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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@aurebesh, provisionally approved, but I'd like it if you correct some spelling and grammar errors on your character sheet.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 5 days ago


Height & Weight: 6'0", 168 lbs

Name: Kaden "Kay" Ashford

Age: 18

Nationality: American

Noble Arm Name & Appearance:
Duality Blades, two Katanas that shift in color depending on their form: a soft blue for light and a deep crimson red for dark. They are connected by a spectral purple chain.

Noble Arm Ranking: B

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee, Light & Dark, close-to-mid range

Noble Arm Abilities:
The Duality Blades can change between three forms: Light, Dark, and Neutral/Equilibrium.
Kaden's speed and power are enhanced, allowing him to attack quickly. The purple chain shatters and changes color to vibrant blue. The chain passes through Kaden but is solid to anyone else. He also can send minor beams of light out of the swords. They are weak and go about a 25m, but he can rapid fire them. They knock the target back a bit.
Kaden's power and range increase, as a darker aura can extend the swords to an unnatural length. When he enters this, the chain shatters and is replaced by a light red chain. This chain acts like the blue chain. He can slam the swords onto the ground to make a shockwave that does moderate damage and goes in around a 75m radius. This needs to recharge for a bit, and makes his arms tired. He picks the targets of the blast. (This means he can only pick people he is aware exist/are fighting. THIS IS IMPORTANT!)
Kaden has both active, one on each sword. his stats stay the same, but he gains the light beams and a weaker version of the shockwave. The chain stays purple and acts like the other chains. One neutral attack, or ten seconds in neutral, is required when switching between light and dark. The chain stays purple in this form, passing through Kaden. He also gains a new attack, but I'm going to make a dropdown for it.

Misc Abilities: Ambidextrous, pretty good strategist, knows MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), and is a great dancer (trained his footwork by dancing).
He speaks 3 different dialects of Arabic. (Levantine, Egyptian, and Modern Standard Arabic/MSA)

Personality: Kaden is kind, funny, and protective of people he cares about and works with often (or hopes to work with often). He can also be very over confident. He doesn't always seem all there, and is often caught daydreaming in his free time. His true desire is to upkeep his reputation, and this drives him to do otherwise stupid things.

*Likes: Comedy movies, video games, fighting, and competition.

*Dislikes: Being underestimated, losing, spiders (he's not scared, he just doesn't like 'em.)

Fears: Failing to protect his family, friends, and most of all, his ego.

Bio: Kaden was born in Arizona and stayed there most of his life. He came from a family of war refugees from syria and immersed himself in their culture. He loves his family, which consists of his parents, an older sister and a ten year old brother. His family and friends call him Kay or Kane.

Kaden can't remember a time when he did not have a sword of any type with him. He carried a wooden around for practice whenever he could, kept a different wooden one in his backpack, and practiced with a real katana at home. he devoted his life to swordsmanship, and hoped that he could become a master swordsman. When he got the Duality Blades, or Zole as he likes to call them, it hit home for him.

One incident changed the way he viewed the Duality Blades. His friend challenged him to run across an "empty" 8-lane highway in the desert. Almost to the end, he hears a horn. he stops and looks where it's coming from. by the time he turns, it was too late. He held out his hands, instinctively holding the blades like he always does when in danger. When the blades made contact with the truck, they bumped into each other, and this unleashed a blast of purple energy. Kaden was hospitalized in critical condition, and managed to survive without any scars. his friend and the trucker were not so lucky. The trucker died instantaneously, and his friend lost his left leg. He never seemed all there after that point.

*Current Goal: Survive, find somebody to love, and prove he isn't weak.

Military or Civilian Rank: Second Lieutenant

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@LimeTime966, it's fine for you not to use Discord for now.

Also, a few things:

Noble Arms are not transformed from mundane items; they appear in a flash of light in one's hand as manifestations of the soul.

Also, a Noble Arm must be a single weapon, or if you really must have two weapons, they must be connected to each other by a chain, rope, or string.

Other than that, you have Approval One from me; once you get Approval Two from any of my Co-GMs, you're good to go once you edit your profile to include my requested connections...
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Noble Arms Plot Summaries

Mission One Summary: Defend Lingayen Gulf

The picture is that of Lingayen Beach, where the PCs will have their first IC action. They will not be given time to prepare or talk much outside of flashbacks (yes, I know, heresy), but rather will be placed on the beach from the get-go. Their mission would be to defend against two waves of Chinese attacks; the first made up of conventional forces and the second made up of Arms Masters (never outnumbering the OCs). To win this, and make no mistake, you *can* win, you are going to have to play things smart and conserve your energy in the first wave to have enough for the second wave.

You will not be alone; you have 2000 Philippine Marines and 20,000 Philippine Army Infantry helping you guys, supported by South Korean K136 Rocket Artillery, ATMO S2000 self-propelled howitzers, and Elbit Sabrah Tracked tanks. There are also Helicopters.

More Data Here:


Intermission One: The First Arms Master (Set on September 30 2022).

The OCs, including Lotus Squadron, Kaitlyn, and any Non-Arms Masters, are grouped into a Special Task Force, with Noel (my OC and the only eligible one for command) as its nominal head. As Lingayen City rebuilds, they are to spend the next two weeks helping rebuild the city, hunting down Chinese stragglers and infiltrators, and eventually, resting and relaxing. At the start of said two weeks, however, some of them would receive news from Great Britain: The origin of all Noble Arms has been revealed to the world, and it is from an unexpected source - A man thought dead for 68 years, Alan Turing, a man has who now revealed himself to be *The First Arms Master*, the reason for Noble Arms' existence, and who despite his 'posthumous' pardon back in 2013, is *not* coming back to Great Britain just yet until Humanity as a whole has cleaned up their acts...

You guys can react to the news however you want, and rest and relax after that.



Mission Two Summary: The Siege of Mischief Reef (Revised)


Mischief Reef/Đá Vành Khăn/Panganiban Reef, an island closer to the Philippines than to China yet occupied and enlarged by the latter, has been seized by a third faction, a group of defectors from China calling themselves the 'Qing Restoration Society'. Led by their New Emperor, a young boy who nevertheless has an A-Rank Noble Arm that can control water, the QRS have driven out the Chinese and devestated the nearby People's Liberation Navy groups in the Spratlys, allowing ASEAN an opening. Your mission, Arms Masters, is to relieve and resupply Mischief Reef before the Chinese counterattack ends the prospect of a new Qing Dynasty; a flotilla of Filipino and Indoensian Ships will try and run the Chinese Blockade with the Arms Masters of Task Force Obsidian in tow.

However, even after landing, all will not be well, as the Chinese will be sending a special strike force: Their own 'Foriegn Volunteer Brigade', composed of former terrorists who hate the current world order more than they hate each other! Led by Mei Yuanuyan, an Anti-Arms Master terrorist who had grown her own Noble Arm, these Volunteers also have their own cunning, bloody-minded ferocity, and above all, a willingness to bring down the pain...

The ASEAN flotilla is composed of 2 Jose Rizal-class frigates, 1 Pohang-class Corvette, and 2 Del Pilar-class patrol vessels from the Philippines, 2 Nagpasa-class submarines, 2 Martadinata-class frigates, 3 Bung Tomo-class corvettes, and 4 Clurit-class Missile Boats from Indonesia, as well as 2 Auxiliary ships filled with supplies. Lotus Squadron will also be flying from Antonio Bautista Air Base in Palawan Island to support all of you by clearing the skies for your transport plane.

Intermission Two: Ghosts of Angeles City

After a victorious second mission, Task Force: Obsidian has been redeployed from Lingayen to rest and recuperate in Angeles City, where a luxury hotel has been set aside for their use, and their stay is fully paid. Relatively untouched by the Chinese bombardment and air war, Angeles City is filling up with refugees, many of who are being victimized by various fraudsters and criminals, while at the same time, there is a rumor going around that the American-Asian mixed-race community in the city, descended from American military personnel back when the Americans owned the historical Clark Air Base, are to blame for the Chinese Invasion. However, the remaining malls, casinos, and luxury businesses do care not for that, and so the party faces a choice: Involve themselves, or enjoy a chance at the high life?



Mission Three: Assault on Jinghong Dam

Before the ASEAN War, the Chinese built a dam to control the flow of the Mekong River and generate power for its people, as well as to exert a means of influence over the neighboring countries downstream, the ASEAN members Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and the furthest south of Vietnam. Now that the conflict has started, China has slowed down the flow of water to a trickle, raising fears of drought while increasing their supply of electricity for their war effort. Even worse, the Chinese have placed PoW camps in the floodplains below the dam to deter airstrikes. Your goals, Arms Masters and Ordinary Folk are to evacuate the PoWs and then destroy the dam...



Mission Four: Knives in Phnom Penh (Current Mission)

Recent stories of war crimes and crimes against humanity (such as those found at Jinghong Dam) have soured relations between NATO and the PRC from averse to outright economic sanctions. Cut off from food imports and certain raw resources, Chinese embassies have reached out to each member of ASEAN to establish rules of engagement between the combatants. Only half of ASEAN members have returned the PRC's calls: Laos, Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, and Burma. Malaysia reports an impasse; the rest have (until now) kept discussions private.

During these three weeks, King Norodom Socheata of Cambodia passed away under suspicious circumstances. The United States has shared intel that unknown members of the Downward Descent were in Phnom Penh during this time, though no linkage to the king's death can be found. In reaction, the Kingdom of Cambodia has officially closed its borders until the death can be confirmed of natural causes.

The newly elected king, His Majesty Sisowath Samnang, has reopened borders and announced that the suspect, one Keo Chantrea, has been caught and executed. He further reports breakthroughs regarding Chinese negotiations, as confirmed by Laos. The Kingdom subsequently invites the PRC, along with its own ASEAN allies, to a parley in Phnom Penh. The Downward Descent has not departed Cambodia to our knowledge, so, in addition to amplifying personal protection, the Philippines has requested the presence of the Philippine Navy's Arms Masters to safeguard the talks.

Update: The Cambodian Government decided to betray ASEAN, defect to China, and have the Royal Cambodian Army attack the Peace Conference they called, but several of their people decided this was a bad idea and stayed loyal to ASEAN or turned neutral. Now Phnom Penh is at war, with the Cambodian Government bringing in Russian and Venezuelan mercenaries and Iranian Shaeeed Drones to bomb its own people who stayed loyal to ASEAN or had second thoughts.


Dates of the Missions

Mission One - 9/25/2022.
Intermission One - 9/30/2022
Mission Two - 10/11/2022
Intermission Two - 10/14/2022
Mission Three - 10/25/2022
Intermission Three - 11/01/2022
Mission Four - 11/11/2022.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 37 min ago


as Bee said, Noble Arms are a singular weapon, then you can have them make copies or divide in more.
I suggest having them be connected (either a chain or it being a dual blade) and then separating at will by the user.

on stats they're goo enough, but I'll give you more exact stats that you can put in:
Noble Arms ranking: B
Power: C (Dark: B ; Special Attack: A)
Speed: C (Light: A)
Range: C (Dark: B , Special Attack: B)
Persistence: C (Dark: B)
Precision: D
Potential: D

some important changes for you to keep in mind:
Speed means reactive speed, so we're gonna assume in Light mode Duality Blades react as soon as Kaden thinks of using them, otherwise the attacks lag a bit behind.
Precision is how much Kaden can decide who gets affected by his powers, since his shockwaves are indiscriminate he only gets D, still he can be very accurate with the shooting and stabbing.

The abilities seem good to me. Once the changes are done you have my approval.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 5 days ago

Ty, i've been a bit busy to fix that so they are in progress. Should be done soon enough.

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@LimeTime966, thank you; now, here's the latest GM Post:


Read it, make a decently-sized response, then once the other new players have posted, wait for me to make the next GM Post so you guys can all go to the battlefield as one group.
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Hidden 22 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Summary of 'Team Newbie's' Objectives:

The objectives are flexible, but the rough plan was for Reaper to help Lotus Squaudron in bombing the Royal Gendarmerie HQ to dust, while Dior, Kaden, and Len are para-dropped over the National Assembly building to capture the Cambodian Prime Minister and his cronies in Parliament and end the Anti-ASEAN rebellion/betrayal. Yes, this means that Dior, Kaden, and Len are dropped out of a plane, along with Dior's elite assassins, and expected to perform a metaphorical decapitation strike.

After that, it depends on what the PCs in the Convention Center decide to do; if they want to go out to help you, they can. If they want to go to the Embassies, they can. But I will try and make it so that they can meet with you guys if needed.

Summary of Enemy Actions and Capabilities:

The enemy are basically the Cambodian Special Forces Command, the best of the best of the Cambodian Regular Troops. They are setting up a killzone around the National Assembly Building in anticipation of such a move. By that, they are preparing to shoot down the planes coming at them, shoot down anyone para-dropping towards them. They should anyone survive dropping down to the ground, concentrate as much firepower as they can at them in order to overwhelm their Arms Master Survivability and kill them.

Even then, Dior and Len's capabilities can disrupt such a strategy and give you guys a fighting chance. Also, there are 4 fairly weak (C-rank) Arms Masters around the Cambodian Prime Minister, but they have been tasked with staying inside the building to prevent Dior from copying some of their powers.

@LimeTime966, for when you come back, Lime, here are Kaden and the other Newbies' objectives.
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Hidden 19 days ago 19 days ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


5'2 | Secret~~

Name: María Guadalupe ("Lupe/Lupita") Chang

Age:18 (Real Age unknown, see below)


Noble Arm Name & Appearance: The Black Lotus. It resembles a Sacred Lotus flower, except Black in Colour with an organometallic sheen.

Noble Arm Rank: B

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Support| Healing (Rebirth) | Melee to Mid-Range

Noble Arm Abilities:
Rejuvenate(Heal) - Lupe can apply the dew-like substance the Lotus device creates to regenerate any kind of injury no matter how grave or dire, in mere seconds, as long as the target has either a heartbeat or brain activity. Acting quickly, it can even reverse decapitations and limb amputations (although in the former one has to secure the head and attach it to the body. Limbs Take up to a few minutes to completely grow the entire flesh if not reattached). Rejuvenate has also a hidden, second feature. Used on a target of choice if healthy, it can revert age up to their physical prime, thus making Lupe's real age difficult to assess.

Resurrect(Incarnate)- Lupe can bring someone dead back to life as long as 75% of their corpse is recovered in time within 24 hours. Using the Lotus this way completely drains it up of power temporalily and it may take as 7 days to recover. Bathing in sunlight can speed this cooldown to half. Lupe can also choose to Reincarnate, as in give a target a different body from scratch, but they would start as helpless babies. This ability activates in case of Lupe's death if it hasn't been used already. (So it's a difficult choice whether to keep an extra life or resurrect a teammate).

Field of Nirvana- Lupe can launch her Noble Arm high in the sky, which then proceeds to bathe a 50 m radius sphere with purifying light and create a sort of alternate reality. Within this sphere, which manifests as a tranquil pond full of blooming lotus flowers the rules of reality are rewritten in such a way that all Noble Arms with offensive or harmful effects are rendered ineffective. All wounds begin to radpidly close, and a feeling of peace and fulfilment begins to forcefully encroach all the minds who are trapped inside the field, making them impossible to feel anger or fight back unless they somehow have extreme mental fortitude. The field is also a straining magic that can only last for as long as 10 minutes, and it completely drains the Black Lotus like the Resurrection ability, requiring a 7 day cooldown.

Misc Abilities: Lupe is surprisingly deft at martial arts, having been trained by a Bajiquan master in China, and further refining her craft with Muay Thai and Eskrima. She's surprisingly fast and a hard-hitter that can exploit a single moment, a single opening to wreck havok with her limbs or improvised weapons on an enemy's defenses. This kind of martial arts training is also to compliment her lack of Noble Arm offensive capabilities. Lupe is also a competent athlete, runner and climber, and her scouting capabilities and survival skills are not to scoff at.

Coming from an impoverished, pariah-like background, Lupe has street skills, and can swipe valuables and break locks with decent sleight of hand and deftness. She's also a good actress, able to swindle and convince people with smiles that might seem genuine.

Due to her background and journeys, Lupe is fluent in Spanish, Tagalog, English, Mandarin Chinese and Thai, which makes her a decent interpreter.

Personality: Lupe has a go-getter, shiny outward personality. She can strike quick conversation and friendships with many, and overall is quite heavy on warm gestures, perhaps a bit too touchy feely. She bats for both teams, and likes to meet new faces and people and talk about mundane lives. She also likes outdoor activities and parties. She has distrust towards authorities and hates bigotry and racism.

*Likes: Party Hardy. Outdoor excursions. Singing at Karaoke. Weird Foods.

*Dislikes: Party Poopers. Bigots (*Specially* Chinese and Japanese).Classism.

Fears:Returning to be just the daughter of a prostitute. Death by starvation.

Bio: Lupe was born in less than ideal circumstances, the daughter of an undisclosed Chinese tourist and a pleasure worker. For that, she faced discrimination and bullying to no end in an impoverished situation. She did as best as she could, as she clung to life in the slums, not knowing if her next meal would be her last ever. When her mother disappeared and was found drowned after a particular heavy storm, she barely had anyone or anything to give her as she gave her funerary rites. Becoming an orphan, she braved the impossible odds and by hook and crook started a wild goose chase into China to find the other person whose existance she owed.

She wasn't very keen on finding help in China either, but somehow, it was worse. Being an immigrant on the run, she nearly despaired as she was going to die a nobody in a foreign land. However, she had luck. An old man, weathered by age, took her in as he took pity on her and taught her to...be less a street tramp and more a proper, upstanding individual. Martials arts redefined her ego and outlook in her life, and made her stand tall and proud.

But her journey had just started, and the old Master kindly told her to seek her own path, which she did. She eventually gave up on finding her father, and during the process, she managed to grab an odd-looking but extremely useful for healing Noble Arm: The black lotus. Fixing the scars and blemishes to make herself presentable and a face worth of being shown in media she quickly surfaced as some sort of "fighting idol celebrity".

It was then when people caught wind of her potential and drafted her into the war effort. Lupe was surprisingly compliant. Helping others to fight nonsense and oppression and fix the worlds' problems little by little was something she could get along with. Plus the salary was a nice steady income.

*Current Goal: Help the world become a brighter and better place so girls like her won't have a hard time.

Military or Civilian Rank: None, drifter freshly recruited.
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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@AtomicNut, Aporoval One.

@Gerlando will review the powers and maybe give Second and Final Approval.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 37 min ago


do all the changes discussed and you have my approval.

Power: A
Speed: D
Range: D
Persistence: F
Precision: E
Potential: ? (C or lower)

overall I'd still give her B rank cuz resurrection is very rare and valuable, even if the stats might not seem that great it's still broken
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Hidden 12 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The OOC OP has been updated with a new rule.

10.) New Rule (October 12, 2024): Sexual content, including situations where one finds themselves shirtless or otherwise unclothed by force, is now forbidden in the thread itself. RPGuild Private Messages, however, are an option for those who really want to do it, and if situations that may disgust most people are necessary for the advancement of the plot, players who give their consent to witness or write out such situations will be allowed access to special RPGuild PMs upon giving their permission.

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Hidden 4 days ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


6'0 | 150lbs
An Androgynous intersex that people are not sure what they are. Identifies as he.

Name: Damien Lightbringer AKA "Artificer"


Nationality: Stateless, rumoured to have been born and and raised in an anglosphere country.

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Tears of the Rephaim. A pretty generic, nondescript knife-sort of weapon. Artificer can seemingly conjure them in great numbers (defying normal Noble Arm conventions) and launch them with reckless abandon. The Tears of the Rephaim represent the Noble Arms equivalent of an embryonic stage, which somehow Artificer is able to weaponize and materialize prematurely.

Noble Arm Rank: C(?)

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: None| None | Melee to Mid-Range

Noble Arm Abilities:
Detonate - The Noble Arm instance explodes, causing massive damage, like a Noble-Arm powered grenade.

Reforge- The Particular Tear of Rephaim becomes a replica of an observed Noble Arm. An on site hot observation only begets a flimsy copy, one rank below that of the original that breaks apart after a few blows. If enough time is allowed off-combat to study the weapon or repeated engagements persist, the rank and durability might match the original Noble Arm (as well as its affinity for users). Artificer can also twist and create opposite-themed replicas of a certain weapon, or switch the elements in them (ice for fire, and so on). A perfect replica or new weapon take usually weeks to craft.

Soulforge- Artificer can embed one of the Tears of the Rephaim into an individual, acting as catalyst for a Noble Arm manifestation. The end result depends on the individual.

Misc Abilities: Damien possesses an aberrant configuration of their own spirit dubbed as the Soul of Chaos. This exceedingly anomalous soul has both impacted his mind(stripping him of morals, libido, compunction and empathy) and his body (making him be physically neither male nor female). This is not without advantadges.The soul itself seems to be able to bond with any kind of Noble Arm whatsoever as some kind of "second best" option for a Noble Arm. The bonding is not perfect, making the weapon drop a rank in all categories, but in theory this allows the ability to have more than one and even more than two weapons at once. In practice, not many Noble Arms lay quiescent for long, so the window of opportunity which they can be seized is narrow, and Damien risks of losing the weapon anyway if a proper host is in the vicinity.

His mind also apparently has more free space for learning and analytical thoughts, as he can appraise and get a rough idea of a Noble Arm at a mere glance, and after a minute, enough information to produce a replica. This superspeed analysis applies to Occult Programming Language too, so he is able to learn spells by just watching and in fact, he's quite the virtuoso at employing them.

He also appears more durable than his frail body might suggest. While his condition would be so severe to spend a long time bedridden, he can force his own body through sheer force of will to be in the frontlines. (Of course, if enough hits happen, he'll crumple faster than many).

Finally, he is a cultured man, knowing a vast series of classical subjects, and philosophy. He isn't half bad at scientific matters either. He is also a great tinkerer, jeweller and a decent blacksmith.

Personality: Extremely magnetic, and extremely heretic. Damien tiptoes the line between menace to society and High Functioning. He makes no effort to hide that he, in fact, will not shed a tear for fellow humans or their trifles, or have the slightlest hint of remorse. But his manner of speaking leaves you wanting for more, like a sweet canteen of water in the desert. Damien loves to defy convention and theatrics, and he's close to the goals of Anarchism. He finds his old...associates, the Downward Descent, stupid and cartoonish, and not interesting enough to follow. Helping yet another tale of siding with the underdog, however...

*Likes: Unraveling. Raveling. Theatrics. Chaos. SCIENCE. Corrupting people.

*Dislikes: Sticklers for rules. Peace. Tyrannical regimes and rules in general.


Bio: Not much is known about Damien. It is unknown if his condition was from birth, natural causes, or from acquired tampering later on life. Even the Downward Descent doesn't know where such a person came from. It wasn't important. With his set of unique talents, he served the organization well, until one day... he didn't.

He just quit. Claiming boredom. And when he was next found out, he was applying to help ASEAN.

*Current Goal: The LULZ. Oh, and maybe help the underdogs. Woof.

Military or Civilian Rank: Former Senior Researcher at the Downward Descent.
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Hidden 4 days ago 4 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@AtomicNut, considering that a Noble Arm is born from personal development, including negative development, Damian's chaotic soul works as a one in a billion (or one in two billion) sort of 'functional madness' that acts as an exploit with how Noble Arms work (Formation and Inheritance, specifically).

Make it clear that it is an Exploit both ICly and OOCly, that Damian cannot take Noble Arms from a living person, and that when an Arms Master dies, he only has a few seconds to take their Noble Arm before it fades in a flash of light/motes of light/just fades away.

Edit: Or it could be that Damian can delay the fading away of a Noble Arm if it is within sight range (not sure if scopes and such should enhance this).
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 37 min ago

@AtomicNut As discussed privately:

- limit how many replicas Lightbringer can make (1 or at most 2)
- his replicas can be B-rank at best, if he replicates an A-rank NA then it’s going to be nerfed at B
- he can have however many F-rank NA as he wants, they’re basically hyper durable knives
- Overall Rank is B, every Stat gets the (S) added after it, to signify those stats can vary because of the replica NA and postmortem absorption
- Power goes up to C because of Detonate as an ability
- Lower Potential to C or D, we know he has infinite growth potential, but that is by replicating and absorbing other Noble Arms, not by creating new abilities of its own, I could argue even F potential is fine for him.
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