Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RayClubs
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RayClubs The Yee to your Haw

Member Seen 1 day ago

Winter came to Faygrove shortly after the crops were sown. Thinly thatched roofs bent under the weight. The city council directed two urgent letters to be sent by the spell of Reappearance at the cost of the revered father’s gold-plated scepter and the mercenary guildmaster’s ornate throwing spear: one to the royal court and one to the overseeing temple, requesting caravans to be dispatched with felts for the blankets and wood for the furnaces, but the roads were snowed in, and the aid never came.

The river froze over too firmly to cut through the ice. Men swapped fishing rods for hunting bows and ventured into the woods in search of the wretched abomination that turned the sky leaden. A snowstorm took one of them. Sickness took two. The bodies lay untouched by rot. The shovels couldn’t pierce the ground to bury them.

A twin pair of blue wings were spotted soaring through the clouds, arcane chains binding the nimble reptilian form as it perched itself upon the overhanging cliff up northwest. Dragons never ventured so far down the mountain. A deviant sorcerer of great power must have summoned it for their sinister purposes, Faygrove falling a mere accidental casualty to the creature’s magical influence.

Muse A is a knight in the king’s service. The royal court never responded to the city council letter, so they took it upon themselves to retrieve the hunters who had not returned from their expedition. They are an ambitious and skilled soldier, but their naïve, idealistic trust in the ruling order gets in the way of realizing that the world isn’t quite as black and white as they’d like to believe.

Muse B is a magister of the Arcane Arts Academy. They’re young for their title, known for their energetic enthusiasm and relentless curiosity, not deterred even by mortal danger. They took great interest in what’s become known as the Faygrove Frost and set out to investigate the matter personally. They’re an apt spellcaster and an educated scholar, but their eager disregard for personal safety inadvertently puts everyone around them in harm’s way.

Muse C is a mercenary who specializes in assassination. Their moral code is lax and personal, their methods are secretive and unfair, and their loyalty belongs to the highest bidder. They’ve been contracted by the Faygrove guildmaster to murder the sorcerer that sicced a dragon upon the land, and they have little interest in anything besides the job. Their skills are sharp and versatile, but their callous demeanor and reluctance to trust others make them vulnerable in the face of obstacles that the efforts of one person, however capable, aren’t enough to overcome.

Muse D is a forest dweller, a creature of magic that has no desire to ever speak with humans but feels a certain kinship with the enslaved dragon and wants to free it. They’re naturally talented in ways of defense and healing, but their arrogant ways, born of hurt and alienation from the so-called civilized world, make them reluctant to extend their benevolence to those around them. Their outward appearance, strange and different from that of regular humans, makes them come across as frightening, aggressive, and even dangerous, regardless of their true intentions.

The four heroes will have to put their differences aside in the face of a force far greater than their own. To cross the frozen forest, climb the overhanging cliff, and put an end to the deadly winter however they see fit, they’ll need the strength of a warrior, the wits of a mage, the resourcefulness of a rogue, the benevolence of a healer, and a generous sprinkle of friendship along the way.


Hi! Thanks for reading this far, I hope you like my idea! I’m Ray, he/they/it. I’ll put some notes about myself and the kind of players I’m hoping to find in the bulleted list below. As the title says, I’m looking for three players to take on the roles of Muses A-D, and I’ll take the remaining one. I’ll also gladly act as a DM of sorts, providing challenges and NPCs for you to interact with, though I’m mainly looking for a more… collaborative effort. Briefly, then:
• I’m 23 years old. I’d like the other players to be adults as well. The story won’t necessarily feature an excessive amount of gore or sex, but I’d still rather talk with and befriend someone closer to my age or older.
• I write long posts, around five-seven paragraphs on average, longer when starting or scene-setting. I can go shorter for dialogue. I’d like my partners to be wordy as well, so if you tend to struggle with padding the length of your posts, this is probably not the best group for you.
• We’ll write in a thread and use a Discord server for OOC and info storage, I’ll set it up once I find some players. It’s not terribly important or anything, I’m just telling you this right away to segway into the fact that I like to chat out of character, and I’d love to find some chatty partners to exchange memes with!
• Please be able to post at least once every few days. We’ll take turns, and, this being a four-person RP, I don’t expect it to be especially fast-paced, but I don’t want it to stagnate either. Of course, if something urgent comes up and you give a warning for the delay, that’s no problem, but please try to consider your schedule beforehand and don’t join if you expect it to be especially busy.
• This is a queer-friendly RP. Queer players and queer characters are more than welcome.
• This is a romance-friendly, though not romance-oriented RP.
I think that’s it! I tried to be as concise and clear as I could, so let me know if I forgot something important or phrased something incomprehensibly. If you like this idea and think you fit the requirements, feel free to DM me, and mention which character you’d like to take the role of! I’ll also most likely ask for a writing sample, just to make sure that our styles match, and I can provide a sample in return. Thanks again for reading. Really excited for this. Cheers!
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Hidden 12 days ago Post by Archazen
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Colour me interested! Not sure which 'muse' I'd be interested in at this point but definitely wanting to get into this, if you have others.
Hidden 10 days ago Post by Kensai
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

I'm interested, and would like to call muse C if possible.
Hidden 10 days ago Post by rabidbacon
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rabidbacon Determinator

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Interested in Muse A!
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Subscribing to follow this
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Wampower
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Wampower I Did It My Way

Member Seen 4 days ago

I’m interested
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