Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Power Rangers Rebel Force
Episode 1 - First Strike

It was a bright summer day in Grey Vale in 2025, and the city's residents were going about their daily business. At ease and peaceful going on with their day. While the world is unaware of what happened to their guardians, the Power Rangers and the looming threat of the Velcon Empire's invasion.

But there is still hope as the Velcon Empire's recon team has switched sides and have joined the side of Earth and the Power Rangers. The Velcon Commander of the invasion, Von Tero, was furious upon learning of their defection. He promised that they would pay for their disloyalty to the empire. Unaware that the former recon team are the new Power Rangers after the last group mysteriously disappeared, these defectors and an unexpected ally are now all that lies between Earth and the Velcon Empire.

Will the group be able to defend Earth and defeat the seemingly unstoppable evil Velcon empire, and will humanity remain free? Will they find out what happened to the last Power Rangers? Will these new Power Rangers handle themselves as the new defenders of Earth and succeed in the end? It is time to find out.

Ven Ferr

Another day living in Grey Vale for Jacob Miles, or he should say Ven Ferr, his real name. It was around noon, and the alien Ven was busy making himself something to eat at his apartment. A BLT, as the humans called it, and he was disguised as his human self just in case, though Ven has been too cautious with hiding his real self from humans. His neighbors have been treating him well, and so far, Ven has been enjoying his time at Grey Vale. He does not want anything to mess that up. So the only time his disguise is off is when he is at the Outlook. The only place Ven knows he is safe without his disguise.

Still, it was something living on Earth with humans. Definitely, it's a step up from living in the empire, and Ven likes it here. Though since becoming a Power Ranger, he knows his duties are more than just living among humans now. It has only been two weeks since they became the new Power Rangers after their human counterparts disappeared. That is something that weighs on his mind, and while Ven does not believe that the empire was behind it. Who could it have been?

Either way, as he finished making his BLT, he took a bite out of it and took a satisfying crunch out of it. His thoughts went from gloomy to happy as he was surprised at how a BLT would taste. It was good, maybe it was the bacon, he thought.

But as Ven happily finished his lunch, he remembered that he should meet with the others as per their regular meeting. Von has yet to act, and they can only guess when the first attack take place. A worrying concern that they have to be prepared for when Von decides to start the invasion.

So after cleaning up, Ven sent a message to the rest of the Power Rangers about meeting at the Outlook and discussing their plans. Then Ven made his way to the Overlook but took one last look around as he left his apartment. Earth, despite its flaws is a nice place to live in comparison to how the worlds in the empire are. A reminder of what he is fighting for and made his way to the Overlook.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Cyrania
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Mir'aziel'thraw/Raziel Thrawn

The communicator chirped as Raziel typed out her current report. She only spared a glance to see what it said before making sure to switch it back to watch mode.

"What's that, Razzy?" Her boss leaned over, peering over her shoulder while his breath rustled her hair. "Is there some important meeting I forgot? Or has the time really flown with our dictations?"

"It's not for something on your calendar, Mr. Hopkins." She pulled herself closer to the desk and started packing everything away. "If you will recall, I reported that I had found a lead on a new start-up that could potentially aid in speeding up production of military drones." She then stood up and turned around, standing perfectly straight with her computer satchel over her shoulder. "It was only last night though that we finally arranged a time to meet, and that time happens to be now. My apologies for not telling you sooner. It simply, slipped my mind."

Hopkins leaned back with a smirk. "I suppose even you can only be human once in a while. Though of course, I do believe some compensation would be appreciated. Do I have any Friday dinner meetings scheduled?"

She mentally went through it, but what she feared revealed itself. "None currently, sir."

"Then schedule us for such a meeting. 6 pm. Wear your best dress and I'll take you out somewhere nice."

"Very well, Mr. Hopkins. I'll return later with a report on if the start-up is worth your time or not."

"Do that." He dismissed her with a wave of his hand before turning back to his computer.

Raziel then started out the door, white-knuckling her satchel the whole way from the office until she was finally outside. Only then could she start to relax. If she was to continue working under Mr. Hopkins, she could certainly use a better cover story for any Power Ranger activities such as their meetings. Perhaps the Blue Ranger had had something in mind before...She shook her head. Best not dwell on that. The only person she could rely on for help was herself, and so she would need to come up with a better plan.

She soon separated from the crowds of the street and stepped into the wilderness, allowing the unbusy simpleness of nature to clear her mind while she walked along the hidden trails to the Outlook and made sure to gently teleketically cover up any potential footprints. All the while, she mentally debated the facts of the matter to herself.

Fact 1: It was important to keep an eye on the Department of Defense. If the Empire attempted to infiltrate the nation's military again, it would be best if there was someone who could stall such snowfalls before they became avalanches. Also, if the nation or other nations were to attempt to backstab the Power Rangers or were to find out anything about where the previous Rangers were, it would be best to have someone in a position to see the warning signs ahead of time. Both were things that of the current Rangers, she was best in a position to do. And so, to abandon her position would potentially lead to a failure to protect Earth, leading to its conquest. Counterpoint: She was in a position that her former superiors knew about, meaning that she was also vulnerable to being taken down through that or to just be worked around. However, there was little that she could do to mitigate that factor unless she wanted to create a whole new human persona and too many benefits to let the risks outweigh them. Meaning she needed to stay where she was if possible.

Fact 2: There was nowhere else she could be in the Defense Department and still have access to the data she had. A secretary of a contractor had access to info that most wouldn't have unless they were a full time high ranking military personal or a military contractor themselves. She couldn't lose her job then and expect to be able to somehow recuperate her data in other ways. However, since she was hired by Mr. Hopkins and it was no real secret that she was hired mostly for the look of her disguise, no decent more suitable contractor would be willing to hire her and those contractors that would were likely to be no better or even worse. Therefore, staying Hopkins's secretary was her best option. No matter what that entailed.

Fact 3: If she did not come up with a more solid explanation she could somehow schedule in yet also make reasonable to create unexpected emergencies, he would make that an excuse for more date 'invites'. But what would serve that purpose that would be reasonable for her to engage in without making Mr. Hopkins a part of it?

It was at this point that she came to a ridge overlooking the valley, the sun gleaming down upon the bustling grey city and the gleaming green pine trees alike. She took another breath in the fresh air, enjoying the moment. It was for this that she worked to protect and save. In this, she couldn't fail. Squaring herself up then, she turned away then headed on up to the Outlook.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Grydon Frygar AKA George Foster

Grydon might not be loyal to the empire anymore Earth still had plenty of things he disliked, mostly the length of the day-night cycle and the humans' need for overly bright lights. It also didn't help that Ven Ferr decided to call a meeting right as Grydon was ready to go to sleep, not he could blame his partners for not knowing his sleep schedule. So far he had been able to control himself but he needed an outlet for his frustration and soon, his solo martial arts training helped somewhat but it wasn't the same as a real fight. He almost hoped Von Tero would attack soon.

Grdyon turned his disguise back on and headed out to the Overlook. The bright sun hurt his eyes the entire time. He had tried the human invention know as sunglasses but while they fit his human looking eyes, in reality they offered no protection meaning he was forced to endure it. He had considered asking Io for help but didn't want to bother the AI since Io was no doubt busy keeping a look out for attacks.

Honestly part of him missed being a soldier in the Velon army and Grydon had little doubt if he was captured the Empire would have little trouble turning his loyalties back to them. After all he had turned against them rather easily as well. He had freely admitted this to his teammates and wondered how much they trusted him. Despite this though he knew that for now at least he was firmly on their side and would go along with whatever they planned, even it meant more waiting instead of acting.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Michaela woke from her sleep. This sleep thing wasn't something she was used to. They didn't really do that in the realm of good magic. Now she was doing it and having strange visions. Some to do with her standing in front of a group of people giving a speech when suddenly she found herself in the nude. She wasn't particularly perturbed by this due to nudity being something of a natural state in the realm. Of course, that also meant that clothes was something that was equally new to her. Walking to the mirror, she looked around for her wand, but couldn't quite see it. This was a place where people aren't all angels, so it's possible it was stolen by a being with evil intent. Looking around frantically, it quickly occured to her that the mobile phone sat next to her bed was the wand. "Humans and their technology..." She sighed, grabbing the phone, she flicked it open and saw the message for them to meet at Overlook. She sighed and flourished the phone before a sparkle of magic exploded around her and she teleported to there, her black clothes materializing around her as she did so. Appearing around the corner in a flash. She then walked around the corner and waited for the others.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Hammy Chi
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Hammy Chi

Member Seen 16 days ago


Vivrynn was already at the overlook when he received the message. He sat by one of the ledges 'overlooking' the bespoke city of Greyvale. He sighed. They're late... he leaned back a bit while he kicked at the lack of terra firma under him. Timing was everything in the jungle. It could make the difference between eating or being eaten.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Ven Ferr

It took some time for Ven to reach the Overlook, and by the time he got there. It looked like he was late as some of the others were already there. Ven only sighed at the sight and turned off his disguise, and appeared in his tattooed green self. "I guess I took longer to get here than I thought." Ven felt awkward since he reminded people of the meeting in the first place, but he turned out to be late to it. Maybe they should help Io with that teleportation system that the Overlook has. "Well, since everyone is here, we can start."

Brushing off his awkwardness and the group moved to the command room of the Overlook. Which had a while concealed on the outside, the command room had a commanding view of the valley and Greyvale can be seen via large screens that showed outside that was on the wall. The command room, which reflected the main style of the Overlook, was a mix of high-tech and earthy styles, where steel and stone mixed. Which, along with the various panels and a main computer near the screens and hooked up to them. There was a table in the middle of the room that had showed a holographic Grayvale. It was then that the Overlook's AI, Io, appeared in her blue human holographic form with medium-length hair above them and greeted the rangers.

"Hello, rangers, and I see it is time for another meeting," saying it in a friendly tone.

"How are you doing Io? Still the same old same old?" Ven asked as he entered the room.

"I am doing fine, Ven, and as always, nothing has changed. But thanks for asking," Io responded calmly. "As always, I am monitoring Greyvale, and so far, there is no sign of Velcon forces yet, so you may proceed, and I will inform you if there is any change."

"Good Io," sounding pleased, and Ven walked over to the table in the middle of the room and took his spot at it. Taking position near one of the heads of the table. He waited for the rest to take their places and start this meeting. "So, how about we review what we know?" Ven proposed to the group.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Cyrania
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Mir'aziel'thraw/ Raziel Thrawn

Rising from her place, standing at strict military attention, Raziel gave her account, her skin now it's royal blue and her eyes their pure red. "We know the Velcon Empire will invade this planet. Our collective defection will not halt their plans. The question remains though whether they will seek to send in another group of spies to see what Earth's defenses and weaknesses are or if the Emperor will command the invasion begin as soon as possible. Neither Io or I have seen any trace of the Velconian presence so far, but that doesn't mean that they aren't there and simply have not been spotted. Though it could also mean that they are preparing to invade. In which case, we will need to be ready."

She then tapped on the table and got up a projection of the world as a whole. "Traditionally, the Velcon Empire has struck at the strongest forces of the enemy they wish to invade then work their way down from there. The Power Rangers were identified early as the strongest threat to their advance." She tapped where Grayvale was on the map, causing a red dot to appear. "Also, the US nation as a whole, though weakened from its past, still has what is seen as among the strongest militaries in the world and so is another target." She tapped the location of Washington DC along with some of the major military bases she knew of. "We can safely say then that when the attack comes, it will be focused around Grayvale itself as the primary target. However, it could also end up focusing at any of these places. It comes down to what they will consider the most tactically sound method of approach."

Then she got up the hologram of the Power Ranger Megazord. "As the Power Rangers themselves have vanished and neither Io or I have found any trace of their whereabouts, it is up to us to uphold the Power Ranger legacy and defend Earth. To do so, we need to practice fighting together and separately with our Zords and come to come up with defensive tactics for any potential strategies our enemy will come up with. We have also decided what our roles will in both in and out of our civilian identities to do what we can to keep our eyes out for what the Velcon's will do and to strengthen our position as much as possible. Within my role as secondary info gatherer and counter-intelligence, I have not seen any trace of the Velcons nor any information currently about where the Power Rangers might be. However, I can report that the US is on the path to becoming stronger and thereby could be encouraged to be a reliable ally force in going against this invasion."

Then she looked around the table. "Has anyone else any reports from their own investigations or any adjustments you would make to my accounting of the present situation?"
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Grydon Frygar AKA George Foster

While Grydon knew all the monitors in the Overlook were important that didn't they still hurt his eyes. At least he could avoid looking at them most of the time unless something was actually going on. When Ven began talking, it quickly became clear that that wasn't the case, still he had enough experience to know these kind of meetings were still important. Mir'aziel's talk about potential target and allies.

"All I can say is I hope they strike soon. If Von Tero was actually smart enough to call for reinforcements no amount of training will let us deal with the numbers the Empire can bring down on us, even if we allied with every nation on this planet." Grydon actually hated being outnumbered like they were. He knew they were supposed to be a small number of elites but he was used to being part of a large group of soldiers. "Also I know I won't have to tell you but we have to keep our actual races a secret, what a little I enjoy about human culture and history suggests that most of them wouldn't trust us if they knew the truth."

@Cyrania@Theyra@Hammy Chi@mattmanganon

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Ven Ferr

"Good points, Mir'aziel'thraw and Grydon, I am not so sure about Von asking for reinforcements. The empire last we checked was spread thin, and requesting reinforcements before the invasion starts may make Von seem weak." Ven brought up a picture of Von Tero in his Imperial Commander uniform. "We all know how the empire's military works and the last thing any commander needs is to be seen as weak. Especially for someone like Von and he may try to take Earth with what he's got."

"But still, it is something to consider Grydon and about revealing ourselves to humans. You have a point, and they might freak out if they learned how easy it was for Mir'aziel'thraw to infiltrate the US Defense Department. But I feel unless we have to, we should keep our real identities to ourselves."

Ven then let out a sign, "but for my reports Mir'aziel'thraw... I am afraid I cannot add much. I can only confirm that the Empire is not responsible for the missing Power Rangers. Something else is in play, and I am looking into it." Ven felt bad about the lack of news on his end. Especially, about the missing rangers, they trusted them when the team revealed themselves to them, and now they are gone. Something happened to them, and Ven will find out what. He just hopes they are not dead and can still be rescued from whatever situation they are in.

"Well," Ven trying to speak in a better tone. "Anyone has any other news or reports to say?"
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Hammy Chi
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Hammy Chi

Member Seen 16 days ago


Vivrynn sat at the far end of the table. Some of his ‘colleagues’ unveil their true forms, some of which would've elicited quite the varying degree of reactions from the humans if they were ever to see them. When their disguises were first introduced to them he'd admit he was hesitant. It was one thing to blend into your surroundings but Vivrynn still felt like himself when doing so. Whoever that is…Vivrynn sighed.

He pressed and slided one of the glowing panels to show five still figures at the center of the table. It was the rangers. Those who came before them to be more precise. “Humans have a saying… no news is good news…” Vivrynn started. His own human projection fading and sprouting Large ears and a lush tail that cushioned his seat. “Our… disappearance… may have caused enough of a stir to delay their plans. We don't need the humans. We play our roles right and we might be able to survive on their past merits alone.” His eyes switching between the rangers of old and them now. They wouldn't have wanted the people of this world to fight. He thought.

@Theyra @Duthguy @Cyrania @mattmanganon
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Cyrania
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Mir'aziel'thraw/ Raziel Thrawn

"That may be true, Scout Vivrynn." Raziel replied back. "However, we cannot play our roles right if we do not take more time to practice them for when the time comes. Nor find ways to better prepare..." She sighed heavily. "I realize that all of us have to keep our civilian identities intact in order to, as Corporal Frydar pointed out, not reveal our true alien natures to people that are going to mostly be hostile to aliens." Then she looked at Vivrynn and Micheala. "Unless they happen to look very human adjacent, but that's besides the point." She focused back to the group as a whole. "However, that doesn't mean we couldn't do more. Captain Far and I have been keeping track diligently of our spheres of information. I recall I gave suggestions to the rest of you for how you could be of assistance..."

Now Raziel was often pushy with her suggestions, and overly detailed. And since she was never truly the leader Ven Far has been, it would have been no fault of anyone's if they'd deigned not to follow what she'd said. In essence though, she'd suggested that Vivrynn could focus on at least daily patrols around the Power Ranger base to keep an eye out for intruders and to be among first to respond if the Power Rangers were called upon. Her ideal would be hourly patrols or half-hourly patrols, but she understands that that's asking too much. So she instead suggested coming up with a randomized pattern of patrols that worked with her work schedule.

For Grydon, she suggested that he come as often as possible to the hideout to train and keep an ear out for potential intruders as well as Imperial attacks and so be the first to get ready to become a Power Ranger and get out there. Also to keep track of any suspiciously-related incidents at the library.

For Michela, she suggested training with Grydon in order to have options if the wand should be taken from her as well as practice with her wand to make sure she's prepared for combat. Also to see if she could use her magic to find clues to the Rangers' whereabouts or to give an estimate of when the Empire will attack.

The characters though are free to have accepted all or part of the advice, ignored it entirely, or been unable to follow through due to life happening.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Grydon Frygar AKA George Foster

Grydon actually had been coming to the Overlook like Raziel suggested, more to train than anything else since he trusted Io to protect the place. He did occasionally look out for Imperial attacks as well, and in fact the longer he didn't find any the more time he spent looking. "Of course I have been coming here Thrawn, both to train and to look for signs of attack." He didn't feel the need to mention that his private training part was only really useful about the half time, while the other time was wasted on trying out impractical but cool looking stunts both due to him hoping it would work and to blow of steam.

@Cyrania@Theyra@Hammy Chi@mattmanganon
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Michaela stood at the back of the group as Ven brought them up to speed on the situation. "I most certainly do not need training in the highly unlikely event my wand would be taken from me." She replied to Thraw, proving that arrogance was as much an immortal trait as it was a mortal one. "We Angels are creatures that were born to serve the good magics of this universe. I will redouble my efforts to look into Von's plans using the all seeing eyes of magic" She then paused and thought for a minute. "But if it would serve to show you how our kind serve the innocent of this planet, then yes, i will 'Train' with you."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ven Ferr

After hearing what everyone had said, Ven spoke. "We should train like what Mir'aziel'thraw said, and get used to handling the Zords. We are still new to being Power Rangers, after all. Overall, we have a general idea on how to do it sounds like and I would to add that..."

The calmness of the meeting suddenly switched to red warning lights as Io began to speak in a focused tone. "Wait... we may have a problem."

Ven turned around and was concerned. "What is it Io? Is it the empire? Has the invasion started?"

Io's holographic self disappeared as she silently gathered what information she was receiving. "Wait.... intercepting reports.... establishing feeds now." Then, the large monitor on the wall of the command room shifted from its default view of the valley to new reports and different views of Grey Vale's downtown area.

"This is new anchor Rebecca Beach, and we are receiving reports of an attack happening right now in downtown Grey Vale by a group of unknown assailants who are currently battling the local police as we speak." Which was one of the video feeds on the monitor and another video feed that was clearly being broadcasted on someone's iPhone showed the local police battling with the unknown assailants. It looked like chaos, with people running from the scene and the rangers bearing Michaela could recognize as plasma bolts striking near the iPhone. It was dropped on the ground, and the feed would cut off. But, Io would rewind the feed and get a shot of the unknown assailants although the angle was not the best. The familiar shape of the assailants would make Ven uneasy as he silently watched the feeds.

Then Io would pull up a feed and display it over the others, and it was an overhead view of the attack. The police were clearly losing and falling back while being chased, and Io zoomed in on the attackers. It was clear to everyone who the attackers were now. Imperial soldiers, the invasion has begun, and this would be their opening move.

"Dang it," Ven's clenched his fists in anger. "Io, are the Imperials attacking anyplace else?"

She replied after a moment, "currently no, I am only getting reports and receiving Imperial activity from Grey Vale. No other locations."

"So it begins," Ven grimly said as he would turn to the rest of the team. "Unless anyone here has questions for Io before we depart, we should head to Grey Vale downtown now."
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Downtown Grey Vale

After morphing, it did not take long for the group to arrive at Grey Vale and when they arrived. They were greeted by the sight of fleeing civilians and the sounds of gunfire and plasma bolts. Along with the smell of burnt rubber as it appears as they got closer to the battle that several cars are on fire. No doubt due to plasma bolts by the imperial soldiers. It was a chaotic scene.

What was once a normal day in downtown Grey Vale has turned into a nightmare for those living in it, and now the New Powers Rangers must go into danger to save the day. Their first outing was as Power Rangers, and it was time to see if they had prepared themselves well enough for the task at hand. The invasion may have started, but that does not mean the first battle will be an imperial one.

Ven Ferr

What Ven thought as they neared downtown was a sight he knew had happened in another world that was the target of the empire. But Ven is going to make sure that the imperials that caused this chaos will regret doing this. This is where the line is drawn, and the empire will not have this world. That was all that Ven was thinking as the group got to the scene of battle.

Noticing two police officers taking cover behind a police car, and Ven rushed over to them. Too taking cover with them, and the two police officers were surprised at his arrival. One of them spoke up, "Power Rangers? You here to help?"

"Yes, how bad is it?"

"Bad, and they are just swarming us, and we cannot evac any of the wounded out there."

"Got it. Have your men stay back while we handle this."

The second officer spoke up, "But you are outnumbered, and they have weapons better than ours."

"It does not matter, we are going in and stopping them from doing anymore damage. Plus, I have a feeling that our weapons will be enough against theirs."

"Both officers looked at each in astounded at the bravery that they are seeing. "Well, good luck out there, Power Rangers, and we will try to stay back and support you if we can."

"Roger that, and just try not to get in the line of fire." The last thing Ven will say to them as he leaves the police car and joins up with the other rangers. "Okay, let's get in there and stop them before anymore people get hurt. Anyone with range weapons focus on the ones with plasma weapons, and there should be only a few of them unless they change their tactics. The rest of us will deal with the rest of them, and I know we are outnumbered, but we can do this if we work together as a team."

Ven had a determined look under his helmet, and while he knew the others could not see it. He was ready, but time to see how they fare against the imperials. Two green swords manifested in Ven's hands and as he moved to face the imperial soldiers. They spotted him, and the firing would stop for a moment as one of them would walk forward. "Look, the Power Rangers are here," sounding excited and mocking at the same time. "Maybe they will be a better challenge than these weak human fighters." Laughing and clearly in a mocking tone. He raised his sword and motioned for the others to rush forward. "For the Empire," and the imperial soldiers would rush forward towards them.

"Time to see how the empire fares against us and let's do this team," was all Ven said as he rushed at the imperial soldiers with his two swords at the ready. The first battle has begun, and now it is up to the Power Rangers to repulse this first group of imperials and show that the Power Rangers are ready to fight and defend their new home. Time for the Power Rangers to prove their worth as Earth's Protectors.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Mir'aziel'thraw/ Raziel Thrawn

With a mirrored determination, Raziel saluted Ven, "Yes Captain!" Then into her hands manifested a blue pistol and rapier. Making sure the weapons were ready, she scurried up to a higher vantage point up on top of a crumbled pile of currently not-on-fire rubble. From there, she shot with her pistol to pick off some of the closer soldiers and tried to consider her options. The police were focused on either fighting back or getting out civilians. The soldiers were just focused on fighting anyone they could find...She ducked below a plasma shot. Focus!

Her main objective right now was to take out those plasmas. Her pistol didn't quite have the range they had though, so she'd just have to get a little creative. And there was another chaos and confusion that she could get away with it too. An slight, unseen grin lit her face as she ducked below another shot. Then, after taking in where that shooter was, she noted that the balcony he'd clambered up to was already struggling with battle damage. So she just telekinetically helped that balcony along, causing him and his gun to tumble down into the street. Then, for the moment not looking at the state of the soldier, she nudged the gun to roll towards one of the police officers. They would surely appreciate the extra fire power. Besides, if any of her team wanted one, there were still more to get.

She fired at any more soldiers that had gotten close to her location, then started to strategize how to take out another plasma shooter while also looking to see what the rest of the team was doing.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Grydon Frygar AKA George Foster

"About time." Despite what Ven said about how asking for reinforcements would make Von Tero look weak Grydon still worried about it. There were still enough Imperial Troops that they would be outnumbered, but not enough to completely overwhelm them. Since the only question he had for Io was more personal and not urgent he decided getting custom made lenses could wait until later and joined the others in both morphing and heading out, eager to finally fight for real.

When the group arrived downtown Grydon was a bit annoyed by one of the police officers, since Ven made it clear that the Rangers could handle things. Of course he understood the two of them only wanted to help even if their weapons were less then useful in this case. Like Ven and Mir'aziel'thraw he summoned his weapon.

Grydon joined Ven in his rush to the soldiers, but made not to get so close that he couldn't swing his battle axe without hitting the green Ranger.

@Cyrania@Theyra@Hammy Chi@mattmanganon
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Hammy Chi
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Hammy Chi

Member Seen 16 days ago


For having the best hearing on the team, red’s words simply didn’t hit. Before he knew it, Vivrynn, slid down the side of a building with a trail of pink specks following him. The marksmen steal the pink ranger’s attention since an enemy you couldn’t see, you can never prepare for. The specks from before veiled his descending form when suddenly words began to form in his mind; Watchful, precise, and true… Vivrynn reached to seemingly nowhere and the same specks filled his grasp drawing forth a bow-like weapon from the aether. Though he remained unsure of who or what their attackers were, Vivrynn aimed at the direction of the volleys, managing to fire two pink arrows before landing gracefully on the curb.

@Theyra @Duthguy @Cyrania @mattmanganon

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Was about to ask something when she suddenly felt something... Pain? Anguish? Before she could ask, Ven informed them that the empire was attacking downtown. "Well, looks like it's Morphin' Time." She sighed, holding up the morpher and transforming. As they reached downtown and Ven began giving out the orders, she nodded as they were spotted and quickly challenged for a fight by the Empires Footsoldiers. "I am an Angel of the realm of Good Magic, i will NEVER fall to pitiful creatures such as you!" she cried, waving her hands and a large cannon appeared in her hands. Jumping high in the air, she flipped, and pointed it at a pair of the footsoldiers, blasting them wildly, a pair of shots hitting their chests as they were knocked off their feet, sparks flying through the air. As she landed and began marching towards them, firing carefully armed shots at their chests. She then ran her hand up the weapon "HEAVEN CANNON! FULL POWER!" She yelled as she turned and fired a rapid fire spread at a trio that advanced on her, them all falling over and being engulfed in a fire ball. She thumbed her nose through the helmet "Heh, Morphinominal."
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ven Ferr/Downtown Grey Vale

While the rest of the team was engaging at range. Ven went full on with his dual swords as he closed the gap between the Imperial Soldiers. He acted first and started slicing and dicing. Downing the first Imperial Soldier he came across, then the second and the third. But as the fight went on, there were still plenty of Imperial Soldiers left and while he was not getting shot at. Mir'aziel'thraw and Vivrynn shots downed three of the range soldiers. It seems like the remaining four range soldiers were ignoring him and Grydon and focused on Mir'aziel'thraw and Vivrynn as they were the bigger threats to them and started firing at them. With the soldiers near Michaela trying to rush her.

Which one of the police officers did pick up the plasma rifle and with a quick examination of it and accidently firing a shot near his feet. Did he get into positron and started firing at the Imperial Soldiers. Nailing at least two in the chest and they fell to the ground.

"We can do this," Ven yelled to his team as he was fighting. Dodging and blocking attacks from the Imperials in front of him while countering them when he could. "Do not let them surround you!" He said as advice as tried his best to be near to Grydon while trying to accidently get hit by his axe. As to protect each others flanks as to avoid getting surround and beat down from all sides.

Still, about thirteen of the imperials have been taken out and the remaining soldiers are they are still focused on taking down the power rangers despite their losses. Meanwhile off in the distance far down the street from the battle a figure was watching from afar. Judging how the battle was progressing and for now. They were content to watch from afar and there were still imperials left to fight. Time to see if the power rangers can call this day a victory.

@Cyrania@Duthguy@Hammy Chi@mattmanganon
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