Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Silly
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Silly Summoning Shenanigans

Member Seen 13 days ago

[Location] Food Stands
[Time] Sunday, 07:30
[Interactions] @Aeolian @vietmyke @Mirandae

As she was greeted by Laura, Nia found herself surprised by the reaction of the Regalia, as her eyebrow rose up in shock, as a wordless ‘Wait, is this real?’ crossed her mind. She found her attention fixated on the blonde, as she appraised her. A global superstar acting like a starstruck fan around an obscure relative nobody, it was… surreal. Did Nia have an influence outside of her own circles? Or was this an act, all part of Gaia’s charm, a crafted interaction to create an intimate connection between the pair of them? She quieted her thoughts, suspicions, and settled with a sense of acceptance, ‘Okay, this happened.’ she thought to herself. She smiled pleasantly and bowed her head in appreciation, “Thank you for your kind words.” Her purple gaze lingered as their eyes met for a long moment.

Nia smiled as Cécile had arrived and joined them She reached out to take his hand and squeezed it, as she welcomed him. Her gaze lifted as they met with Bastions, and gave him a sly wink as she noticed his protective attention over her cousin. As he spoke, she nodded toward him as she looked to the sky when prompted, “It is rare for those on the path to be so displeased.” She couldn’t help but feel the urge to place a soothing hand on his arm, a protective gesture, when he appeared frightened. The idea of her once cute little cousin being a Regalia was a hard concept to grasp, and she needed to be mindful of her actions and not to overstep.

Akamu appeared to quickly take charge of the situation, and a smile rose to her lips, impressed. If her calmness was a good trait, then his natural leadership in a crisis was certainly an excellent one. His words and actions were more than for a photo opportunity, and she found herself wondering if she had ever misjudged the man. She nodded as she went to follow his instruction. Her original goal here was simple: to gather information. This situation was best left to the Regalia, who were better equipped to protecting the civilians.

Pandemonium soon broke out. There was a chorus of shouting as people appeared to flee the harbour in haste. Laura was quick to notice the disruption, as she expressed her concern about something happening down by the docks. The throng of people began to move hurriedly away from the location, whilst others gathered around various regalia for protection.

Gleaming, dark carapaces scurried up from the ocean onto the harbour. These creatures that seemed to resemble monstrous larva swarmed, and they forced themselves into nearby buildings, and stalls, seemingly in the search for food. The people fleeing them were the most tempting targets, as they attacked, their claws and pinchers ravaged and tore into their flesh. Gunfire erupted as the security personnel adopted a defensive formation. Their enchanted weaponry cracked loudly as their shots tore through the creatures’ carapaces, leaving behind a minor roadblock as new monsters crawled over the fallen to take their place in the advancing tide. These creatures were numerous, they were legion.

Nia stayed close to Laura as the latter began to transition. Her curiosity got the better of her, as she watched the transformation of the Regalia first hand, and witnessed her grow larger and bloom majestically as she took on the divine form of Gàileadh. Soon, they were enclosed within that protective barrier with the surrounding families; the air filled with the scent of pine cones. Nia smiled warmly to the others under the Regalia’s protection, as she seated herself down on the ground, and gestured the others to do the same, comforting them within this little walled garden amidst the terror outside that waited outside.

Nia’s gaze lowered as her irises were filled with witch-light, as she surveyed the battlefield. Multiple Regalia were taking action now, some transitioning into Dominant forms such as fearsome armoured warriors, whilst others acted to save people from the oncoming tide of monstrous locusts. She gently used her influence as a mist began to descend along the harbour, the wisps being scattered subtly so to go unnoticed as an insignificant change in the weather. She was not certainly interested in the limelight, but she couldn’t simply allow innocents to perish due to her inaction. Breathing slowly, she quieted her mind. The mist began to concentrate around the outskirts of the swarm, where the stragglers attempted to avoid the Regalia’s wrath.

A family, slow to escape, saw the mist as an opportunity, a chance to hide, but it was too late; one of the creatures followed them into the dense thick fog. As the children screamed, the mother clutched her son, the father pulled on the daughter’s arm, as they broke through to the other side. The mist obscured their view as the father tripped over an unseen object, as the daughter cried out, “No, Daddy, get up!” as she tugged fruitlessly at his hand. “Jessica, run, you have to run!” The monstrous larva’s piercing screech sounded right behind them in the mist, which threatened to break through at any moment. Suddenly, a loud crack echoed, and the creature let out a yelp like a kicked dog. There was a deep rumbling growl followed by a furious crunching noise as pink droplets sprayed out of the mist like rain, which covered the family. When the mist subsided, nothing remained of the creature but the splatters where the creature had imploded.

Nia dabbed her nose with her sleeve, as she noticed a slight bleed. She hoped she didn’t need to be in this protective shell for too long, as the battle continued to rage outside.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Teyao
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

[Location] Landow, Estren
[Time] Sunday, 07:30 AM, September 15

He leaned against a small fence as he watched the creatures appear over on the beach. For a moment he was tempted to close his eyes and enjoy the sound of gunfire and screams but the reality was that he couldn't afford to do so, this was an unknown enemy who for all he knew was hiding a long distance weapon capable of killing him in a single blow.

He was also watching with interest as the corpse painted woman faced the newfound enemy. For all her talk it was obvious she was determined to do something about it, her eyes clearly working properly now as she struggled to her feet. There was a feeling of smugness rising inside him, he had not been wrong after all, she was a fighter.

The feeling only simplified as some of his earlier guesses were confirmed, she really was a Regalia after all.

He didn't recognize the Dominant but that was no surprise, for all his Master had been determined to teach him the general workings of the world theology was not a subject the old man had delved into outside Ifrit. Guess that proved there was still more to this world he had to see.

Similar thoughts crossed his mind as he continued to observe the events unfold, a minor sense of satisfaction at the violence happening in front of him.

Not that he was idle either.

At his side lay his drawn sword, held tightly to his palm and hot enough to melt through flesh. Getting hotter too as he channeled his dominion over fire in it.

Then when it reached some unknown threshold he cut the flames and allowed the blade to contain the heat inside it without adding more.

Then he threw it.

The moment the sword left his hands he was moving behind it, following in its wake as it sailed through the air before slamming point first into one of the monsters about to devour some helpless civilian. The hit managed to stun the monster long enough for him to impact against its head with all his might, driving the sword further in as he made his best effort to Cauterize the wound. He had fought a monster capable of regenerating before so it was better to take care of them quickly, usually battles of stamina were in their favor.

Behind him he could hear the man scream and run with renewed fervor, from what he had observed of this man that was in line with his character, he was one of the first to run and even pushed other people in his attempts to escape.

A battlefield was no place for a coward.

At some point, the monster stopped struggling but whether it was dead or not he couldn't be sure as more and more of its brethren marked their displeasure as they approached him with clear hostile intent.

His Master was right.

This Festival was interesting in all the right ways.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 23 min ago

[Location] Food Stands, Landow
[Time] Sunday, 07:30 AM
[Mentions] @Mirandae @Silly

Any sense of calm and rationale was quickly destroyed as some untold number of strange creatures appeared. A flood of man hungry piranha-spiders or crabs, creatures seemingly hellbent on doing nothing but devouring anything that lived. People screamed, gunfire rattled through the air, their reports echoing off the buildings and filling the air with a near deafening din. Akamu tensed as he watched an unfortunate group of people too close to the harbor get devoured, and began to bound forward. Behind him, he could feel and smell the scent of Laura transforming into her Dominant form, and glanced over his shoulder to nod at her. Extending around her was an aura or barrier, both calming and quieting the uproar around them- a haven for the innocent. The woman who had joined them seem to be doing something too- her eyes glowing, but Akamu had little time to decipher exactly what she was doing, now was not the time to be thinking- it was time to act.

The noise resumed as the Regalia crossed the threshold of the barrier, people swarming past him as they rushed for the safety of Gaia. Their combined security details had already formed a defensive line, firing at the swarms as the Captain directed fire, and another beckoned civilians to safety. Unlike Laura, Akamu couldn't rightly transform in such cramped quarters at this- not without risking the lives of innocents. He'd have to make do with what he had around him for now. Heavy hands slammed onto the ground, walls of earth and stone raising around the barrier. Wide enough for the security personnel to climb up onto and use as a vantage point to fire at the monsters without catching civilians in the crossfire, with gaps in the cardinal directions for civilians to stream through. With how the creatures moved, Akamu doubted a mere wall would stop them, but it would at least slow them.

"To me!" Akamu bellowed, his booming voice cutting across the roar of gunfire and screams, encouraging both civilians and remaining Regalia and security to rally towards the shelter Gaia had created. "Away from the harbor! This way!" He cried out, even as he leaped forward towards the oncoming horde of monsters. Heavy feet slammed onto the ground, dozens of chunks of stones lifting into the air as he did. A clenched fist condensed the chunks into razor sharp shards before launching forward into the monsters. Another heavy stomp sent up more chunks of rock and stone, this time flying to Akamu to cover his body in a sort of rudimentary armor as he began to wade into the chaos, grabbing a fallen man and tossing him towards the barrier- he could apologize for his lack of gentleness later, for now he had to stem the horde. Reaching down, Akamu grabbed a fallen claw hammer from a discarded toolbox. He hefted the tool in his hand for a moment before plunging it's head into the ground, drawing out heavy rectangular chunk of stone as he yanked it back out of the ground. Good enough.

One of the crab monsters leaped at him, razor teeth gouging into stone as Akamu caught it on his forearm, his other armored hand roughly ripping it off of him before throwing it onto the ground, a stone covered foot stomping through its chitinous shell. A second lunged at him, sent flying like a baseball as Akamu batted it away with a heavy swing from his new weapon. Now appropriately armed and armored, Akamu charged into the thick of it- not seeking glory or battle, rather he sought out those that had not yet been able to flee to safety. Though not as recognizable, with his face now covered in stone- it was hard to imagine it was anyone else but the Regalia of Titan as a stoneman stormed forth.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 1 day ago

[Location] Landow, Estren
[Time] Sunday, 07:30 AM
[Interactions] N/A

Camilo continued to eye the festivities, finishing the skewer, nimbly spinning the metal rod in his hand. Against his better judgment he kept finding his gaze hovering back to the tiny group of dominants bolstering in number. It was odd to publicize yourself so much, make yourself so readily available to the public eye just for some illusion of grandeur. Dominants might have been invincible, but the same pleasantries weren’t extended to family members or loved ones. It was more of a projection than a founded belief for Camilo. He hadn’t even been a regalia prior to having his family taken from him so what if he did have the power before then. Thoughts like that would soon make him go mad and fester an aversion to the rest of the dominants he encountered in his wake.

Gravel crunched undertow finding its purchase on the concrete. He propped his hood up, fished out some sunglasses from his pocket, and did the bare minimum in concealing his face. Touring through different tents with food and marketable paraphernalia he caught himself stopping just before spying a woman caked in a mask of skull face paint. She was speaking, or perhaps berating, another younger man, both unsurprisingly armed. His mouth creased in a frown, knowing he had entered the scene rather naked. At least almost naked. He prodded the tip of the skewer with his finger, testing the sharpness of it and whether or not he could rely on it if need be. It wasn’t too dissimilar to a needle of ice that he had sunk into so many before this. This should be no different.

Just before he drew close enough to eavesdrop on their conversation, there was a disharmony of screams loud enough to pierce through the loud murmur of the crowds just above the harbor. Camilo’s confusion was warranted when the reaction of the crowd closest to the overlook turned to terror and found themselves forming a wave that crashed back onto the confused onlookers who had not seen the source of dismay. Camilo worked his way through the crowd, having to claw his way through the stiff junction of panicked civilians. An aggressive shoulder check hit square into him, knocking his glasses off, shattering underfoot of the stampede. Swimming on, he ducked into an alley with a drainage that led to the harbor. His gait stopped immediately, frozen in place but not by Shiva, but by the grizzly image of white sand turned red.

Camilo studied biology in his time in school, there was even a time where he had originally planned to study that instead of the political science degree pushed onto him after military service. From what he did remember, it was his section on invertebrates. Arthropods being the family he most enjoyed: crabs, lobsters, scorpions, spiders. *Crabs*, the horde tearing into the flesh of men, women, and children with their chelipeds were a nefarious perversion of the crustaceans he remembered. In his inaction the other dominants had already begun their proaction in saving the people that so dearly worshiped them. A chill ran down Camilo’s spine, he could feel Shiva’s hand pressing on his shoulder. The cold radiated all throughout his neck and arm, she was silently imploring him to take form and help the others.

It was still too soon, still too many people that could get injured if he wasn’t careful. Instead he turned back to the soldiers firing off their rifles, barely making a dent in the ravenous reforming beasts. Through the corridor his gaze met one of the beasts that lunged at a soldier boring into their chest with red tooth and claw. Camilo gripped the skewer and began running towards the soldier, by the time he made the clearing the body was already limp, gear soaked crimson. He scanned for a moment, finding the crab once more and tracking its movements. A man, geriatric in age, had planted himself stiff in the middle of the shrines, eyes closed, head bent, hands pressed together in prayer, completely unaware of the demise racing towards him.

Camilo spun around and whipped the skewer at the crab, unfortunately it simply bounced off the hard carapace. He sighed, not really surprised at his lackluster weapon. His eyes scrawled around him looking for something else, the rifle. He took off in a sprint, grabbing the rifle and cocking it back, keeping his eyes fixed on the crab. Kicking off the ground he launched himself into the air, in direct line of the voracious creature. With mouth agape, Camilo fired the rifle into the soft palate of the otherwise hardened creature. An explosion of fluids and chitin covered him as he fell, leaving only the disciple continuing to believe dogmatically in his dominants. Perhaps in reverence to Camilo in this case.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Aeolian
Avatar of Aeolian

Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

[Location] Landow, Estren (Food Stands)
[Time] Sunday, 07:30 AM
[Interactions] @Silly@Mirandae

The meteors had begun to fall with more frequency now, their fiery descent like a herald of doom as they hissed through the morning sky, striking the ocean with sickening force. The impact sent great columns of water exploding upward, shimmering beneath the haunting glow of the shattered heavens. Every tremor that reached the harbor seemed to reverberate in Cécile’s bones, the ground beneath his feet trembling with a warning too ancient to ignore.

Cécile stood frozen, watching the horizon where sea met sky, feeling the wrongness of it all coil tightly around his fragile hummingbird heart. He could feel it, too—the slow, creeping terror that had begun to unfurl like a dark bloom. He had barely registered what the other Regalia and his cousin said when a scream split the air.

His blood ran cold as the sound tore through the quiet. It came from the harbor—harsh, shrill, full of unbridled panic. His eyes snapped to the shoreline, his heart pounding as vulgar shapes burst from the churning waves—cosmic insects, grotesque, their carapaces glistening under the fading light of the falling stars. They billowed forth, exoskeletons slick with seawater, spilling onto the shore in a terrifying flood. Their mandibles clicked hungrily, legs scuttling with an unsettling speed.

So many teeth. They were so unnatural, not of this world.

Cécile’s heart leapt into his throat as the tide of cosmic abominations poured toward the crowd, skittering over the docks, crawling up the food stalls, smashing through wooden stands with a hunger that seemed insatiable. The creatures tore at everything in their path.

“Nia!” Cécile called out, his voice strained with panic, but the chaos around him swallowed the sound. People screamed. The crowd surged like a living thing, bodies pressing against him as they fled in terror, knocking him to the ground. He glimpsed his cousin, just for a moment, as he righted himself on his arms. She had fallen under the protective dome of Gaia, the strength of her magic so strong, he could smell the pine from where he was and it almost soothed him. But the tide of fleeing, terrified souls swept them apart. He was left stranded, cut off from Gaia's safety.

As a strange mist began to form nearby, Bastion grabbed Cécile by the arm, pulling him up and away from the stampede of people.

"Hopekeeper!” Bastion’s voice cut through the din, rough and urgent, "We have to go, now!”

But there was no easy escape. The creatures were everywhere, scuttling closer, their movements almost too quick to track. One of them lunged, tearing through a nearby stall with a sickening crack, the wood splintering like bones. Cécile stumbled back, his breath coming in short gasps, fear threatening to paralyze him. Blood splattered the ground as they ripped apart anyone too slow to escape, their grotesque forms bathed in the light of distant fires.

The stampede of people made it impossible to get far as they moved—the crowd pushing, stumbling, screaming—trapping them in a nightmarish press of bodies. Bastion, realizing they couldn’t escape, whirled around, his gun already in hand. He opened fire, the sharp crack of bullets barely audible over the deafening screams. The creatures shrieked as they fell, but more kept coming, their bodies twitching as dark ichor spilled from their wounds.

The air reeked of salt, smoke, and blood. Cécile, trembling, clutched at Bastion’s cloak, hiding behind him as wave after wave of abominations surged toward them. He wasn’t a fighter—he had never been in danger like this. He sent out a silent wish to ether, to be back on his island again, to be with his fragile, innocent höpes. The world around him felt too loud, too chaotic, each scream and gunshot hammering against his mind as it began to fray at the edges.

Cécile's chest tightened as panic set in. He squeezed his eyes shut, his hands rising to cover his ears in a desperate attempt to block out the horror unfolding.

This—this horror—was beyond him.

But his fear had triggered something else. He felt the stir of magic within him, wild and uncontrolled. His astral butterflies appeared around his delicate silhouette in a flurry of shimmering wings, materializing out of instinct. They swarmed around him, protecting him, reacting to his growing terror.

“Hopekeeper!” Bastion shouted over the chaos, still firing at the oncoming creatures. “You need to transform!"

But Cécile couldn’t hear him. His mind was too clouded, too overwhelmed by the fear that gripped him. He could feel Bastion calling his name again, but it was distant, muffled, like a voice underwater. The astral butterflies spun faster around him, their light dimming and brightening in rhythm with his racing heart. His vision blurred, his thoughts scattered, lost in the storm of his own noxious dread.

Finally, Bastion grabbed him, shaking him. “Hopekeeper!”

The world snapped back into focus, and Cécile blinked, dazed. He could hear Bastion now, the urgency in his voice cutting through the haze, “You need to transform!” Bastion repeated, his voice hard, commanding.

“I—I’ll try,” Cécile stammered, his voice weak as he nodded. There was no confidence in his words, only a desperate hope. With trembling hands, he knelt on the ground, his fingertips touching softly against his temples. And he began to utter the prayers he had memorized and uttered long before. Six prayers Anima had taught him to recite when in need of her power. His lips moved silently, forming the words of The First Prayer.

"o' mother whose brilliance lightens even the darkest of skies,
favor this ground for the fulfillment of thy eternal journey. Anima!"


The magic, the transformation—it wouldn’t come. He could feel Anima’s presence, a nebulous warmth, but it was like trying to grasp smoke. Cécile squeezed his eyes shut, his prayers growing louder in his head, willing his Dominant form to surface. The world continued to unravel around him, and his body remained painfully human. The Second Prayer.

"o' cherished one, gilded with the purest of hearts,
bring down thy final libation to guide these wandering souls to rest.

But still—nothing. The Third Prayer.

"eternal wisdom, ever true and undefiled,
grant these swanson sinners before me the majesty of thy judgement.

She still wouldn't come to him. Why wouldn't she heed his call? These were her fucking prayers!

His heart raced faster. Cécile tried to focus, his eyes darting around, wild and searching, but the panic kept creeping in as his prayers went unanswered. The Fourth Prayer.

"o' dreaming mother from distant regions,
stretch out thy tenebrous wings and lead my enemies to their eternal slumber.

After the inaudible last syllables of his fourth prayer seemed to fall on silent ears, Cécile witnessed something truly horrific.

Through the blur of movement, he saw them—a group of children, running, their small bodies barely able to keep pace with the terrified adults. Blood streaked their clothes, and a teacher—her face pale with fear—tried to shield them from the advancing horrors. Cécile’s breath caught in his throat as the creatures descended upon her. The teacher screamed for them to run as they tore into the poor woman, her body falling in a twisted heap as the abominations descended upon the defenseless children.

Something inside Cécile snapped. "No!"

He couldn’t transform—he couldn’t—but he could still do something.

With a surge of will, he sent his astral butterflies forward, his mind latching onto the abominations with a single, desperate command: "Protect them."

Cécile's blue morphos, luminous and ethereal, swarmed toward the creatures, their delicate wings brushing against the grotesque forms in a dazzling display of azure light. As the butterflies touched and landed on the abominations, they began to falter, their movements slowing as they collapsed, one by one, into a sudden, unnatural slumber. And then they began to twitch.

As if under a spell, the sleeping, cosmic insects turned on one another, ripping each other apart with savage brutality. Limbs were torn from bodies, mandibles clashed, and onyx blood splattered the ground as they destroyed their own kind.

Cécile could feel the vile emptiness of their minds as he infiltrated their subconscious. It was sickening. Their thoughts, their dreams—if they could even be called that—were hollow, a void of death and hunger. No rational motivation, only primal instinct.

The strain on Cécile’s mind was immense. His consciousness stretched thin, split between too many minds, too many horrors. He knelt there, unmoving. He didn't dare break his concentration, his eyes distant as his mind was tethered to the creatures, keeping them at bay, forcing them to destroy each other in a brutal cycle.

But it was too much. His body trembled with the strain, his magic pulling at him. His breath came in shallow gasps. Cécile’s magic would falter soon, and perhaps his frail body would too. He knew he couldn’t maintain it for long, but he couldn't stop, not yet. His butterflies continued their assault, driving the abominations to tear themselves apart.

The transformation would have to come later—if it came at all.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by TokyoPewPew
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The luckiest were a mile inland, filming the lanterns and the comets and the sunrise from their third-story tenement windows; beyond earshot of the gunfire, the screams of the devoured inaudible. They learned of the disaster through the blaring of a radio, or the impersonal, flat-cadenced droning of a TV reporter standing in front of an emergency broadcast, scanlines striped like neon seersucker; any live feeds too shaky, too frantic to convey the gruesome details. They went back to bed, or back to making their morning chai who didn't traipse over to a neighbor's shed, or a cellar, or whatever door of whose locks and hinges they were so assured. They waited for the prank-drill-false-alarm to be over so they could return to their rubbery eggs and their weekend morning reruns, blithely oblivious to the devastation wrought mere streets away.

Next in fortune were those standing the food lines; and waiting to use the bathrooms and taking photographs at the shrines and souvenir stalls. Though they, themselves, had heard the screaming, seen the gushering of the water as heaven's fires struck the harbor, Etroi had seen fit to spare them the sight of bodies washing ashore, chewed and broken. Pink scum buoyant atop frothing, blood-thick tides. Tasting the panic of the throngs, the hired guns were quick to take positions along the dunes, forming the first meat-wall between hunter and prey; the horde and its panicked, bleating food. And the Regalia, already mobbed by their camera crews and their gormless, adoring lickspittles—to them the stragglers flocked all the fiercer, trampling and crushing each other to have their guarded place at a god-chosen's side. Yes. Comfort and consolation abound for those who just minutes ago had been stuffing their mouths with deep-fried sugar, and their brains with carnival games. The assurance that they were important, and precious, and cared for—the perverse pleasure of watching others die to save them—for some these flowed bountifully. But only some.

What comforts, then, to those treading the harbor, clamoring the beach?—with no clean distance whereby to observe the horrors as bystanders, and no sweet words from a do-nothing Dominant cooed into their ears, no healing residues pumped into their capillaries—and still worse, no way to reach these things except over the piles of the writhing dead, and through the knee-high, brackish blood-water, and over the no-man's-land of the horror-scuttled sands—what had they done to deserve such disownment where others had been claimed, why abandon them when so many others were rescued? Gaia's chosen burgeoning a green sanctuary up from beneath the asphalt, and stroking the fur of so many of her huddled children; and before her, the cool composure of the gunmen; but before them the featureless sand, utterly devoid of shelter, a hundred feet which may just as well have been a league......No avenue existed for these forsaken souls but to run regardless of the futility. And run they did, hunted and swarmed, dragged down by two, then four, then ten of those scuttling horrors snipping their hamstrings and Achilles heels first, then their carotids.

What solace to the fleeing, the terrified, the chased, the felled, the eaten-alive?—that one or two wayward Regalia dashed for the waterline to have the glorious moment they'd thirsted for?—that the meteors had to stop falling, that eventually the heavens would run dry of torments to cast down on them and the pitiable earth?—or that a lone woman stood the sands, her sword floating from her scabbard, her resolve silent, furious, and unquenchable?

Her skin a-clad up to the elbows in liquid metal, the stuff condensated to her hands like a quicksilver dew, she continued to pray. To invoke. A human wick dipped in molten steel, every moment it solidified thicker, further up her extremities. It reached up to her hips then, and the sockets of her arms, clasping, clenching, biting her flesh in its austere embrace.

From the urgency in her eyes and the trembling in her uplifted hands the fleeing masses knew her for an ally. No one would have had reason for such fear who had played a hand in this—whose thousands of ravenous allies slithered up the beach. They fled and they knew not to stray too near, lest the imminent residue slowed their escape, or the radius of some devastating attack expanded beyond her control; still, they fled past her, behind her, wanting her between them and the sea. Some drew near enough in their flight to see her painted face in detail. Her tears resembled the hellish waters from which they had managed to trudge: salt diluted with blood.

And still that massive sword hummed in the air, wielded by a hand immaterial, or perhaps by naught; and any moment then she should have reached to pluck it from the air, or it should have returned, terrier-like, to her expecting hand, that she-knight who by then was almost entirely metal, with but a face emerged from between the two hinged jaws of her helm and gorget, and a naked breastbone around which the ethereal armor continued to close—spreading across her like a mildew. But then it happened. The slender blade, that curved sliver of shadesteel, a god's toenail clipping given hilt, yawed in the air. It aimed true. And thrust forth by some unseen power, it impaled itself through the Regalia's spine, through her heart, out the other side of her shattered sternum. She stumbled forward a step, blinking at the protrusion in her chest which dripped and glistened with her life-stuffs, gasping for air which leaked out of her ere it could quench the burning in her lungs. Her last breath creaked out of her like the snapping of a dry branch over one's knee; and her final strength, failing in her legs, sent her plummeting to the sands.

Usually Beth died in callous silence, but this time—this time as the darkness swallowed in around her she was sure she heard screaming. The screams of those who, if but for a single moment, had placed their faith in her. It was oddly comforting.

Witnesses knew not what to believe. Had a Regalia just taken her own life, devoured by her own despair? Had she had her own powers sabotaged, subverted, turned against her? Or more frightening still: had she just lost an unseen battle against a hidden foe, invisible hands knotted and wresting for control over the vicious weapon? Either way, writhing and sputtering her last was the woman in the eerie corpsepaint, her defiance brief and futile, her little body draining upon the blade like a tuna bled for market. Those few who had believed in her fully abandoned her then, kicking sand into her face in their mad, desperate scramble up the dunes, even stampeded over her, anything, everything to escape before those beaks had scraped her clean, and those glassy eyes had scanned the trees, and those chitinous legs had clicked forth in pursuit of their next course in a voracious, neverending feast.

They had reached the body before long, washing over her like a ruptured seawall, like bursted riverbanks. Few people spared her any thought by then, enraptured by their terror, frenzied and bestial. But those who did, in a final gesture of mercy, now wished her dead; as the carapaces mounted her body, and the mandibles set to work, rasping, ripping.

But something was not yet dead beneath that mound of claws and teeth and stomachs.

Two, three, six concussive blasts launched the insectoids skyward, and skidding across the sands, and in all directions, their bodies shredded into a strange, fine dust, their legs curled up dead against their ruptured thoraxes. And in the same spot as where the girl had fallen rose something else, like a black flame reborn from her pale ashes. Something immense and hulking. Something unwhole.

Still sloughing pieces of her from its many orifices—bits of hair and lip and half an ear leaking from its helm, skin shedding placenta-like between the joints of its vambraces, the girl entirely parasitized by this demon dwelt within her—the entity stumbled to its feet, sprawled, stretched, a newborn foal testing its legs, a freshly-laid insect testing its wings. One of arm and one of eye—already maimed and chewed by those creatures despite its thick, gleaming cladding? Or was this a mutilated god, a crippled one they now witnessed? Regardless, of the girl it coughed and vomited the last, its voice like the gnawing of beaks against wind-stripped bone, its limbs groaning like the chains of hell. Its gorget glistened with her liquefied insides, but in its helmet shone an impenetrable darkness, a darkness which allowed only that single eye to pierce it. An eye like the spark flown from a baleful fire. An eye bright with cruelty.

All along the tips of the dunes, breaths were held; reticles were trained, unsure of this monster's allegiances. Until, hilt still jutting from its back, and wet, red tip from its bosom, the infant god turned toward the sea.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Mirandae
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Mirandae ‎ ‎

Member Seen 14 days ago

♫ 6
[Date/Time] Sunday, 08:00, September 15
[Weather] Partially cloudy, sunny
[Temperature] 16c / 60f
[Target] @TokyoPewPew

The alien swarms were seemingly endless. The surface of the waters near the harbor were violent, as if infested with marine life trying to rip each other apart, casting waves and ripples all around them. Before long, A grotesque beast emerged from the turbulent bay. It was massive, rivaling even the largest Dominant forms known to the people of Libra. Its repulsive screech vibrating the foundation of the structures of downtown Landow. The ravenous minions seemed to heed its call immediately, turning their vile bodies, forming new swarms, being directed with purpose. It was a clear display of intelligence, a shared mind at the center of the brood. The beast had a maw riddled with razor sharp teeth, limbs of humanoid feature, and thick sensory antenna-like fins at the back of its neck. The invading creatures grew more threatening by the minute, and this seemingly psychic leader of the swarm only elevated the terror further.

However, before the beast could advance towards the harbor any further, a violent explosion of water engulfed it. It was Leviathan’s silvery scales that had ascended from the depths and wrapped itself around the monstrosity. An exchange of claw and tooth ensued, the otherwise clear waters being painted dark with a mixture of blood from both combatants. The swarming brood around the two giants began to latch themselves onto Leviathan, ripping flesh and scales apart. The impacts of bites and punches, strange magic and abilities echoed throughout the air of Landow with thunderclaps and shock waves. The roars and screeches from the two godly beasts culminated in a spectacular but horrific defeat of the Great Sea Serpent. The invading monstrosity gorged Leviathan’s head clean off and let the remains sink to the bottom of the bay. Followers of Leviathan that were able to see the terror inducing display dropped to their knees in tears and prayer, some of them just accepting their inevitable death by the ripper swarms. The death of a Regalia was never something that people took lightly.

The shore began to shimmer as Leviathan’s residue washed up. It was a bizarre mixture of water and blood along with some putrid substance this world had never experienced before. Some of the piranha minions fervently consumed the residue and mutated, growing a slightly larger and more teeth. The great beast had also become emboldened by its first victim, advancing towards the shore with fierce confidence, directing the swarm to move further inland and ignore the immediate threats. Any person with even a basic knowledge of military tactics would be able to pick up on the intelligence that this creature exerted. However, the actions of Odin’s Regalia on the shore seemed to disrupt its psychic connection to the swarm, at least momentarily. The beast immediately focused its attention on Yrkhalabeth, letting out a grotesque, deafening wail as it rapidly waded through the remaining shallow waters to attack.

The beast lunged at Odin. The decisive movement violently parted the waters by the creature’s feet, forcing the displacement to strike against the docks of the harbor. It swiped with its massive claws at Odin’s enveloping shadows, testing this new enemy’s capabilities. Waves of ripper swarms accompanied the beast and converged on Odin’s location. If Leviathan’s sacrifice was any testament, Odin would presumably need some kind of assistance from the other Regalia at the festival. However, the Forms of the Dominants were almost as unequal as the Dominants themselves. If one could easily defeat one of them, there was no guarantee that the next fight would even be remotely close to the same outcome.

[Interactions] @Silly

The plushie she had received from Akamu rested safely in Laura’s lap. Some of the children had taken an interest in it and poked at the scorch marks, glancing at her Dominant Form with curious eyes. Gaia smiled at the little ones, her shimmering eyes speaking to them through empathy and energy rather than words. It was uncommon for Regalia to speak in their Dominant Forms even if they were able to. However, such speech would be very loud and taxing on the human ear, and the language would most likely be completely alien unless a person had studied it somehow. Laura had never spoken in her Dominant Form, nor was she planning to. When intention, emotion, and direction of your thoughts and feelings were enough to convey a message, the need for typical speech sort of faded away. Besides, everything that Laura ‘said’ with this method was an equal part what Gaia wanted to say. The Dominant Form surely was a strange symbiosis between God and human beings, still bewildering Laura after what she thought was a long time spent as Gaia’s chosen.

Gaia smiled at Nia for guiding the lost lambs to comfort within the green dome. The Earth Mother observed the dark haired beauty closely as the purple light in her eyes inspired mists to form all around them in the distance, and close by. It would make their protective garden secret, hidden behind walls of rock and stone, away from the vile invaders. Yet, Gaia sensed the urge in Nia to assist further, to employ her gifts in their full display, to impose a challenge upon the ravenous creatures. Gaia stretched out her arm towards Nia, a single finger tip gracing the dark haired girl’s nose, mending the bleed. Then, the Earth Mother pointed to a small section of the dome behind Nia that appeared more transparent than the rest of it – a hidden way out, temporarily. Gaia returned her finger and placed it over her lips, keeping eye contact with Nia, indicating secrecy.

Gaia returned her attention to the children all around her, nestled up against her frame. Some of them were playing with the flowers, some being distracted by their worried parents, and others dozing off into slumber. The appearance of the beast and its vile noises were not readily noticeable within Gaia’s dome. Most of the people did not react to it at first, but some of the adults did hear, feel, and see the brawl between Leviathan and the beast. As the Great Sea Serpent was executed in the most gruesome way, some of the adults wailed in despair. Even Gaia shed a tear for her fallen sister, whose sacrifice would not be forgotten. Alas, the Earth Mother could do nothing but remain within the secret garden, protecting the herd, focusing on strengthening the barrier even further.
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Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 1 day ago

[Location] Landow, Estren
[Time] Sunday, 08:00 AM
[Interactions] N/A

The barrel of the rifle ran hot, red in discoloration around the rim of it. Camilo dispatched as many of the arthropod swarm as he possibly could, but the droves were endless. Red cooled to orange and then eventually back to black in his pause to continue. What he saw was truly grotesque, god death, something one never truly gets to experience in one lifetime much less spanning multiple. The jagged row of serrated teeth from the maw of the sea beast crushed down and tore through layers of flesh and scales as if it were nothing more than paper. Camilo could hear every fiber of muscle beginning to tear and give way to the pressure pulling it apart. Blood and residue exploded out of the neck of Leviathan, showering the ocean with tinges of red and blue, coating the smaller legion in sinew. Saliva ran hot in his mouth, the thought of puking rather eminent. As a soldier he had seen his fair share of violence and the machinations of prime evils that occupied the human mind, yet watching a regalia be decapitated ring side provoked something else inside of him perhaps having shared his persons with his own dominant.

The shrill screams from the audience became inaudible in his mind, replaced with the sound of his heartbeat. The rifle unhitched from his grasp, tumbling to the ground and misfiring off into the concrete walls. Camilo looked for an alley, somewhere he could put distance and obscurance between him and the masses. He stumbled into one, pressing his back to the wall and sliding down as the earth came up to meet him.

“I should have died that day, I have no business with the world of dominants and regalia”

“That’s simply not true, you were cold as ice even before you met me”

The serene siren song crept up past the hairs of his neck and into the drums of his ears. He could feel his skin ash and cool under the presence of his dominant. An exhale created a cloud of heat, his body temperature rapidly began to cool down. His ears were no longer plagued by the fervent thumping of his heart, the cold ensured it would slow down back to a sinus rhythm.

“You’re right, lack of sleep and large crowds just haven’t been helpful”

“We can fix that later. For now, don’t you think it’s time we had some fun?”

“Yo te sigo, tus merced” he said aloud, realizing he had already been standing. He could feel the weight of his dominant on him, clinging to his back with her arms gently wrapped around his chest, legs crossed around his waist, her head resting in the nook of his neck beckoning him to transform. Their relationship was intimate, symbiotic, and complicated. Camilo immediately ascended upwards in a blinding light, collecting sheets and layers of ice all around him. The rock flew overhead towards the ocean where droplets of water quickly pulled towards the icy spearhead. The droplets swirled and danced on their way up from the surface, forming several overlapping circles. Each one depositing another drop to thicken the ice until it was the size of beasts fists. Luckily enough for him, Odin was drawing the attention of the beast giving time for Shiva to be born.

Just then, cracks began to form and run down and across from the surface of the ice. Much like a bird or a reptile erupting from their egg, Shiva bursted out from her incubating icicle. She was resplendent in her beauty, pale of skin that faded into dark hues of blue. She shimmered in what could only be described as elegance and royalty. A tiara of frost jutted out between her wispy white hair, paired with an icy rhombus jewel pressed into her forehead. The magical transformation into a buxom beauty would surely inspire and comfort those who would gaze up at her. Within the explosion the giant chunks of ice heralded to the ground, causing sizable eruptions of water to spout into the air. What chunks didn’t hit the water, instead crushed more of the horde of creatures undertow.

In the momentary confusion and attention diverted from her, Shiva conjured a ball of ice into her hand and thrusted it up into the sky. Nimbostratus and cumulonimbus clouds crowded the sky, plummeting the temperature all around them. Snow covered and coated the sands, the buildings, and now the beast. Whether the beast knew it or not, the longer it stayed in the water the more heat would siphon out of him as the waters would attempt to freeze him in place.

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Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Silly
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Silly Summoning Shenanigans

Member Seen 13 days ago

[Location] Food Stands → Harbour
[Time] Sunday, 08:00
[Interactions] @Mirandae

Storm, Rain, and Water heeded her call. Leviathan struck fierce blows against the oversized monster that emerged from the sea. The water’s fury was like a tsunami in its strength, unmatched in its might. Nia had only briefly met the Regalia of Water, but she imagined there was a home turf advantage here, and envisioned the lord of the seas making short work of the intruder rising from its depths. Tales from history report that entire cities have been drowned when they faced the wrath of the Dominant of the Sea.

As she watched, it appeared that Leviathan was not using their full strength. Perhaps it was the proximity to the harbour and the civilian in harm’s way that caused the restraint from such a powerful force of nature. However, seeing the magnificent and large beast coil around the monster and constrict it should have proven sufficient. Yet, Leviathan did not face the monstrosity alone; its minions, which swarmed the great serpent like ravenous lice. It was at that moment that Leviathan began to lose her strength, and her last cry throughout the harbour was cut short through a grisly end. Nia’s eyes widened in horror as the unthinkable happened in this era of peace, the death of a dominant.

It was that loss of composure, the intensity of the moment, that led to her to unintentionally reveal herself to Gaia. As the large green dominant turned to her, the instruction was clear; she expected Nia’s participation to face the current tribulation before them all. She was inclined to protest, but stopped herself. Was that fear she felt? The beat of her heart thumping, her breathing deep, the sensation of energy being released throughout her body, the overwhelming urge to run. To run away, far from here. She took a moment to breathe, to steady herself. It was when a large green finger gently tapped her on the nose, boop, her focus returned to the world outside. As she blinked, she noticed the finger over those dark green lips, signifying secrecy.

Nia knew there was a purpose in visiting this festival, a purpose that was unclear to her. Maybe it was to reach out to others to make connections, perhaps to guide others on a more enlightened and spiritual journey. As her eyes crossed the bay, the true purpose became clearer. She was not wrong, but the truth, as always, was infinitely more simple. People often feared the enmity of the void, but what does it mean to be inspired by it? Like paint on a canvas, it was always left to the imagination of the one with the paintbrush, but perhaps her role was to start with the first stroke, in front of a global audience. A path of salvation in what appears to be the beginning chapter of the darkest of days.

She raised her hood over her head as she nodded back to Gaia in appreciation, as she moved to the rear exit, to leave the safety and protection of her embrace. The cold reality struck her as she left, like an opening of the door on a very cold winter's day, a shock to the system, but it served only to steel her nerves, for she knew what she had to do.

Nia raised her hands as the mists grew across the harbour, the thick fog obscuring those she wished to be hidden, and importantly, herself as she strolled into the midst of the thickest part. Civilians continued to stream through, as if guided around and away from the battlefield, as the mist began to form a tall and large shape, much like a tower of the big cities. The air seemed to grow colder, as the fog moved as if it was alive, twisting a swirling into an entirely new shape.

Those nearby could swear a primordial and guttural growl could be heard from within those mists, as if the tales of Nibelheim were being brought to life before them. The sound growing louder, as if an ancient beast was awakening from its long slumber, as it resonated throughout the fog.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 23 min ago

[Location] Harbor, Landow
[Time] Sunday, 08:00 AM

Color in Akamu's face drained as he saw Leviathan fall. Sure, he was aware that Regalia and their Dominant forms weren't invincible- but it was still sobering to see it happen in front of him. It didn't help that Leviathan was massive either the earth and water shaking and shuddering as they fell. Followers of the great serpent fell in despair, and the swarms of monsters feasted and gorged themselves on the remains. It was both degusting and terrifying to see. Ripper swarms grew larger and more malignant, and the great beast trudging out of the water began its attack in earnest.

Akamu glanced back behind him, towards Laura- now Gaia, and the civilians huddling around her, her protective barrier surrounded by the flashes of muzzles as the remaining soldiers stemmed the tide of monsters. They wouldn't be able to hold out forever- nor would Akamu just punching his way through these beasts one at a time. They needed something decisive to end this inexorable tide, and it seemed the great monster before them was as good a place to start as any. But he couldn't fight it as just a man.

Akamu needed to transform.

His fists clenched, and the man gulped, nerves and anxiety coursing through him. He remembered the last time he changed- the collateral damage and chaos he created during it. But if he didn't now, the swarms would eventually wear him down and tear him apart- along with the Gaia and the rest of the civilians around them. He cursed his poor luck even as his stone hammer sent another one of these smaller beasts flying. He glanced around him, pillars of stone shooting out of the ground to propel any civilian close to him away and towards Gaia's barrier. Satisfied that the immediate area was cleared, Akamu settled into a squat and surrounded himself in a cocoon of stone.

"Do you call upon me? Young Regalia of mine?" a voice rumbled through his head, low yet guttural, a grumble like the shaking of earth. "How many moons have passed since the last time you've communed with me directly?"

"I'm scared." Akamu admitted in the quiet of his mind's voice. Around him, he heard the scrape of teeth and claws trying to cut through the walls of stone he'd engulfed himself in. "I don't know what to do."

"Yes, you do." the rumbling voice chuckled in his ears, in every fiber of his being. Inside his cocoon, Akamu felt the warm grip of earth and stone wrapping and condensing around his feet. "The boy on the mountain was scared too. But he did not fear for himself, did he? Your sister needs you. My sister needs me."

"Get up little brother. We have a monster to fight."

The stone cocoon, practically covered in tooth swarms now, cracked and shifted, growing to the size of a building as it displaced land, home and beast alike. Like the earth itself cracking open, the stone cocoon shattered, sending razor sharp shards of stone into the beasts around it as from within a man of stone burst out of it and into the air, propelled forth by a pillar of stone. Titan careened through the air, not unlike a boulder propelled by a trebuchet, streaking towards the beast making its way out of the water, indiscriminately flying through air and ice, alike as it sought out its target.

The hammer in Titan's hands had turned into a veritable maul of stone, a pillar the length of streetlamp topped by a boulder the size of a car. Raised over his head as the Dominant collided with the side of the massive monster's head. With the weight of tons of stone behind him, Titan hung off the side of the beast, grabbing one of its many spikes or horns for leverage as he braced his feet against its hide. In one hand, the hammer lifted high up before Titan brought it down with earth rending force.

Again. Again. Like a worker hammering a railway spike, Titan would bring his hammer down until the beast stopped, or he was flung from the side of its face.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

[Location] Landow, Estren (Food Stands)
[Time] Sunday, 07:30 AM
[Interactions] @CaliforniaState

The harbor had become a portrait of grisly blight, smeared in crimson strokes and charred shadows. The cacophony of screams, the endless chittering of alien legs, and the wet crunch of wood and flesh being torn apart melded into a symphony of despair. Fires roared unchecked, their light casting jagged silhouettes of fleeing bodies. The sea, black and monstrous, churned with an unnatural fury as though it too was alive, rising to spit out its horrors.

Cécile, kneeling amid the chaos, his hands still clasped in prayer, trembled under the strain of his magic. His astral butterflies flitted around him, ghostly and protective, their azure light dimming as his strength waned. He barely noticed the shadows deepening, the atmosphere becoming thick with the promise of something more terrible yet to come.

The first sign was the water itself: rising, swelling unnaturally high. And then it emerged—a grotesque titan ascending from the ocean, its body a sick amalgamation of chitin and sinew, pulsating with a terrible life. It didn't appear to have any eyes, but somehow, nevertheless, it seemed to have a gaze that pierced through the carnage, its mind locking onto Cécile with a knowing malice. The creature's gaping maw opened, not to roar, but to release a psychic wave that reverberated through the battlefield like a telepathic thunderclap, taking hold of the swarm in an instant.

Cécile's butterflies faltered mid-flight as the hive mind reasserted its control over the cosmic insects. A surge of psychic pain slammed into him, as though barbed tendrils were ripping through his mind, tearing apart his fragile hold on the creatures. He screamed—a raw, soul-deep sound—as his consciousness buckled under the beast’s power. The pain was blinding, a searing agony that burned through him until he collapsed, his body crumpling to the bloodied ground.

In that moment, as his vision blurred and darkened, Cécile felt the beast. It was not words that filled his mind but raw intent, an empathic resonance that spoke of endless hunger, of dominance and control. The cosmic insects were its pawns, and Cécile’s intrusion into the hive mind had been an offense it would not tolerate. The beast’s thoughts were jagged and foreign, but their meaning was clear: You are nothing. You will break. You will all break.

Then, mercifully, there was silence, and Cécile’s world slipped into unconsciousness.

He did not see the Leviathan fall.

The great sea dragon, an ancient being of infinite grace and power, met its end as the beast's maw clamped around its serpentine body, rending scale and cranium with merciless precision, though Aethelos put up a worthy fight. But even in her own territory, taking on the creature alone had been an unwise decision. When the Leviathan fell, so too did she, her headless form collapsing lifelessly into the ocean. In time, Leviathan would find a new host. But the loss of a Regalia would be felt around the world. It was no trivial matter.

Cécile had never met Aethelos, though he had heard of her through Cassiel. Stories of her steadfastness and wisdom, her ability to command the tides as though they were an extension of her own will. He had imagined her as serene and indomitable, a figure of quiet strength. Now, she was gone, a legend extinguished before he could even speak her name aloud.

“Damn it!” Bastion cursed, fending off a snapping insectoid creature with his gun. The shot rang out, its aim true, but there were always more. Too many. When he turned and saw Cécile crumpled on the ground, his heart tightened. He didn’t know if it was fear or frustration that gripped him as he slung his weapon onto his back and lifted Cécile into his arms.

"Wake up!" he muttered, his tone harsh but undercut with a desperate edge. He shifted Cécile’s limp body carefully onto his back and began running, each step taking him farther from Gaia’s protective shield and the mysterious fog that had formed around them. The snow began falling then—soft, cold flecks that dusted his shoulders and the wreckage around him. It was an unnatural phenomenon, causing him to stumble, his boots sliding against the icy sheen forming beneath his feet.

The ground had betrayed him. His balance faltered, and Bastion crashed into an abandoned food stall, the wood splintering beneath his weight. Cécile slipped from his grasp, his body hitting the ground with a sickening thud. “Damn it all!” Bastion cursed again, scrambling to his knees and hovering over Cécile. Blood trickled from a gash on Cécile's temple, stark against his brown skin. Bastion’s chest heaved with exertion, his breath forming clouds in the suddenly chilled air. The blizzard-like temperatures at least seemed to slow the advancement of the insects toward where they were, at least for the time being. It was a moment of reprieve, for he, and for everyone else who were continuing to flee.

Then he saw her—Shiva.

The Dominant of Ice moved like a phantom through the chaos, her presence both beautiful and chilling. Snow swirled around her, her very being commanding the cold. Her crystalline form shimmered, her movements fluid and unhurried despite the carnage. Bastion’s breath caught for a moment, awed by her majestic presence. He tried to open his mouth, to ask her for help, but the words caught in his throat. He could never speak directly to a Dominant. It was something of an impossibility. Very few were graced with the sound of their voices. He just hoped, that through her divinity, her grace, her otherworldly perception, she would aid him, and somehow, help Cécile, the Regalia of Anima. She was practically a goddess, in his eyes. What couldn't she do?

He had just managed to speak it, more to himself than her. It came in a chilled wisp that drifted through the air in a tiny plume of ghostly frost, "Help him, please..."

Somehow, the colossal abomination that killed Aethelos had turned the Hopekeeper's mind into a prison. The darkness was absolute, stretching endlessly in every direction. He walked, but there was no sound, no echo of his footsteps. Only the oppressive silence, heavy and suffocating. He felt untethered, as though floating in the void, his own thoughts distant and fractured. He found, that in this strange place that was everywhere and nowhere at all, he couldn't even recall the diaphanous chirps of his delicate, fragile höpes. This place seemed to siphon every pleasant memory he held and replaced them with nothing but dread and despair.

And then it came—the voice.

Not a sound, but a sensation, an alien whisper that crept through his mind like a monster on the prowl, taunting. The beast’s presence was undeniable, its thoughts wrapping around him like a vice. You dared. The words were not spoken, but felt, raw and accusatory. You will know nothing but fear.

Cécile shivered, his arms wrapping around himself as he stumbled through the endless darkness. He could not see the beast, but its presence was all around him, pressing against his fragile psyche, a predator toying with its prey.

He was alone in the dark, and the voice would not let him forget.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by TokyoPewPew
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Hurrying. Pursuing. Closing. Launching. Latching. Dragging. Incising. Cutting. Quiet now. Not moving. Good. Master will be pleased. Moving. Searching. Detecting. Smelling. There. Another. Hurrying. Pursuing. Closing. Launching. Dragging. Incising. Cutting. Quiet now. Not moving. Good. Hmm. Larger than the others. Still fresh. Clutch. Pierce. Throb. Inseminate. Lay. Eggs will stay warm here. Little ones need lots of meat.

Twitch. Rise. Tasted something. On the air. Hemolymph. Death pheromones. Sisters. Distress. Need us. Find them. Twitch. Hurry. Hurry. Twitch. There. Enemy soldier. Protecting the worker drones. Hive must be close. Go. Swarm. Swarm. Please the master. Destroy the master's enemies. Surround it. Gnaw! Crush! Dismember! Devour—

..............Destroy the antennae. Destroy the antennae. Destroy the antennae. Destroy the..............

The girl was cannibalized, and in her place stood the thing which feasted on her: flesh, blood, bones, and essence all. An obscene sacrifice to an obscene god. A dark savior. A savior who, for the time, stood the beach alone against the hordes; and in another few moments would be overrun. Sawn limb from limb and swallowed in pieces.

For the time Its armor held. Try as they may, the bugs rasped and chewed at the creature's exoskeleton, a carapace resembling steel in its glitter, but broke their fangs upon its breastplate, snapped their mandibles upon Its many movements and protests. It swatted and stabbed at the beasts for a time, impaling cladded fingers, ended in wickedly long metal points, through their juicy midsections, feeling them squirm and writhe upon Its saluted arm, shook them loose again to make easy work of the next. But with the behemoth's own massive hands pawing down upon the beach, the knight had no other choice but to yield some ground in deflection. And where It yielded, there were the endless lines of roach-dogs, filling in, conquering, staking the beach, foot by scuttling foot. They crawled over a legion of their rent and bursted dead to have at the few defenders. They crawled over each other to move up the armored legs, up the plackart, drag down this interloper by their sheer weight and scissor through its metal shell. But when the knight stood fast to stymie the swarm, It was easier prey for the colossus. One's advance always made way for the other. A hammer and a hundred thousand anvils.

When the ichor and putrid blood-drenched knight ceased dodging, ceased blinking from dune to dune kicking up sweeps of sand in its wake shifting faster than the human eye could track, onlookers believed It to have finally spent the last of Its vigor; exhausted Its wavering strength; made itself easy prey to the onslaught, whereon the swarms would suck it dry, feast on Its residue, and then advance up the beach faster than two legs and two feet could flee, slaking an eerie, bottomless hunger. The roach-dogs clamored over each other to have at the entity first. They even nipped and snapped at each other, jealously claiming choice parts for themselves and their clutch-sisters. A low, throaty chanting spilled from beneath the clicking, squelching mound of insatiable bugs, uttered in a dead language; a primordial one.

Then, all at once, the knight was elsewhere. Eastward, judging from the glittering gust which surged in Its wake. And the creatures paused in the dozens. Breaking free of some kind of confusion—a stupor more potent than the tufts of residue could alone create, as the Dominant of Death escaped an early judgment—they about-faced, and seemed to return to the sea in a general retreat. Until they emerged again at the waterline, upon the behemoth's legs, scrabbling over the swells of its knees, across the plains of its leathery thighs, ascending the crags of its back, up, up toward its defenseless feeler-organs.

What Odin says to those in Godtime is only known to Him, and to them. Them who are to become His next memento. But whatever it was, the animals, so terrified in their mortality, had chosen to betray. To serve someone else despite the imminent wrath looming just behind them. All its hulking bones and muscles and sinew, for whatever reason, no longer frightened them.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Mirandae
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Mirandae ‎ ‎

Member Seen 14 days ago

♫ 7
[Date/Time] Sunday 08:30
[Weather] Partially cloudy, sunny
[Temperature] -10c / 14f
[Target] @vietmyke

Landow had been completely overrun. Fires were stirring, structures collapsing, and streets running wet with all sorts of horror. The insect scourge had gone through the town like a hot knife through butter, completely decimating everything standing in their way. The only pause to their relentless assault was the presence of the monstrosity that ended Leviathan’s life. It had become embolden by such a victory and advanced on the harbor with great ferocity. However, its confidence was unexpectedly misplaced, as the many Regalia present at the Festival immediately formed a barricade of resistance.

The very air and ground around the adversary began to freeze, and snow began to swirl about. The creature struggled to maintain mobility of its limbs, as the waters around its feet becoming heavy and jagged. If the onslaught of snow was not enough to obscure its vision, a thick, dark fog that rapidly descended upon the immediate area made any attempts at harming anything even more challenging. Striking its initial enemy, one that it had so boldly charged after its first prey, proved to mostly a futile endeavor as the dark knight was seemingly everywhere and nowhere at once. Through all of these debilitating conditions came rock and stone to completely obliterate the monstrosity with relentless abuse.

The abomination immediately became agitated with Akamu. Even if the blizzard’s origin had caught its attention and posed a great threat, the crippling aggression from the Titan attached to its very frame was of more concern. The monstrous creature struggled to control its footing, keeping balance, and gaining the upper hand on its assailant. After a few missed opportunities, it managed to grab the makeshift hammer mauling its face and use its force to push Titan aside into the frigid waters. The creature began to claw at its face and body, shedding skin and altering its mass and antennas, cracks of electricity – or some form of energy – emanating from its frame. Not only had it been viciously attacked by several Dominants, but it also been agitated by a presence in its mind. The creature eventually burst into a deafening roar that emitted a rapid shockwave of energy, shattering windows and Gaia’s protective dome. And then it violently began to swipe its claws at Titan.

The intruding energy coming from the monstrosity was felt far and wide. Gaia was disrupted in her meditation, and she quickly placed her palms on the sides of her head to dampen the noise. The shimmering dome that encapsulated the secret garden shattered, and the frigid air rapidly descended upon the dozing children. They awoke to even more chaos and confusion than when they fell asleep. Within the blink of an eye Gaia rose to a high hover above the bloom, the plushie remaining in the grass where she had sat. Her eyes slid open and beheld the swarms circling around the stone walls that Titan had manifested around the garden. Some of the children below began to cry, reaching their hands towards Gaia, but quickly being swept up by their parents. Gaia rose her arm at a perfect ninety degree angle to her frame, commanding roots to emerge from the depths of the earth, entangling between the rock formations to bolster the evergreen sanctuary.

Gaia thrust herself out of the garden and towards the battle at the harbor. She followed Titan’s trail of havoc and soon found the stage of the confrontation. She could sense the presence of the other Dominants quite vividly – Shiva’s frozen embrace, Bahamut’s looming dread, and Odin’s infinite grasp. Gaia extended an arm out with a flat palm towards the grotesque creature, and emitted a beam of glimmering light of greenish hues, as the thing relentlessly clawed at Titan. The creature recoiled at the impact of Gaia’s assault, but it simply continued its blind rage. She followed it up with two flicks of her hand that caused a pair of energy blasts to detonate on the monstrosity's back, emitting a flash of light that temporarily shed light in the dense fog around them.

The others had been quick to meet the master of the swarms early on, thus halting its advance and destruction. There did not appear to have been much damage flung about beyond the death of Leviathan. However, just to be sure, Gaia waved her hand at Odin to mend any injury that the enemy might have imposed. She did not worry too much about Titan, as he could certainly handle himself, and he was as hard if not harder than any rock in the ground.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Silly
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Silly Summoning Shenanigans

Member Seen 13 days ago

[Location] Harbour
[Time] Sunday, 08:30
[Interactions] Various
[Target] @Mirandae [Sea Monster]

The mist thickened, swirling and rising into a towering mass before condensing into a solid shape. As it cleared from the battlefield, it warped and twisted, coalescing into something immense. Despite its ominous presence, it went largely unnoticed amidst the chaos, with the dominants and regalia clashing, civilians fleeing, and destruction reigning.

A low, primordial growl rumbled from within the fog, subtle yet deep enough to stir unease in those who heard it. Suspicion crept toward the strange fog, but it was the thunderous, piercing roar that shattered all else, commanding the attention of everything nearby. It was a sound of raw fury, an unquenchable rage, layered with the unmistakable timbre of anguish.

The first victims were a swarm of monstrous lice positioned before the fog. A massive metallic clawed foot slammed down, shredding through them like a sharp blade through silk. Emerging from the dissipating mist was a monstrous metallic lizard, a primordial dragon. Its immense frame gleamed with a sinister sheen, the mist now a whisper clinging to its form. The dragon’s jaws gaped as it roared again, its voice echoing across the battlefield, surveying its surroundings with a terrifying hunger. An apex predator, its violet eyes glinted with malice, locked onto the colossal Sea Monster. The dragon seemed to salivate at the prospect of annihilation. For the onlookers, the towering lizard was an even greater menace than the sea creature itself, for it was a harbinger of destruction, the Dominant of the Void. Libra bore witness to an omen of the end times, the great enemy of all things and life itself.

The metallic beast took one step, then another, each footfall a deafening thunderclap. Stalls and buildings crumbled beneath its weight, scattering debris and forcing bystanders to flee or be crushed. Its immense form accelerated, every movement purposeful, unrelenting. As it closed the distance, it drew back one colossal arm, the motion brimming with raw, destructive power. When the blow landed, Bahamut’s fist collided with the Sea Monster’s maw with the force of a falling meteor, sending a shockwave through the battlefield.

The Sea Monster bellowed in pain, its own massive clawed arm retaliating. The two titans clashed, their blows shaking the very ground beneath them. Bahamut met each strike with calculated ferocity, countering with a barrage of relentless punches. The strategy was clear: the greatest defence was an overwhelming offence, and Bahamut held nothing back. Each blow was a symphony of destruction, an echo of ancient experience honed across eons.

The Sea Monster staggered under the onslaught, and in desperation, it summoned its swarming minions. Like a living tide, they poured toward Bahamut. The great dragon, undeterred, swiped up the creatures in its massive claws, tossing them into its gaping maw. It devoured them with ruthless efficiency, tearing through them like a predator feasting on popcorn. This act of dominance enraged the Sea Monster further, its fury palpable.

Bahamut’s claws scraped along its metallic body, scattering the remnants of the swarming lice onto the other Dominants battling nearby. It was a crude and careless dismissal, a clear statement: Bahamut had no interest in these pests. Its focus was singularly on the Sea Monster, its true prey.

With a tremendous leap, the Sea Monster lunged at Bahamut, tackling the metallic beast. The impact sent Bahamut skidding backward, but it quickly regained its footing, retaliating with a ferocious flurry of blows. Fists and claws collided, each strike a seismic event, as the two titanic beings sought to overpower one another. Bahamut soaked the monster’s attacks without pause, responding with an oppressive assault that shattered barriers and tore through sinew and bone alike.

As the battle raged, Bahamut began to gain the upper hand. Its strikes landed with devastating precision, and the Sea Monster staggered under the unrelenting force. The dragon’s attacks grew faster, heavier, crushing bone and splintering flesh. With a final, triumphant roar, Bahamut leapt forward, driving the Sea Monster onto its back. Pinned beneath the metallic lizard, the sea creature thrashed and roared in defiance, but it could not escape.

Bahamut opened its jaws, and a dark, ominous hum began to resonate from its body. Purple electricity crackled along its length, building in intensity as it gathered energy. The dragon’s entire frame glowed with a sinister light, a radiant crescendo of power. From tail to maw, the energy surged upward, as it was pulled in a brilliant violet sphere at the back of its throat. The battlefield seemed to hold its breath as the great Megaflare took shape, a weapon of apocalyptic destruction poised to erupt.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

[Location] Landow, Estren (Food Stands) to Harbor
[Time] Sunday, 08:30 AM
[Interactions] In collaboration with @CaliforniaState

A torrent of chaos littered the field with the metamorphosis of the small militia of Dominants. The rest of the regalia were quick to deploy once others started the frayed fighting. Shiva’s icy dam was quick to impede the churning of waves and deployment of the small monstrous army. Scuttling legs snapped off from inertia or screeched on ice like nails on a chalkboard. A plume of smoke swallowed the sky, conjoining and mingling with the strata of Shiva’s. Titan and Bahamut smashed into the sea monster with vile evisceration. Shiva continued to swoop through the air looking to aid in the destruction of the beast.

Of all the Dominants, Shiva recognized herself up there with Gaia and Ultima in terms of sympathy and persuasion with their devotees and followers. She answered the calls and prayers for her when others would fall short. Attuned to the sound of the soul she could hear a faint glimmer of trepidation eminanting off the shores of the beach. Unlike a normal follower, she felt the familiarity of one touched by the crystals and residue of gods ring out to her. Her eyes shifted and peered through meters in an instant, finding a limp body in the embrace of another.

Lithe in stride and appearance, Shiva departed from the field knowing the fate would rest well in the hands of the other. Ice shimmered and caught what little light that peaked through the skies, cracking the air in front of them with iridescent light. Their skin would bump and prickle the tips of their hair at the cool breeze ushered upon her landing. Her naked feet kissed the marred limestone and quickly birthed a sheet of ice. Shiva didn’t utter a word but looked down at the unconscious regalia and kneeled down to face Bastion in his time of need.

Bastion nearly recoiled at the closeness of the Regalia. Not out of disgust, no, never that, but of reverence, that somehow being so close to such an entity was a degradation of her majesty and divinity. These people, Regalia, were the closest things to Gods, to the Celestials he had been taught to revere since childhood. Though he felt wholly unworthy of her frosty presence, he could see the humanity in her countenance, somehow, when she knelt before him, though she uttered not a word.

"He won't wake." Bastion began after breaking from his revelry, "I don't know what to do. Anima...did not heed his call. I need your help. Please, Oh Holy One."

While her lips did not move even in the slightest, her eyes twinkled, an eerie distorted hymn reverberated out with each swaying movement. Her fingers ran across his head, freezing any beads of perspiration that might sit on his head. A tinge of anxiety flooded her fingertips, slipping off, curling back to her side. Floating backward, one hand cupped the air and motioned up, levitating the body of the regalia. Her free hand circled around, sucking the water molecules in the area a small luge formed that later grew into a small bowl big enough to resemble a cobbled bathtub.

Water circled the bottom, ebbing and flowing until enough filled the bath to fully submerge an average adult. Shards of ice lay dormant on the surface. In the most graceful attempt to drop someone, Shiva broke the concentration in her hands leaving his lifeless body to free fall down, slowing his stop inches from surface tension before again lowering him into the ice bath. The immediate shock to his system would jolt him awake and force his bloodstream to pump through his system:

In the abyss of his mind, time lost meaning. Days—or what felt like them—had unraveled into an endless march of torment. Cécile wandered the void, his legs weak, his resolve frayed, the beast’s voice a relentless tide of malice. The words it spoke—if they could be called words—were formless things, jagged shards that embedded themselves into his psyche: You are mine. You will break. There is no light, no life, no escape.

But then, as if answering some unspoken prayer, the darkness began to change. A chill rolled in, first faint and teasing, then cutting and pervasive, sweeping away the suffocating heat of the void. Frost crept across the nothingness like a delicate lace of stars, its crystalline touch banishing the black. Cécile exhaled, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, his breath became visible, a pale mist curling in the icy air.

The frost deepened, tightening around him until it felt as though he were being submerged. The ground vanished beneath his feet, and he was pulled down—down into a freezing abyss, his body sinking as if he had been cast into an unfathomable lake of ice.

The cold stabbed through him, sharp and insistent, and in a single, searing moment, he gasped—

And awoke.

The mystical waters surged around him, Shiva’s ice bath a shimmering cauldron of frost and magic. Cécile’s chest heaved as he was yanked back to life, his lungs burning with each desperate breath. But the awakening was not merely one of body—it was as though the touch of Shiva’s power had reached into his soul, stirring something long dormant.

Before he could fully comprehend what was happening, his body lifted from the waters, propelled not by his own strength but by something new, something other. A radiant fluttering filled the air, and when he looked behind him, his breath caught. Wings—vast, ethereal, and shimmering blue with an iridescent glow—had unfurled from his back.

He hovered unsteadily, the motion of the wings strange and unfamiliar, like a newborn bird testing its flight. He wobbled, dipping awkwardly before regaining balance, his feet brushing the ground before lifting again. His wide eyes turned to Shiva and Bastion, awe-struck.

“By Anima's grace…” Cécile murmured, his voice trembling. His gaze flicked to Shiva, her form still luminous and otherworldly. “And yours, Mistress of Ice. I… I am reborn, I think. Thank you.”

Shiva offered no words, only a serene nod, before she turned away. The frost-wreathed Dominant strode back toward the carnage, her figure disappearing into a blizzard of her own making.

Cécile fluttered forward, his wings trembling with each beat. Determination flickered in his expression as he resolved to join her, to fight for those who could not fight for themselves. But as he moved to follow, a hand closed gently around his arm.


The stoic soldier’s gaze softened, and for a moment, the harsh lines of his face seemed less severe. “Cécile,” he said quietly, almost as if the name were a prayer. “I’m glad you’re okay. I… I was concerned for you.”

The words caught Cécile off guard, and warmth bloomed in his chest, a small, bright ember amidst the chaos. He turned to Bastion, his wings still beating softly, and with only a moment of hesitation, he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around the man’s neck. The embrace was familial, intimate, and fleeting, but it carried a depth that words could not convey.

“Thank you,” Cécile whispered, his voice soft and full of gratitude.

When he pulled back, his wings gave an elegant flutter, and he rose into the air, his resolve renewed. “Be safe, Bastion. I will return for you.”

And with that, Cécile turned, his wings carrying him toward the heart of the battle, the radiant azure light of his transformation a beacon against the gathering dark—a return of witchlight in his eyes.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 23 min ago

[Location] Harbor, Landow
[Time] Sunday, 08:30 AM
[Mentions] @Mirandae

If Akamu was trying to get the monster's attention, it worked. Heavy swings found purchase on the monster's face, but seemed to do little more than bother the beast. A heavy clawed hand grabbed his maul and ripped the large Dominant off of its face, Akamu's landing displacing the water and impacting with enough force to tear apart docks and smaller boats alike as he crashed into the relatively shallow beach. Frigid water crashed around as the waves broke and fell onto him, though Akamu managed to suck in a breath before he was submerged.

It didn't hurt so much, nor did his stone body feel the cold so much- turns out heavy stone was a decent insulator. But while his vision wasn't the clearest under the waves, Akamu saw the massive shadow above him growing and knew what was coming for him. Heavy stone arms lifted to his face, guarding his face and body as a pair of massive claws began to rip and tear at him. Sand surged around Akamu's body as heavy claws ripped gouges through his guard, filling and sealing the gaps in his armor as quickly as the beast tore at him- though sand wasn't quite as protective as solid rock. Now it started to hurt.

Akamu grit his teeth as he could afford to do nothing more than defend himself, practically blind under the water- fighting both a lack of oxygen and the heavy attacks of this monster. Akamu wasn't even aware of the presence of something else until something knocked the beast off of him- someone or something else attacking it. Akamu could feel the rumbling of the earth and churning of water, as the shadow above him was replaced by another, larger shadow, shoving the monster out of the way. Akamu was glad for the reprieve- but what sort of monster was even larger than the one they faced?

Finally pulling himself out of the water, Akamu found himself face to face- or rather face to back with Bahamut, the Dominant of the Void. If his stone body had hair, it would've stood on end, but for the moment, he just found himself rather shocked. At the very least, it seemed to be on their side, for the moment, though he didn't necessarily fancy the idea of fighting it if it came down to such a thing. The color drained from his face as he saw the maw of the great dragon open as it prepared to unleash death upon the creature- and likely anything or anyone close by.

Akamu's eyes caught a glow of green and whipped towards it- Gaia, Laura having come out of her protective dome to help in the fight. The beast seemed practically culled- but now they had something else to deal with. "Kika!" Akamu called out as he bounded over to her, heavy footsteps causing the ground to quake with each step. A powerful arm grabbed her and pulled her behind him, his other arm gathering up what few civilians remained close to them and slammed his foot on the ground, forming a makeshift shield of rock and stone. Would such a thing protect them from the wash of Bahamut's breath? No clue, but probably better than nothing.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by TokyoPewPew
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Somewhere inside that skin-and-metal exoskeleton, that body which she wore the way others wore clothes and armor, Beth still wondered what it all meant. The 'Red Stars.' And what they had portended, clawing up the beach like a living tsunami, their chitinous knees clicking with greed, their mandibles yawning ravenously. Whether that enemy up there was the enemy—the one Ultima had warned them about all those years ago, the one which had made the girl's recovery, her training, her painstaking grooming all so very necessary.

So many questions. Yet among all those uncertainties had one thing remained clear, a lighthouse standing strong amid the squalls: it was not her destiny to fell this monster. She was not these people's savior. She would, however, aid that person. That much she had known from the beginning—even if she'd thought it would be Cassiel, her craven brother, who rose first and paramount to Landow's aid...

Still, before someone could deal the coup de grâce, someone had to bring low that obscene creature. And before someone could cut it down, someone had to fight her way to it. Fight over the blood-slick sand, through the roiling surf; through the roach-dogs and their hordes uncountable, their bodies even then weighing down her own, hooked and latched about her ankles, her throat, like so many writhing shackles, heavy and still gorging. Glutting. Beth impaled them until her hands were too heavy with their carcasses to hoist, sliced them and hacked them until the blades of her fingers were clogged with their thick, pulpy innards, hiked over the mountains of their dead, and still they came, two arriving to replace each one felled. And through it all, through the futility and the struggle, only one direction remained: past them. Through them.

Wresting her hand from the last thorax she'd plunged it through, she kept pushing. Kept clawing. A stalemate slipping from their fingers stroke by stroke.

Until that changed.

It began with a kind of sandstorm: a flurry of detritus kicking up from a single focal point, shearing pebbles from salient concrete, uncovering and uplifting beach-buried river stones. Steadied, aimed, controlled, this biting wind liquefied the lesser creatures inside their organic armors, shredded the chitinous shells. Another storm also focalized, this one encrusted with a million diamonds of ice, glittering on the gusts, glittering on every surface where grew its stiff, brittle hoars. Where the first sandpaper squall had reclaimed sections of beach, this ice storm calcified over the squirming dead, gave pause to the scuttlings of those yet unharmed. Born from bugs and insects, the roach-things feared the cold most of all. It compelled them to dig. Hibernate. Flee winter's desolation down, down into the heats and slimes of the earth. Still, even this afforded the Inevitable One, and all the other Dominants, but a few feet's reprieve. Only a moment to refresh.

By the time a second behemoth had scraped the heavens with its scaly back, blotting the sky with the stretching of its titanic wings, those down on the beach knew not whether to elate or to shiver. Behind them, from among the huddled refugees had it appeared, but as another defender? If not, then one who had infiltrated—the second of two pincers—one driving their prey into the hunter's jaws, one preventing all escape while the other wreaked hell and havoc.

Much to the relief of the dwarfed onlookers, the invader from the sea appeared rather incensed by the sudden arrival and presence of this second entity (an entity Beth, and all around her, did not recognize; not by name or visage). Their attention drawn, their ire stoked, thus began an exchange of blows which shook the earth, and sent shockwaves pulsing through the spray. Like twenty-inch artillery guns were their swipes and strikes, and yet like those found on two warring battleships were their defenses—leviathan hides and razor-quick claws and the gnashings of skyscraper teeth. Every minute, every second further pulverized poor Landowtown beneath their primordial feet that their stalemate continued, iron striking iron. Even when the commandeered, brainwashed roach-things had scaled the massive back, and reached their destination, and for a moment distracted their erstwhile master with their chewing, even then the second titan could not pierce. Could not penetrate. Even when the first shrieked in pain, and, agitated, began to swipe and scratch at its own feeler-organs, the second could not maneuver its huge claws and fangs to meet soft underbelly, vulnerable throat.

Enraged, it unhinged its jaw, and opened wide its cavernous gullet, wherefrom emerged a growing light. Whitish, pure, the distilled essence of a dying star; the fury in its belly going supernova.

Down on the beach, the smartest were already turned to flee, unsure what hellfire would issue from the portal of this behemoth's mouth except for that it would glass the sands, scour the rest to ash. The survivors ran, and they were easy prey for the roach-things not caught in the radii of Titan's shredding sandstorm, Shiva's banshee-winds. They ran and so too did the things which devoured them, sensing devastation, yet unable to overcome their unnatural instincts, their hijacked programming.

Beth, of course, had never been one to flee, least of all when cladded in Odin's metallic embrace. The chill which permeated the armor seemed as well each time to seep into her very heart, imbuing it with an alien, detached acceptance. Perhaps the scrawny five-foot-something would have feared, stripped naked of such effects; standing there exposed among the horrors; but not then, peering out through His visor, flexing His gauntleted fingers. Not then...

A few necrotic blasts cleared the way, scattering the roach-things in a linear path, curled and dead before they hit the ground. Sand became shallows became foaming surf, until she waded waist-high among the mutant bugs; live ones teeming and swimming and gnashing about her legs, dead ones bobbing and buoyant. Ere long she waded too among other things; things which towered over her the way she towered over its dutiful legions; the pylons of its legs, its sinews corded like guy wires. She was microscopic compared to these. Small enough to go unnoticed past the massive spur of its metapodia, small enough that there would not even be enough of her left to ooze up between its toes when she was crushed beneath this dance of giants. Even still, Beth did not fear.

She had, after all, reached her target.

The bugs still latching to her armored limbs, the shallows still dragging her this way and that, the behemoths' every step a tsunami, their every exchange a tidal wave, she spent her every drop of strength not being dragged to sea and drowned. Yet still she pushed. Drew. Invoked. Fought and fought with every blow and every plodding, trudging step. Until finally, finally, there she stood amidst the crashing spray, mere feet away from having been mashed, and with a single massive stroke, all her power and will strained behind it, fed into it ...

One moment the monstrous leviathan, born from the hostile sea, ripped and tore into the dragon-Dominant, eager—desperate—to gouge out its breath before the second could unleash Its hellfiery wrath. Lashing and snapping and scouring at its superheated throat. The next, the creature somehow lost its footing. Staggered forward, crumpled with a writhing, a shriek. The blackish ichor coursing from its digitigrade ankle, polluting the pinkish waters, told the story: somehow, by something (someone) too minuscule to see, someone swept away in the churning chaos of the water and the bugs and the bodies, had hamstrung the being; sliced clean through its heelcord, hobbling it.

There was a hurry, then, to capitalize on this vulnerability. Perhaps more sand and stone peppered the felled creature, aiming for the jellies of its eyes, and soft whites beneath its jaw. Perhaps another of Shiva's flurries aimed to blind and frostbite the monster. A hail of bullets and gunpulses clattered across its armored cheeks, its neck. But its killer already stood there, upon its plated brow.

He reached down, and plunged his twin swords from the back of its neck. He looked across the way, where stood Laura Genevieve among the terrified, huddled masses. He bowed.

"Farewell for now, miss," he said, and with a flourish, and a bow, and a sheathing of his swords, a flame erupted at his feet. A flame which crawled quickly up his legs, and dusted him inch by inch into a fine ash, which scattered on the southward breeze.

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