother - erupted from the ground below, but its attempt was disrupted by the RV that the battlemage was perching on, then there were two other, smaller beasts; they were assaulting Gerard and Collette before Silje did Silje things and lured them too. Unlike the matriarch, the pair had less weight to carry and were unhindered by any vehicular wreckage as they launched themselves off the ground, maw gaped, incisors bared to snatch the petite WARDEN like wingless hawks to a white-furred rabbit.

Without even a second to spare, the slightly shorter white-haired WARDEN made the decision to prioritize her targets. Her feet dug into the ground, bracing herself as she aimed the energy-choked Haylel at the two leaping predators...

...then unleashed a lethal beam of weaponized mist!

The indigo concentrated laser promptly sliced through the landsharks' hide, flesh, bones, and innards in one fell swoop, cleaving them in twain. No amount of cauterization would prevent a wound that wide from raining gore and viscera all over whoever or whatever unfortunate enough to be below. Regardless, as the two hungry sharks became four pieces of dead flesh, Silje had fewer things to worry about. She probably still could appreciate a helping hand or two with the big one though.

"Anyone available, assist Silje!"

Goddessdamnit, Silje...
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

One by one, the beasts fell. Etherium caught fire, Valerie took a mean shot, and the others were preparing to deal with these monsters before anyone else got hurt. And personally? Morden considered his chances against even the biggest ones to be pretty damn decent considering how he just exhumed himself out of one. Civilians and his own squad, on the other hand? Not so much. The fucking princess decided to engage them, which was fundamentally a stupid decision in more than one way. Either they had to account for the liability now, or factor her into battle strategies they couldn't just rewrite on the fly. So Morden decided to ignore that.

He let his shotgun fall out of his mist pocket, and ran to the grenades that had been knocked free of the truck. Strange to have this stuff, but alas. He loaded sabots into the breach, and collected a singular grenade. Morden had an idea in mind, one that wouldn't outright kill the biggest of the sharks, but would make it a hell of a lot harder for it to kill them.

There will be an explosion, do not be alarmed. I am going to blind the creature.

With a righteous, one-handed chk-chk of his shotgun, Morden bit down on the pin of the grenade (in a way only a mist-roided WARDEN could, Hollywood be damned) and used all of his strength to hurl it at the ground, and bounce it at the landshark. The fuse was ignited, and between that and the sheer force with which he threw it, the grenade went BANG a few inches before making contact with the landshark's face.

The point of this was to make the landshark move its head in just such a way that Morden could predict it, so when it recoiled from the cluster of shrapnel and the flash, and its eyes went open again, Morden aimed small.

He knew it wouldn't be enough to put this thing down, but with all the chaos happening, the landshark's options would be severely limited. It was a raging animal, not a trained fight. If pushed came to shove, it would just run, most likely. Morden pressed forward and repeatedly fired his shotgun, aiming the sabots at the small eyes to gouge them out. How could it fight back if it couldn't tell where it was? There was still the one harassing Silje, but this was a start.

Blind them. Cripple them. Drive. Them. BACK, he communicated. Use your environment, worry less about killing them.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Vertigo watchful

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Silje barely had the time to marvel at Gerard and Collette getting out of the truck and holding their own against the sharks — Collette even turned one of them into some sort of reversed flame salmon, burning it from the inside out! — when shit hit the fan, and a big shark hit the RV. It felt like the entire world tilted, and had Silje not tethered her feet atop the vehicle like she was so used to doing by now, she'd likely been knocked right off it, straight into the maws of the hungry predators.

Somewhere below, she heard the desperate cries of the man she'd seen inside the RV, before he was unceremoniously cut off. Hopefully due to a reason other than dying. They probably needed him around for questions and stuff. In her peripheral vision, she could see Kali(?!) of all people heading towards him. Probably to relieve him of his earthly possessions, which he longer needed, or to kill him again for shouting too loud.

By the Earthmother, Siljeee!

Oh, right, the whole being about to be eaten thing.

Don't worry, Valpal, this is all according to—

A familiarly bright purple beam burst worth from her childhood friend's direction, cutting straight through the two smaller sharks. They fell apart like sliced fish, and Silje abruptly realized she was hungry, and also that she was glad to have friends.

Morden warned them of an explosion — a silly concept, explosions were at their best when they came unexpected — then aimed for the large shark's face. Silje felt the RV, which was quickly being chewed through, jolt in the shark's grasp from the impact. Morden had the right idea. But not the right tools.

Silje did.

Hastily, she fell on all fours on top of the truck, pushing her hands into the mist she'd covered the truck with to call the sharks to her. She started to churn it, its colours mixing, brightening, turning into an unstable, pulsating stream that flowed across the RV, down into the parts already chewed and ingested.

And she was not about to give a warning for the explosion that was to follow.

What she did do, was prepare herself. The second the mist burst, she'd turn the tether under her feet into a propelling force instead — and let herself be yeeted far away from the carnage that was about to follow.

The landing? Well. She hadn't planned quite that far ahead yet.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


With most of the beasts hewed, Justice would have liked to say that things were calming down. Unfortunately for her, things wouldn't be simple. Kalina had history with a bystander carrying armaments. Really? Couldn't it have been something simpler was the only thing
Justice could think about. Something like someone on vacation. Maybe a nurse? Instead, they were someone running small arms. Fun.

Her annoyance was cut off by the reality of the fight. The mother shark and what little remained had went after Silje when she turned herself into a human flare. Morden used some roadside frags and his gun to try to blind the mother shark. The fact that he used his teeth actually baffled Justice. It wasn't like opening an MRE. Grenade pins weren't meant to be easily torn out. Thankfully, Val had dealt with the sharks attacking the princess and Gerard.

Then Justice felt it. The winds of the mist were condensing and shifting around Silje. It was different from all of their attempts to distract. No, Silje was up to something. That was never good. It didn't take Justice much time to realize what the mage was up to.

"Ah shit."

Hexagonal barriers formed a cone around Silje's future explosion. The purpose was simple: to shape the explosion so that it would only sublimate and shred the mothershark; the Barghests and company would, hopefully, not be harmed..
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gerard Biserus

Justices barriers had barely gotten up in time to block off the resulting explosion. A few beams of energy and waves of heat escaped from the gaps as the barriers cracked against the pressure, but the vast majority of the explosion was focused on what was within. There was a bright flash of light, a roar of pain and panic, and a cloud of smoke to obscure the insides of the impromptu barrier bowl.

Not that Gerard had much time to focus on all that. He'd barely pulled himself back up to his feet when Kali dumped the man at his feet. He would've questioned the rare oddity that was Kali requesting something, but his thoughts were very quickly interrupted as Collette pointed up and past his shoulder, a slightly toasty Silje flying through the air. While toasty was not an abnormal descriptor for the bombastic battle mage, flying was. With little time to check his surroundings, Gerard caught and threw the nearest object he could towards the girl to break her fall with a wave of telekinesis. An open crate flew from the ground in front of the RV and caught Silje midfall, a small poof of packing peanuts flying out of the box as the small WARDEN fit neatly inside. Perhaps not a 'soft' landing, but at least she didn't crash into the pavement beneath her.

Hooray for multitasking. Gerard grumbled to himself as he slowly let the Silje-box sink back to the ground, turning his attention to the man Kali had dropped in front of him. The man, all things considered, wasn't badly injured at all, save for a sizable lump on his head from where he impacted the pavement. Gerard murmured a quick spell as he grabbed some of the nearby mist and began pushing it into the man, forcing his body to speed up its own natural healing. Healing magic was a bit iffy with non-WARDEN types. WARDENs and other Mist users could handle the amounts of mist put into the body via healing magic, regular civilians? Not so much- Gerard could heal him, and in this case the man's injuries weren't severe, but too much too fast and the man would start feeling the symptoms of Mist burn a lot faster than they did.

As the smoke cleared up and the barriers disappeared, what was left was an empty dome, the ground carved up as the giant landshark had apparently dug itself back into the ground. Cooked bits of landshark meat, fangs, and bone were splattered about inside the barriers, denoting the severity of its injuries, but there was no sign of the shark itself save for a large hole in the ground. A wide tunnel continued for almost a hundred or so meters before Justice could sense the landshark finally stop moving, likely succumbing to its injuries.

"Fuck me, that was an exciting start to the morning." Gerard grumbled as he picked up a fang the size of his hand. Harder than steel and with razor sharp edges, the thing was practically a dagger. Even after chewing through a steel and aluminum vehicle, not a single scratch could be found on the tooth. With a slight shudder, he tossed it lightly towards Justice. " Good call on the barrier, imagine getting hit with this as shrapnel."

Ivan's eyes slowly opened, blinking for a moment before he shot up with a start. "Holy fuck I'm dead! I'm dying! Leg's fucked- I'm a goner. Done in by a fucking land fish! I can't believe- oh I'm okay." Within an instant, the shock on Ivan's face was quickly replaced with the toothy grin of a conman's smile. His face bore the expression of a grateful buffon, though his eyes remained sharp like a hawk's. "Ah! I've been saved! Thank you good sir, I owe you my life! Should you need anything just say the word, and I, Ivan Vorokov shall..." The man's voice trailed off as his eyes scanned the group and spotted Kali. "...provide."

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 3 days ago

--Rassvet - Tanker Crash Site--

Through the combined efforts of Morden, Silje, and Justice, the Barghests had managed to triumph over even the titanic broodmother of the pack... and keep everyone alive in the process, what? Justice's barrier wasn't there just to look pretty. Nevertheless, it was finally over-... it better be over, there was no higher purpose in combating wildlife, an unnecessary risk and waste of effort from the nation's first line of defense.

"Haaa..." After confirming there were no other burrowers nearby, Valerie slightly relaxed as she disengaged her powers, the purple veins fading away from Haylel's surface as the weapon's hum and glow ceased, leaving only the faint trail of mist vapors wisping out of its barrel. However, just as a precaution, she didn't stow away the bulky mistarm yet, instead keeping it on her person as she approached Gerard’s location.

"..." The white-haired WARDEN observed in inquisitive silence as the "civilian" started prattling on and on, being overly animated even though he was (mostly) fine. Oh please, for the love of the Earthmother, they didn't need another Silje in the team. Though apparently, Ivan here was closely acquainted with one of them, and oddly, it's not the battlemage, but instead...

"Care to enlighten us about this jackass, Kali?"

During the commotion, the tallest white-haired personnel among them did say something along the lines of 'mission-critical' and 'needing him alive', but the question still remained, why?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kalina Kovalic

Seemed the rest had deal with the remaining fauna. Good. And that Ivan was awake and speaking. Less good. Kalina narrowed her eyes as Ivan prattled on, more irritated than usual.

"He runs weapons and black market trade for my father's crew. Poorly." She said simply in response to Val before walking up to the man in question, slugging him in the face.

"Augh! Motherfucker!" Ivan cried out as he was knocked to the ground, paleing as he looked up.

"Ivan Vorokov." Kalina drew her sidearm, flicking the safety off before pointing it in his face. "One: what are you doing here? Two: give me a reason not to kill you. I've been telling Dad you're more trouble than you're worth."

"Woah, shit! Hey, easy! Easy!" Ivan screamed, holding his hands up in alarm. "I'm running shit for your dad! I don't get this stuff to him, the Marauders are fucked!"

Kalina was never the best at reading people. Less charitably, she was downright terrible at it. But...

"Kalina, my daughter. You see shitheel, Ivan? Never trust word that comes out his asshole mouth." Her father's last bit of advice about Ivan ran through her head. A glance at the fallen crates around reinforced that. She narrowed her eyes and shifted her aim to Ivan's left knee.


"GUUUUAAAAGH! YOU BITCH!" Ivan screeched shrilly, clutching at his left kneecap.

"I left you the leg that can work a gas pedal. Now try again. About the only materiel I see here that could be mission-critical would be the plastic explosive. And that's a stretch. Or, if you don't feel like telling the truth, give us something out of your own pocket. I know you're good for it." Just then, a thought came to her head, unbidden. Ah, right. The other reason she was so angry with Ivan.

"Remember all those care packages from Dad you brought? The ones that coincidentally had things missing that were already mentioned in the letters he put in? You owe me."

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Hidden 1 mo ago 30 days ago Post by Vertigo
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Vertigo watchful

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


It was at the exact moment her explosion went off, sending her soaring through the sky in an uncontrolled free fall, that Silje realized why she probably should have given a warning about the explosion. Unfortunately, by then it was way too late.

Fortunately, there was Justice.

A quick glance behind her was enough to clue Silje in that their squad leader had intervened and contained the blast. The barriers, shimmering in a familiar colour, were a clear enough indication of her involvement. Then came the light and the heat and the sound, and Silje could no longer see anything but bright light. A few seconds and a loud thunk later, she could no longer see that, either.

"... Ow."

Silje found herself in a heap inside a crate, her fall broken before it could turn dangerous. Her knee hovered inches from her face, and her back and shoulders hurt from where they'd met the hard wood, but nothing seemed outright broken. Shapes still danced inside her eyelids from the flash bang of the explosion. Her head spun. The explosion had been something else.

And she'd do it again.

"That was so cool!" She shouted as she burst out of her makeshift solitary confinement like a bright-eyed jack in the box, fists thrust into the air. "We sho— oh?"

She slunk back down upon realizing she was interrupting something. That something being Kalina, greeting an old friend. Intensely. With a gun.

"Just-- gimme a holler if you wanna blow up the other knee too!" Silje called out, supportive as ever. She was snugly back inside her box, save for a hand extended out to show a thumbs up.

Silje really wanted to bring up the thing with the princess, but Kalina knew so few people, she felt it'd be better not to interrupt her right now. There was time after, the princess wasn't going anywhere.

And if she tried, well, Kalina had already proven to be pretty good at busting knees!
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Her plan did work. It stung her skin as the barriers could barely contain the explosive force, but Justice did manage to ensure that nobody had been turned into a vacation casualty. The shark slunked back into the ground, but had then given up as even its large form couldn't handle losing half its mass to a living goblin.

With a deep breath, Justice shook her hands. It felt nice to get that out of her system. A little bit of carnage and destruction always made people feel better.

"Everyone good?" Justice yelled as her ears rang. Though, she didn't really care for any responses. Everyone would probably be fine. Though, if Gerard hadn't thrown a box to catch Silje, Justice or Morden would had to catch the falling mage. Morden would probably shrug off the catch. Justice would have had to sacrifice her knees. Luckily, she avoided that.

With a quick flick of her hand, Justice snatched the tooth out of the air by its root. She'd had properly lost a few fingers were she not familiar in handling knives. "I do what I do." She said as Gerard gave out the rare compliment.

"Huh." Justice murmured as she inspected the tooth. It was interesting indeed. She flicked it in the air a few times. It was weighted decently. Though, awful to try to use as an actual knife. Such was a blade without a handle. With another quick toss, she threw the tooth and her war axe back into her pocket to save for the next fight.

Unfortunately, the afterglow of combat didn't last long. There was an unwanted survivor in their midst. The goal had been to simply escort the princess. Now? The Barghests were getting involved in arms smuggling. Even worse? It was someone that someone knew. As though she had chosen to reject reality to save her temper, Justice grabbed the princess by the shoulder, immediately turned around, and lead her to the other side of the truck so Kalina's old acquaintance couldn't get a good look.

"Ten minutes." She said without elaborating further what the deadline was for. Though, given that Kalina had occupied herself with the interrogatorture of the survivor, the rest of the Barghests could surmise what she meant.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

With the creatures routed, all that was left was the matter of this "Ivan" individual that Kalina seemed to hate. He was a civilian, ultimately, and Kalina had just shot him. Morden wasn't really sure what to think of that, but it was stupid. What part of keeping a low profile did she not understand. He walked closer, standing just over Kalina's shoulder.

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

You won't kill him because then you'll have to deal with me, He warned, loudly over the telepathic link. Gunfire? Next to an Etherium spill? Aimed at a Rassvet civilian? you could receive court martial for this. Raise that gun again, and I'll break it. Even a diehard WARDEN like him had a line he drew, and firing on the people they were meant to protect was a fundamental violation of everything the WARDENs stood for. He wasn't going to stand for it, but there was still the obvious problem of the grenades, and one Morden was going to try and handle a bit less violently than Kalina. There was a code that the military had to follow, even in war. A code that separated them from the barbarians bent on conquering Rassvet, so he stepped around and glared down at Ivan.

"Answer her question, and explain to us why you were transporting explosives. As you can tell, our patience is thin at the moment, so I can't guarantee you'll receive any better treatment if you waste our time," He explained, calmly. Though it was the calm before a rocket hit home, the calm before a trigger was pulled. Morden wasn't fooling around any less than Kalina.
Hidden 30 days ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gerard Biserus

"Extortion's a good look on ya Kali," Gerard teased, "Are all family reunions this exciting?"

"FUCKING FUUUUUUCK!" Ivan wailed as he half rolled on the ground, clutching at his shot knee. "Fucking psycho bitch! Hey doc! Doc! She shot my fucking leg!"

"Sorry friend," Gerard chuckled, glancing down at the man as he helplessly rolled, wide eyes staring at the collective of WARDENs before him. Almost reluctantly, Gerard pulled a medical kit out of his mist pocket, to at least begin stopping the bleeding. "If I pump any more Mist into you you're gonna start burning, healing or not."

Ivan seethed in pain, ready to start shooting off some vitriol but was immediately silenced by the idea of Silje blowing up his other leg- and by Morden standing over him like some sort of giant. He shrinked immediately from the surrounding WARDENs.

"I-I'm not lying!" The snivelling man swore, "I'm running shit for your father! They're not on the front lines right now, they're holed up in Dunbarton dealing with some shit."

Glancing at the remains of the RV, and it's position on the road, Gerard shot an amused look towards Kalina before glancing back down at the supposed arms runner.

"Dunbarton's back thataway-" Gerard pointed out, perhaps unhelpfully. "Back the way you came."

Ivan's eyes shot back and forth, whether or not he was trying to quickly think of something or genuinely fearful of getting shot was anyone's guess. Eyes glanced at the crates of weapons and materials, then back at the WARDENs.

"T-they're planning a mutiny!" Ivan blurted out, "They told me to bring them a bunch of untraceable small arms and explosives to the middle of a city! Of course I ran! I'm no traitor!"

Gerard grabbed a bunch of the crates and floated them over to the WARDENs truck one at a time, allowing the others to crack them open at their leisure. Sure enough, as Ivan said, the vast majority of the crates were weapons and long term supplies, all unmarked. In total, the crates were enough supplies to arm some twenty or so individuals with rifles, pistols and explosives, along with enough rations and ammo for an extended operation without resupply.

We are short a few weapons ourselves. Gerard's voice echoed across their communications spell, as he picked up a handgun in his hands and flourished them, the weapon disappearing into his mist pocket. Not to mention, all we really have in the way of supplies are beers and hamburgers. Given our current objectives, think your pops would mind if we got stocked up?

"I'm telling you the truth!" Ivan had been whining, though Gerard cut him off.

"If you were running, why'd you bother keeping the supplies? Sure you're not selling them to a better bid?" Gerard asked, whistling as a much smaller, more well kept case floated into his hands. Simply adorned, but obviously a well made box of dark hardwood. Cracking it open, Gerard perked an eyebrow before passing it over to Kali. The box contained a gunblade. Well made and perfectly blanaced, clearly meant to be used rather than hung as a display piece. Engraved on the back of the blade was something in a language Gerard didn't recognize.

"Wha- Hey that's- I don't know how that-" Ivan half blubbered, "Hey c'mon Kali, we go way back! Surely we can put this all behind us right?"

"Are you alright?" Collette asked of the WARDENs leader as they rounded the back of the truck, occasionally turning her ear to tune into the conversation happening behind them. Her hands glowed faintly, with the soothing light of a healing spell, though the princess seemed to falter and pause- seemingly not wanting to treat the WARDEN without explicit permission. It was a bit odd, being concerned for the wellbeing of what were ostensibly child soldiers from an opposing country, but they were the only ones keeping her alive for the moment. We're meant to be going to Dunbarton, aren't we? Does trouble normally follow you soldier types around?"
Hidden 29 days ago 29 days ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 3 days ago

--Rassvet - Tanker Crash Site--

She shot him.

Guess there was no love lost between the two, Kalina and this Ivan person, a supposed arms dealer that was more of a conman and swindler in practice. Valerie absolutely had no horse in this race, and besides, Kalina might appear pragmatically ruthless at first glance, but the shorter white-haired WARDEN knew that the pilot wouldn't actually shoot someone without a good reason, threaten maybe, but definitely not going as far as to pulling the trigger. Thus, for this Ivan person to push her into such lengths, he must've done something, no matter who was more in the right, one thing for sure, this wasn't the first time they had a confrontation...

Though it might be the last if Gerard didn't attend to him.

Silje's usual Siljesque quip pretty much confirmed that she survived the landing, Justice seemed to take charge of the princess guarding duty, and Morden already said anything meaningful that Valerie could say. Yeah, be careful, Kalina, wouldn't be very funny if you blew everyone up just because you wanted to intimidate a smuggler.

Regardless, guess the situation calmed down enough for Valerie to stow Haylel into her mist pocket, then walked back to the truck to peruse those crates Gerard moved. Once there, the 2nd Class grabbed a sidearm identical to the one Gerard procured for himself, held it in her right hand for a moment to let her mist-veins envelop it, temporarily turning it into a deadlier weapon with theoretically 'endless' magazine. She briefly entertained the thought of test firing it, but... etherium spill, right. So instead, she disengaged her power then holstered the pistol, might prove useful as a backup weapon in case Haylel wasn't available or feasible to use for one reason or another. For pretty much the same reason, she grabbed a trench knife and buckled its sheath to her waist.

While all of this was happening, the Nephilim kept an ear out for the on-going... conversation, for a lack of better words.

"Mutiny? I hope he realizes the full import of what he's saying. What do you think, Kalina? How likely is it?" Something told her that out of the Barghests, Mylo's daughter would be the one who knew him best.
Hidden 26 days ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kalina Kovalic

Kalina couldn't even have half a moment to enjoy the sight of Ivan getting what he deserved before Morden had to butt in and express an opinion. She narrowed her eyes in displeasure, telepathically responding while listening to Ivan squeal.

You're right, sorry. That's my bad. I should have stabbed him instead. Second, he's not a civilian, he's an auxiliary. And last, I don't care what else he is besides incompetent. That's grounds alone for worse in wartime.

Her stare intensified into a full on glare as Ivan tried lie after lie. Even if Kalina didn't know Ivan as well as she did, the sheer logical inconsistency of his excuses was a red flag.

"Dad isn't the one with imperial contacts. I always suspected you were dealing to them on the side, too."

He's selling all these on the black market, I guarantee it. Take everything we need. Dad and company won't miss what they were never going to get in the first place.

Then Gerard handed Kalina the gunblade, and her eyes widened as she read the inscription.

Etched on the blade, in the old tongue of the eastern regions, read:

To my little Lina.

She lifted the gunblade, testing its weight and heft. Finely crafted, intended for battlefield use, and fit perfectly in her hands. Though not without a few decorative flourishes.

"He didn't have to bother getting the flowers..." She murmured under her breath before returning her stare to Ivan. This had been meant for her. Her father had never mentioned a word of it, so it must have been intended as a surprise gift. Ivan...

"We do go back. Long enough for me to think Dad should've had you shot years ago." Kalina said flatly, looking Ivan dead in the eyes. "This just confirms it." The tip of Kalina's newly-acquired blade came plunging down towards Ivan's throat. One clean motion, no hesitation.

I'll cover up the evidence before we leave.
Hidden 23 days ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Am I alright?" Justice looked introspectively at the distance before turning to face Collette. "I'm pretty fucking far from alright. This was meant to be a fun little vacation. I guess I should have known better."

If she was a smoker, now would be the time that she would take a stress induced break. Collette could see the veins across Justice's body surface. As much as she didn't want to, her senses were too trained to not listen to the interrogation.

When Collette went to heal Justice, she shook her head in rejection. Justice was fine with the few scratches she collected. If anything, her only ailment was the exhaustion from having to make so many barriers in such a short period of time. Perhaps it was that exhaustion was made her defer the chaotic denouement of battle to her allies rather than begin yelling at them for this mess. Perhaps it was the proposition of free guns when they seemed to attract conflict like flies to dung. Whatever the case was, Justice was willing to let her annoyance seethe. At least for now.

"Trouble usually follows us around. Not usually this awful, though. Though by the sounds of it, the Dunbarton handoff is going to be even worse."

Fun. Collette could see Justice's knuckles white.

"More importantly," she stared down Collette. "Do you mind telling us why you're leaking mist?"
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Vertigo
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Vertigo watchful

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


From the sound of it, the interrogation was going well. At least, until there was a sudden gurgling sound, which Silje assumed meant that either all the exciting stuff was over, or it was just about to begin. Just this once, though, she didn't stick around to find out one way or the other.

Climbing out of the crate, it didn't take the diminutive battlemage long to figure out where Justice had taken the princess. Not only because they hadn't exactly gone very far, but also because Collette had left a distinct, colourful trail in her wake. Like a shooting star, except hopefully lasting for longer.

Silje popped her head behind the truck.

"Yeah, trouble and us go waaaay back!" she concurred, waving a hand to announce her presence — as if her words didn't already do a good enough job at it. She jumped fully within few and padded over, only stopping when she was inches from the princess' face.

"Not just leaking," she said abruptly, as if she'd been part of the conversation all along. "You're like— exuding it. There's a bunch! Here," she pointed at one of the faintly hued threads wafting past. "And here. And—"

A few more jabs at seemingly nothing, and Silje lowered her finger. "Mist isn't supposed to do that. You aren't supposed to do that to mist. It just is. You take it and you do stuff with it, but you don't make more of it. That's big! Like... reason enough to try and kidnap you and harvest your powers and turn you into an engine of war sort of big."

She paused as if having just realized something, then turned on her heels to stare up at Justice with crossed hands and a sudden, pleading look. "... Do we have to hand her off? Can we keep her instead? Please, please, ugly please? I want an engine of war!"
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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Morden hasn't bothered with stopping the execution of Ivan. He was torn between two thoughts. The first was that Ivan had betrayed Rassvet by even attempting to bankroll a mutiny, and thus was absolutely subject to capital punishment. It was people like him who inched the nation further and further to defeat, who made things worse for those fighting for freedom. And in that sense, Kalina been merciful towards the man she apparently knew quite well. And yet, in another sense, they were soldier. Powerful soldiers with the capacity to take out entire squads with nothing but their bare hands, but soldiers nonetheless. It wasn't in their discretion, nor was it their place to decide how judgement was to be handed down. That was the responsibility of the Rassvet courts, not a few soldiers charged with fighting on the ground.

They were extensions of Rassvet's power, its defenders. They protected civilians. Ivan betrayed his country, but he was still a citizen of Rassvet. Wasn't he subject to a trial? A court martial? Kalina just took the law into her own hands, and he didn't even fight back.

Morden felt wrong, seeing this and doing nothing about it. But what could he do? There were laws, but he wasn't in a position to enforce them anymore than the person who just executed a man.

So he turned around and didn't bother, unsure of what exactly he was meant to feel.

"...We have somewhere to be."

Hidden 16 days ago 16 days ago Post by vietmyke
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Gerard Biserus

"Wait Kali-" Any further protests by the snake oil salesman was quickly cut off by Kalina's blade snipping his tracheal artery. Hands grasped at his throat, as though he were attempting to keep the blood from spilling out of his throat. He gurgled something that was probably something along the lines of 'Fucking bitch', but his final words were hardly audible to any but the most adept ears in the vicinity.

Gerard tutted in annoyance as he quickly took a step back, scowling as a splatter of blood found it's way onto the hem of his pants. "Dammit Kali." Gerard grumbled, shaking off what blood he could, proverbially and literally washing his hands of the situation, grabbing an armfull of hand weapons as a consolation. "What a waste of mist, I shouldn't have even bothered healing him. Why bother burying him? just torch him with the RV."

Making his way over to the truck, Gerard tuned in just in time to watch Collette cock a confused eyebrow at Justice and Silje. "I-I don't understand." Collette replied, watching Silje point to seemingly random spots around her in bewilderment. "What do you mean leaking? Humans don't leak mist- that implies-" The young princess nervously took a step back as Silje implied keeping her and turning her into a war machine. "W-wait a minute-"

"Well this trip just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? More party favors for you, boss." Gerard drawled, handing Justice some half dozen of assorted weapons for her ever growing and shrinking arsenal of throwaway tools. "Warhammer, tactical tomahawk, another breaching axe- oh, two actually, rifle, big pointy stick, cavalry saber- how archaic, why are did he even buy that..."

"This is the first I've heard of this." Collette insisted, "My father had assigned me some of the best tutors available when it came to using magic- surely one of them would've noticed-"

"Or maybe they're just not as good as we are." Gerard interrupted with a wink, "Though I'll be honest, until you pointed it out, to me it just looked like you're poking at air." Gerard shrugged.

"Does this change the plan any? We were always going to have to be sneaky with her anyway- now we just need to be sneakier." Glancing back at the wreck, Gerard shrugged. "Sooner we hand her off to Veld's spooks, the better, I say."
Hidden 11 days ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

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--Rassvet - Tanker Crash Site--

"..." When Kalina fished out what was inside the box Gerard gave her, the motivation behind Ivan's actions was no longer a matter of speculation. Amongst the Barghests and even the WARDEN corps as a whole, it could be said that Valerie was one of the more empathetic ones; her vow to not let her mutations define her certainly played a major part in her personal mission to not end up like... well, Morden, and WARDENs like him.

However, even the Nephilim had her limits, while she'd rather die than turning into an unfeeling weapon of mass destruction, she wouldn't call herself a compassionate pacifist either. In the end, she was a soldier and her job would inevitably involve deaths, both suffering and causing them. This... Ivan, this two-faced conman was attempting to pilfer essential war assets for his own gain. Even disregarding Mylo's gift for his daughter, the man was a parasitic vermin; he was an enemy of the state and the people, and while he technically wasn't a combatant, Valerie couldn't shake off the thought that a leech like him would be better off dead.

...and it seemed Kalina had the exact same idea.

"Good riddance."

Should she feel bad? ...no, no she shouldn't, parasites like Ivan were like gut worms, the world could only be better off without them in it.

With Kalina handling the "evidence", Valerie decided to assist Gerard and the others with recovering the stolen supplies. Meanwhile, she heard something about Collette producing her own mist? Now that was unheard of; nature produced mist and people manipulated what was already there, that's how it usually goes, but Rassvet was but a small country in a big, big world, a world full of wondrous and terrible things both, her... self being a good example. In other words, Valerie was intrigued, yet unsurprised.

"Maybe the little spatial anomaly you endured in that ship did something to your genes, who knows, but I won't be surprised if it's the case. Mist storms don't exactly obey the "rules" of nature." The white-haired WARDEN gave her two-cents with a shrug before turning at Gerard, "I mean... don't get me wrong, I'm not being pessimistic for the hell of it, but I do expect we'll encounter more problems later, when that time comes, we do as we usually do: adapt, improvise, and overcome. We're WARDENs, squad, not politicians."
Hidden 10 days ago 10 days ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


While Justice haphazardly tossed weapons into her pocket, she gave out a simple "appreciated" to Gerard.

As much as having a living mist battery seemed interesting, Justice was more annoyed at the prospect of dragging along such a conduit for awful luck. "No. We're doing our mission, finishing our vacation without incident, and then going home to be shipped off to war."

With all of the shit that was happening, it was easy to forget that this was all supposed to be a fun little excursion before they were shipped off to the frontlines as WARDENs proper. Though at this point, they were probably seeing more action than what they'd see at the frontlines.

"Of course, knowing our luck, there won't be a diplomatic hand-off. Dunbarton's going to be on fire and our contacts are going to be strung up. Call it a vague inkling with how things have been going so far. So that's going to be fun."

It was a morose prediction. One that Justice really didn't want to come to fruition. But of course, whether she said it or thought it, she was right more often than not these days.

"Or maybe they just never told you. Some dickass political drama, maybe."

Then of course, Justice looked at the distance that had been put between Collette and Silje.

"Don't take what she says seriously." Justice told Collette. "I know I don't."

She was just dripping with venom at this point.

"Well, let's get to the city. I'd rather not put off whatever fuck up the city has in store."

She paused. Right. She was vaguely their leader.

"And Kali." She said before turning to the WARDEN. "We'll talk about all of this when we get a single minute where things aren't going shit sideways."
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