Fiona Flamebeard

"I told you not to touch my beer!"
Appearance:Fiona is a dwarf. She is short at 4 foot tall. She has the stocky muscular build of a dwarf with the curves you would find on a woman. She has long red hair that has braids close to her face to keep it out of her way while she is fighting. The remainder of her hair hangs loose down her back in waves. She has a nice long goatee style beard with that is sometimes decorated with braids decorated with golden beads and jewelry. She has dwarven tribal tattoos on her face in a dark brown color. Her eyes are blue. She is quite beautiful by dwarven standards.
Fiona is wearing dwarven armor that is a mixture of metals and leather. An elaborate dwarven chest plate with shoulder pauldrons is fitted to a heavier leather bodice that protects her torso. The lighter leather under armor suit is a crimson red leather dragon scale design along the arms. Snug fitting matching leather pants adorns her legs. A skirt of heavy leather strips reinforced with decorative dwarven steel plates protect her legs. Heavy leather boots in dark brown leather come to her knee with a decorative steel plate down the front.
Fiona is wearing a large leather traveling pack with a bedroll strapped to the bottom of it. She is wearing a heavy wine-colored cloak lined in cream colored fur. The cloak is attached to her armor at the shoulders. When she is not wearing the cloak, it rolled up inside the bedroll. A large medallion in gold with a symbol that looks like a stylized tree on it holds her cloak together around her neck. She is carrying a large dwarven war hammer. The same stylized tree symbol that is on her medallion is on her hammer.
Gender: Female
Occupation:Traveling cleric for the dwarven goddess Breanne. Breanne is a dwarven goddess of the harvest. Breanne is a goddess that provides blessings of fertility and a bountiful harvest. Clerics of the goddess Breanne travel dwarven lands spreading her blessings and teachings, collecting their tribute to the goddess of plenty. Clerics protect the tributes given to the temple.
Abilities:Fiona is an acolyte of the Dwarven Goddess Breanne. She can provide her goddess’ blessings to others four times a day. She can call upon her faith in the goddess to repel the undead.
Skills:Fiona is a skilled cleric and warrior. She is proficient in melee combat. Her preferred weapon of choice is her war hammer. She is stronger than she looks. Dwarves are short but heavy with muscle and dense. She can often be found in the middle of a barroom brawl. She is just as good with her fists.
Skilled Hand to hand fighter
Skilled in knives and swords
Skilled in pole weapons
Skilled Melee fighter
Fiona often travels great distances in service to her goddess. She can navigate and survive in the wilderness. She knows how to set up a camp, start a fire, and cook her own meals. She knows how to hunt her own food and scavenge what nature provides.
Personality:Fiona likes to have a good time. She has never met a beer or alcohol she doesn’t like. That doesn’t mean she can’t get serious when the time calls for it. She is fairly easy going and laid back. But don’t disrespect her goddess, her beard, or her beer. These are sure ways to start a fight with her. She has her own quirky sense of honor and follows a code of conduct of sorts.
Biography:Fiona is 45 years old. Dwarves often live to be over 350 years old and are considered mature at 50. Fiona is young and in the prime of her life. She was born in a small dwarven village in the Eborian mountains in the small village of Canibri. Her mother was a blacksmith and a well-known weaponsmith. She was considered a master artisan. People traveled to their small village to purchase her goods. Her father was a dwarven warrior that had served the local dwarven lord for a long time. Her father had retired not long ago. Her mother had made her weapons and armor and her father had taught her how to fight. Fiona was out seeing the world and traveling for adventure. She wanted to know what was out in the world before she got too old to travel.
Likes:Beer or alcohol of any kind.
A good story.
A good tune.
A good brawl.
Dislikes:Seeing innocents hurt.
An unfair fight.
Alcohol abuse: Good alcohol should never be wasted. That means disposed of deliberately such as being poured onto the ground.
Fears:Spiders- They have all those legs and all those creepy eyes. I mean who likes spiders!
Weaknesses:She can’t swim. Dwarves have very dense bones and body tissue. They don’t float. They just sink to the bottom.
Theme Song:"Party Rock Anthem" by Released: 2011
Artist: LMFAO Album: Sorry for Party Rocking Featured artists: Lauren Bennett, GoonRock