The Spirit of Adventure is the first in her class of 12 Spirit-class Fast Frigates intended for use with the first 12 Ranger Corps teams. The ships are equipped with the latest model medium-range hyperdrive and extensive automation, including shipboard AI. All other components are proven off-the-shelf equipment used in other models of Confederation Naval vessels.
Spirit differs only from her planned sister ships by the use of Railguns as her fixed-forward anti-ship armament; the anti-ship Particle Lances intended to equip her sister ships were not ready in time, and railguns were fitted instead.
Onboard facilities are comparatively spacious and luxurious for the size of the ship, a situation achieved via the increased use of AI for ship management tasks reducing crew complement, giving more space for individual facilities. Small, but relatively comfortable quarters are available for all regular personnel, with auxiliary cargo/storage rooms able to be converted for multiple occupancy dormitory/bunk style crew compartments.
Crew quarters are arranged in the fashion of individual small rooms with incorporated washing/sanitation facilities that can be configured for the needs of various Confederation species, all facing onto a centralised shared social space. Several of these will be arranged along corridors. The ship has two mess decks where food is served. Larger lounges also provide social spaces and small, but ample recreational facilities for the size of the crew and ship.
Following with current design theories, the ship's bridge is shielded by heavy blastproof plates in combat or hazardous conditions, along with other large external windows or viewing apertures, as well as the paired port and starboard hangars at the lower corners of the midship.
Both engine nacelles can rotate 180 degrees for braking manoeuvers.
Unusually, no ventral armament is fitted, though it remains to be seen if this is considered a blind spot.
The Spirit class ships are not designed or intended for atmospheric operation, and their hulls are rated for non-terrestrial atmosphere operations only.
Class: Fast Frigate
Registry Number: CNCC-3600
Crew Complement: 20 regular ships' crew + up to 15 additional ships' company (i.e. security forces, pilots, etc) + space for up to 30 additional personnel in converted spaces.
Powerplant: Hyperion Systems Fusion Core
- Standard Class-1 Medium-Range Hyperdrive
- 2 x Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems Sublight Fusion Rockets
- 4 x Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems thrusters
- Amber Space Technologies Incorporated RCS clusters
Small Craft:
2 x bays for up to 8 small craft each, usually comprising a combination of spaceplanes, work pods, and combat craft. Hangars are not suitable for heavy transport spaceplanes
Additional Systems & Features:
- Magnetic Grapples
- Docking Latches and boarding tube
- FTL Communications Suite
- Active Countermeasures
- 8 x Escape/survival pods (each seats up to 8 and has suitable survival kit for that many)
Weapon Systems:
- 3 x High-energy naval laser cannon turret
- 2 x Forward-fixed heavy railgun
- 1 x 12-tube Dorsal VLS battery
- 4 x Laser CIWS
Crew Facilities:
- Shared cafeteria-style mess deck with comprehensive galley
- Individual cabins with modular faculties able to be reconfigured for all Confederation species.
- Sufficient cabins for all regular crew members. Cabins incorporate en suite sanitary facilities and ample storage for personal effects
- Cabins arranged in suites around a common social/briefing/working multipurpose space
- Medical Bay with facilities and equipment to handle all known ConFederation species and others
- Onboard workshop/laboratory spaces for maintenance, analysis, and low-level manufacture/rebuild of components and systems
- Equipment shop/ready rooms for storage and outfitting of mecha/small craft crew and pilot gear
- Recreational facilities include small multi-species gymnasium able to be reconfigured for various workout regimes by different species, and multi-function spaces for various uses (i.e. live performances of music, movie/holo theater, etc etc)