Name: Kat Johnson Age: 22 Appearance: This is her dress at the Formal Dance. Major: Music, Audio, Video, Technology, and Film. Year: 3rd
Personality: Very happy and cheerful. She always has a positive word to say, no matter how dire the situation. However, she's struggling with depression. History: She's had a pretty normal life. Both her parents are still alive, but she constantly worries about her own future. Perks: She always tries to make others feel good because she feels happier when the people around her are. Quirks: When alone, she falls into her bad thoughts. She hates others intruding when she gets like this. After staying cheerful for too long, some of her comments get a bit acidic. Her biggest fear, other than messing up her own future, is being forgotten and left alone.
roleplay example:
In her dorm, Kat drums her fingers against the wood of her desk. Looking out her window, she observes the crowd of students outside during their lunch break. How can everyone be so happy, so secure in their plans? Aren't any of them worried about screwing up, failing a class, losing their opportunity to get the job of their dreams? How can they stand the constant weight on their shoulders? Slumping, she sighs. Then, the door to her room. She immediately straightens back up, turning around, forcing a wide smile on her face. "Hey, how are you doing?" She greets.
Personality: High strung and pessimistic, with a habit of overthinking things and mind-gaming himself. He can come off as cynical, and he definitely is to an extent, though his doomsaying is more internal than external, and he's more of an obsessive planner than someone who blames or complains about a situation. He tends to treat the choices other people make as variables to predict and plan around, and prefers to live in the present or look towards the future, rather than dwell on the past. He's not quick to anger, and while he can be prickly and abrasive, any harsh words are usually said without malice, if not with outright endearment.
History: Damon's history is, by his own reckoning, utterly irrelevant and uninteresting. I mean, sure, he was orphaned at a young age, but he got adopted at a young age too, so it wasn't that big of a deal in the long run. He's met his biological parents, and has zero interest in kindling a relationship with them. His adoptive parents had a divorce a few years ago, but they're both loving, and he respects that they each had mismatched personalities where the other could not provide for their emotional needs. No drama, no bloodshed, just the cacophony and stench of a slightly sub-standard upbringing.
Perks: "You killed a guy? Dang. You already get rid of the body, or do you need some help with that?" Quirks: Hates the sun, authority figures, the smell of tobacco and the hours of 6 AM to 12 PM. Suffers from chronic insomnia, takes at least an hour in the shower every day, and is physically incapable of letting other people win a game against him on purpose.
On one hand, death. The cold, sucking agony of becoming a member of the living dead and shambling off alongside his friends. On the other, isolation, not so great a disaster were it not for the inevitability of their impending doom without his assistance. This was their last chance, and all his well made plans were at risk of being torn asunder like the tower of babel, with just as much ensuing confusion and division hence. Could he even help them given the sheer unfiltered weakness he would suffer? Was there a way to reduce their fall from grace by remote means? Probably not, given a certain someone's inability to grasp basic trigonometry, yet perhaps he could still-
"They serve coffee now."
Well, that solves that dilemma. "Fuck, alright, I'll be there in a minute."
Appearance: In regards to her physical appearance Erin was neither particularly lucky nor particularly unlucky in the genetic lottery. Brown hair, brown eyes, average height, not particularly attractive but not ugly either. Physically Ada is average in almost every way.
Personality: Most people who meet Erin would probably describe her as excitable, easily distracted, and scatterbrained, as she is at her core an intensely curious person with her attention often rapidly jumping from subject to subject as they draw her interest. It is worth noting, however, that this is largely a result of lacking a novel subject that she can truly delve deep into and given such a muse she can instead become hyper-fixated, often to the detriment of everything else.
Perks: Erin is a quick learner and creative thinker. Her tendency to jump from topic to topic has allowed her to learn a little bit about lots of things.
Quirks: Hates doing nothing. Dislikes incurious people. Has a tendency to neglect her own needs in favour of more interesting pursuits.
History: Despite her best efforts and much to her vexation, Erin’s life has thus far been one largely devoid of notably interesting events. Perhaps above all else, Erin craves to discover and understand truly interesting things, whether that be in a lab or elsewhere.
Erin slammed the door behind her. Her muscles ached and her lungs defied all attempts at controlling them, as she was finally forced to stop and catch her breath. Even just a few moments after coming to a stop, Erin could already feel her body starting to shake; the adrenaline from her encounter, finally catching up to her now that she was resting – paradoxically insisting that she could run further still, even while her muscles screamed at her that she absolutely could not.
What the hell was that thing? It certainly looked like a person, but it acted more like the villain of a cheesy slasher flick. Erin knew enough about biology to say that a person shouldn’t just be able to shrug off a wound like that, and while she couldn’t say the topic had ever held her interest for long enough to call herself anything but an amateur, she was pretty certain that what she’d seen wasn’t some kind of magician’s trick either.
She’d literally seen bone, and yet the man – or whatever that thing actually was – had kept on coming at her like its wounds were non-existent. How on Earth did that work?
As Erin thought about that question, she didn’t notice as she slowly stopped shaking. As the abject terror of just moments earlier was replaced by a growing sense of excitement. As she pondered a truly interesting subject.
Appearance: Max is a tall and lean young man standing at 6'3". He is physically fit, and has a, toned, well muscled, physique that he enjoys showing off. While he hated being forced to be on the football team, he admits it's done wonders for his body, and he enjoys showing it off. He still works out regularly to maintain it, just at his own pace, and not as intense, He has a fair complexion, and his face is free of blemishes and facial hair. His strawberry blonde hair looks messy, but he likes it that way, claiming that it adds character to his look. It appears to be longer on the top than it is on the sides, and it seems to go in many different directions. He doesn't wear any hair gel, since he doesn't like the feel of stiff hair. He has a round, boyish face with wide expressive eyes that are a deep shade of blue. He often has a smile on his face.
Max's choice in clothes changes with his mood. Some days, he dresses casually and wears a simple tank top and jeans. On other days, he wears fancier clothing. He does know how to sew and make clothes to suit his own tastes. He likes bright colors, but usually wears various shades of purple. His signature outfit consists of a light purple tight fitting tank top, and a dark purple cotton hoodie over it if it's cold enough. On the bottom, he wears a pair of blue jeans held up by a black belt with a metal buckle, and purple and white high top sneakers on his feet. He carries around a purple messenger bag to carry his things in.
Major: Art Year: 1
Personality: Max is a cheerful and optimistic person who avoids dwelling on negativity. He’s outgoing, friendly, and emotionally open, expressing his feelings without shame. Affectionate and touchy with friends, Max values deep emotional connections and is always willing to be a shoulder to cry on. A hopeless romantic, he believes in the power of love and is driven by his emotions, which sometimes makes him impulsive and overly attached to those he cares about.
Though he’s creative and artistic, Max struggles with structure, preferring spontaneity over strict routines. He’s quick to stand against unfair authority and reacts strongly to reminders of his abusive past, often lashing out when pushed. Despite this, Max strives to live authentically, embracing his quirks and passions unapologetically. However, his overbearing nature and difficulty handling rejection can sometimes overwhelm others.
Max avoids alcohol entirely due to his father’s abuse, and he feels uneasy in social settings where drinking is involved. His hobbies include drawing, painting, sewing, and enjoying geeky interests like video games and Disney. Max is a loyal, compassionate friend who always wants to help, even if he occasionally goes overboard.
History: Max Hudson had a privileged but difficult upbringing. His father, Joe, a retired athlete from a wealthy and prominent family, had high expectations for him. From an early age, Max was forced to follow in Joe’s footsteps, attending elite schools and playing football. Joe firmly believed that sports built character, but Max despised it, feeling stifled by the relentless pressure and his father’s rigid notions of masculinity. Max’s mother, Kimberly, was the opposite of her husband. She was nurturing and wholeheartedly supported his artistic talents, often encouraging him to pursue his passions. Unfortunately, her disagreements with Joe frequently escalated into intense arguments.
Max’s life took a dramatic turn when, during one of Joe’s outbursts, he slapped Max for doodling in class. Witnessing this, Kimberly filed for divorce and gained custody. For a time, Max thrived. He quit football, focused on his art, and enjoyed a supportive and creative home environment. However, it was not meant to last. Kimberly died in a car accident when Max was just 14. This event forced him to live with his father again.
Life with Joe became unbearable. Consumed by anger and alcohol, Joe became physically and emotionally abusive. He confiscated Max’s art supplies and enforced his expectations with violence. Max coped by maintaining a cheerful act in public, but inside he was miserable. He sought solace in friends, parties, and art, often sneaking out to escape the toxic environment at home.
At one party, Max met Robbie, a charismatic musician whose guitar was adorned with Hello Kitty stickers. They bonded over shared interests and quickly became inseparable. Their relationship blossomed, but Max, still closeted, kept it hidden from his father and peers. Robbie, who was openly gay, grew frustrated with the secrecy, and their relationship ended when Max couldn’t bring himself to come out.
Max’s final confrontation with Joe occurred in his senior year of high school. During a heated argument, Max revealed his plans to study art and, came out as gay. Joe, drunk and enraged, beat him and hurled slurs. Max fled the house and found refuge with Robbie’s family. With their support, he reconciled with Robbie and came out publicly, discovering that many of his friends had already suspected. Max vowed to stop hiding and live authentically.
Sadly, Max and Robbie’s shared dreams of attending college together were shattered when Robbie was killed in a car accident caused by a drunk driver—Joe. Although Joe survived, he was sentenced to prison for DUI and vehicular manslaughter. Max also discovered that Joe had hidden a large inheritance from his late mother, which he finally gained access to. While Joe’s absence brought some relief, the pain of losing Robbie, in the same way he lost his mother no less, left Max devastated.
Now living on his own, Max is trying to move on with his life. He is determined to honor the memories of his mother and Robbie by pursuing his art and staying true to himself, even though he’s still dealing with heartbreak.
Artistic Talent: Max is highly creative, excelling in drawing, painting, sculpting, and sewing. His artistic eye allows him to visualize solutions and create beauty even in difficult circumstances.
Emotional Intelligence: He’s deeply empathetic and attuned to the emotions of others, making him a natural at comforting friends.
Optimism: Max’s cheerful and hopeful outlook helps everyone’s spirits up.
Loyalty: Once Max considers you a friend, he’s there for life—always willing to lend a hand or shoulder to cry on.
Quick Thinking: His impulsive nature allows him to think quickly on his feet.
Over-Affectionate: Max frequently expresses affection through hugs, handshakes, or casual touches, which can be overwhelming for people who aren’t used to it.
Clinginess: He has a fear of abandonment, and gets very attached to people he cares about, sometimes to the point of being overbearing.
Impulsiveness: Max often acts on emotions rather than logic, leading to decisions that can backfire.
Avoids Alcohol: He won’t touch alcohol due to his father’s abuse, and he feels uneasy in social settings where drinking is involved.
Distractible: Max can get lost in his thoughts or sidetracked by small details, especially when he gets artistic inspiration.
Max sat on the edge of his dorm room bed. His sketchbook sitting on his lap, with a half finished drawing looking back at him. He couldn’t quite get the hang of what he was drawing. A romantic scene of flowers and greenery, but for some reason everything felt wrong.
He let out a frustrated sigh and tossed the pencil on the bed. This was going nowhere. The silence was unnerving. He normally liked being around friends, music, laughter. Right now though, he was just alone with his thoughts, and they weren’t very good company right now.
His looked up at the framed photo on his desk. A picture of him and Robbie at a carnival. Smiling with that stupidly charming grin, their arms were slung over each other’s shoulders, and Max was holding up a plush unicorn Robbie had won for him. Max swallowed hard and quickly looked away. “Not tonight… I don’t need this right now…” he muttered, though his eyes welling up, and the ache in his chest said otherwise.
He stood up and started pacing around the room. His bare feet padding against the floor. His hands fidgeted, grabbing random objects, a loose thread on his sweater, the corner of the bedspread, anything to keep them busy.
“Alright, Max, focus,” he said out loud, forcing a smile that no one could see. “Let’s make something amazing. Robbie would want that, right?”
He grabbed the sketchbook again, flipping to a new page. He scrawled out a new landscape with floating lanterns, spiraling towers, and cascading stars. It wasn’t perfect, but it was alive.
For the first time that night, a smile crept onto his face. He looked at the photo again, his voice soft. “Still wish you were here, though.”
The room went quiet again, but this time, it felt a little less lonely. Max went back to his sketch. Even when everything felt sad, at least he had this—his art to dive into. His escape from his troubles, and a small piece of the beauty he believed still existed in the world.
I’m assuming some people sent their CSs through PMs? Out of curiosity, how many people do we currently have and how many are we waiting on?
You would be correct. We're waiting on 1 person. We currently have 4 out of the 5 spots filled. I'll give this person a little more time before I move onto the next.