Outer Bristol
A poor neighborhood outside the Hathforth wall. They are mainly made of farmers and farm hands.
White Fields
Poorer than Outer Bristol, with a few families living in tents. These are mainly made out of farmers and their families, and farm hands.
Upper Bristol
The largest neighborhood with the highest concentration of the poor. Also has the highest concentration of those who live in tents. These are mainly industry workers, such as fishers, miners, and farm hands.
Lower Bristol
A modest neighborhood, with a bit more weather than Upper Bristol. These are manual laborers, such as construction workers, miners, industrial workers, servers and waitresses.
Aethera Meadows
A well-off neighborhood with a mix of shops. From its name, it is the highest concentration of elves and half-elves in the city. Lots of the city's enchanting is done here, with some pieces even being commissioned by the Wizards Queen. Adventurers frequent this sector quite a bit.
Elysia Quarters
The quarters of the guards, where the barracks are located, as well as the prisons. This was were Duke Sev Willowsteel was held before his execution. It's proximity to the castle gives the royals more protection in the event of an attack, though it is a bit of a walk to the city walls for guard duty every day.
Castle Gardens
The most lavish, expensive and aristocratic neighborhood in Hathforth. Noble households surround the castle walls. St the edge, the All-Force Cathedral resides, a massive establishment that Potentate Heavy-handed often frequents. These areas are patrolled heavily by the city guard.
Belle borne
This is mainly where adventurers live, having well-to-do houses, settling down with families, and having a base with which to return to after adventures. There are a number of illicit establishments here, such as smoking parlours and pleasure dens.
This is a well-to-do neighbourhood mainly filled with wealthy merchants, educated folk, enchanters and folks who know how to make money. From the name, this place is riddled with taverns, pleasure dens, and other establishments where illicit and illegal means happen.
North Pearl
North Pearl is much like South Pearl, except it doesn't have nearly as large of a port or pier. However, that doesn't make it any less quiet. The merchants here travel from all across the province to distribute their unique and exotic wares in the stalls of North Pearl. less known, North Pearl also has a thriving black market in the wee hours of the night.
South Pearl
South Pearl, along with North Pearl, are the prime places where you can get fresh catches and street food with crispy potatoes and fish fritters. This is also where prime boutiques where all manner of charms, enchantments, weapons and Seeds can be bought. This is where the Pier Plaza is located, hosting the largest port in Hathforth, and small stalls with bustling customers. This is also where the Execution Platform is, at the center of the Pier Plaza.