Into the depths
Sprawling all beneath Ceosia's capitol, the vast network of a sewer system runs like a labyrnth through many tunnels and corridors. Built atop the remains of a previous kingdom, the sewers bleed into and integrate cave systems and long forgotten ruins. While the systems near the surface are somewhat documented and mapped out, often utilized by the order of shadows, there is still much unknown about them.
[Party A]
Joining you on the quest is a scout from the Order of Shadows named Preston. A scraggily little man draped in a dark cloak and leather gamberson. He's familiar enough with the upper-portion of the sewers to be a guide, and out of courtesy, isn't taking any of the reward money. If asked why he's escorting them free of charge, his order requested him to assist whatever party would take the quest.
There are many entrances to the sewers. Many from the city itself, and many more from lost caverns and passageways from outside the capital. Preston takes the party through one of the three major Canals that bleed into the Capitol's port. Just around the North-East Dockyard, a large iron-bar gate greets them as they were lead into a sizeable tunnel. It was near this entrance that the most recent missing people were last scene. The initial Tunnel seems to stretch for about 100 feet until it spreads into various corridors. Strange footprints of various sizes seem to lead to an obscure passageway nearby gives way to an old stairway carved out of the rock, and leading further down. reaching the next level of the sewers, the air was noticeable cooler, save for the space around harlow, and just as damp as it was above. Whereas the occassional debris and boxes and other litter amidst the upper floor suggested some degree of travel or living, here in the second layer, it was completely barren.
"Come on lads, this way." The Torchbound scout beckoned as he marched further into the darkness, another long stretch of tunnel. The length of the walk and darkness surrounding them seemed to suggest it would be some time till the next turn, giving some time for some back-and-fourth conversation! "So, what made ya bunch take on this request? Pay's pretty low aint it?"
[Party B]
The reports of missing people seemed to have extended beyond the capitol's reach. As others who ventured around the outskirts outside the walls have also seemingly vanished. A small band of merchants, doubting the effectiveness of the guild, continued to harass third-parties of their missing men until Kharne had taken the job on happenstance, further away from the Capitol's border. There direction lead the freelance mercenary to a tributary fed by one of the sewer deposits beneath the great walls of Ceosia. The Grate that would have been blocking this large waterway was partially destroyed. And this would lead him further into the Capital's network. With his predatory senses, he could sense vaguely the former presences of what were presumably the missing merchants. There was something else too, something he never sensed before, surrounding all other traces of the missing. This trail continued to lead him further and further into the depths,
Eventually he became faced with a large open cave structure, with several halls of different eras of the sewers all about the large natural room, along with traces of old ruins and tunnels that lead elsewhere. The upper section of the cavern composed a waterfall, fed by various sewer trails of the upper layers, and pouring into a river that seemed to etch into a natural cave system, the river dividing the two halves of the cave. Behind the waterfall, littered clothing and armor or various individuals. All left behind empty of any of their owners. That...strange scent of something else seemed have completely overridden any trace of the people he was following. It seemed concentrated in the entrance to what seemed to be the large tunnel of an older city-structure just beyond the heaps of clothing articles.