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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Sky Blue
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Sky Blue "Good, evil, I reject them both!" / God of Wrath

Member Seen 13 days ago


Location: Brooklyn west avenue warehouse
"Welp. We're dead."Kinetic energy, second form, Godlike speed!" Nitro started to glow as he got basically teleported to the association. that's how fast he was. He stopped, threw up, wiped himself off with a napkin, and ran inside. He prepared his most powerful technique he'd discovered. Kinetic energy, Fifth form, BLACK HOLE. He wasn't firing it yet, but if this bomb came close, he would have to.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by McNephelim
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McNephelim "So... Here i found you..."

Member Seen 24 min ago

Mrs. Fool McUnradical/Daria Claude Stinger

Location: Brooklyn West Avenue
Interactions: @Sky Blue @Timuir

It felt almost as if gravity got stronger, a shadowy figure came from behind of Nitro, the only noticable feature where two shining blue eyes, she smirked, hitting him with the hilt.

"So... Who are you...", The shadowy figure said in a weirdly masculine yet femenine voice, she circled him to face him, revealing her full body, "Respond.", She commanded him.

Mr. Cool Mcradical/David Clyde Striker

David arrived to the scene breathless, he took a bit to regain composture, but once their eyes made contact, it was obvious. Daria expression became sharper, angrier, as if looking at him made her sick, while David's changed from a great indiference to something that resembled joy, "Oh... Daria... Hi...", those last words were a bit more fruity than the other, he took out his sword, denoting the contrass with her highly advanced blade.

"I thought there was going to be a more... villanous person here, but... wanna spar???", Daria facepalmed, her rage growing by the second, the two growing oblivious of the fact that they were surrounded by a killer squad.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Sky Blue
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Sky Blue "Good, evil, I reject them both!" / God of Wrath

Member Seen 13 days ago


Location: Brooklyn hero association
"I don't know who you are, but i don't have time for your nonsense. My name is classified. My codename, is NITRO. Now get out before I open a miniature black hole on you." Nitro's eyes were black with red pupils, and they were glowing. Nitro still hadn't turned to respond. and his body was steaming. He was using too much power to keep this black hole ready, but not out yet. This altrack guy better show up soon, I don't know how much i can hold out.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by AlmostEternity
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AlmostEternity That's crazy, I do declare.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Character: Felix Singer
Location: West Brooklyn Community High School
Interactions: N/A
Blissfully, in his opinion, unaware of most prominent heroes and villains(and new regarding them), Felix goes about his normal schedule of methodically cleaning each room. Most people would have considered it boring, even a dreadful job, especially if they were the only person doing it. However, Felix found it satisfying...and peaceful. He didn't have to worry about people interrupting him, if he remained quiet, didn't have to worry about danger, since he cleaned up after the school was closed, and could keep a low profile from authorities who might want to force him into some government agency...it makes him shudder to even think of such possibilities. Soon he would be able to head home and get to his cat, who would likely want food the second he walked through the door. He smirked at the thought, and continued his work.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~Zetta Man~

Location: Near Metropolitan Oval, Bronx, NY
Interactions: N/A

"Susp...on foot...cutting thr...trees betwe...onport Road and Archer..."

Zetta Man knew how to tune the Zetta Field to the most common police frequencies, but he never got perfect reception---he was a human, not a machine, after all. Nonetheless, Charles R. Mitchell---known to his friends as Chad, and his enemies as the "Dynamo Hero, Zetta Man,"---flew just under the treetops faster than any sprinter. He shifted his muscular frame from one side to the other as he weaved between the dark trunks. A forested park area snaked between two large apartment complexes. In a nearby bank, trembling customers were missing their wallets and other belongings. Some had bruises and small cuts.

The bank robber was a dark silhouette, skinny but human shaped, inside an exoskeleton of moving crystal. The pale green substance was faceted like diamonds, and thick enough to obscure the person's features. They clutched a bag in one large, blocky hand, and ran for all they were worth---which was not exceedingly fast even by non-superhuman standards.

"Stop!" Zetta Man shouted, "Surrender now, and you'll get off easy!" They turned their armored head, and faced him with wide, white eyes. "I said stop! I don't want to hurt you!" Almost tripping over themselves, they redoubled their speed. The hero grumbled under his breath. "Of course. Why would they ever make it easy?"
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by AlmostEternity
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AlmostEternity That's crazy, I do declare.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Perspective: ???
Location: ???
Interactions: ???
Reeling, the lady gasps as the group of heroes she'd been watching vanishes.
Oh no.
She knew what that meant, even as words spilled from her mouth involuntarily.

"Disaster is coming,
It is now clear
one is a traitor
of whom much is to fear.

Hate is love,
And love is hate,
because one will become
a star above.

Another is lying,
Another sincere;
Two become a pair
who will tie the others together.

They will listen
but they will not hear
the voice in the wilderness,
no matter how clear.

Forever they'll stand
or forever they'll fall
one way or the other,
all may be lost."

Even as she spoke, she scrawled the cryptic message down. Now, she just had to get it to them, but even as she thought of it, a chill coursed through her as a line of the script caught her eye.
"They will not hear."
What if they didn't believe her?
She never made public appearances, only known on the internet anonymously.
What if she was the voice in the wilderness?
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Einherjar 906
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Einherjar 906 bumpin' that. #B4DD1E

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Near Metropolitan Oval, Bronx, NY

A foot stomp, and blue fire just erupts underneath the crystallized man, followed by a sustained barrage of blue fire coming from within a small spherical radius around him, all swerving to avoid the bag loot, or at least they try to. Not the first time someone would have to bill Nimbus for damage to their possessions.

Assuming that was indeed Nimbus standing in front of the emerald-encased criminal, wearing some loose faded jeans, crocs, blue oil-rig sunglasses and a pink shirt emblazoned with the face of a fat brown cartoon cat, instead of his usual fantasy-like white curtain ensemble.

At the very least he was sure his flames have trouble cutting through regular rock. Surely strange green crystals are beyond that. He batted no eye towards the strangely dressed floating man -- he's in New York, he's taken the subway many times, he's seen too much. Superheroes included. No, Zetta Man himself included. His popularity precedes Nimbus' own by miles, not that he cared for it, given the downsides of such fame.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~Zetta Man~

Location: Near Metropolitan Oval, Bronx, NY
Interactions: @Einherjar 906

"Right now, you can still turn things around!" Zetta Man shouted. Taking the wallets instead of raiding the teller drawers probably meant they'd gotten less than a thousand dollars. If they gave up peacefully, they might get off with only petty theft or a class-1 misdemeanor despite the assaults. "But if you run from the police, or attack anyone, you're going--"

The garish shirt caught his attention first---a civilian! The thug couldn't be allowed to endanger anyone else. He pushed faster. The thief's lead had shrunk to less than a hundred feet, and in an instant he was within arm's reach---

A fiery blast rocked the ground beneath the criminal, and the conflagration writhed around them like living serpents! Zetta Man veered off, twisting against the recoil, his thoughts racing. No one else was here besides that civilian--and no non-hero/villain would act that nonchalant upon seeing a super-battle, no matter how many times it's happened to them.

"Hold your fire!" Zetta Man shouted, his voice booming like thunder. Pieces of the crystalline shell were splitting apart, from the extremities inward as the blue flames circled the villain like a cloud of angry wasps. The blue-and-orange suited hero reached into the eruption, grabbing the villain by their armored shoulder to try and yank them out of the fiery column. In the process, his super suit---normally impervious to your average mugger's knife or box cutter--was slashed several times from the forearm down to his fingertips. His Zetta Field, focused over his skin, shielded him as if his body was wrapped in steel, yet even so thin red lines traced over his flesh...
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Einherjar 906
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Einherjar 906 bumpin' that. #B4DD1E

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Near Metropolitan Oval, Bronx, NY

The fires froze mid-air, noticing that their target has been abruptly displaced. They then disappeared in order, like bubbles popping. The seeming civilian whose white-purple hair was flowing upwards at this point, his sun-visor-covered eyes widened at the aftermath of his powers. Piercing through the strange crystal armor is one thing, but the visible scratches on Zetta Man's supersuit? He could damage the Zetta Man?

Underestimating his own power aside, he didn't want be confronted for any of this at all. He glanced around for any other direction to take, and decided on the alleyway a little back and leftward from him, jogging towards it and trying to put himself out of the other superhero's sight.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Timuir
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Timuir The Broken Hound

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interactions: @Sky Blue@McNephelim
Location: Brooklyn West Avenue


Altrack arrived and I ran, no chance was I dealing with the destroyer mech himself, he was quite possibly the most dangerous person from the lab. I remembered how bad this could go if we hit him just once as he adapts, he grows in a fight like a warrior. I ran and saw the fights taking place, I didn't have time now, Altrack was after me to take me back to the lab. I kept running for the headquarters of the heroes and just didn't look back, he was here, he was coming. I had to keep running, the Book of Fate was warning me to run due to a black hole for some reason and I was not sticking around to find out about it. Altrack had to have spotted me and was on his way to me, he was not going to be pleasant because he would have been very angry. "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES FOOLS!!"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by McNephelim
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McNephelim "So... Here i found you..."

Member Seen 24 min ago

Mrs. Fool McUnradical/Daria Claude Stinger

Mr. Cool McRadical/David Clyde Striker

Location: Brooklyn West Avenue
Interactions: @Sky Blue @Timuir

"No, i don't want to spar with you..." Daria said and looked at the destroyer mech that had arrived at the battlefield, this seemed bad enough with David, but with this it was already comically terrible.

"Aww... shucks... anyways who is this guy?" David scratched his cheek while looking at the mech, him being not intimadated by this made his "cool" levels rise like boiling water, so did Daria "coldness" as she didn't really cared for this.

"Hey... Speed Dude, are you going to shoot it or...?" David looked at Nitro a bit concerned by the fact that he was holding a literal black hole.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

~Zetta Man~

Location: Near Metropolitan Oval, Bronx, NY
Interactions: @Einherjar 906

The supernatural flames disappeared, and as Zetta Man held the criminal at arm's length---now minus the extra lengths of their own crystalline limbs---he watched the fashion-abominable man duck into hiding. The older hero blew air through his nose, then looked around.

No one else nearby. So only one source for those flames. And considering how distinct an ability it was---unusual color, the ability to cut instead of burn---it only matched up to one registered hero he knew of.

I'll see if the Association can contact him for me later. He turned back to the villain, who was trying to "grow" new crystals to replace their damaged limbs.

"I advise you to stop here. Look, I know a lawyer who takes villain defense cases. He's helped other people turn their lives around. If you--"

A sword made of green diamond came for his neck, and he let go as he twisted away. With a growl, he brought his Zetta Field closer to his body and increased the charge. His durability increased further than it had against Nimbus's flames. Again, the criminal tried to decapitate him.

The blade snapped in half over his skin. But, if that had been a civilian, or a police officer, or even some other hero without this kind of defense...

Zetta Man's fist lashed out like a boxer. He struck the crystal villain directly where the solar plexus would be, over their shell. The blow shattered the entire construct, sending the superhuman inside tumbling out of the back of their broken suit.

"You. Cannot. Beat me." The hero took a step towards the villain, clenching his other fist. But before he raised his hand again, sirens blared behind him.

"Eyes on suspect! Zetta Man has him in custody!" The hero gave his opponent a very hard glare. The criminal finally raised both hands in surrender. The police ran in as soon as they saw Zetta Man step aside, and in moments had the perp on the ground and cuffed.

"He can grow crystals with the hardness and sharpness of diamond from his skin." the hero said to an officer, who nodded and spoke into their radio. Law enforcement had developed a few methods of at least temporarily disabling superhuman abilities, so Zetta Man trusted they had it in hand from here. "The Chief has my number. If I don't hear from him, I'll try to get my statement to you as soon as possible."

So saying, he lifted into the air, and was soon above the buildings and streets. Then the Zetta Field's sound transmission crackled in his ear: the Hero Association's frequency.

"All avail...heroes! Villain atta...in progr... on HAHQ, Brooklyn branch! Believed...related to...operation--" Zetta Man placed two fingers on his throat, adjusting his own frequency, and spoke through the same radio signal.

"This is Zetta Man! I'm currently free in the Bronx, ETA less than ten minutes!" With the field on full blast, he launched into the distance...

Location: Near Brooklyn Hero Association
Interactions: @Sky Blue@McNephelim@Timuir

As Nitro struggled to hold his own power in check and prepared to strike the villainous mecha, it seemed Keeper, and the Fooly/Cooly Twins were at a loss as to which actions to take. But, if any of them happened to look skyward, they might see a shockwave rip through a faraway cloud an instant before a distant sonic boom reached their ears...
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by AlmostEternity
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AlmostEternity That's crazy, I do declare.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

~Felix Singer~

Location: West Brooklyn Community High School

Finally having finished cleaning, Felix puts up his cleaning equipment in a designated closet, and leaves the high school, taking a deep breathe, he decides that maybe he should grab a bite to eat himself before heading home. He knew a good place at West Avenue, and it'd been a while since he'd been there. Maybe tonight was the night he should get something special. After all, it had been over a year since his powers had developed, and he'd managed to hold out that long without being discovered.
Mind made up, he got in his truck and started driving.
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