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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I know you,” She said, feigning amazement for his ego. “You’re the one with the helicopter.

"Well, you've gotta get around on these islands somehow, right?" he said, giving an 'aww shucks' shrug like it wasn't any big deal. Behind him, he could feel Machiko rolling her eyes from behind her shades, which only made him grin even wider- if he could make a worthwhile acquaintance and annoy Chiko at the same time, this evening would be a spectacular win.

"It's a work thing, though, really," he continued, a completely disingenuous humble-brag, "Makes land surveying easier, and my clients expect a certain amount of showmanship."

Ah, but I can tell you aren't so easily swayed by such superficial trappings, was the unspoken but implied next part of that line. You're unimpressed by my flashy playboy charms, and are looking for someone deeper and more mature.

It was all bullshit, and everyone involved in this dance knew it. Bobby knew it, Machiko knew it, even the local bumpkin Ronaldo had seen him play this game enough times to know what was up.

And he was positive the woman he was chatting up knew the score as well. She had been a second or so from telling him to fuck off, then changed gears the moment she recognized him. It was a quick and subtle change, but Bobby had a Knack for reading people; you don't make billion-dollar deals with movers and shakers by being easily taken for a ride. There was an intelligence in her change of tone and demeanor that suggested she was after something, and it likely wasn't just a ride in the chopper and a roll in the hay.

So not an easy mark, then, but a fellow player. That only interested Bobby more.

"I'm Bobby," he finally introduced himself. "Forgive me for presuming, but you don't strike me as someone who's just here on vacation. Would you happen to know anywhere around here where a wayward gringo can get a good drink and some interesting conversation? And please, don't point me to that bar with all the goddamn boomers who think they're Jimmy Buffet."

Ronaldo was giving him a concerned look, suggesting he recognized the woman and wanted him to be careful. Machiko was frowning about the amount of money he was about to blow on overpriced booze. He flashed them both a toothy smile, as if to say relax, I've got this.

Whatever it was the brunette wanted out of him, she was likely to play along with the routine at least for the evening, so unless he just completely made an ass of himself, the opening gestures were all but automatic. If there was a deeper game to be played here, Bobby wanted in. And if it only went as far as a few rounds of hooch and a chat with a pretty woman, he was fine with that too.

And to be perfectly honest, he really did want that drink.

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Hidden 27 days ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

24 Hour Time Skip Warning

Temporal Jump will be to Saturday Night - Azul Days Celebration

All are free to fill in the time between Wednesday and Saturday as much or little as you prefer from the opening posts.

While Azul Days is a hallmark event for the islands, in general this event is meant to be fun and bring characters together, create some good interactions and spawn friendships, frenemies, enemies or maybe something else. Expect a few surprises...

As always, if you feel that you are not ready to skip. PLEASE speak up!

Hidden 26 days ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Continuing ACT 1 - Latitudes & Attitudes

Late August - Saturday Night - Azul Days Opening Parade - Clear with Marine Storms on the Horizon

This evening marks the beginning of annual Azul Days- a celebration of the island’s history and people. Throughout Ave Pura Vida on Isla Zafrio torches are lit while flags and lights are hung high and low between businesses and residences alike. Music is so loud the sands on the beaches shift as the people of Azul turn out for the start of what amounts to a week-long party that will culminate with the Vida de Exito Ceremony. Unknowing tourists are typically taken aback by the magnitude of the excitement leading more to the mystique that Azul is the best kept secret in the Caribbean.

This year large pictures and murals of the mayor are displayed prominently throughout Isla Zafrio and the Flores family have encouraged all to turn out in remembrance of the mayor and to celebrate rather than be mournful. Somewhat surprisingly, Alejandro Flores has already declared his candidacy for his late father’s position as mayor. While his running is not unexpected, the announcement comes before the special election has even been called for by Azul’s interim government. This has led to some speculation among the community that the Flores, with their deep connections to island governance, already know when the official announcement will be made.

Later, after an evening of feasting, singing and revelry, the annual Pot Breaking ceremony is the highlight of the night and marks the official start of Azul Days. In order to please La Mujer Fatal, tradition dictates a woman from the community be chosen at random to break the first of the exquisitely crafted pottery, each containing some element of life from the islands. It is considered a high honor of the old ways to have one’s art chosen and the unpredictable nature of selection and destruction are still seen by many as a form of divination about the future of Azul. Naturally an artisan cannot also be an entrant in the lottery and it is considered extremely bad luck to attempt cheating.

There will be a drawing to determine who will have the privilege at exactly 8:13pm. The twentieth hour of the day and the highest number in Mayan numerology and the thirteenth minute, the number of known Mayan gods.

Good luck!
Hidden 26 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 43 min ago

Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska

Main Island _ Azul Days _ Just off Ave Pura Vida

Limping Lady.

Kat had been forced to take it easy after her run in with the rock, Thursday morning she found herself at the island's local doctor getting her foot looked at and had skipped her normal trip to the library that day as she waited in the drop in clinic. Even Kat could admit when she needed to get someone to check on her injury, the ache had not diminished at all from night before and she decided it was time she seek help.

An unhappy Kat and an even more tongue tied receptionist told her that nothing broken, nothing sprained but she had bruised it and only thing that taking it easy would be the answer until it healed. Putting her earphones back in she made her way back to her home away from home, hitting play on her phone. The pink sports earphones started playing some of her 90's dance playlist as she walked slowly back stopping by a cafe to grab a coffee and sat around till lunch reading her book people.watching for most part.

The local library had not got the maps she needed and was waiting on a postal delivery to get them sent over from the US. So Kat waited, enjoyed her down time and talked casually to some of the local tourists who swung by.

Trust Kat to get hurt in typical paradise, it was an adventure to put it politely.

Sleep evaded Kat that evening as she rested her ankle and tried to do best to rest, frustrated, hurting and too hot. She had already tossed her sleep shirt and was half covered by the sheet as she worried about failing. Realistically she knew she had done everything she could and waiting was normal but she was unhappy. She wanted to be out looking and not sit drinking coffee in the sun however enjoyable it was.

looking at her clock it was still 2 am and she groaned with a sigh and turned to The cold side of the pillow. reaching out she found her water bottle and the ibuprofen she had picked up groping about, it was a blurry grey in the blurry world that Kat without her glasses was pretty much a mole more than an owl to say the least.

It took her a minute to find It but she eventually did, not feeling like it was worth finding her glasses and popped a painkiller hoping it would help her sleep. The waves softly rocked the boat and felt the gentle rhythm of the sea. It was very soothing and tried to concentrate on it vs her foot if she tried to move it to the wrong angle.


Kat rode her E bike to the superMarket unable to put off the chore, the whole journey was slower than normal and she was glad for the assist looking right now. Fresh fruit and so would make her feel better, picking up a mix of things, local yoghurt and such.

She made a search of the place and scoured the shop for things, a few fun items and little things to put together a nice meal tonight, she found a few bits and pieces close as she could to make an Polish meal feeling a little home sick and wanting to make something nice.

Also ice cream, she definitely needed ice cream having found some rather expensive imported Ben and jerry's fish food ice cream in triplicate with some chocolate sauce and sprinkles. Glass coke, she would like a glass of wine but decided to wait till weekend given her current injury.

What she made was hardly what could be called authentic that evening but it was the best she could make on their supplies that were available locally. The meal was hardly the best example of cooking there was but it gave her some idea of home. The homesickness only really came when she was ill or hurt for the most part but Kat really needed this.

Most of her evening was spent on the upper deck, the weather was decent and she looked out over the town watching people and talking to some of the people at the Marina. She had a whole mini feast even if she had to take breaks making it and was eating ice cream as the sun set, sprinkled with chocolate sauce, Sprinkles and oddly mango chunks because no one could say the black haired woman was normal.

She still had no idea about the Azul days event coming up, she would just turn up and see what happened. Azul was certainly different from what the Internet had said. It was like watching the moon rise over the sea from her boat, Kat had already sent several reports and back about how the place felt somewhat unsettled.

The TV show she was watching half hearted played over the boat's speakers resting with her leg up on a soft cushion. Her Google search did not give many answers to her questions and tossed the phone onto the table and sighed.

She was back to her plan of just turning up and going with the flow stretched out on a couch watching the movie. She had seen it so many times Kat had no need to pay much attention at all to know where she was.


Kat was on edge that morning a little, she did not like not knowing things and has been used to a much more structured life. A quick shower Kat walked carefully and slowly about drying her hair off and tying back into a casual ponytail for now to keep it out the way. She did a short Yoga routine, mostly breathing and other static exercises, and sat in the sunshine to fill some of the morning, unsure what to do right now.

Kat spent Lunch at a small cafe nearby that was overly busy eating a healthy lunch of chicken salad with pasta, something that would keep her feeling full for a while. The service was slow but she understood that they had a very busy day grabbing a mint Mocha to go, leaving them wondering what to wear for this event… She appeared perfectly calm but inside she was nervous, would she muck this all up, was this celebration a local only thing… Kat just had too many Questions.

Summer goth? She wanted to be true to herself but this weather? It was far too hot and she had not packed a lot of things, she did not need multiple coats when it barely dropped below T shirt weather. Finding a suitable dress, a vintage hat and much as they looked odd her bright pink trainers as her nice heels of any kind would just mean falling over and probably breaking her ankle to add to a hurt foot.

Oh and much sunscreen, Factor 50 was the norm for her here.

Music constantly played as she got ready, now entirely used to doing her makeup to the gentle sway of the boat, styling her hair into a style that was a little challenging in the tight confines and took a few tweaks to look right.

Kat fussed a little before she left as she headed out, checking she had everything and grabbing her hand bag, checking sunscreen… so much to remember.

Azul Days.

Heading out into the flow she took a steady pace seeing the entire town lit up with lights, murals of the former mayor she guessed were all over and prominent in their display and followed the noise and the growing crowds. Kat had arrived after all this had happened and locals seemed tighter lipped at the time.

Kat had to assume the major was well liked Or least respected in anyhow if they did not like them, this kind of display was rather hard to ignore and to fake for someone who did not matter to people.

winding through the crowds towards the main central street of the island, the largest concentration she assumed of events. The street buzzed with music, flags, people and lights, her glasses glared in the light and In places it was hard to see what was going on. Burning torches and people made it hot, along with the weather it was hotter to Kat and again glad she chose to dress for the season and the environment.

The tall dark haired foreigner ended up finding a stall serving cold drinks and soon got herself a cold local beer. “Keep the change. Enjoy.” She said in still a little rusty Spanish with a cheerful wave finding a quieter spot outside of the main flow to take in. Honestly she had no idea what she was meant to do, she had not really known anyone to ask… She just decided to make the most of whatever… this was.

Summer goth, Kat stood drinking her beer, tattoos on show. Kat was unreservedly Kat and she refused to not be herself, even if the weather made it alot harder.

Hidden 22 days ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Taryn Rogers

This was not Taryn’s first Azul Days. If there was nothing else she learned at the University of Miami, it was how to run an excellent pregame and arrive at the party just fashionably late enough to be on the borderline of over the edge. The revelry kicked off with the jolly roger going up the mast upside-down and the three day refined contents of the T500 “Drunkinator” being dispersed liberally among the other yachts, cruisers and dinghies that had tied up or dropped anchor around ’Donna. She coughed as the first cap full of purified spirits was passed around. A creation that burned the nostrils and scented somewhere between paint thinner, jet fuel and isopropyl before it was diluted. Not unlike a tailgate party on the water, music played into the night as the entire assemblage of friends and strangers steadily moved onto shore for the customary bar crawl that would follow: A formidable route of indulgence designed to move ahead of the incoming parade through the center of town with the challenge being to hit all the bars and still be standing by the time of the Pot Breaking ceremony. Bonus points were awarded for arriving ahead of the parade. This year she wasn’t going to lead the shore party in her usual fashion because this year was different, this year she had a date.

Still cognizant enough to lock the hatch her stance swayed a bit as she turned the key. Throughout the festivities, she had done a “fair” job at pacing herself which was enough to go unnoticed, but not perfect. She blinked and stared at the lock for a moment pulling herself back together for the ride to the dock. Part of her wished she had invited him out to the party. She wanted to, but that also needed to be paced. She and Bobby had hit it off really well, too well even. Thankfully the presence of the other two, his business partner and security guard apparently, made it easy to pump the brakes. He wasn’t the vapid corpo she expected and it caused her to put her guard up more, not dismissively though, just being careful. Bobby was handsome and older, but even better he had purpose and drive. He was outside the paradigms of Azul and his own man. She swooned a little at the thought. In the span of just a few weeks she had gone from locked-out status quo to having real cards on the table in a big way, though her schemes felt a little childish compared to his business acumen. If she couldn’t maneuver her way around the Cardenas and Flores, then Bobby could potentially be a very smart backup plan, maybe even a main plan…

She let out an unheard sigh as the dinghy skipped along the water beneath her, not even really paying that much attention to the carousing among the others around her. Her hair was down and she tried to hold it together so as not to look completely windblown. Behind her to the west the last vestiges of the day were slipping away and beyond the island in the far eastern distance she could see a ripple of lightning beneath the stars. She watched it for a moment, always beautiful, and so much of her longed to be underway again. Her eyes came back down though and glancing across the lagoon she saw the mayor’s yacht still dark and unoccupied and she thought about Cori for a moment.

When they tied to the dock, Ronaldo was waiting with a cart. A small chorus of teasing scandal flowed from the group, but she waved it off taking some pleasure in detecting jealousy among some of the other women. She sat in the back seat of the cart and Ronaldo regarded her for a moment, but didn’t say anything. That was a good move for Ronaldo.

Arriving at Casa Del Sol, Ronaldo went ahead upstairs to fetch Bobby leaving Taryn to wander the lobby alone. The rush of crisp air conditioning combined with the smell of flora and fine linen reminded her of the other world that existed on the islands. The tourist world. She gave a huff of derision and made her way quietly to examine herself in a corner mirror before Bobby came down.

When she was rummaging through her collection of mostly shorts, tees and bathing suits trying to pick out an outfit for the evening, she almost picked out a dress, but thought better of it. Instead, she decided to test him and judge his reaction to see if he would be embarrassed of her. She wore a black Hank Jr tee that she had deeply cut the sleeves and sides away from and at the right angles gave a glimpse of her toned midsection and the matching black string bikini top underneath. Frayed jean shorts just covered the hint of the second piece that arced up her hips. She knew her best best angles and carefully scrutinized herself while no one was looking. A metallic arm bracelet curled around her right arm, polished black stainless that reflected in a deep blue under light and resembled two sharks swimming opposite of each other at the ends- Custom made, it was one of her favorite pieces of jewelry. Her wrists carried similar adornments of bracelets tied and metal, cheap and expensive. Around her neck was a simple chain necklace with a single black stone that was cut and shaped into a flat oval and had once been ballast onboard the Twilight Sonnet, though it hung under her shirt. She adjusted her hair again, just not too much. It was still a little disheveled from its natural wave. Looking casual, classy and messy all at once took a certain amount of finesse.

Meeting a man at the hotel, Taryn you absolute skank. A voice teased from the back of her mind. It was funny when she thought about her friends back in Miami or Ft. Myers saying it, but when her mother’s voice came through she frowned and turned from the mirror, picking up her bag to wait at the bar.

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Hidden 22 days ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Theyra@Infinite Cosmos@Almalthia

At the Bar with Cori, Nate, Andre and Jericho

Jericho smiled, taking his drink and saluting everyone at the bar, and Nate at the end, "Righteous mi fren dem! Tinait wi jringk an mek laik fiend. Tumaro a tumaro an wi mek it gud!" He starts in on his drink and helps himself to some of the bar nuts on the table top. The night is good and the people are good company. He sips and smiles, looking around the bar, then passing his gaze over Andre, Cori and Nate. It's a good night, glad he came out. Just spend some time with people, strentghening relationships.

Yeah as a guy once said, it just works.


He crested a ridge and then looked back at the tourist behind him. He grinned brightly, "Kom aan nou mi fren dem, wi aalmuos de de, an suun yu av wan a di bes viuu a di ailan. No joke at all." The hikers huffed and puffed, and Jericho helped them up the rise, then jogged to get back out in front of them, handing them each some water to supplement what they have, "Not far at all deh mi fren dem. Not far."

As soon they come out onto a rise, that over looks about half of Isla Zafrio. Casting that half of Zafrio in beautiful sun light. From there they could even see the tail end of the prep for tomorrows big day. One of the tourists after drinking asks, "Hey, so these Azul days, what's it like?" Jericho smiles "Di most fun yuh eva have mi bredda. Drink, food, music an fun. An all di good company yuh coulda eva waan inna all di people dem out deh." The tourist smile.

Then Jericho heads off, "Come on yuh did waan see di cenote yeah? Wi still have time."

And off they trot.


Jericho is closing up his warehouse early. No tours today, no hikes, or boat rides. No fishing he always took a day or two during Azul Days. All for him, time to party. He wanted to get into town, find a place and watch as the party got started.

So he's in town, sitting at a cafe, drinking some lemonade, and watching as people mill.

And as the sun lowers. He watches as the party really gets moving. He joins in with a mill of locals and overwhelmed tourists, dancing in front of one of many stages set up. A local band playing their first album, and taking requests.

Jericho is in the middle of that dance huddle.

But he's joining the surge when the call that the parade is going to start. And on the front line as it begins. People calling out toasts to the late mayor, as the procession begins. Yes this is Island Fun, this is the Azule Island Family right here.
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Hidden 20 days ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Andrés Moruga

Even with mostly strangers, the night was going well for Andrés as he sipped his drink. He was not expecting much, but it tasted quite well. Maybe he should hang around here more, though his mother may disapprove. Still, it was a good night, and it was pleasant to find good company at this hour. However, he did plan on reconnecting with Cori sometime but for now. Andrés was just going to take in the night and have a good time. He had not had much time for that so far on the Isles since coming back, and it was nice. A good night to end the day, and he was all for it.

Azul Days

Azul Days, a name he has not heard in years. Of course, he remembers it, and it was one of the few things his father did not ruin despite trying at times. Still, Andrés was walking around, seeing the sights and remembering what Azul Days were about. He had left his mother and sister with their permission to walk around and see the sights that he had missed for years. He will return to him sometime tonight, but for now, he was alone with a smile on his face as if he could feel the excitement in the air. It was always nice to see the expression of a surprised tourist on the Azul Days. They rarely expect it.

Taking it all in was something else. Like reliving an old memory, Andrés was surprised at how much it stayed the same. But with some new people and there was nothing like it on the mainland city he lived in. The excitement, the joy, and the everything. It was a bit overwhelming for the returning local, but he persevered as he walked around and saw the sights. It made him miss the island life that he had been separated from for years. Then, the thought of why he left returned to his mind, and things started to sour.

So he calmed himself and brushed that memory away. Now is not the time for bad memories. Now is the time for Azul Days, one of the few things he can recall with happiness and joy growing up. This night will not be ruined by reminders of why he left the Isles and his father.

Andrés realized that he needed a drink and started to walk around looking for some vendor who was selling some. He eventually found one but noticed that a woman near it, a foreigner by the looks of it, had just been rudely bumped into by a tourist, and her hat fell off. Andrés, seeing this, almost instinctively, reached down and picked up the hat. Then he presented it to her and spoke in English, "Your hat, miss."

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Hidden 18 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 43 min ago

Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska

Main Island _ Azul Days _ Just off Ave Pura Vida

Kat was drinking a beer when someone went right into her, Kat was almost knocked off her feet as she leant against a wall drinking and singing along to the music, she did not know the song but her growing confidence in Spanish least let her join in and get in the zone before some man in a tourists outfit knocked into the tall woman like she was bowling pin.

She was struck, sure she was wearing black, on black and her accessories where… Black but she was not invisible.

Her hat went off her head and when she felt the weight of her beer, most of it was now on the floor instead of in the bottle. She had paid for that, Kat's temper came to the fore and she looked about for her hat, black of course was hiding in the dark and it was vintage 40's! She was not gonna find a replacement like that ever.

“Blyat Kurwa Poshol na khuy” Kat swore In 3 different languages as her accent thickened up and she bristled looking round switching from Polish, Russian and Ukrainian insults as her temper flared. It was a very slow fuse but a rather hot one when roused and had to adjust her glasses to see properly again as her vision swam out of focus. Her hat was a risk but what was the point in owning cute things If you do not wear It out and about? That was just a museum not a closet.

“Thankyou, thankyou,” kat said gratefully, though her accent remained more pronounced as she was handed her hat and took a minute to tidy herself back up wincing at her foot's announcement of the pain she had at a tolerable level before.

Kat was not vain as such but she did want to make a good expression and tried to sort her hair back into order, get her hat back at a good angle and get her dress looking less rumpled up by the inconsiderate tourist. Her beer was gone too and the downed the last of it.

Now she had time to pause and took a further look at the helper, she did recognize him, from a Cafe…Yeah, she stopped by there to grab a coffee to or from the library and islands archive of public data she was using to help her locate the SS Vika. “Hello, I'm Katrazyn but I tend to be called Kat or Katska.” She said a little awkwardly, she did not do this as much but decided he'll, she had been sent to this place and might as well enjoy life a little. “Umm the Hidden retreat right, I'm sure I see you working there often, i tend to come by about morning or Lunch time. Your working on somthing so might not have noticed me. Do you want to join me for a drink, and one for thanks for saving my vintage hat?” She asked and began to move towards the bar taking her steps more slowly and unable to hide a grunt of pain from the man's inconsiderate actions.

Pale silver eyes glittered and looked hopeful behind her glasses that still had a slight smudge on them as she brushed errant black hair away from her vision that had been knocked loose showing her periodic table tattoo down her forearm. He, unlike sitting down, seemed to be a little taller than Katska was, but not so much that she would struggle to comfortably enjoy a twirl on the dance floor though.

Her mothers words of quit getting hung up, have fun, dance if you want, enjoy your life while you're living in a place that most people would give a fortune for the privilege. That was the theme anyway.

“One Azul Dolphin cocktail please, you want something, Join me? Maybe tell me more about these Azul days, and what the highlights, favourites are, and give me a tour and some company.” She asked, ordering in Spanish before swapping back to English trying to practise her language skills. Finding a cocktail mostly made of a mix of local Azul rum, fruit juices and such. Her suggestion was way bolder than Kat normally was but she did deserve to have some fun and make most of this event.

The bar was a lively smaller place on the main street with tables close to it that we're not all full yet, fishing stuff hung on walls, photos and so on of older Azul. It had not changed much as well as modern posters, bright painted walls and the steady beat of music. Kat tapped her unhurt foot to the music and looked over at the man curious if he was willing to join her. "People seem to be shaking the shadow off" Kat commented noting that the islamds where more like their reputation tonight.

Kat would have the cocktail anyways, get out the rush of the street and take some time to calm her rather Volcanic feelings towards the man who so rudely caused this interaction. Who knew, she might make some good from the bad. she would see what happened from there and what the night gave her, be it culture, cocktails dancing or whatever else happened to strike her fancy.

Kat was a little weird and hoped she did not come across too weird, the woman was entirely aware and tried to make it work, and goth let her have some really nice items… not much she could wear here as better intended for much colder London.


Hidden 18 days ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Chris MacDonald

The music was indeed pulsing in the distance as Chris scrolled his phone under the dim light of a tiki torch. Town center glowed to the north and the gentle western waters lapped at the dock beneath him. There was a bottle of Carib in his other hand, being drained slowly and sweating beads on the deck chair. He had already been running earlier so he felt there was no harm in the empty calories. At the same time though, a scent of alluring spices did drift from the celebrations, tempting him while his eyes continued to scan an obscure pilot’s internet forum about bush flying in North Africa. It wasn’t the first time he glided over this corner of the aviation web. There were considerable fortunes to be made if you didn’t mind occasionally getting shot at, however Chris was reasonably sure about half of the internet denizens of this particular board had never even sat in an aircraft.

His thought process was usually the same whenever he felt the urge to browse: It wouldn’t be a career change or anything, but maybe a “tour” or two might be nice for the bank account. Of course his mother would have a heart attack. Then the mental image of flying a Caravan over the heads of desperate people with automatic weapons and not a lot to lose took away a certain mystique from the frontier appeal.

The natives can’t shoot for shit, keep your speed up and don't worry about breaking the rules and you'll be fine. One fine poster said.

Another respondent shared photos of the cargo bay of a PC-6 that looked more red from blood stains than gray steel and begged to differ. Chris winced at the image.

Someone else chimed in that they had seen up to a 40mm mounted on the back of a Toyota truck and were adamant some factions had shoulder fired missiles. Nope.. He shook his head and mouthed the word, still looking, his thought process continuing... It still wouldn’t be hard to check out in a King Air or something with at least two engines and some speed, but the concluding factor in the decision was always the same. There wasn’t anyone on Azul that he could trust with the 206 and there was no way he would ask his dad to get back in the saddle for schedule work so he could go play Combat Flight Sim with live ammunition. He felt guilty as the plane bobbed against the dock behind him as if it knew he was looking at other aircraft. “Don’t worry.” He said and finally closed the site for another day’s musing.

He sat for a while and watched the dark horizon as nautical lights winked over the blanket of the sea. He thought for a long time. What was undeniable was that Azul was soon going to outgrow his favorite plane and that fact did make the prospect of a career change more plausible. Perhaps not a career change, but an employer one most likely. He couldn’t think of a way the Flores were going to come back. They were on the decline. Everyone knew it. None of Esteban’s children had the same simple kindness or charisma to lead. They were spoiled. The only decent one, Jose, the one that might have had a chance was gone as well. He thought about Jose’s red haired American widow. She hadn’t been the same since. It was just a sad situation all around. It seemed like Cesar, the youngest brother, would take after Jose, especially when he went courting a foreign wife, but after Jose died, he had nowhere else to turn but to the pompous Alejandro. Flying the mail and whatever simple cargo the local government required was going to soon be an unprofitable sideshow with them in charge.

What was definitely not going to be unprofitable was the Cardenas, who were unburdened by any such concerns. On this night though, the first Cardenas Chris thought of was not Jewel or Miguel, but Iris, who had become unburdened of her clothing in short order once the “furniture moving” had started. Chris shifted in his chair and let out a long breath at that recollection. What followed was about the most fun he had outside the cockpit in several months… and an encounter he didn’t plan to breathe a word of to anyone- though he was sure Iris would spill at some point despite her insistence. It would probably get weird when Jewel found out, but he noticed he didn’t really care and surprisingly, It was like the air was cleared in a way. This wasn’t Azul from two decades ago when he was barely out of high school and she was setting off for the mainland. Maybe it was reckless, but this time he just wasn’t going to read any more into it than that. The Cardenas were the future, that was undeniable, but If Jewel was to run for and become mayor like they were implying, she wouldn’t have time for his right seat anymore. It would be open for someone else who wanted to be there.

Iris had been pretty chill about the whole thing since that night which was perfect. He grinned to himself in the dark and read over a couple of her joking texts and enjoyed the rest of his beer.
Hidden 16 days ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Andrés Moruga

"Do not mention it," Andrés friendly said as he returned Kat's hat to her. He did not try to guess what she said when the rude tourist bumped into her. It was a language or languages he did not know and if she swore he would not have known.

But now that he looked at her, she did look familiar, and before he could think of where he saw her. Then she introduced herself, and things became clearer. "Oh, I was going to say you looked familiar and now I remember seeing you at the cafe. Though I do not work at Hidden Retreat Cafe per say. My mother owns the cafe, and I help out from time to time."

Andrés then saw how he had yet to introduce himself, and with a small smile, he spoke. "My name is Andrés Moruga, and sure. I was just walking around, and it would be nice to hand out with someone for the night." He followed her to the bar but could not help but notice the grunt of pain that Kat made while walking to the bar. That rude tourist must have done more than make her drop her hat, he thought, but for now, he will not say anything about it. Though he did see her periodic table tattoo and he will ask about that later.

"An Azul Dolphin? I had not had one in years."Andrés sounded happy, and now that he had thought about it. There is more that he missed while living on the mainland. "I will have one too, please," he added to the order. So when Kat asked about showing, telling her about the Azul Days and a tour and other things. He happily obliged but with one condition. "Sure, I can join you and tell you about the stuff." Andrés took a spot next to her. "Though I have to say that I do not know if they changed anything since I was last here, and I am finding out for myself. But I can tell you what I remember."

Andrés chuckled silently to himself. It was the first Azul Days he had in years, and now he was explaining it to someone. It was unexpected, but he was happy to inform others of this special celebration. "Yeah, it is Azul Days. The people loved it, and it always brings out the fun of people. Though tourists can be... overwhelmed by it. Azul Days is a celebration you see, a celebration of the island’s history and people. Every year it is held and The main highlight tonight is the Pot Breaking ceremony, where a local woman is chosen to break good quality pottery. It is a apart of the old ways and there is a reason for it. To please La Mujer Fata, siren-like creatures that are said to dwell in the ocean and protect the blue diamonds that are around the isles. That is a very old myth, and that is all as I remember for certain."

That was when the bartender would deliver their drinks, and Andrés would grab his drink and take an eager sip. "Just how I remember it," Andrés said with a smile. He hoped he was making a good impression on Kat and not overwhelming her with info or anything else. However, he did feel a bit weird since they had just met, and Kat already wanted info about the Azul Days and a tour. Still, he is not going to push anything. "You need more info, or should we see the sights?"

Hidden 14 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 43 min ago

Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska

Main Island _ Azul Days _ Just off Ave Pura Vida

Kat and her Spanish were still a little rusty but better than before though she would not be classified as a fluent native speaker. It was taking time to get back into the practice as she had neglected the language out of disuse. Not forgotten, just took time to assemble the jigsaw again. She stumbled a few words but managed to keep things going and relied on her language skills despite her odd accent, the eastern Europe and western Europe language as one.

“That's nice helping out, I genuinely like the coffee there, even if she probably gives me a side eye for daring to ask for a Blue mountain Mocha once. The most I got was sugar.

The cakes made me have to get up early for a longer run though. Dangerously good.”
Kat said entirely genuinely as joined the dots linking everything together now like a puzzle with a codex to decipher it.

Kat gave a smile at the agreement to join her. “Thankyou Andreas, a gentleman you are.” She stretched but her steps were more tentative and cautious, turning to show the Polish Eagle and the north star tattoo she had symbolising her biggest find so far in her career. Kat remembered how her mother had reacted… a flashback came to mind.

It had taken several days and an explanation of what each one meant to her each time, one reminding her of home, one was symbolic of choice to go into sciences plus a handy cheat sheet for when she forgot something during her studies. The last one was a symbol of pride that the entire team that found the ship had almost to a member.

Between the tattoos, the fact she grew into a goth style and her independent streak it had taken a few years for mother and daughter to find a smooth road. Now she was a more grown up refined version, but she still had some more dramatic pieces that were sadly too hot to wear. Kat would love to but she would be likely to pass out inside of an hour and that was not worth looking good for. Her custom made dark red velvet coat with built in corset details and more was so impractical to clean but she loved it.

Putting down some Pesos, Kat Made a rough count and worked out the coins, the local currency she had to double check as she handed it over. The bat bag was smaller than her other hand bag, leaving one eye visible she tossed the change in a spare spot and closed it up.

She listened along as they found a place to sit in the bar, it was not the most busy in the street, that was reserved for the larger places and she was glad she found this smaller local one where the bulk of tourists seemed to flock to the biggest and brightest lights on the street with bright protectors and more shining into the sky.

Much as Kat was one of them, she really did not like some of the brash places that you could barely move. “It's a bit much, especially after the last few weeks. But it is certainly energising. You know far more than me, google was less helpful! Betrayed i was.” Kat said honestly Having the whole island's mood do a 180 was a strange sight to see.

Thanking the bar man, he mentioned the Pot ceremony, smashing pot not the hungry kind of pot ceremony, oh those diamonds. They had been a bane of hers, mention the word shipwreck and everyone assumes you're a treasure hunter. Kat took a large sip of her Cocktail. “Much as their culture here, those diamonds everyone assumes I'm after that wreck even when I say 1944. I might get business cards made, we're out here to help protect, not loot Azul. Sorry, it frustrates me. It sounds nice, I'm glad that your customs remain, life here is interesting and i could like it here. Good cocktails too never hurt.” Kat replied with a kinder tone, her own home country had to rebuild theirs the hard way. The fact the islands treasure was in her mind too famous, Kat wanted to save people from a potential ecological threat, not make herself rich on gemstones, it just frustrated the woman. Kat apologised for her ramble, she really just found it caused her headaches and the desire to throw a heavy book at someone. Kat always had one of those when working.

It was true Kat was being a little impulsive, acting unlike her normal self but Kat was tired of being normal Kat, she deserved a little fun.

Kat finished a first, and a second cocktail before they left. She had to try the Azul Ocean Waves though Dolphin was her current favourite and the Blue and white drink did not make her feel the same joy or buzz the first gave Kat.

“Shall we then. I always liked adventures, less penguins than my last one. Umm you mind.. taking it slow, I hurt my foot and umm… lost to a rock. Totally my greatest moment. I was ok..then… that Kurva.” Kat admitted without thinking as she gestured to her bright pink trainers in place of fancy heels or nice strappy Sandals.

Kat was careful as she walked, putting more pressure down as she found what was her current sweet spot. “Where first Mr Navigator of the Azul days sea, lay on a course.” Kat said lightly and ignored her foot's protest. She had one hand on his arm so she would not lose him In the crowd, it was all rather very much the heart of the action. “Just use a slower dance step, Tango might be a little fast right now. Just see how thr night goes.” Kat said cheerfully, spotting the music and dancing if it happened. She said it casually, forward yes, the whole momentum and the energy of the event just had caught her soul.

That and Kat kind was a taller woman, who could appreciate a tall handsome man to spin you about even if it was only for an evening. She did not want to make him uncomfortable so tried to play it down and her what happen, happen naturally.

Hidden 9 days ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Andrés Moruga

"The cafe is my mother's pride and joy, so I am glad you like the coffee." He chuckled, he knows the coffee there was good, but it was nice to hear good things about it. Do not mention it, it is always nice to talk to someone new and show them around," he said.

He followed Kat and joined her at a smaller spot that did not have many tourists. "That is the thing about Azul Days, Kat. It is one of the few times we get to celebrate and have fun as a community. I do not know, but everyone just lets out their party person and has fun. I do not know how to describe it, but it always leaves tourists or newcomers to the Isles surprised, so I can understand why you feel that way." Andrés spoke in a kinder tone, and now that he had thought about it, He had never really spoken to a newcomer to the Isles before, not really. But so far, things are going well with Kat, and he wants it to stay that way.

When Kat showed off her tattoos, Andrés looked at them curiously and spoke up. "Nice tattoos, and can I ask how many you and why you hot them? Just curious, is all, and you will find that not many people here have tattoos, including myself. Though... I have thought once or twice about getting one, and you can blame wanting to piss off my old man for that one."

Andrés listened intently to Kat about her being treated like a treasure hunter. His tone was now sounding sympathetic."I can understand that one, the people here are protective of the blue diamonds, and there is no shortage of people wanting to harvest them for their own interests. But as long as you stay true to your mission here, then I feel like you should be fine." He gave a reassuring smile and spoke in a friendly tone. The amount of foreigners that want to discover and take the Isles's blue diamonds is not a short list, but the people always make it hard for them. So it is nice to find one foreign that is not out for the blue diamonds and is here for honest work. If only more foreigners were more like her. He did accept her apology but said that it is good to release some steam from time to time.

Andrés took the time to finish his drink and was glad it was as good as he remembered it. Another thing he enjoyed before leaving the Isles for the mainland and it seems like some things never change.

When Kat wanted to go, Andrés happily went with her. "And so we shall and I will make sure not to not walk too fast or step on that foot." The last thing he wants to do with Kat is to make her foot hurt even worse during Azul Days.

"Well, I do know of one thing..." But as Kat started to dance, Andrés thought, sure, what not, as he felt the energy of the night and seeing she wants to despite her hurt foot. So the two started to dance, but he would not try to spin her. Andrés might have been comfortable enough to dance, but he is not at that level of comfort with her yet. But, as the night progressed, who knows and it is Azul Days after all.

Hidden 3 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 43 min ago

Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska

Main Island _ Azul Days _ Just off Ave Pura Vida

Kat smiled, it seemed his mother had not told him and the world she was the embodiment of evil for not taking her coffee black and sour as Kat when you did not got fresh mango at the supermarket. “I'm glad, it reminds me of a carnival, it's not a bad thing… just a little overwhelmed by the sudden calm and the carnival. ” She said, patching her Spanish with the odd repeat as she found her words. Her fluency Needed work, and she spoke the more standard than local variant.

Kat looked at her Tattoos, glancing down spotting them all exposed, she never really thought about them too hard they were just part of her, an extension of herself and her soul. Kat perked up at that subject and that change of the topic. “Oh.. top down.” She said with a tiny hint of innuendo. “My Family was a little… Less convinced at first.”

“That one reminds me of Poland, even when I'm far away, I left at 19 for university and never looked back, I do go home but my spirits… an Explorer, I never sat right working the farm.” Kat said as her Spanish got more excited and she tried to make it all make sense and explain. “The periodic table, I Been into science since I was playing with sand and water and never stopped.” Kat said as she left the smallest till last.

“That's the coordinates, where I lead the team that found the SS Marlin in the arctic, not just working under someone” Kat said proudly pointing out the north star, the coordinates picked out on her skin. “We are not sure why it was where it was, probably scattered and damaged under air attack. We marked it and they are currently pumping its fuel tanks to protect the environment.” Kat finished, she cared about the environment just in a different way to some..

Kat nodded along, he said everything that made sense, they were protective and they had reason for it but Kat had grown used to having to explain she was part of the international mission to clean the seas however frustrating that could be.

Cocktails in her system and some of a beer, Kat followed on as he took note of her injury, he seemed to be a good egg. Yes, she would just see how the night went and just let the tides of life lead her. Her mother would be happy, she was right Kat needed to let go of her tight control and her past moments, just enjoy things for once and lele life take the helm.

“I can dance with a tall handsome gentleman, such a hardship.” Kat said softly as she let him lead the dance, slower paced thanks to her injuries and she moved gracefully despite the challenge even in her bright pink trainers than her heels.

Kat let the music take her as she danced, it was forward having only met over cocktails but Kat was feeling the moment and swayed along with the rhythm. “I know this is a little different but it's fun, i not had chance lately” Kat said with a smile and a soft tone.

“What do you do? What brought you to saving womens hats and dancing. My hat was from the 40's and I love it by the way so thank you again.” She asked, releasing he had asked her but she had mostly just asked about the event than him. she would rectify that as her long dark hair and dress swayed softly as she moved, Kat was a little random but she was less normal but the goth woman was used to It and had long appreciated she could be a little eccentric.

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