I have a question about Crystals, how long does it take for one "chunk" to form? And why are they more abundant underground when the Regalia are above ground - do they seep into the ground when the Residue is released? On that thought, does it exhaust the Regalia to release Residue / are there finite amounts they can give in a day?
Hmm, good questions! I'd say that Residue from Dominant Forms crystalize within 2 weeks maybe. And then, they re thrown about in weather and clump up, and sort of stick and crystalize together -- this might take anywhere between a month and a year depending on environmental circumstances. This is when you get a proper Crystal, which can accumulate more Residue over time if exposed to it, and then grow in power over time as well. If these Crystals aren't found, then they are lost to the environment and the earth. So, if a Crystal formed a thousand years ago or more, and was never found, it will be found in the Earth, in these mines.
The Residue is released passively. It will seem less if a Regalia is moving about in the Dominant Form. But, if they remain stationary for 2 hours, then there will be quite a bit of residue at their feet, if that makes sense.