Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

In the alternate world of Maia, the islands rose from the oceans long before the dawn of humanoid civilization. The first Mäiosians were adapted for this world, possessing the natural ability to fly as easily as they drew breath. And then there was the magic, Aereum, as they called it. Aereum energy fueled everything in this world, from weapons to the skyships to Celestial artifacts. The scholars of Maia surmised it was natural-flowing aereum that lifted the islands into the skies and allowed people to fly. Interestingly still, all Mäiosians have two hearts, but some were particularly special, born with a third heart, an aeonheart, a reservoir filled with additional Aereum that granted them a supernatural magical gift, each unpredictable and unique and beautiful and scary. These magically inclined Mäiosians would come to be known as Mystics or The M.I.I. (Magically Inclined Individuals).

But there was something peculiar about this additional energy source that the Mystics possessed. You see, on the 12th moon of the year X339, a wrinkle in the sky opened, and a swarm of colossal sentient effigies, the Ni-Ruuk, spilled forth and drained the aereum of the Mystics who were unprepared for The Time of Tears, as the event would become known as in the history books. For hundreds of years, Mystics lived in fear of the Ni-Ruuk, and Mäiosians were enslaved to them. The Ni-Ruuk's single-track focus to drain the essence of Mystics was insatiable. They were drawn to the magical aeonhearts that beat inside the Mystics' chests; that is what brought them to Maia, after all. It would be discovered in time that Ni-Ruuk gained immortality by siphoning the aereum from Mystics' aeonhearts, killing them in the process.

After 250 years of Mäiosian enslavement to the Ni-Ruuk, a young mystic named Harold Qel was born. She grew up to be a powerful mystic, and arguably the most capable mystic Maia had ever known. Harold was an even more charismatic leader and, fed up with the suffering of humanity during The Time of Tears, put together a secret group called The Order of Harold and Hope (O.H.A.H). OHAH was a group of powerful mystics from all across Maia who came together to put an end to the deathly reign and tyranny of the Ni-Ruuk. For years O.H.A.H recruited members and trained them to use their magical gifts to save humanity. And finally, after 72 years of war against the Ni-Ruuk, (The 72 Years Liberation War), the Mystics freed humanity from the Ni-Ruuk by harnessing the power of the wrinkle in the sky to create their own portal. With heavy, sorrowful hearts, this allowed the Mäiosians to leave their homeworld for safer pastures. Though naturally, many Mäiosians were unable to escape their dying homeworld alive.

The Ni-Ruuk that remained in Maia, unable to drain the aereum of Mystics in vast quantities anymore, eventually turned to stone — petrified, lifeless effigies of their former selves (the stone effigies are referred to as Ruukaris). Mystic artificers would later learn how to animate these Ruukaris effigies with aereum and use them as vessels of defense, an ironic ending to the Ni-Ruuk, for now.

Unfortunately, the wrinkle in the sky that loomed over Maia never closed, so the Mäiosians could never safely return home (Ni-Ruuk still come through the portal looking for Mystic sustenance in Maia).

The Mäiosians' new home, the world where the portal took them, was Earth.

After the Mäiosians materialized on Earth, suspended high above the clouds in their floating, mobile cities (called Citadels) woven from extraterrestrial ore, they watched the humans below with wonder and caution, for the world they had sought refuge in was not empty, and unfortunately, the humans who inhabited Earth did not welcome them with open arms.

Tensions simmered between the Earthborn and the Mäiosians. The Earthborn were wary of the Mäiosians' magical powers and alien technology, the Mäiosians feared the Earthborn for their sheer numbers and immediate hostility. For years, both sides hovered on the brink of open conflict, their misunderstandings growing into the threat of war. The Mäiosians didn't want to subject themselves to more war and devastation. They had just left their homeworld because of it, they knew they couldn't survive another conflict.

It was not until the signing of the Earthborn-Mäiosian Treaty of 1962 that hostilities finally began to cool. The treaty, fragile as it was hopeful, sought to bridge the chasm between earth and sky. As a symbol of this newfound peace, several programs and initiatives were implemented to facilitate cohesion and understanding between the two humanoid species. One such unprecedented program was born from this——a student exchange program...

The Horizon Initiative for Learning and Integration (H.I.L.I).

As they put it, "A new horizon, a better future for the youth of today, and tomorrow, of the earth, and the skies."

In collaboration between the Mäiosian Parliament and the governments of several First World Nations (including Nigeria), Mäiosian youths would descend from their floating cities to live and attend international schools on Earth and Earthborn young adults would, for the first time, ascend into the skies to dwell within the Mäiosian citadels. The exchange program has occurred every year since its inception, with multiple cohorts of students exchanged between the two races each year. For one year, each group would live, study, and dream within the other's world, with the hope that through understanding and integration, peace between both species may continue to thrive. A shared future in the skies and on the ground is possible, or so it seems...
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Welcome young Mystic, this is where your story begins...

Your character is a Mäiosian young adult, a Mystic, one of the rare Magically Inclined Individuals, and the new class of Mäiosian exchange students at the St. Léopold International Institute of Marseille in Marseille, France. Not all the exchange students are Mystics, but you certainly are, even if you don't know it yet. Mäiosian Mystics don't usually manifest their magical power until they're at least 18, so it is possible that your character doesn't know they're a Mystic yet, or they could be hiding their magic for various reasons. In any case, as one of the chosen Mäiosian young adults for the exchange program, you will be living on campus at this prestigious Institute for one year to learn about the Earthborn and reinforce positive integration practices between yourselves and the Earthborn student body, and the locals. All eyes are on you.

In this fictionalized version of Marseille, France, the population is highly cosmopolitan due to its close proximity to St. Léopold's, which has had a significant influence over the culture and development of the city. Though French is ubiquitous, English is also commonly spoken by more than half of the population. Being an international university, St. Leopold's student body is highly diverse. Opposite to the local population, the primary language of the school is English. French is also common, though not as prominent as English, despite its location in a French city. Being an international school, it is not uncommon to hear students speaking in their native tongue (despite also speaking English and/or French), from Spanish to Mandarin to Hindi. Even the Mäiosians have their own language, but more on that later.

Every major first-world country has one Mäiosian-Earthborn student exchange program each year, so multiple cohorts of Mäiosian young adults share a similar experience around the world annually. For example, in America, it's in New York City; in Australia, it's in Melbourne; in Nigeria, it's in Lagos, and so on and so forth. With each cohort of students are two adult Mäiosian delegates who also live on campus among the Earthborn professors. Referred to as Great Emissary (the one in charge) and Lesser Emissary, they do not divulge their real Mäiosian names and only answer to their official titles. Aside from their glorified chaperone duties, Great Emissary handles the political aspects of the program and teaches the Mäiosian Mystics how to better use and control their magical powers, while Lesser Emissary manages the social aspects of their experience, acting more as a mentor or advocate.

It should be noted that your character's parents probably did not live during the Time of Tears back in the alternate world of Maia (unless they're just really old). But your character's grandparents almost certainly did (whether alive or not). As such, while your character has no personal memories of Maia or that dark time (The Time of Tears), they most likely know of it and of the horror stories told to them during lessons, by their grandparents, and sometimes their parents. Some of your characters may have dead relatives (Mystic or otherwise) who died gruesomely during that time.

Despite having a humanoid appearance, there are some distinctive traits that set Mäiosians apart from the Earthborns. As mentioned earlier, Mäiosians, including non-Mystics, naturally possess the ability to fly. But like you would get tired from running too long, a person can run out of aereum. As such, they can only fly for limited periods of time before they need to recharge in order to fly again. Earth's gravity does limit one's flying potential, especially while on the ground.

All Mäiosians have two hearts. This provides enhanced stamina and endurance so you can push yourself beyond your limits in ways your average Earthborn cannot. Mystics have a third heart called an aeonheart. It is this aeonheart, filled with an extra reservoir of aereum, that grants Mystics their magical gift. If a Mystic has their aeonheart removed, they may survive, but they will no longer have access to their magical gift. Some Mystics have undergone the controversial procedure of having their aeonheart removed due to the dangerous nature of their magical gift. Not all have survived this complex procedure (called the Forsaken Ritual). This ritual is frowned upon by most Mäiosians, even if it is medically necessary. There is a black market for aeonhearts...

Unlike the crimson flow of Earthborn life, a Mäiosian's blood runs silver—a gleaming, metallic essence that speaks of a different origin, of a world beyond Earth. Mäiosians are also marked by a patch of iridescent scales somewhere upon their skin; this unique birthmark ties them to their lineage, a subtle, visual reminder of their otherworldly nature.

Race is not really a concept that exists in Mäiosian culture. This is because Mäiosians come in all skin tones, hair colors, eye colors, etc. Mäiosians can possess natural hair colors that Earthborns do not, like pink or blue hair. They can exhibit just as vast an array of eye colors as well that are unnatural to Earthborns, like red or violet eyes. However, these unusual hair and eye colors are uncommon, even for Mäiosians. Rather than race, Mäiosian culture is much more grounded in classist hierarchies based on wealth, the Citadel you were born in, and family lineage. Just like with Earthborns, discrimination and prejudices do exist among the Mäiosian populace.

Mäiosian culture has been greatly influenced by the diverse cultures and religions found on Earth. As such, Mäiosian spiritual beliefs, style of dress, and other nuances often reflect the various parts of the world, especially younger generations of Mäiosians, who have adopted many Earthborn characteristics, such as speaking English and wearing more "modern" clothes. Older Mäiosians tend to maintain their unique traditional customs, spiritual beliefs, food preferences, language, and Mäiosian garments, which include crystal-like accessories and flowy silks.

Mäiosian citadels and people are ruled by a joint operation of the Mäiosian Parliament and the Mäiosian Royal Family, though Parliament maintains more direct control over Mäiosian civilization. As such, nearly all citadels abide by the rules and laws set by Parliament and the Royal Family, though there are a few citadels, known as The Free Winds, which seem to operate under their own jurisdiction and rules, for various historical reasons. Most citadels that fall under the Free Winds are notably sketchy places to live or visit. The Mäiosian Royal Guard and The Order of Harold and Hope (O.H.A.H) serve as the official police and military forces of Mäiosian society, respectively.

For Mäiosians, as mentioned earlier, aereum is the mana that fuels their flight, their floating citadels, and for Mystics, their magic. Mystic artificers are engineers who create objects that everyday Mäiosians can imbue with a bit of their aereum to "make them work" as the Mystic artificer intended them to. Some objects require more aereum than others to operate.

Some Mystics, though far more uncommon, are born with a...mutation. This mutation is pejoratively called the The Daemon's Kiss or simply the kiss. It's a small, seemingly harmless dark blot on a Mystics' aeonheart. Mystics with the kiss have demonstrated enhanced magical power, but it comes at a cost. Known kissed Mystics are cataloged and trained to control their emotions once it is discovered, as sustained moments of heightened intense emotion can trigger the kiss to spread, driving the Mystic to brief moments of insanity, losing control of their emotions and magic. If this state is not reversed in time, a Mystic's aeonheart turns black and they completely lose themselves to madness.

Another peculiar aspect of this mutation is that Kissed Mystics emit a faint signal that other Kissed Mystics can sense when they are in the general vicinity of one another. As there is no true way to test for the kiss until after it has already appeared, Mystics undergo a mandatary cardiovascular scan every six months to see if the dark blot has appeared on their aeonheart. There is an illegal black market drug one can take to ensure the kiss is undetectable (it's like a hard, little orb-shaped candy referred to as Pearl), but it is very difficult to come by and does not come cheap. Some Kissed Mystics try to self-regulate or downplay their magical power, or they attempt the Forsaken Ritual to have their aeonheart removed. Culturally, Mäiosians may hold prejudice toward Mystics with "the kiss", so it is common for Kissed Mystics to hide their status from people, if they can.

Like any culture, there are always gonna be criminals and bad people. Kissed Mystics with a completely blackened aeonheart or Mystics who use their gifts for criminal activity and evil purposes are referred to as Daemons and are said to possess a warped heart instead of an aeonheart. Once a Kissed Mystics aeonheart becomes a warped heart, that is the point of no return, as there is no known cure to reverse it once the mutation has fully taken over. Daemons who are not already locked up, work in the shadows and/or live in secrecy. It is rumored that there is a hidden academy run by Daemons who recruit lost and misunderstood young Kissed Mystics to corrupt them and use them for their own nefarious purposes, but it is just speculation and heresay among most Mäiosians, as there is no concrete evidence that such an institution exist.

Based on a Mystic's magical gift, they will usually fall within 1 of 4 classifications.


Elementalists possess an elemental-based magical gift such as fire, ice, wind, earth, plants, water, electricity, light, darkness, sound, etc. They can either manipulate pre-existing elements or produce them directly from their bodies or both.


Somatics possess a magical gift that allows them to augment or change their physical form in some way. They may also be able to alter the physical form of another person or object. For example, Enhanced strength, shapeshifting, self-healing, wing-generation, healing others, durable skin, super speed, intangibility, invisibility, duplication, etc.


Psychiccers possess psychic powers, magical gifts that allow them to harness the power of their minds to influence others and sometimes the physical world, such as telekinesis, telepathy, empathy, precognition, enhanced intelligence, mind control, mental illusions, astral projection, clairvoyance, etc. Some people have prejudice or mistrust toward Psychiccers due to the potentially invasive nature of their gifts.


Astras are Mystics who possess very unique magical gifts that don't fall into any category. Their magic is often difficult to define and is more abstract in nature, and may be some kind of strange combination of the other classifications. These magical gifts may have niche uses or caveats for their application, but due to their peculiarity, they have the potential to be the most specialized and powerful. For example, teleportation, laser beam eyes, summoning spirits, resurrecting someone from the dead, pocket dimension, luck manipulation, curses, conjuration, bringing drawings to life, etc.

Each cohort of Mäiosian exchange students is broken down into smaller groups called a Phalanx. These Phalanxes are constructed to help better track and organize them into efficient social, training, and learning collectives. However, students from different Phalanxes regularly interact and collaborate with one another. There are no special requirements for each Phalanx, though students are placed in their Phalanx based on the Great Emissary's recommendation. How they determine a student's Phalanx is currently unknown by most.

Every year, three students are designated as the Illuminaires, shining examples of academic, magical, and leadership prowess. These students form The Mäiosian Student Council for their cohort and are given extra privileges. Being an Illuminaire provides great recognition during the duration of the Exchange Program and they even get to have dinner with the Mäiosian Royal Family and shadow members of the Mäiosian Parliament. It is a great honor to be chosen as an Illuminaire by the Great Emissary and Lesser Emissary, but it is not mandatory and a student can turn it down. The Illuminaires also lead the Phalanxes during combat protocols, but the role is very stressful and comes with a lot of responsibility, as these students have to fit their Illuminaire duties into their regular University schedules, though there is a little flexibility to accommodate them.

A student's Phalanx is identified by their Pendant, which they must wear on their uniform at all times while on campus, except during periods of personal hygiene or during off hours. Phalanxes are often named after one of the many Celestials of Mäiosian legend and religion, for whom they believe themselves to be the descendants of.


The Celestial of Boundless Horizons is believed to embody the uncharted expanse of the cosmos and the everlasting pursuit of knowledge. Often depicted with a luminous halo of crimson starlight and a staff etched with constellations, Xorathiel represents curiosity, exploration, and enlightenment. Followers of Xorathiel seek wisdom in the unknown, honoring their Celestial through acts of discovery and innovation. Students from this phalanx adorn the Ruby Pendant.

Luminae Ark

The Celestial of Balance and Shelter is revered as the protector of harmony and the guiding light through chaos. Associated with the duality of shadow and radiance, Luminae Ark’s essence is said to weave together opposites to create unity. Legends tell of their ark-shaped vessel, a sanctuary for souls seeking solace, symbolizing both refuge and transformation. Students from this phalanx adorn the Sapphire Pendant.


The Celestial of Blooming is tied to the rhythms of life, growth, and renewal. Often envisioned as an ethereal figure entwined with flora and adorned with flowing petals, they are a patron of vitality and creation. Mäiosians believe Sylvennith’s spirit flows in every living thing, inspiring artistry and fostering resilience against decay. Students from this phalanx adorn the Emerald Pendant.


The Celestial of Timeless Order is both revered and feared for their dominion over the endless march of time. They are often depicted as an abstract, featureless form cloaked in veils of shifting sands or cascading silver threads. Eternal’s presence reminds Mäiosians of the impermanence of existence, urging them to live with purpose while honoring the inevitability of change. Students from this phalanx adorn the Violet Pendant.

The Varnisar Warden

The Celestial of Guardianship and Duty is the embodiment of vigilance and unyielding resolve. Their form is said to shimmer with crystalline armor, representing unbreakable fortitude and the defense of the cosmos against disorder. Mäiosians honor the Warden as a symbol of sacrifice and loyalty, calling upon their strength in times of adversity. Students from this phalanx adorn the Onyx Pendant.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Taking inspiration from Mirandae's Regalia, we will create character images with A.I. using reference images. For anyone who knows me, I care deeply about aesthetic cohesion, as it creates uniformity and provides players with a consistent point of reference for immersion. Though this route may not appeal to everyone's sensibilities and views, this is the method I will be using for this story. :)

How this works is that you will search for realistic or digital art that represents your character's appearance, aka, the face claim. Focus more on physical features/the face, rather than clothes, as our characters will be in uniform most of the time, so that is what will be reflected in the A.I. generated character images, generally. Once you have found your face claim, send a few images of them to me in a PM or post them in the Out of Character thread.

NOTE: Please do not include incomplete character sheets in the OOC thread and do not post any character sheets in the Characters thread until after they've been officially approved. We will stick to one character per player for now.

Also, mention your desired dialog color for your character.

Keep in mind that AI images are only an interpretation of the reference images you give me, almost never an exact copy. The goal is that with the reference image, we can make consistent character images for each character that will look nearly identical and where slight differences between the images will be mostly inconsequential.

Once I have your face claim images or image, I will generate an image that fits the aesthetic format of the character banner, which you will place above your character sheet, as seen in the example below. When it is ready, I will show you the results for your approval. If you are not content with the results, we will work on it until you are.

Only after you have your official character banner, will you post it, along with the completed character sheet in the OOC thread for review.

In total, there will be about three AI generated character banners per character, one for your character sheet, one for the character roster at the top of the Characters tab, and one you will use as a reference along side your posts in the In-character (IC) thread.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Communication is key.

Looking to accept between 8-12 players, not including myself. There is wiggle room for this based on the number of submissions received, but no more than 12. Putting a hard limit on that.

Please be respectful of one another. Disagreements should be settled respectfully or in DMs. No public drama or nasty behavior, please.

Please listen to the GM. I am open to discussion and feedback. I'm not perfect. But when decisions are officially made, please respect those decisions.

Only post COMPLETED character sheets in the OOC tab, not WIPs. I will review it and give feedback for any changes if necessary. IF it's approved, you can post it in the Characters Tab. The character sheet can be found at the top of the character tab.

As some folks may know, I are VERY keen on aesthetics, hence the use of AI to create consistent aesthetics for this RP. If I make any aesthetics-based decisions, please abide by them, lest my OCD for aesthetics might flair up otherwise! LOL ^_~

I'm sorry. I mention "aesthetics" and "respect" a lot. But they're important to me.

I love when other players help flesh out the world and lore. Please do! But always think about any addition thoughtfully. Does this make sense based on the setting of the story? Does it fit thematically? If you're not sure, bring it up to me and I'll gladly go over the idea with you. This is basically a modern-day RP where we play as magical space elves from an alternate world who attend university on Earth with humans, so there's room to be creative, but again, be mindful. :)

No double posting in the IC.

Try to post AT LEAST once every 10 days; I can extend it to 15 days after your last post if you talk to me about it. Remember, communication is key. If you're unable to continue in the RP anymore, that's okay. Just let me know and we can decide on the fate of your character. No communication, and a character will be removed from the RP. Communicate! :)

Try not to "overpost" too much. People need time to read and respond. I won't set a hard and fast rule about "overposting", but just be mindful of others. We want balanced, consistent, steady pacing. Quality over quantity. This isn't a race.

At a minimum, posts should be AT LEAST 2 to 3 well-written paragraphs. You don't have to write like Agatha Christie, but thoughtful paragraphs are great for storytelling and flow.

Banned magical gifts include: Omnipotent Reality Warping, Time Travel. Others may be added to this list based on necessity. I'm pretty flexible on what magical powers your character can have. They can be highly unique and don't have to be super scientific or hyperrealistic either, just make sure they aren't game-breaking or jokey, and be mindful of others.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 1 day ago

Are there lesser or minor phalanxes, or is this it? How would you classify someone with the ability to psychometrically read the history of an object - the older, the better, with a lean towards furniture and art. Psychiccer or astra?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Are there lesser or minor phalanxes, or is this it? How would you classify someone with the ability to psychometrically read the history of an object - the older, the better, with a lean towards furniture and art. Psychiccer or astra?

Hello there,

For the cohort of Mäiosian exchange students in Marseille, France (our cohort), there are only the five phalanxes. There are no lesser or minor phalanxes.

I would classify that as a Psychiccer.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I may not join but, I think I got a idea for a character. A half Mäiosian who is from a Free Wind citadel who more or less escaped from his citadel and his past by being apart of the exchange program and would be a Astra. But what exactly his magic is I am still thinking.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I may not join but, I think I got a idea for a character. A half Mäiosian who is from a Free Wind citadel who more or less escaped from his citadel and his past by being apart of the exchange program and would be a Astra. But what exactly his magic is I am still thinking.

Hello again!

I think that's a wonderful idea, if you decide to join. :)

Sounds like someone with a lot of trauma to work through, which makes for great character growth.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Theyra>

Hello again!

I think that's a wonderful idea, if you decide to join. :)

Sounds like someone with a lot of trauma to work through, which makes for great character growth.

Yeah and I have ideas about what he went through. For his magic, maybe something that allows him to channel the power of certain ancestors in his bloodline. If allowed and since his is half Mäiosian that means that some of the ancestors he is channeling are human and he struggles to connect to them.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Aeolian>

Yeah and I have ideas about what he went through. For his magic, maybe something that allows him to channel the power of certain ancestors in his bloodline. If allowed and since his is half Mäiosian that means that some of the ancestors he is channeling are human and he struggles to connect to them.

Very interesting concept. :) I think if described well and is balanced enough, it could work. Of course, I will need more details to know for sure, but tentatively, I think it's a cool idea, like some kind of Ancestral embodiment.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I will think about it and I may do something else but that is the first idea at least.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I will think about it and I may do something else but that is the first idea at least.

It's no problem. No rush. :)
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Ti
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Ti Bruja

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aeolian is running a game again!
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aeolian is running a game again!

Yes yes, a heavy reimagining of my Harold's RP. If you decide to take a crack at this one, perhaps you'll make another Arslan lol
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Boop! 🐸
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I will keep my eyes on this. Reading through it gave me a few ideas though nothing heavy at the moment or requires me to ask questions for the most part. You have a beautiful idea, Aeolian.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I will keep my eyes on this. Reading through it gave me a few ideas though nothing heavy at the moment or requires me to ask questions for the most part. You have a beautiful idea, Aeolian.

That's sweet. Thank you Savant :)

I'm fleshing out the details so that anyone who is interested in joining has enough material to work with for their character creation.

If you have any questions that arise later, I'm here :)
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant The darkening

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


You're welcome. That might spark more ideas or more in depth ideas with having more materials to work with based on character creation. I'll look forward to reading those when they come out.

Thank you, if any questions or prominent ideas arise, I will definitely contact you.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Echotech71
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Nice to see you are having another go at doing an RP.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Someone's Bookish Flower Bride 🐸

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nice to see you are having another go at doing an RP.

Hello again :)

Yes, I'm giving it another whirl. I might shelve this concept and come back with something a bit more...simplified. Perhaps this concept just isn't rating well with the viewers lol

@The Savant Wonderful! Here's hoping this gets enough traction to even warrant such efforts. 🤞
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