Black Shark
23 | Female | 11 Ounces | 6” Tall
ABS/PVC Body | | Polycarbonate Weaponry | Weeb Water Description A foul ronin who may have watched too much Naruto.
She looks very similar to the RONIN Figma figure by Goodsmile/Max Company, with different accessories and a slightly different construction. All of her clothes/accessories are made of various plastics and are designed to snap on via alignment pegs, and aren’t part of the underlying figure. (Specifics are in the part section)

Without such dressings, Kurosame’s frame is painted in a brown body length body suit with a few gray belts here and there.

Unlike the original model, her odachi is sandwiched between two clear pieces of plastic, with some bubbles floating around in it. You can’t be an anime sword woman without a giant sword. (Again, more in parts)
Materials Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)It’s a durable, rigid plastic. ABS is resistant to many chemicals, including acids, alkalis, and most solvents. It also has a pretty and smooth surface, making it the perfect plastic for toys. The ABS used in Kurosame’s construction is FR-ABS, which is ABS that has been mixed with fire retardant compounds. This raises the melting point to about 500 degrees fahrenheit and makes it so that the ABS cannot catch fire.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)PVC, while durable, is inferior to ABS in terms of strength, hardness, and even heat resistance. However, all of the PVC used on Kurosame has been mixed with a flexible additive, making it behave closer to hard rubber than brittle plastic. It’s flexible but remembers its shape. IT’s used in between a lot of ABS parts to act as a cushion, much like how a knight would wear a gambeson under armor to distribute the force of a blow. Sometimes, it’s better to bend than to break.
PolycarbonateThis material is seriously strong, being over two-hundred times as durable as glass and used in place as bullet proof glass in certain applications. It’s nearly indestructible, has a higher melting point than even FR-ABS, and is very rigid. The only downside is due to its manufacturing process it isn’t easy to manufacture into complex shapes. It also scratches easily, which is partly due to its extreme inflexibility.
Parts BodyWeight: 10 ounces (Includes all wearable accessories/clothes/armor)
Size: 6" Tall
Material: ABS
Kurosame’s core body is designed similarly to a Figma action figure, only a greater emphasis has been placed on interchangeability of accessories and durability over aesthetics, while preserving articulation. Figmas tend to have a range of motion similar to that of a normal human, with greater flexibility in the upper legs and shoulders thanks to some hinged ball sockets. The wrists and feet are also pin sockets that allow for complete rotation. Some of the additions to Kurosame that makes her different than a normal Figma is that her clothes can be entirely removed. Kurosame’s body has “Barbie doll anatomy” and is painted up to look like she’s wearing a body suit. Her figure also has various alignment holes on her head, arms, legs, hips, and back for accepting various accessories or outfits. Her hair and face are interchangeable accessories and are not part of her core.
Wet SuitWeight: N/A
Size: N/A
Material: PVC
Kurosame wears a body conforming wet suit. It covers most of her body, save for her head and hands. The wet suit is made of several pieces that are slipped over every part before the joints are joined together, preserving articulation. This does mean that her wet suit has “openings” around all of her joints, but all of these joints are “skirted” and thus difficult to exploit without very precise attacks. The wet suit is only a few millimeters thick and has openings for the alignment holes where her armor fits.
Big KasaWeight: N/A
Size: 2.5" wide
Material: ABS & PVC
Kurosame’s hat has a small caged viewing hole that can let her see through it if need be. A layer of PVC on the underside to make it behave like a helmet and dampen blows that would hit Kurosame. There’s a pin in the center of the underside to help it stay on Kurosame’s head.
Warrior’s HakamaWeight: N/A
Size: N/A
Material: ABS & PVC
The giant skirt-like garb Kurosame’s wears. Two ABS halves that lock together and pin on either side of the ronin’s waist. The Hakama’s many layers are jointed at the waist to allow more mobility for the legs, while still being rigid. There’s a ring of PVC on the inside of the waist to dampen shock to the body, should the Hakama be struck with force. The ribbons and belts are also jointed to avoid snapping off and increasing the realism of some poses.
KoteWeight: N/A
Size: N/A
Material: ABS & PVC
Kurosame does not wear much armor, as it would interfere with her ability to swim. However, she does wear some arm guards. They go from her forearms to her wrists with only the smallest opening on her inner elbows for flexibility. Like her other armor, the kote is made of ABS plastic with a flexible PVC backing and pegs to hold it to her body.
Water Barrier OdachiWeight: 1 Ounce
Size: 6” long blade, not including handle
Material: Polycarbonate
A nigh indestructible sword, thanks to the two pieces of Polycarbonate that encase the Odachi on either side. It’s suppose to look like a barrier of water that’s formed around the sword, but it’s turned the Odachi into some broad bladed weapon. The blade has been sharpened as much as a plastic blade can be, with the back half left blunt should the wielder choose to half sword with it.
Water knivesWeight: N/A
Size: A little longer than an inch
Material: Polycarbonate
Two slivers of Polycarbonate that look like little more than glass needles. Kurosame does not keep these on her person.
StandWeight: N/A
Size: N/A
Material: ABS
A stand with a three joint boom that is used to hold Kurosame in dynamic poses that would normally put her off balance. The stand is robust enough to hold her about a centimeter off the ground for some cool aerial poses. It is capable of supporting Kurosame from any of her alignment holes. When plugged in, Kurosame can maneuver it as if it were an extra limb. However, she does not keep the stand on her person.
Extra Bobs and BitsWeight: N/A
Size: N/A
Material: ABS & PVC
Like a Figma action figure, Kurosame comes with two additional faces and four extra pairs of hands, which are not on her person.
Powers Aqua LungKurosame Is capable of shooting water out of her mouth and manipulating bodies of water near her.
She has a reservoir in her torso that is filled with water. This delivers water to her head, which can then be “spit out” of her mouth like a dollar store squirt gun, a water jet cutter, or somewhere between. She can also focus it into a laxer focused stream or fan it out like a cone. When fully focused, it’s capable of cutting through materials, albeit cutting through harder/thicker materials slower than softer ones. When fanned out, it will not cut at all but has a strong ability to push. Kurosame can choose to ignore the recoil of this ability if she so chooses, as it’s sure to easily move the 11 ounce toy. The water jet’s effective range is 1o inches, after which it’s strength drops off quickly. There is a small valve between her shoulder blades that can be used to fill her chest cavity again.
Kurosame can also do some light water bending, moving water through the air and flinging it around with her mind. Within 50 inches, She can get her water moving fast enough that it hits with the force of an adult man’s punch (Or smack, if the surface area is larger) her intended target. Up to 150 inches, she is capable of “a toddler’s clumsy push” and cannot use her water bending beyond that range. Kurosame cannot bend more than 3 cups of water at any given time.
HammerspaceYou aren’t really a toy based on Japanese cartoons if you’re female and don’t have access to a hammerspace. With this, Kurosame is capable of storing items that she would never be able to carry on her person. It’s effectively a pocket dimension, but might just be her empty display box.
To place something in her hammerspace, all Kurosame needs to do is reach for a space that is hidden from view. Under the rim of her hat, behind her back, even under an opposing arm works. Anything that is in her hammerspace will appear in her hand when she chooses to reveal it. Stashing something in her hammerspace is just as easy. The only limit to what she can stash is it fits inside an 8x6x3 inch space and is something Kurosame is strong enough to hold. She does not need a hand to pull things out of her hammerspace, and can “shake” things free with some effort. Her stand can simply appear in place so long as the alignment hole it’s attached to isn’t directly in her field of view.
Feats Water BornKurosame’s specialty was water based fighting and is no stranger to the depths. She knows how to get the most out of her body when she is under water. She can swim faster than most other toys and has an easier time getting around under water. In addition to this, she can hold her breath for several minutes.
Yokai Anatomy StudyKurosame has fought various foes, from humans to monsters to magically animated furniture. Her past experience gives her some insight into what her opponents may be capable of.
Personality Kurosame is a “kuudere.” Non-weebs would describe her as being emotionally detached or too cool to show emotions. She can be kind of sassy towards her opponents and isn’t above going on long rambling monologs about the philosophy of fighting, loving, and the color green. Talking is a free action right?
Bio Some say she was the daughter of a politician, others a concubine who fled the clutches of her emperor, but nobody really knows who Kurosame was before she took up her title.
What is known is that she was found by her master (Kuroburu, a reknown samurai) and took on her new identity shortly after that. She was raised and trained as a samurai, and he helped her tap into her arcane powers. Her ability to manipulate water was able to aid her in combat, and she was frequently dispatched around rivers and sea side villages to settle disturbances. They started her off on bandits, and as her skills grew, she went on to fight Yokai and other foes that were too disturbing for the average samurai. Anything to honor her liege lord and preserve harmony in his lands.
But the happy times don’t last forever. A long lived liege lord is surrounded by more political intrigue than A Song of Ice and Fire could even serve up. Unfortunately, her liege lord was assassinated and her master ordered all of his samurai to commit seppuku to preserve their honor. Thing is, Kurosame was quite accustom to running away and beating down her problems, so that’s what she set off to do. Going against the wishes of her master was a dishonorable thing to do and she was promptly branded a ronin.
Kurosame could never step foot on land again, so she took to the sea and lived as a pirate. What happens out at sea isn’t truly known by anyone but her crew, but there are plenty of rumors. Some say she married a pirate king and rules over 30,000 pirates with her husband, others say she’s become a shinobi who swims to land to assassinate her targets, only to disappear in the waves once night falls. Others believe she is finding other ways to aquire power so that she can return to land, kill her liege lord’s assassin, and recover her honor. Nobody really knows. Whatever it was, it somehow lead to her becoming a toy.