You guys are supposed to use the fire extinguisher on the creature
You guys are supposed to use the fire extinguisher on the creature
<Snipped quote by Digmata>
O_O I thought that was for the explosive persona of the guy who's talking to us now.
@Guardian Angel Haruki that last move sounds to me like a Threaten, where the thing you want him to do is stop reaching for his gun and identify himself, and what you're threatening him with is a face full of firefighting foam. That said, your POW is 1 and you currently have -1 Forward from your last move, so you'll have to Push Yourself and tick the Phantom Clock to draw. Sounds good, or you want to do something else?
let me figure out what that means for you
Since Justice is his dissonant card, perhaps Luka gazes into the Undertow only to find Shades of Justice that take issue with the inherent unfairness of his privileged life waiting to gaze back. They proceed to steal the memory of what Luka was looking for and go on to be the unknowable force that interferes with his Dazzle attempts.
Can I control Luca's basaball guy?
My agreement will depend on what you would have THE ESSENCE OF LIFE do.
Ashley and the Batter will jump the man with Ashley using the latter as shield
<Snipped quote by Digmata>
So long as Ashley doesn't cut short the conversation that's currently going on by doing this, that's fine by me.
I don't know if this is Investigate or Dredge the Undertow but I won't be using my remaining card here.