General Solen
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Human |
He/him |
Ghost Corp, GeneralAbyssal Connection: Possessive
General Solen is possessed by a powerful Wild known as the
Three-headed Cerberus. Its heads are shaped like dragons, while its body is shaped like a behemoth-like dog. Each head is assigned a different element. The red head's affinity is fire. The white head's affinity is ice, and the blue head's affinity is electricity. The Three-headed Cerberus, known as Apollo, only allows General Solen to use its ability in a righteous way, causing suffering to the wicked.
Tri-ElementalGeneral Solen is able to create, manipulate, and shoot fire, ice, or electricity from his body. He can only use one element at a time, and there's a slight cool-down to switch between elements of about ten seconds.
Cerberus TransformationIn extreme circumstances, General Solen can undergo a transformation, turning into a mimicry of his Wild's form: a three-headed dog. It's size is about the height and width of a one-story building. After a transformation, the general is usually too exhausted to do much else.
Description: The leader of the Ghost Corp, who gives most commands and enacts the will of the Gilded Circle. Every strategic attack on Umbra Corp's supply chains and military bases within Dust was called by General Solen.
The general has a slight obsession with the Wilds, and tries to reduce the number of Ghost Corp attacks on the Wilds. Instead, he has asked their supplier to restock their raw material of Wild hearts through the Lawless. The general has even gone as far as to include some friendlier Wilds into their ranks.
Some Lawless have tried stealing from and harassing the Ghost Corp units, but General Solen is quick to extinguish these outbursts, often using lethal measures to drive the message home that Ghost Corp is not to be messed with.
He's a no-nonsense general, with a laser-like focus and hunger for victory. He is cold to mostly everyone except the few within his ranks that have earned his favour.