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Hidden 18 days ago 18 days ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"Ah..." Shieldwing suddenly gasped, only just now seeming to catch himself. His crimson scales grew a little bit darker as he blushed slightly, raising his wings slightly in embarrassment. Gah, how could he have let himself get so worked up like a playful hatchling? He was grateful that he was around Rudrick right now, because he knew many a dragon that would have been annoyed with that kind of behavior. In fact, it actually seemed like Rudrick seemed to welcome or even enjoy his excitement, which quickly made him feel a bit better. He smiled and finally found himself pacing well beside the older drake, with rapt attention being paid as he spoke.

However, as Rudrick mentioned that his weakness seemed to be at landing, and how Garrock would usually respond...his eyes shot wide with surprise, a fresh memory immediately flooding to the front of his mind. He quickly recalled what it had been like when his clutch had flown out for their first mission. It had been a thought he'd been trying to bury. He'd been too embarrassed about his fumble and interpreted Garrock's response as frustration with him.

But...with Rudrick's new information, then a new thought had come to his mind....

He paused at Rudrick's question, though was quick to step back into place after a few moments. His head, previously craned upward to gaze up at the larger dragon now lowered toward the floor as he began to think back.

"Now that I think about it..." Shieldwing murmured. "I...dunno. I...didn't pay much attention to myself." He looked aside, blushing a bit again, clearly embarrassed to be giving such a non-answer. "I-I mean, on the trip out, I was more worried about the others and trying to support them more and make sure they were doing alright than what I was doing. And on the return trip I was-" He stopped himself abruptly at that point. Memories of his frustrations at how their mission had gone came back to him as well. "...distracted." he said flatly to finish that sentence.

"I guess my wings were a little sore maybe, but if I had any troubles with the gliding, I didn't notice. The first time I was eager to land and ended up crashing into the ground. But I learned from that crash the and landed better when we got back to the mainland. I mean...w-well, you know. I-I didn't crash that time at least."
Hidden 17 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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"That is true." Skobeloff admitted. "But that doesn't mean your condition should go completely ignored. More often than not, problems get worse when they're ignored." Skobeloff paused then, looking as if he were considering something. After a moment, the trickster continued. "As far as resources go, you're still small enough that you wouldn't need much. And really, all that stuff about things getting bad at some point is just fearmongering for the most part." He said. "As for taking the Crafter's away from those who need it more, that should only be something to worry about if you consider asking one of the older Crafters. If you were to go to a Crafter around your age who knows their way around wood, metal, wiring, and plastic; they'd be able to help you and you wouldn't have to worry about those worse off than you not getting the help they need... And furthermore..." Skobeloff leaned in closer to Coryn then and whispered so that only he could hear. "If the real issue is that you're too embarrassed to ask, don't be. A lotta dragons have limb problems, it's nothing to be ashamed of."

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Hidden 15 days ago 15 days ago Post by Vertigo
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So unpleasant was the hollow feeling that seeped into her core, that at first Fellwing was sure her magic had gone awry, and the Void Moon had denied her request. She no longer felt like she'd been freed from the confines of a physical realm; she felt as if she was no longer part of it at all, unable to hold onto it even if she'd wanted to. She felt a ghost.

Then she moved. Not because she'd wanted to, but because her legs did, thus she had little say in the matter. The next she knew, she was tearing apart the threads that blocked the entrance to the mines. Then the world went dark — or, rather, bright.

"Ugh..." the Seer blinked open her eyes, disoriented at first, until her eyes happened upon another's. She would have screamed, but by the time she was awake enough to do so, she had no time to fill her lungs before the creature she had stared at scurried away from her. Scared, like her. "W-wait, wh—"

Fellwing tried to reach out a wing, but too late. Her head was still spinning, and she wasn't entirely sure she wasn't just seeing things anyhow. She'd never seen a creature like this before.

"It's... it's quite alright," she said slowly, voice even, as much to herself as to the creature now cowering a little distance from her. "I won't hurt you. I'm Fellwing, a drake. Just a drake. See?" She stretched her wings slowly, looking down at her own, lithe form. "I'm quite far from scary! Who... um, who are you? May I help you?"

Hidden 11 days ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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There's a pause before the creatures eventually lifts it claws from its face and rises back up, placing all four paws back on the ground. Getting better look at this creature, Fellwing can see that it about two times taller than her at least and has a very bulky, muscular build. It eyes Fellwing warily, but there is a hint of hope in its expression. After a moment, it takes a couple of steps closer. It begins to speak in a deep, growly voice, "Name is... Runa. I am troll, from mountains to the North." As if to demonstrate, the troll raises a paw in a direction. "Was heading to Capitol with others when big blizzard hit. Me and my brother got separated from the rest. Tried to track them, ended up here instead." Runa lowers her head for a moment, before quickly raising it again. "Found tunnels leading to mine. Was wondering if others had camped there, but haven't found them yet. Probably not there, tunnels not very stable. Been abandoned for some time. We're hoping to leave once night falls." That hopeful expression intensifies as she looks at Fellwing. "You are dragon. Do you know way to Capitol?" She points to herself, her voice becoming a little softer as she adds, "Have you seen others like me pass through here?"

Coryn raises his head as Skobeloff gets closer to him. "I... suppose," he eventually says after a moment. He sighs. "Maybe I'll visit one of the crafters later today. Most are at the Capitol, but we should have at least one or two still around."

Rudrick nods. "Well, there you go, you're learning all the time, even before you start being fully able to fly," he says. "That's why we teach drakes to glide even as rawscales, to hopefully prepare them for the real thing." He raises his head up to the sky. "And why using the drafts between the islands are so helpful. Every clutch has to cross between islands sometime early on, and that helps them and their supervisors identify anything they need to work on as quickly as possible." He then snorts. "Though I imagine Garrock wasn't too quick to give you pointers. He was likely focused more on the task at claw."
Hidden 11 days ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"Oh...!" Shieldwing exclaimed, perking up as that obvious fact were pointed out to him. "Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense.... So I just need to make sure I'm gliding perfectly before I start thinking about flying...." Though when Garrock was brought up again, he paused for a moment as he recalled his own crash. Quickly falling into step, he added, "W-well, uh, actually...? When I crashed on the island, the first thing he did was rush up to me and check me over. I-I tried to forget about it 'cause it was humiliating, and I thought he was just worried about his own scales for letting me hurt myself, but...I think he must've been worried about me. He'd said if we sprained a wing or something then it was our own fault, but the first thing he did was growl at me and look me over...."

Shieldwing couldn't help but smile a bit as he thought about it. "Heheh, now that I think about it, maybe Garrock wasn't as bad as I thought. It was more than what I got back with my clan at least."
Hidden 10 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Skobeloff smiled when Coryn said he would look into seeing a crafter about his problem. "You won't regret it, I assure you." Skobeloff said. "Either way, I think I've taken up enough of your time. If you'll excuse me, I have to go talk to one of my clutchmates about unicorns. See you next time!" With that said, Skobeloff made to exit the room and make his way back to Heliotrope's clinic where he last saw Fellwing.
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