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Hidden 8 days ago 7 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Moving towards the shuttle he pulled two of the squad with him, and directed the other two to stay and back up Corporal Tavitri. Moving to the shuttle he kept an eye out for trip wires and sensor’s.
Climbing on crates he looked through the windows and into the cockpit. With no one visible he continued on towards the loading ramp and joined Strhar, giving him a thumbs up he pulled his blaster and tapped the ramp controls, but nothing happened. Shrugging he stepped back, just incase his partner had a code.

@Lurking Krog
Hidden 5 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Vanovar's smile lessened slightly when Vinca responded to his words by slipping briefly into Rodese and then returning to Huttese. The Inquisitor didn't need perfect command of language to know mockery when he heard it. And when Klara fumbled her role in the proceedings, Vanovar's mood soured even further. Vanovar's already clenched teeth began grinding together behind his strained smile as the areas of his cheeks that lay to either side of his nose began to tremor slightly.

After a moment, Vanovar took a breath and massaged his cheeks in the way one might massage ones temples in a time of great consternation. Now was not the time for rash action. Vinca was a possible Rebel or Rebel associate. And while there wasn't anyone of note in the surrounding area, there was the distinct possibility that there were a maximum of 15 passengers in the Rodian's freighter ready to come running at the first sign of trouble. And so Vanovar silenced the reckless demands of his impulses for a moment and listened instead to the much more level-headed assessment of the Force.

Hidden 5 days ago 5 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Stepping back and looking at his partner for a code Twitch looked at the crates laying around. One checking to see what they might be holding based on the markings on the outsides, and two checking to see if anything close by had what could be a code scratched into them.

He wasn’t really hopeful, but damned it never hurt to look right?

After trying a swing at the computer pad himself his eyes shot up and he pulled the blaster to the ready. Shit was about to get serious. Like who puts a one try setting on the alarm???? Smugglers that's who!!! Like seriously, this was why he stayed back and shot people from range.

@Lurking Krog
Hidden 4 days ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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@Varshanka@Lurking Krog

As Twitch put in a 6 digit code, there was a sudden beeping from around him. Pulling his blaster and looking around, little did he know that there was a small security camera linked to a slave circuit that also happened to be linked to the ships auto-defenses. As the circuit saw the gun being pulled, that was its time to give off a couple of warning shots. A fairly small (By starship standards) Defense gun descended and the shields around the ship automatically raised. The defense gun began shooting wildly around Twitch, None of the bolts actually hitting him, but hopefully enough to scare him off.

The legality of systems like this was... Dubious... But generally the courts didn't care, partially because they were a combination of 3 other perfectly legal systems, but primarily because they only hurt people doing what they shouldn't have been in the first place.
Hidden 4 days ago 4 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Vanovar took another steadying breath when his search revealed that violence would not serve him well here. As much as he wanted to punish the Rodian for his mockery, Vanovar knew that shaping Vinca's malleable loyalty into something that would better suit his needs was the better option. The Inquisitor consoled himself with the thought that he could visit his vengeance upon the mouthy merchant later. Pleasant thoughts of unpleasant ends allowed Vanovar to relax his smile and unclench his teeth before speaking once again. "Looks like subtlety is no longer an option." Vanovar said as the coat that the Inquisitor had been wearing slipped off his shoulders despite the fact that Vanovar had not moved in any way to make it do so. "Not that I mind really. Audacity has always been much more entertaining."

Once the coat had fully fallen away, revealing the Inquisitorius lightsaber dangling off his hip, Vanovar raised one of his hands. A moment later, the coat had floated collar first into Vanovar's grasp. The Inquisitor raised his other hand then, causing a pocket on the coat to open and an Inquisitorius ID to float out and move to Vanovar's hand. "Vanovar Pythis. Inquisitor Vanovar Pythis." Vanovar finally introduced himself while displaying his ID to Vinca. "In case you don't know what that means, it means the rebel presence on Hasiki is about to disappear. If you aren't associating with anyone you shouldn't be, you have nothing to fear from me. If you are though, this would be your final opportunity to reconsider which side you are on. In which case, I would suggest you choose wisely. As you would have much to gain from making the right decision."

Hidden 4 days ago Post by MacabreMoth
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'I ought to shoot this Rodian.'

There were a litany of reasons why that was absolutely not the case, but it was moments like these that reminded Klara why she took up piloting over a cushy political office: a proton torpedo dealt with annoyances a lot more effectively than a strongly-worded letter. Without visibly losing her composure, she plucked her military ID off the countertop. It was always best to look at silver linings: now she didn't have to play pretend.

Fortunately for their merchant friend, Inquisitor Pythis caught on faster than her ability to decide whether she wanted to deal with the paperwork for discharging a blaster pistol into a suspect (and the added hassle of digging through the ship's flight and communications records). There was a silent appreciation for the man's sense of theatrics. A subtle show of force was very tasteful, but she wagered the Rodian didn't have the same respect for the aesthetic value of understatement.

"Let's not play too coy now that we're all being honest," Klara piped up. "Mr. Rumen, you look like a reasonable Rodian. I'm sure you understand a reward for assistance leading to a major arrest and a bit of bureaucratic quid pro quo--some wheels greased, some red tape cut, some looks-the-other-way, et cetera--goes a long way in your line of work."

She shrugged.

"Or we could simply waste everyone's time on the song-and-dance of official inquests, paperwork inspections, and freighters impounded under reasonable suspicion."

Hidden 3 days ago 3 days ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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As Tavitri knocked at the door, there was the sound of clacking from within, before an old R-Series Protocol Droid opened the door. "Greetings, officer." It began in a low, dull, monotoned voice. "I am afraid that Lady Vancil is not here at the moment. But i can take a message if you require to speak with her." The alarm and blaster sounds then began ringing through the streets. "By the maker!" It said in a raised, yet still dull tone, "There appear to be vandals attempting to steal the master's shuttle, i should call the..." It then looked Tavitri up and down. "Oh good, you're here!" If Tavitri didn't know any better, he might think this droid was being sarcastic. But the R-Series was known for being rather dull and unintersting, it's why they were so cheap as far as Protocol droids went. "Please save the master's ship from those ruffians!"


Vinca looked the two up and down as they began talking about inquests, inspections, impounds and audits for his stock. "Wow, wow, wow there my good friends, we don't need to get anything like that involved. Vinca's business is ALL above board and Vinca is all about helping serve is beloved and benevolent Empire." He laughed in Huttese. "You tell Vinca how best he can serve Empire and maybe make some of the beurocratic nonsense that serves no one, least of all Vinca, go away and Vinca will tell you anything. Especially if it helps to rid the great Empire of stinky Rebels." He said, continuing his used car salesman routine of playing innocent.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

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Ian started to reach for Reanar's and to stop him from touching the control panel on the ship. Before he could the scout marksman had already tested a code and set an alarm off in the ship. Next thing Strhar knew the ship's weapons system activated and fired a few shots at Reanar. Quickly he moved to cover to avoid possibly getting shot.

"Put your blaster away Reanar and get behind something." He shouted, at first it was reflexively in Mandoa. The second time he shouted it in basic. When he had a moment he peered around his position in cover to the control panel to see if it could still be accessed or if the shielding kept it from being further tampered with.

Hidden 2 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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"Put your blaster away Reanar and get behind something." Ian shouted.

Like NO SHIT!!! Reanar thought as he ran for cover, but fuck that about putting his weapon away. If smugglers came from the ship he’d just be pulling it out again anyways.

Peeking around the corner he watched the ship, and the area around him just in case. He couldn’t see the pad, and was to far away to touch it anyways.
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