Octolys' fighter was one of the first to 'fly' through the air, but it would not be the last. A preliminary scouting venture exposed one thing above all others — Other toys were waking up. There was a veritable smörgåsbord of creations breaking from their confinements, a brand war whose lawsuit potential was
immense. Worse still, the moment toys were freed from their confinements and were in proximity to one another? That, dear reader, was when the violence began. Fists and swords and toy guns clashed as an orgy of violence erupted within the toy store.
"ROIGHT, WAT'S ALL DIS DEN?" A voice called out. There was motion in the corner of Octoly's eye, and turning would reveal an army of little green men. No, not little green men. Little green
Orks. Busted free from a glass cabinet, a prize-winning painted army of green Orks had broken free and started a ruckus without any delay. Behind the legion of boyz and nobs and trukks was a larger ork, grey and red and clad in metal.
"SHADDAP, I'Z TALKIN!" The warboss grabbed a very tiny green goblin-looking grot, throwing him off of the shelf and into the abyss below — wherein he exploded into a pile of plastic.
"NUFFIN ELSE TO IT DEN, LADS, IT'S TIME TO GET CHOPPIN. WAAAAAGH!" And thus the army of green creatures charted towards Thyerg'Octolys and let out their telltale cry.
The middle itself was just as much a mess as the other places, albeit without anywhere near as many small toys ready to set upon the others like ants. Instead there were a few medium sized fighters, and an opportunity to escape should Octolys deem it necessary. For those who never awoke acted as a wall and a refuge, with something shining beneath all of them...
Kurosame could see it first, the moment she made the crack within the window. What had been a normal-looking rainfall picked up velocity, which was both a bane and a boon. She could get even more water than anticipated, but the violent whipping of rain caused the crack to grow. Just a bit, but it was
growing. But that would be less important than what Kurosame saw as she 'flew' towards the middle isle.
She would get an ample view of the violence, being able to also see the orks charging Octolys and his fighter making a similar journey. The view disappeared when she landed upon the middle isle, instead replaced with an outwards view of different levels of violence from those whom awoke. The lines of toys in the middle provided some level of refuge, albeit the longer she stayed, the more she heard a peculiar sound.
There's a snake in my boot... Crunch.
You're my favourite deputy... Crunch. Boxed shaking as
something came up from down below. Its mass significant enough to shake the whole middle isle. And a glowing, gentle shine coming from beneath.
"Hah!" A voice replied to Veronica's boast. Another toy, another misfit. A doll made from cloth and stuffing rose up, a teddy-bear with an arm and an eye missing. Stuffing poked out from there his arm had been torn off, mouldy and marred from misuse. The bear still stood, however — and indeed did he tower over Veronica's wooden frame. A peace logo was stitched near where his arm had been torn off, the rest of his body covered in a tie dye of colours. A large 'TY' was tagged to his ears, evidence of where he came from. A beanie baby peace bear.
So much for being peaceful.
"You and everybody else in this competition have been thinking that. Charge headlong into battle, give the master of this competition the entertainment he craves. Play your part in this dance." The bear spoke with a weary and whispery voice, yet still it held that gravelly texture of authority.
"What are you waiting for? Go on, kill me." The bear raised his arm and held his head high, standing in open defiance.
"At least I will die on my own terms."At least, that was the case until Ryuko descended upon the scene, causing the bear to turn to look at her.
"Another slave."
The two remaining Jerrys looked at each other for a good two seconds, before a single nod came from their bulging heads.
"Alright, alright! Cool it with the whole explodin'." Pause, the second Jerry looked around before a wing came up and he spoke in a hushed tone towards Nudara.
"Listen real close-like, yeah? Ya best bet is prolly to take out the biggest of 'em first. Now, I's got a hunch that whatever's causin' a ruckus in the electronic department is gonna be up there in the 'biggest threat' competition. Ya feel me?" The goose turned around to point in the direction where the alarms klaxon blared.
The roar from Alucroas could be heard over the alarm he had triggered, and most toys rightfully scattered when presented with such an opponent. But not every toy. For on the floor near Alucroas was a toy of similar size, plastic and metal assembled into the shape of a blocky electronic
Tyrannosaurus Rex. Its flat head stared at the intruder, feet crushing the glass beneath as it moved closer and closer...
"ME GRIMLOCK! KING! Grimlock boomed, before ushering in a roar of challenge. Whether or not Alucroas replied, the transforming tyrannosaur pushed his feet into a charge, ready to clash heads and bring those sharp metal teeth into his opponents body!
A compounded conglomeration of various toys, melted into something that belonged in
The Thing, rose from the very bottom of the middle isle. A multitude of asymmetrical limbs grabbed onto everything that it could reach. Shelves were grabbed, the bulk hoisted higher with each groaning motion. Any toys that were too slow — or foolhardy — to move out of the way of the mass were grabbed and dragged within, plastic bubbling and gurgling as they were added to the increasing multitude of tormented toys amalgamated. But that was not the worst part.
The worst part was that attached to this bulk was a melted figure, constructed from plastic joints connected together like how a LEGO house was built brick by brick. On the melted figure's face was a brown mask, the source of the light whose power still remained. Power that allowed this amalgamation to move at all.