So I'm hearing the PVP has some issues
Hunter of Shadows said
So I'm hearing the PVP has some issues
Hunter of Shadows said
Well I'm hearing that poise is bugged, and that hitboxes are screwy as fuckTo the point that big names like OnlyAfro are commenting on it
Walker of Darkness said
Hitboxes, maybe a bit. but I've noticed the major thing is about adaptability. It's not just about the I-frames for the roll, but before and after I-frame damage reduction. Also, Soul memory for summoning is retarded. For invading, I can understand, but for co-op, it makes things absolutely stupid. I have over 1.5 mil SM but only at SL92 and I can not summon anyone(or be summoned) in a area I know is heavy in people near my own SL because of other forums. Most people near my SL only have half a mil SM compared to me, I just used a lot of souls to upgrade a wide swath of items due to my Jack of all Trades set up.Also, people thinking it's a % for SM and summoning are very likely to be wrong. Bandai-Namco has stated it's a gap of "roughly" 50k SM between players for summoning. A firend and I tested that, with the name engraved ring(special summoning server for each 'god') and we could only summon each other once he had gotten his SM withing that 50k stated. That was a few days of trying, several hours waiting for signs to show up and whatnot. At low levels, no big deal. Higher levels, where you've likely farmed a bit to upgrade(as I have) and did a lot of side/back tracking, co-op...and dying, you get a VERY high SM but not so much in SL. Some others, on the other hand, may have been on one track, did little farming(or bare minimum) and not have collected near as many souls but be the same SL. Like, one million souls less.In short, Soul memory should remain that, just a number and a memory, not a mechanic.(co-op wise. For invading, it's a solid concept.)
mdk said
Networking in general has some issues, for me at least. I can't really play if someone else is using the web, which has slowed me down quite a bit (I mean, I could play offline, but the lurking threat of invasion is so much a part of the game for me, I really hate to progress without it)
Asuras said
Not that you'll ever be invaded anyways... >_>*heavy sigh*
mdk said
Tonight I got into a pretty serious groove, and passed a bunch of areas, and long story short, I got ratted out. It was the coolest thing ever, and so now I'm a brodent. You don't get 'invaded,' per se. You get, like, abducted, into the rat's world, and then the rat kills you. You can't get out and all the creatures attack you, and there's like a thousand Pharos traps he can set up beforehand to assist in the slaughter. It's.... fucking.... beautiful.
Asuras said
It summons these specific types of human-like phantoms that are always one of two variations:A) A heavy armor dude with an ultra-greatswordB) Med-armor dude with a large shield and halberdThese enemies also appear in Aldia's Keep in a similar manner as they do during the Mirror Knight boss; through mirrors. They're relatively weak in terms of defense and health, but can throw out some considerable damage.I managed to beat Mirror Knight on my third try, but I must say he is one of the most difficult bosses in the game, even with NPC aid.
Frizan said
Am I the only one who is getting kind of tired of DSII bosses sort of relying on minions? Like, it was intense the first few times, but eventually I started wishing for a boss that was good enough and difficult enough on its own merit, instead of the game throwing waves of minions at me. The way I see it is if I'm fighting off a boss's little goons, I'm not paying attention to the boss and its design or all of the cool shit it can do.
Walker of Darkness said
MANY bosses fight alone, just near the mid-early it's mainly lackey/multi bosses.
mdk said
Rat covenant is **not** a cheap way to invade, like at all, I'm learning. You pull people to you (most of them 'exterminators') and if you lose, you're out an Effigy (which you don't get back by winning). Still a blast, as I've had some really awesome fights, but there's essentially no pressure on your victims, and the rat keeps all the risk (though a lockstone **is** a pretty sweet reward)). You know what it's like? It's a Canadian Cat Covenant. 'Sorry we had to fight, eh, hope I didn't bother you.'