Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

March 12th, 2014
Women's Barracks, Shattered Steel HQ
Malta, The Mediterranean

The disturbance at the door to the barracks roused Kat. The amazonian, scarred cycloptic woman's eye snapped open...
...and she pulled her covers up around her chin, turned over, and went back to sleep.

March 13th, 2014
Malta Defence Forces HQ
Luqa International Airport
Malta, The Mediterranean

Scott had been greeted with a number of messages after he'd awoken. The squadron's transports had arrived, bearing with them the defence and security forces from Shattered Steel to reinforce the beleaguered Malta Defence Force troops and the handful of Italian personnel that had been deployed to the island nation. Air defence positions had been reinforced with more teams of MANPADS, and the transports were on their way back to the island to bring heavier defence vehicles, backup ground-based radar, and more.
The planes had also ferried across ordnance for the squadron's planes, their mechanics, spare parts, and other such necessary supplies, and over the night the pilots had slept, they had been busy. Sandbagged shelters had been erected around the planes, ammo dumps had been established, and various other measures put into place to turn the airport into a military airbase.
He'd reviewed the overview of specific information related to the understood strength of the enemy, their assets, and the allies they had on site, and got a good overview of the goals for the operation.
All that in mind, he'd called a briefing first thing for the squadron, intending to get them rolling right away, before anything else could happen.

Colonel Abela would be attending, and already sat in the briefing room, ready and attentive. Captain Hoffman, the officer in charge of the ground forces from Shattered Steel was also there, as well as Major Wolfgang, the commander of their maintenance crews.
Scott waited for the others to filter in, nodding and greeting them as they did so. The helicopter crew arrived; their machine having been transported there in the hold of the enormous Antonov transport plane.
As soon as everyone was there and seated and the door closed, Scott started speaking. His manner was much more brisk, formal, and stern than their first meeting - but there was a lot more to get through, as he started to talk.
"Good morning, everyone. Now you're all here, there's a lot to get through, and we have work to do. Our supporting elements have arrived, and have put in a massive effort to get things ready and in place for us to carry out our operations. In addition, Captain Hoffman's people have worked with Colonel Abela's forces and reinforced the defences for the airport. Once more of our people and vehicles arrived, additional early warning and defensive positions will be set up. But let me give an overview of our local situation first of all".

A projector screen behind Scott flashed up with an overview of Malta, showing the three-island archipelago, with highlighted areas of interest and concern.
"We are currently located at Luqa International Airport, as you well know. This is the only airport in the archipelago and thus the country. The only thing otherwise vaguely comparable is the heliport on the northern island of Gozo, which has no runway, taxiways, and is comprised only of a single, paved area that holds two helipads.
"The Maltese Defence force is also headquartered here at the airport. Their air wing has no combat aircraft; their utility helicopters have only door guns and small arms available, and they have no armed fixed-wing aircraft. The Italian Air Force are able to respond, but are - at best - fifty miles distant, and otherwise engaged and unable to be stationed here and respond or act as fluidly as we are.
"As such; it will be our duty to carry out both defensive and offensive operations against the forces that are targeting supply convoys via both air and sea to Malta".
The screen shifted image, showing the locations of previous incidents, attacks on aerial and ocean convoys. Another click, and the images showed frantically captured images of aircraft and sea-going vessels. Other windows flashed up, identifying the various marks and models. It was an eclectic mix of equipment; some European, some former Soviet, a small smattering US.
"Our aggressors are relatively well-equipped. Not the most modern or high-grade equipment, but nothing to be dismissed easily. Their combat assets are capable, especially when used well. Their tactics have notably changed over the course of the reported engagements; moving from simple hit-and-run attacks to organised, calculated pincer movements, attacks, and ambushes. The use of military equipment has likewise escalated. Initially, attacks were carried out by fishing or cargo vessels with improvised armaments and civil helicopters with small arms or man-portable heavy weapons. Once the ships started packing armed escorts and deck-mounted weapons, this escalated to naval vessels, and combat aircraft started to appear, and the tactics escalated to more military-oriented ones. This indicates - to me, and to the big brains at intel - as the involvement of professional consultants and trainers. Who, we currently have no idea. The variety of aircraft types might also indicate the presence of mercenaries".
He hesitated to let the information sink in and for the group to process what he'd poured out at them, before moving onto the next phase.
"While our hostiles seem to be based out of Libya and possibly Tunisia, their movements and what has been tracked on radar so far, as well as intelligence from our Italian allies points to them having taken control of the Pelagie Islands, or at least the harbours and airports there, and using the islands for shelter. As such, this will be our first point of focus".
The screen shifted again to show the islands of Lampedusa and Linosa, a smaller window showing Lampedusa airport.
"The harbour at Lampedusa isn't sufficient to berth or resupply large vessels, only smaller ones; many of which have been used in the attacks. However, the airport would make a perfect staging point for an aerial invasion of Malta. Linosa has no airports or large harbours. Though, that said; it is still possible it could be home to air defences or other 'surprises'.
"All this borne in mind - it's going to be our first objective for a recon mission. Although; not one without a complication, naturally".
A wry smile crept onto his face as he spoke, and another slide came up.
"Naturally, there's also a convoy inbound. But we're going to turn that to our advantage. A convoy will be entering our operational airspace at approximately 11:30 hours. Naturally, we're going to be up and providing a CAP for the ships against both aerial and surface targets. At the same time though, I'm going to have planes up and ready to pounce on the points of origin for those attacking air and surface targets and get us some valuable recon, in order to plan our next attacks".
Scott's eyes were firm, hard and intense as he looked out in the dim light of the briefing room, searching out and meeting the eyes of his people as he spoke their names.
"Here's the assignments: Cobalt 3, Cobalt 4, And Cobalt 5; you'll be our trackers. Skywatch will give you your vectors to the target area. Your primary objective will be to get recon images of the airport and harbour at Lampedusa. Secondary objectives to get as many recon images of the island and any other defensive positions or concentrations as possible. Tertiary objective; strike any targets of opportunity.
"The rest of Cobalt Haze squadron, we're going to be in two flights of two aircraft; loaded for both air to air and air to surface engagement. We're going to be the guard dogs. Anything comes sniffing around the convoy, we chase if off and either shoot it out of the sky, or send it to the bottom of the ocean.
"Rules of engagement are as follows: Recon Team, you're clear to engage in self-defence if locked on by hostile radar, or to strike high-value military targets of opportunity, if clearly identified. Do not linger, or make re-attacks. The recon is the primary objective.
Guard Dog flight; warnings will be broadcast to any vessels or aircraft approaching within five miles; any unidentified aircraft or vessel on an attack profile or on a direct heading for the convoy will be regarded as hostile until otherwise identified. If they don't turn away after the warning - we engage with prejudice. I'll be commanding Flight One".
He hesitated a moment, locking eyes with the relevant members of the squadron as he continued.
"Cobalt 6, You're with me in Flight One. Cobalt 7, you're commanding Flight Two and Cobalt 8 is your wingman".
He let that hang in the air a moment, making eye contact with all those involved, before moving immediately on to the next order of business.
"Recon Team; Cobalt Three will be in command. Captain Bouchard; I'm sure I can trust you and Le Armee de l'Air's experience and expertise as well as your own to know what's needed and exercise your responsibility well".
He gave the redheaded woman a brief, tight smile.
"Cobalt Hotel and Cobalt Heavy will be on standby should any rescue ops be needed, along with the Maltese forces helos and maritime patrol aircraft and vessels. Major Hoffman, Colonel Abela; Have your people stand ready in case the hostile forces use this as an excuse to attack here - but, I don't anticipate that issue. Major Wolfgang; what's the status on our aircraft and your maintenance personnel?"
The older man spoke up from his position in the rows of seats.
"All of your aircraft have been serviced after the flight here. Nothing needed; but they're in condition to go. My people are ready to upload weapons and fuel at a moment's notice, we'll get it done as soon as we're done here, sir".
"Excellent. Everyone, you've got your orders. Wheels-up in-" he checked his watch "-four hours. Get fed, get ready, and let's go kick some asses. Questions, comments, ideas?"
The lights snapped back on, and the screen went dim. Everyones' electronic flight assistants beeped or chimed with the information sent over as the briefing completed, and the burbling of conversation kicked up as the sandy-haired, odd-eyed pilot leant back from the briefing lectern and his expression relaxed.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 24 days ago

March 12th, 2014
Malta Defence Forces HQ > Men's Barracks, Shattered Steel HQ
Luqa International Airport
Malta, The Mediterranean

The rest of the squadron were already bunked down for the night as their final member touched down on the tarmac and taxied to the area set aside for his aircraft. A somehow even more last-minute addition, Illya had been reassigned to Cobalt Haze as the second replacement for the two pilots that had to drop out of the operation before they'd even left The Forge. Because it had been so last-minute though, There wasn't enough time for all the necessary preps and checks to be complete before the rest of the squadron went wheels-up, so he hadn't been able to leave with them...

The flight over was uneventful, but he didn't mind. It was peaceful, and quiet. Once he was back on terra-firma, he'd wasted no time before squaring things away with the ground crew and making for the Barracks to rest for the following day's operation. Seeking not to disturb the others in the room already asleep, he moved carefully and deliberately to the bunk in the quietest corner of the room and finally settled in for the night...

March 13th, 2014
Malta Defence Forces HQ
Luqa International Airport
Malta, The Mediterranean

Illya was not happy. Perhaps it was his late addition to the team, but something had gone wrong or been forgotten and it had resulted in his wake-up call being neglected and he had very nearly missed the briefing. Hardly the best way to make a first impression, he'd gotten ready as quickly as he could and hauled ass to the briefing room, only to narrowly avoid having the door closed in his face; A quiet apology later, he slipped into the back of the room quietly to catch as much of the briefing as he could but he picked up on a glaring detail as the room lights flicked back on and, after taking a moment to swallow his nerves, spoke up as he offered a quick salute.

"Lt. Illya Sokolov, sir. I apologise for my late arrival, but I was under the impression you had already received my dossier and wished to ask about my role in the operation."
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Rhona W
Avatar of Rhona W

Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Lt. Illya Sokolov, sir. I apologise for my late arrival, but I was under the impression you had already received my dossier and wished to ask about my role in the operation."

As the new pilot entered and introduced himself, Scott was taken by surprise. He checked his notes and notifications, flipping through to see if he'd missed something... and in the same instant he was doing so, a torrent of messages appeared in his inbox. With an exasperated sigh, the squadron leader rolled his mismatched eyes, before surrendering to a wry smile and shaking his head.
"No, don't apologise, Lieutenant Sokolov. It seems like I've only just got the information about you being assigned after we had two pilots drop out yesterday before we even set off. I'll have to catch up on your dossier double-time when I get a chance.
In the meantime, I'll give you the quick version of the operation:"

Scott quickly went over the specifics of their upcoming mission, what the objectives were, and where everyone would be deployed, before coming back to Illya's arrival and his question about his place in it.
"As for where you'll be; I'm going to assign you to Flight One with myself and Cobalt 7, to protect the convoy of ships. Wheels up in four hours; so get yourself fed, watered, and prepped. Mechanics and ground crews will be uploading weapons and fuelling our planes".
He quickly checked the electronic tablet in his hands, and then nodded.
"I've been sent over the details for your electronic flight book; all the details for the mission have been sent over to you as well, so you should have everything you need. Glad to have you with us"
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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Smike


Member Seen 1 hr ago

March 13th, 2014
Luqa, Malta, the Mediterranean

She would do anything for her family, and as far as requests went, checking in every now and again was pretty doable. International calls weren't cheap, but it wasn't like Fuka did very much with her paychecks anyway. No, what made her hesitate was not money but pride. Every time she got in contact with her relatives the same infernal question would be asked, a landmine nestled beneath the peaceful path of conversation. And what made it particularly annoying was that they never meant to needle her, they simply did not know how much their inquiry offended her. Fuka had often thought about explaining herself but could never muster up the courage, resigned to bearing her weight in silence.

It was early as all hell in Malta, the sun just beginning its ascent over the little republic, but in Japan the day was well underway. Thus Fuka could ring up her sister without guilt, leaning up against an old church dedicated to a saint whose name she could not read. The signage was faded to the point of near illegibility, the provenance of the place known to the locals and uncared for by anyone else. Fuka's run had taken her to the town of Luqa, a scant half-hour away from the airport but seemingly transported from another time. Densely packed with buildings constructed by the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of those living in them, it was archetypally European in that way. So much history and yet so abandoned by modernity, a pocket dimension where people still lived in villages and relied on the tolling of church bells to mark time.

She was out of place in her running shoes and tracksuit, and the mechanical limb holding a high-grade satphone to her ear may as well have been artifacts from aliens.

The phone rang only once before someone picked up, a familiar voice filling her. It was Japan's Minister of Defense and the right-hand woman of the Prime Minister, the second most prominent voice in the JDSF and thus one of the most powerful people in the Pacific. Yōko was a born and bred war hawk, her long and successful career built off the back of military service and a vocal interest in making Japan not just a power player but the ultimate force in its sphere of influence. She was cunning, crafty, and at times domineering-, but Fuka still remembered her as the awkward teen she had watched grapple with high school romances and nightly curfews.

"Fuka! It's been a while."

"Yeah, I guess so. I didn't want to bother you; I know you've been busy."

"Not too busy for a phone call, or just a text."

Yōko laughed lightly as she said it, but her politician's mask didn't hold up under familial scrutiny. The lack of contact hurt her and Fuka didn't know how to apologize for it or even explain herself. So she didn't bother, the sisters letting the moment pass in favor of other topics.

"I got a call from another contractor, this one claimed they can deliver rifle optics for twenty percent less than what you pay now."

"Mhm. Sounds great...if I could believe it."

"I told them you'd say that, but they wanted me to come out to their factory and get the grand tour, see the setup so I could relay the good word."

"And how'd that go?"

"It didn't. I told them you had a secretary and it's not me."

More laughter from a hemisphere away, and this time it was genuine.

"Keep fielding calls for me and we might have to make it official."

At this point they might as well have. All sorts of suit-wearing strangers kept seeking Fuka out, ranging from slick Madison Avenue types representing this or that weapons firm to sweaty-faced, shabby-suited engineers looking for a trial run of their newest gadget. When every single member of your immediate family held influence in military or political affairs, plenty of suitors sought favors and friendship. Put in a good word for us with your father, ask your sister if she could listen to a proposal, hey doesn't your brother know people in the Ordinance Department, do you think you could drop our name to them?

No one ever wanted to talk to Fuka because of what Fuka did. She didn't get callers who wanted to grill her on her career path, no one ever sent emails inquiring if they could ask about the amazing journey from elite soldier to fighter pilot. Nope, she was just a stepping stone to the more important Astor-Nakanos. It was funny and irritating in equal measure, her wounded warrior status getting plenty of cred in bars and on dating apps but no love in the world her family occupied.

"But really," Yōko said dismissively, her shrug almost audible. "I'm not sure why they'd want to talk to me. The administration's hardly been the most interested in expanding our arsenal."

"Yeah, and everyone knows that won't be the case if you and Chieko get your way. They're saying you're looking at the PM position yourself."

"Oh my, I didn't realize I was speaking to the kingmaker. Tell me, Miss Backroom Dealer, who's saying that?"

Fuka snorted, watching an Egyptian goose hunt for crumbs on the church lawn.

"Mama and Papa, for starters. Your partner-in-crime Chieko for another, every pundit that mentions your name these days, and also anyone paying any fucking attention at all."

"...maybe I'm considering it."

Oh she was considering it alright, like the rooster considered whether or not to crow at the sun. Her boss was well-liked but considered to be too high-strung to keep the job for much longer, an assessment he seemed to agree with if the rumors were true. If he stepped down it was all but guaranteed that Yōko would be going to every Diet member she could reach to cajole them into giving her the okay, all while Chieko beat the war drums and Ayako would be off to the side in Arizona, waving a banner in support.

The question was whether Japan was ready for them.

"I guess you're going to have to campaign on a military platform, at this point no one would believe you if you said anything else was your main focus. That and the birthrate I suppose."

"Guilty as charged." the presumptive PM said, the pop of a beer top telling Fuka that her sister had gotten out of work for the day. "People know me and my credentials, and they know what I stand for."

An old-school warlord in the modern fashion, interested in strengthing Japan's position and undercutting anything that would threaten it. That's what Yōko was, and she was more popular now than she would have been twenty years ago.

"I mean, your odds are probably pretty good. You're not a shoe-in or anything, don't get a big head, but people like that kind of talk now. Fuck China, fuck their cronies; the Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore so maybe we can be friends with Russia so we have an ally that isn't a million miles away, expand the JSDF and put it to use offensively; it's a new age now."

"That's what I told Mama yesterday, but she's more conservative in her outlook. Hell, she was saying I'd be dead in the water because of the-"

"-nuke question, yeah. I mean, she's not entirely wrong is she? Asking Japan to jump into the proliferation pool seems a bit like asking an arson victim to buy lots of gasoline."

"It's more like asking someone who's been mugged to take up self-defense courses."

Yōko cut her off with an intensity that was uncharacteristic of her in private conversation but very reminiscent of when she held a press conference or stood at the podium. There was a dangerous sort of enthusiasm in her voice, a kind of controlled mania wherein she could acknowledge that someone disagreed with her but was sure she could make them see reason.

"Mama's from an older generation. Her brother was conscripted to fight in Manchuria, and she had a pen pal whose dad helped rebuild Hiroshima. In her time, the bomb was a no-go, totally verboten. But I don't know if you remember, a decade ago the sky fell on us and shattered everything. It's like you said, we're in a new age. People want security, and right now? We're not secure. The N/UN is a stopgap, and we need to be fearsome in our own right. We shouldn't have to ask for help from the Americans to deal with enemy planes poking at our airspace."

"Fuck me then, I guess." Fuka muttered, Yōko blithely ignoring the comment.

"-the enemy should be terrified of even accidentally crossing us. The people want security, and they want respect. This is how we get it."

Fuka pinched the phone between her head and shoulder, holding her hands up to the receiver so it could pick up a sarcastic round of applause.

"Is that the speech you'll give when you announce your candidacy? You practice it in the shower?"

"Ha ha, very droll. What about you? You have anything exciting in your life right now?"

There it was, the damnable question. Her parents and siblings, full or half-blooded, all asked her in various wordings and tones but it meant the same thing every time: Are you still pretending to be an action figure, or do you plan on settling down and stepping up in the world?

"I'm still flying planes. Now I just do it for a mercenary outfit."

"Right, Evan mentioned that. How's that compare to military life?"

"The pay is better, the gear is a mixed bag, the coworkers are a mix of laidback, greedy, and bloodthirsty. But overall, it's a lot of the same."

"Well, at least you adjusted easily."

"I guess I did."

"You deployed anywhere interesting?"

"I can't give you a location, obviously, but as far as deployment zones go this sure beats Juarez. It's a vacation spot usually."

"Lucky you!"

Lucky her indeed. Fuka eyed the early morning sun to estimate how much time she had before needing to leave, and mercifully it was almost none. If she hung up now she could make it back to the barracks with enough time to shower and grab breakfast before the meeting.

"Alright, I need to head out. Enjoy your evening."

"You too, and stay safe."
Malta Defence Forces HQ
Luqa International Airport
Malta, The Mediterranean

Fuka sipped her soda as Scott gave the run-down, finding the situation about as bad as she had expected. Malta's defense forces remained a joke in the wake of the Heavenstrike, a few ragtag ceremonial troops with outdated weapons and absolutely no artillery or aircraft worth speaking of. The closest thing to a real country was fifty miles away by water, and it was too busy dealing with its own concerns to have a fulltime contigent guarding the archipelago. That meant that the ragtag pirates or terrorists or whatever they were had free reign save for Shattered Steel, mercenaries and renegades duking it out with the fate of the islands hanging in the balance.

It was a bad time to be Maltese, but people usually didn't hire mercenaries when things were going well.

Peacenik visibly slumped in her seat when Scott gave the bad news, rather dissapointed that she was going to be on babysitting duty while the others got to have fun. Shooting in self-defense and at high value targets marked out for her was fine, but if most of the flight was going to be recon she was going to be very bored. There was nothing she could do about it except hope that the mysterious bad guys were feeling ornery by the time she made it to them.

She noted Sokolov's entrance of empathy, glad to see that she wasn't the only one who showed up to the squad late for a briefing. Another Slavic on the team, and hopefully not a Russian. Myk was liable to do or say something stupid if so.

"Heartbreak, question: How long have the Italians known about this? It seems hard to believe that'd they just miss some airports and harbors being taken over, unless there was literally no contact between them and the mainland."

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mykhailo Martinez

"I'm glad to have you, Lieutenant Sokolov - I've heard my Mom talk about you before, albeit in passing. Let's just say that she and Dad have a vested interest in keeping the behemoth to the east - Russia - from regaining its former power and has backed your Government," Mykhailo decided to be more upfront about his stance on that nation this time, even though it got him people's ire. So, you're going to be fighting alongside us in this mission? Good - Glad to meet new friends. Let's protect that convoy together, shall we? What are the specs of your plane and its customizations? I have an F16 Flying Falcon in sky colors..."

To be honest, Mykhailo knew he was socially awkward, which got him in trouble with his friends and relatives back home in the Philippines. However, he also knew that money and good looks can help smooth over his lack of social skills as long as he had them. Not that those worked all the time, but point was... He knew he was bad at talking to people in general of any gender. He was trying to fix it, or at least smooth over the rough edges, but at the same time, sometimes being awkward meant being endearing, and that sort compensated for lack of social skils so well it might as well be an extra skill.

@Damo021@AvaP@Kensai@Smike@Rhona W@Shadow Daedalus
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Rhona W
Avatar of Rhona W

Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Heartbreak, question: How long have the Italians known about this? It seems hard to believe that'd they just miss some airports and harbors being taken over, unless there was literally no contact between them and the mainland."

Scott nodded to acknowledge Fuka's question, before he answered.
"Excellent question, and one I had myself when I saw the mention of the islands being all-but taken over in the briefing materials. The Italian government hasn't missed them being taken over, as such. Our operations here on Malta and the reconnaissance information we'll provide, along with any follow-up actions will act as the first strike, with a more permanent N/UN force to follow our initial deployment to hold the territory and act as a more permanent solution to our initial strikes to 'break the back' of the hostiles, as it were. Shattered Steel doesn't have the resources or manpower to hold anywhere long term. We deliver the initial strikes and provide a first, immediate response while the larger force is organised and deployed with a more long-term solution".

Scott gave a tight, small smile, hoping that answered her question, but was distracted as another message came through on his personal device, and shook his head with a frustrated grumble.
"More bad news, I'm afraid. Clown; looks like your Typhoon is unserviceable, and will have to be returned to intensive-level maintenance, more than can be carried out here. The next heavy transport that comes in, you and your plane will be on it, and heading back to the Island. On the upside, replacements for our missing pilots - Clown included - will be arriving, but not in time for this Op. So, we're going to have to do our best with who and what we have"

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Smike


Member Seen 1 hr ago

March 13th, 2014
Luqa, Malta, the Mediterranean

He just never shut up about the Russians did he? Out of five conversations Mykhalio had while Fuka had been listening, two had brought up Russia. Fuka could understand defending one's borders, but the Great Bear was far from the juggernaut that had spearheaded an invasion of the supposed 'graveyard of empires.' Wunderkind's fear struck the more measured pilot as simple paranoia, and his supposed patriotism smacked of performance to her partisan sensibilities. If things were indeed so bleak, the proverbial Huns breathing down the collective necks of this poor Eastern European Milan, why was he far afield with Shattered Steel instead of flying for his own country? Pilots were investments just the same as their planes, trained to the tune of millions of dollars and hundreds of hours across simulators and actual in-air time. Surely Myk, the good Cossack he was, would be be in an airbase back home waiting for the call to cockpit?

Nope. He was a mercenary like Fuka, sent here and there to squash problems unrelated to his nation's own, real or imagined. He was like many "patriots," happy to talk about duty but going off to do anything but that. As far as Fuka could tell, Myk was a decent kid but he ran his mouth a lot and was overwhelmingly naive, and that was all it took for her to write him off in the moment. It was mean-spirited of her, but Shattered didn't pay her to think pleasant thoughts or babysit boys not even out of college.

She sipped her soda as Scott explained the situation in more detail, glad that it wasn't a total clusterfuck. Whatever they were dealing with sounded too heavy-duty to be crushed by one strike mission, but a few thousand pounds of ordnance dropped on their surplus-helmeted heads would rattle them and hopefully take out their heaviest equipment. If not, then Shattered would repeat the operation and Peacenik would get to do what she did best.


Clown being out of action for the minute was concerning, but it also presented an opportunity. Less wings meant more weight for each pair to pull, and more opportunities to get into a fight instead of just being the eyes in the sky. Carbon fiber fingers drummed against Fuka's leg in silent recognition of the nicotine craving still plaguing her, the need to get up and do something steadily building.

Hell, withdrawal probably wasn't helping her give Mykhalio any leeway. She had woken up pissed and queasy, a telltale sign that she needed a smoke. Talking to her sister had offset any healing powers fresh air might have had, and now she was sitting there grumpy and growling.

In times like these, her subconscious reminded her that there was no one to stop her from grabbing a pack from the PX except for herself.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
Avatar of Shadow Daedalus

Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 24 days ago

March 13th, 2014
Malta Defence Forces HQ
Luqa International Airport
Malta, The Mediterranean

"Likewise, Lieutenant..." He pauses for only the briefest of moments to read the name tag of the younger pilot; having only been given a short briefing on the other members of Cobalt Haze he couldn't place a name to a face instantly just yet. "Martinez. Unfortunately, I can't say I might recognise your mother; I only flew the missions I was given, I didn't get involved with any politics... We can talk more about our technical specs later, after the briefing is over..."

In response to Mykhailo's outspoken opposition to the former heart of the Soviet Union, Illya wasn't sure how to respond and simply deflected the topic. In contrast to the other man, he possessed no such strong feelings toward Russia; It was his Father's homeland, but he felt no strong attachment to it even before Heavensfall, and after Heavensfall he was more concerned with trying to re-unite and rebuild what was left of Ukraine than he was worried about the fate of the other Soviet Nations. If anything, he felt put a little on-the-spot about it, like a schoolboy called to answer a question he had no answer for...
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 2 days ago

March 13th, 2014
Malta Defence Forces HQ
Luqa International Airport
Malta, The Mediterranean

It had been an interesting morning for Freyja, she had ended up getting a good night’s rest once her head hit the pillow after the flight hours she did, but the events from last night did linger on her mind. She ended up apologising to the ladies of cobalt for her outburst. She had briefly spoken to Fuka, she didn’t go massively into detail of what the men confronted her over, although by now half the base probably knew knowing her luck. She thanked the woman for checking up on her though and for calming the Valkyrie down, despite abruptly waking her fellow pilot up.

Then there was Aurélie, Freyja remembered her coming to the rescue and taking their little Casanova away from the situation with a distraction in the simulator. She knew the young pilot meant well, maybe the way he went about it, not so much. Going to the woman’s dorm and spatting out her business a little in front of the others was probably a sure fire way to probably getting told of, but in reality, she probably owed Aurélie one for taking one for the team so to speak.

And speaking of the little Casanova of Cobalt. Freyja had not really been able to speak to him, but she did eventually realize he sent her a personal message on the data pad. She still couldn’t get a full read yet on Mykh, he is eager to prove himself and has a chip on his shoulder over Russia. But he also seems to have his heart in the right place, despite hitting on herself and Fuka and getting all emotional over the radio of considering Valk a friend even though he only met her the previous day. She read his message. Just prior to the briefing Freyja did shoot the young pilot a private message. “Morning, I just wanted to say thank you for trying to help out, you shouldn’t have followed me to the female barracks and announced my business in front of the others though. But look, your heart is in the right place, I’m just not used to others going out of their way to being kind to me.”

During the briefing, Freyja was taking notes out of habit as Scott gave the team the rundown of the current situation and the mission that they will partake in. It appeared she would get to have some ‘fun’ as some would put it, being part of the guard dog flight and she would be commanding flight two and that her wingman was to be none other than the new late arrival to be briefing, with all the events of the last 24 hours, she missed that there was an update on the pad about replacements for the squadron and that this new individual identifying himself as Lt. Illya Sokolov. So this was to be her wingman, Cobalt 8, she gave him a nod, making a note to read his file or even speak to him at some point after the briefing to learn about the guy that will be watching her back and vice versa.

And then Mykhailo ended up mentioning Russia again, Freyja couldn’t help but roll her eyes for a second. The kid was passionate for sure, but she knew of her time operating there post heaven fall that the once dangerous giant bear was nothing like its former self. Just thinking of that place sent a shudder down her spine. In the mean time she made notes of what load out she wanted her Gripen to have. A mixture of IRIS-T and RBS-15F anti-ship missiles along with ECM should be a flexible load out for the mission parameters set. She noticed how awkwardly Sokolov was put on the spot and so focused back on the briefing, looking at her CO Scott. “Sir, if I may, what is the convoy actually transporting?” she wanted to know, last thing she wanted was a friendly ship going up in a big mushroom cloud because it was holding munitions, these days you never know.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

“Sir, if I may, what is the convoy actually transporting?”

"Good question, Valkyrie". Scott flicked through a few pages on his electronic flight book until he came to the relevant information, reading aloud.
"'Three general cargo ships, each carrying a mixed load of machine tools, commercial vehicles, construction equipment, agricultural machinery and chemicals and industrial components for civilian use'". He looked up to nod at the Scandinavian pilot. "All stuff that shouldn't explode should a stray shot hit home, and in keeping with what we know is going on in-country with trying to rebuild and get things back off the ground for farming again after the recent drought and other problems they've had here".
He looked around at the others, and stood tall.
"I think that's everything that we need to get this mission off the ground. We're here to deal with the problem as it arises, so let's not be caught on the back foot. Dismissed, everyone. Let's go do that pilot shit".

* - * - *

The ASF-14 Super Tomcat thundered into the air, afterburners ablaze as Scott lead the Cobalt Haze squadron into the air. The swing-winged jet cut a knife-like silhouette against the clear, blue morning skies as the rumble of powerful jet engines rolled and echoed off of the airports' buildings and the surface of the ocean.
"Cobalt Haze squadron; form up into your elements. You've got your mission objectives, let's go earn our pay, and show why Shattered Steel is the best merc company there is, and why we're the best they've got. Flight one, form on me. Flight Two; fly safe, and kick-ass, over"
Scott waggled his wings at Valkyrie's Gripen, before he broke away, heading away to the west as the AWACS fed them navigation co-ordinates.

@Kensai, @Smike, @AvaP, @Letter Bee, @Shadow Daedalus, @Damo021

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mykhailo Martinez

Mykhailo flew in formation behind Scott; despite the thrill of flying, the young man could not help but be easily bored at the sight of clouds and blue sky as he flew above an ocean whose expanse had grown stale to his eyes. Nevertheless, he executed his actions with a grace and professionalism that would be expected of an older man, not someone as excitable as he was.

Adrenaline flowed through him; even as early into his flight as he was, Mykhailo knew he had to be ready for a fight - He knew what people thought of him; he was prepared to shrug that off as long as it didn't lead to physical harm or obstruction. That, and he was the one in the wrong; he was mature enough to recognize that. Heh; the very thought of him being mature... It amused him.

He was Mykhailo Martinez, and he should banish all thoughts of proving himself today. The goal was to help people by protecting the cargo ships, and like hell, he'd allow innocents to die on his watch when he had been assigned to protect them.

So he flew on, ready to cover Scott at the first sign of trouble, trusting in his Rotary Cannon/Internal Gun and a suite of missiles, rockets, and a pair of guided bombs to last him through any initial engagement, assuming that the foe would try and ambush them; he knew instinctively that the enemy would not be deterred by their presence whether they should be or not.

The Cargo Ships below were just pale dots, so it was hard to believe that there were real people on them. What excuse did the foe have?

@Damo021@AvaP@Kensai@Smike@Rhona W@Shadow Daedalus
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Smike


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March 13th, 2014
Luqa, Malta, the Mediterranean

Freyja was an odd choice for Shattered Steel, and almost certainly a bad seed. Fuka had reviewed Cobalt's personnel records on her way to join them in the Bahamas and while she hadn't had time to hear the scuttlebutt floating around, she wasn't surprised that people didn't like the killer-for-hire. An ex-Air Force jock from a now-particularly insane part of the world who cut her teeth taking jobs for the highest bidder and dropped bombs on people who almost certainly didn't deserve it. If you considered yourself a "moral" mercenary, Valkyrie was a shame to your profession and someone you'd be honor-bound to dislike.

Fuka was nowhere near sentimental enough to get worked up over her comrade's past. The big bad bomber bitch, bane of the N/UN supply train and killer of sailors-so what? You joined a PMC to get shot at by other PMCs, not to enjoy a long, happy life. It took a certain kind of jackass to get mad when a volunteer soldier died in combat. Everyone made choices in life, and sometimes those choices got you sent straight to the bottom of the ocean.

Really, the blame fell on whoever was running cover that day. They had failed to send Valk directly to hell where she probably belonged, the weight of the drowned crew was on their shoulders. It wasn't Fuka's problem. She only needed to know that Freyja was good enough to do her job.

That remained to be seen, but if nothing else she asked good questions. It was nice to know that they wouldn't have to worry about the ships going up in smoke at the first sign of damage.
March 13th, 2014
Over the Mediterranean

The Super Hornet buzzed along in formation, a black dot contrasted against the clear blue of the sky. The Black Bunny's paint job gave up visual stealth in exchange for style, a swap Fuka was perfectly willing to make. By the time someone was close enough to spot her, she would already have popped up on sensors and at that point, it would come down to skill, luck, and lock-on speed.

For now things were quiet, the ships chugging along far below. There wasn't anything for her to do except wait for targets to present themselves.

"Cobalt Five, buzzing in. Waiting for vector to target."
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Kensai
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Aurélie nudged the throttle on her Rafale just a hair, the roar of its twin Snecma turbofans changing pitch almost as soon as the input came. She hadn't told the rest of the squadron, but the fighter had a name: Milou. And it was as frisky and spirited as its namesake.

Milou edged forward of the other two fighters of the recon section, neither of which were as agile. Reagan's F-117N had its virtues, but nimbleness was not one of them - it depended heavily on its admittedly impressive stealth capabilities for survival and tactical advantage. Peacenik's Hornet, on the other hand... well, it was a good, how do you say, "bomb truck", no? In any case, a leader had to understand the strengths and weaknesses of her followers - so it was time to sort out precise roles.

Aurélie toggled the radio to the section push. "Cobalt Recon, this is Cobalt 3," she said, her voice a thing of smoke and cognac, like the air in a restaurant after the last customer has left and the patron takes a drink and a cigarette with his brigade. "Cobalt 4, you have the best stealth profile, so you are taking point. We will deactivate Link 16 to preserve low observability until positive contact has been made with the enemy. I will follow echelon right and high to provide top cover for you. Cobalt 5... you are in trail, keep your eyes peeled and be ready to deliver ordnance once we've tagged targets for you."

She gave the section half a minute to shake out into the formation she'd described. Unorthodox, but since when did a mercenary squadron have the luxury of playing by the book?

"Exquisite," she said when they were in place, half sincerely. The others had genuinely impressed her with the intelligence and precision with which they'd taken up position. "Now - we are mostly here to be eyes and ears, not as trigger pullers. But if it comes time to open up, we do it quick and decisive, no half measures. Maximum violence in minimum time."

That, too, was one of her principles.

@AvaP @Smike
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

As the two flights of Cobalt Haze reached altitude and the distance between them grew, the radio burst into life with the clear, firm and pleasant tones of the squadron's designated AWACS controller.
"Good morning, Cobalt Haze squadron. This is AWACS Skywatch, I'll be operating to help direct and manage your mission this morning"
"Cobalt Lead; roger that Skywatch. Good to hear from you. Got a vector for us on the convoy, over?"
"Skywatch to Cobalt Lead; affirmative. Keep you current heading; you should see them coming into view below, over"
"Cobalt Lead; a-firm. Beginning patrol pattern, keep us advised of any contacts, over"

Meanwhile, Chevy's radio crackled to life not long after.
"Cobalt 3, this is Skywatch. Advisory from Home Plate at Malta. Cobalt 4 had an accident on takeoff, her aircraft is unserviceable. Mission is still a go if you can continue without her, over?"

Scott toggled radio channels and spoke to the other planes in the patrol flight.
"Cobalt 1-1 to all elements. Here's the drill, so listen up. We're going to take up opposing tracks on the patrol pattern, an elongated circle with the convoy at the centre, four miles out. That way, we're all in a position to react to anything that occurs and no-one is ever far from the convoy itself. Skywatch will handle all comms between us and the convoy itself, and direct us to any targets they pick up - but keep your eyes peeled, as there's a lot of surface clutter down there from all sorts of boats and aircraft, so anything might try and sneak up using that as cover. Anything comes within five miles and doesn't squawk an ID, we go in fast and hard to check on it. Anything that doesn't respond to an ID check and a request for details; same thing applies, over".

- * - * - * -

Approximately half an hour later
Over the Mediterranean Sea; approximately 20 miles West of Malta
March 13th 2014

"There it is again," Kat chimed in over the intercom channel between her and Scott in the Tomcat, as he pulled another gentle banking turn to follow the 'racetrack' patrol route around the ships, chugging along patiently in the near distance, easily visible from their height.
"You're right, I heard it and felt it this time, KK". Scott tapped the displays for the ASF-14 and paged through the systems displays trying to find an answer for the growing flutter in the airframe Kat had noticed as their flight had gone on and they'd carried out more turns. Nothing showed on the systems displays that he could see, but that only made him more concerned, rather than reassured.
"I'm not picking up anything on the systems readouts or the instruments that's obvious up here"
"Okay. I'll see if I can nail anything down".
"Right. I'd better let Brightspark know, just in case"
He switched channels and spoke across to Mykhailo, looking across at the sleek, dart-like shape of the F-16 a goodly distance away, not able to see the younger man's features over the distance, but clearly making out the silhouette of his helmeted head against the F-16's big bubble canopy in the clear light and skies.
"Cobalt One-One to Cobalt 6; Brightspark I'm getting a little bit of a flutter in the airframe when I'm turning. Not sure where it's coming from, but KK is trying to nail it down. Not too concerned so far, but giving you a heads-up if it gets worse-"
Before he could say more, the AWACS operator's channel lit up with a message and her voice cut in.
"Cobalt Flight One, this is Skywatch; multiple contacts detected closing in directly on course for your heading. Tracking multiple air and surface targets. Reading six, that is; zero-six small surface targets closing at thirty knots, six air targets; that is zero-six bogeys closing in two flights of three; group one at ten thousand feet, group two at two thousand. All targets are not responding to communications and are not transmitting IFF, recommend immediate intercept, over!"
"Shit," muttered Scott, before thumbing the button to transmit back on the channel between all the planes in both flights.
"Cobalt Lead; Roger Skywatch. Flight Two; go for those boats. Cobalt 6, you're on me, go for the low flight; I'll take the high ones. All aircraft; confirm positive visual ID before engaging! over!"

Scott put the Super Tomcat into a steep bank, pushing the throttle up to pour more power into the huge, powerful turbofan engines. The big jets' wings swept back automatically as it gathered speed, heading on the intercept course the E-2 Hawkeye AWACS had provided.
"Kat, find me those targets"
"On it, boss," she said in terse, clipped tone as she concentrated. "Got them, three fast movers, at your three o'clock off the nose; angels ten and hauling arse"
"Rog, got them!"
His sharp eye picked out the black dots, light gleaming off of metal as the three planes closed in. Kat wasn't wrong; the trio of aircraft were pulling some serious speed, and that combined with their size ruled out any civilian aircraft.
"Cobalt Lead; closing in for visual ID, stand by, over" he called out for the benefit of the AWACS and the other members of the squadron. As soon as he said this, and the Tomcat closed in, the trio of jets split. Kat turned in the back seat, hands pressed against the canopy as she turned to keep track of the other jets.
"High right!"
"Got 'em, got 'em!" he cried as he caught sight of one of the jets. Relatively small; it was about the size of Valkyrie's Gripen but with a low, almost straight wing and high-mounted 'cheek' air intakes along with a single engine, and a relatively low-mounted horizontal stabiliser. The planes were gull grey on the bottom, and had a muddy, green-brown and dusty yellowish camouflage pattern on the upper sides.
"L-59's," Kat called out in a strained voice as the G's rocked her back in her seat. "Libyan!" she added as she caught a sight of a national marking. "And they're packing for air-to-air"
A growling tone sounded as the L-59's started hunting, warning Scott and Kat of an attempted lock-on, and the american pilot swore, pulling a sharp rolling dive to shake the lock.
"Cobalt Lead to all units; Bogeys are definitely bandits; hostile targets engaged!"

At lower altitude, the trio of slower-moving aircraft spread out as Myk approached, splitting to try and avoid the sleek F-16 as it bore in. Unlike the higher-flying planes, they were different looking; with more rounded, cylindrical fuselages, straight wings, lower-mounted intakes and darker colours for their camouflage. Rocket pods and small bombs hung under their wings, with no obvious air-to-air weaponry.

Flight two had different things to contend with. The six surface targets resolved into small, angular boats. Each had a prominent weapons station on the bow, and those immediately swivelled and started spitting tracers as soon as the pair of aircraft closed within range, along with small-arms fire similarly lancing up at them along with the hunting tones of surface-to-air missiles in the form of shoulder-fired weapons.

@Letter Bee, @Smike, @Kensai, @Damo021, @Shadow Daedalus
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

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-disregard, posted in error-
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mykhailo Martinez

Easy prey, Mykhailo thought silently as he locked on one of the light attack craft and shot one of his sidewinders from his right wingtip, the AA missile spiraling towards that mook even as he fired his rotary cannon at another one of the light planes - Jastrebs - in front of him before sweeping towards the leftmost foe, firing his rotary cannon again to try and perforate its more fragile frame. He knew enough that the goal was not just to destroy the planes, but prevent them from getting to the cargo ships. If that meant appearing to toy with them, so be it; he was the cat and they were the mouse.

He kept an eye out for any special tricks from these pirate pilots; jury-rigged modifications for their planes or stolen or copied bits of technology that allowed them to punch above their own weight. Mykhailo wasn't blind; he knew that the foe was backed by the NCAA, at the very least. Gritting his teeth, he made sure to keep this squadron divided, under pressure as the planes were constantly shot at - Time to test how good these foes are; he was not going to underestimate anyone today.

Dedicate yourself to the goal, Mykhailo, the young man thought, You know this is more than racking up wins or even kills. This is about accomplishing objectives. And the objectives are to put the pirates in the grave so they don't rob and kill people.

He spared a moment of empathy for the pirates; how many of them genuinely wanted to hurt people in the beginning, how many others just wanted to feed themselves and their families, and finally, how many started out as the latter, but are now the former?

The blue sky held no answers.

@Damo021@Kensai@Smike@Rhona W@Shadow Daedalus
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Freyja 'Valkyrie' Svensdotter

When it was her turn to take off, Valkyrie throttled up, Afterburners engaging as the Saab Gripen took off into the air, soon enough once at altitude the Swedish craft took up formation along with flight one for a moment as Scott spoke over the radio. Freyja smiled as she watched the F-14 waggle its tail and break off. She moved her mask closer to her mouth. “Copy that flight one, stay safe and show what your made of.” After this the Swedish pilot look around to see her wingman, she wiggled her wing at him before speaking up once more. “Cobalt 7 to Cobalt 8, Welcome to Cobalt Squadron, look forward to seeing what the classic bird of yours can do.” She finished out as she flew on route to her destination.

* - * - *

Over the Mediterranean Sea; approximately 20 miles West of Malta
March 13th 2014.

Not long after checking in, AWAC had lit up the comms again, confirmed multiple air and ground targets, to which of whom were refusing to ID themselves. It looked like the enemy were at the gates, but this time Cobalt Haze was there to answer this time. “Copy Cobalt lead, Flight two moving to intercept surface targets and identify over. Cobalt 8, you’re on me, lets fly low try not to get to close but at least see who we are dealing with.”

Clipping her mask on and dropping her visor, Freyja Banked into a slight turn and throttling up a bit, Valk reduced her altitude to get a better visual inspection of the six surface targets, this was dangerous of course as it was leave them open to weapons fire should the unknowns vessels chose to engage. “Cobalt 7 to Skywatch, can confirm, Surface target are military patrol boats, moving slightly close to identify further, over.”

Suddenly her flight had come under heavy enemy fire. “Shit” she said under her breath before speaking back on comms again, weapons fire can be hard in the back ground. “Cobalt 7 to Skywatch, can confirm surface target are hostile, under heavy tracer and small arms fire… Visual confirmation, surface targets are Libyan, over.” Soon the sound of attempted lock on were sounding off.

The weapons fire was intense as her flight was closing on the enemy vessels, they couldn’t stay like this she calmly and quickly devised a counter to it. “Cobalt 7 to Cobalt 8, break formation, I will crank left, you crank right, let’s see if we can split their fire and attention and move to engage at your discretion, let’s make sure these guys don’t make it to that convoy, over.”

Breaking formation, Valks Griffon banked hard left, going what she could not to get a target lock on herself and moving into a better angle of attack for herself. Circling back round she throttled up and attempted to get a lock on one of the boats, still under fire, her craft was low enough that a small rooster tail of water was coming out from behind her craft. Once a lock confirmation was achieved, the Gripen raised up a bit more from the water surface. “Cobalt 7, Bruiser” she called as the anti-ship missile was fired at her target and broke off.

Moments later a massive explosion happened to confirm she hit her target, a bloom of black smoke billowing out from one of the ships. Suddenly her hunting tones sounded of again and a lock established, one of the ship got of a shot from a shoulder mounted surface to air missile. Freyja began evasive manoeuvres with little luck shaking of the missile and having to fire her first set of countermeasure flares to evade the missile. The rest of the ships appears to keep pressing on at 30 knots.

@Letter Bee@Kensai@Smike@Rhona W@Shadow Daedalus
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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Mykhailo's charge into the Jastrebs sent them scattering like a flock of frightened birds before the falcon that was his F-16's namesake. His attacks hit true; the plane chased by the AIM-9 heading a plume of thick, white smoke that corkscrewed across the blue sky valiantly pulled into a steep banking turn, straining to out-turn the heat-seeking missile, the little jet shuddered as it's engine howled; but the dart-like shape of the AAM smashed into the plane where the starboard wing met the fuselage, the dirty cloud of flame from the explosion severing the wing and sending the rest of its' carcass into a tumbling somersault, shedding debris as it fell from the sky.
The second one persecuted by the young pilot frantically wove to and fro, throwing itself into violent manoeuvres as the F-16's 20mm Vulcan cannon spewed hotdog-sized shells at the plane. A string of rounds slashed across the planes' fuselage, and it belched and billowed smoke, immediately losing speed and starting to shudder. The pilot turned away from their original course immediately, reversing and trying to withdraw from the battle, and losing altitude with each passing moment; until the canopy blew away, and both ejection seats fired.
The final one of the three small planes was going hell-for-leather at low altitude, having used the chaos of his wingmen trying to avoid the hunting F-16's the last one of the jets closed in on the convoy, frantically moving into a desperate attack position.

Meanwhile, Valkyrie's flight were fully engaged with the patrol boats. The six vessels had split up from their V formation as soon as Valk and Rook pressed their attack. Freyja's strategy was sound; the boats were already at a disadvantage, and with the planes diving in on them from both sides, they couldn't counter as effectively.
The gripen's RBS-15 Anti-ship missile turned the targeted boat into a ball of greasy fire as it impacted, the warhead much more than enough to blast the comparatively small craft to splinters, a shockwave blasting out across the water as it detonated.
On the opposite side, Ilya's Yak-141 let fly with a brace of Kh-25 missiles. The boats swerved and tried to avoid the inbound short-range missiles, but it was a forgone conclusion as the missiles impacted; one caught the superstructure of the first boat and left the hull a flaming wreck that continued on, guideless and under its' own momentum.
The second missile plowed into the hull of the second boat at the waterline amidships. The explosion almost seemed to rudely shove the vessel sideways in place with a lurch. As it crashed and bounced across the waves, water gushed in as smoke gushed out, and it started to list, slowing down and tipping to one side with increasing speed. Not long after, people starting jumping over the side, the fire from the stricken vessel immediately dropping off.
In moments, their numbers had been halved - but they weren't out of action yet.
As Rook's Yak-141 pulled up in an elegant, smooth climbing bank to break off, a warning sounded in his cockpit. Hydraulic pressure in the airframe dropped away sharply; and Ilya found himself fighting his controls, struggling to keep the jet in the air and get any response from the controls.
"This is Cobalt 8, I've lost al-"
The transmission cut off with a burst of static as a shoulder-fired Igla missile from one of the boats slammed into the belly of the Yak-141, and it exploded into a shower of debris and flame.

Scott's Super Tomcat was thoroughly engaged in a knife-fight with the L-59's. The big, swing-wing interceptor dwarfed the the lighter planes; it was like a condor hunting sparrows. It was a strangely uneven battle; the ASF-14 had power with its' two, huge engines and its' advanced avionics, but the L-59's small size and lighter weight made them nimble and mobile.
Nonetheless, Scott and Kat had experience and skill on their side as well as the advanced tech of their plane.
Scott hauled the big jet into as tight a turn as he could manage; popping flares as the howling tones of a hostile lock-on sounded.
The big swing-wing jet went inverted as Scott pulled them over and round, and a successful lock-on to one of the smaller planes sounded, as he framed the jet in his helmet-mounted sight. The growling, warbling tone filled his ears and he squeezed the trigger.
"Cobalt one, Fox Two!"
The missile flew true, and despite an impress show of flying, the L-59 went down in a cloud of smoke and flame. He changed course immediately after the launch, the jets' wings sweeping forward and out for more lift and agility as he turned sharply, hauling the nose around. The L-59 on his tail overshot, going wide past them as he hauled the nose around to follow the third of the trio, bringing the jet sharply around at close range.
"Too close for missiles; going to guns"
"Roger, I'll keep an eye on our tail," Kat called back in a voice strained by the G's that pressed her into her seat.
The gunsight pipper danced across Scott's vision, and the sandy-haired pilot jockeyed the pedals and stick to get the sight into the right place for a shot, rewarded as it turned green. A squeeze of the trigger and the plane hummed with as the multi-barrelled Vulcan spat out a string of 20mm armour-piercing incendiaries that stitched a line along the side of the Albatros. Smoke billowed, and the plane seemed to continue on straight for a moment, before it almost lazily rolled over on one side, before the canopy burst away, and the crew launched away on plumes of fire.
The fluttering, straining through the airframe that had been felt earlier had got worse and worse through each movement of the dogfight, the vibration getting so bad in their last turn that they'd both got double vision. As Scott rolled the plane out once more, there was a sharp BANG and warnings sounded through the cockpit, 'bitching betty' calmly relaying a litany of problems.
"What the hell was-"
"-Engine is on fire, we're losing pressure!"
Scott and Kat tried to speak at the same time hurriedly as they struggled to bring their wounded plane back under control. In the same instant, the warning for a hostile lock-on sounded as the remaining hostile plane closed in behind them.

@Letter Bee, @Damo021
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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mykhailo Martinez

At the sight of the last enemy plane trying to get under him and strike the convoy, Mykhailo wheeled around as fast as his body could take, chasing after the foe as it tried for one last go onto the convoy. He didn't hesitate; he dipped the plane's wingtips a bit, locked on to the enemy plane, and then launched the last Sidewinder missile as the foe tried to close in on the convoy. As he registered how Sokolov was dead - Poor, unlucky Illya - the young man decided not to blame anyone but the enemy for the death; he was better than that.

Either way, he planned to make sure that last Jastreb was dead, whether by that Sidewinder Missile or his Rotary Cannons/Vulcans. Should he succeed, he'd circle the convoy they were escorting, trying to spot any remaining aerial assets from the foe despite his blood already boiling for revenge against Sokolov's killers.

Then the youthful Pilot went to back up Scott against that last L-59, his F-16's Vulcans spitting out bullets as his plane climbed the skies to whittle that prick down; like heck, he'd let his commanding officer die on his watch!

Mykhailo expected the Albatross to pop like a mosquito; he would ask nothing less of himself after his squadron mate's death, plus the doubts others piled on him and his skills before. Now that his sidewinders were expended, he had to depend on his gun, as trying to hit that pest with medium-range missiles required luck he preferred to save for the future. Either way, he would doggedly pursue that last plane until the foe ejected, surrendered, or died in a fireball - He had killed before from previous missions, but these four planes brought down were special.

"Cobalt 1-1, you doing all right?!" Mykhailo asked Captain Scott and Kat through the radio. "I'm going to lower my altitude in case the enemy has any more surprises - Someone has to protect the convoy! Any news from Recon Team and Flight 2, by the way?"

Fuka and Aurélie were the Recon Team, right? Did those two get themselves ambushed? Fuka may be a pain, but she's not one to lose so easily, and neither was Aurélie. As for Flight 2... Illya had died fighting, but Valk must be trying to avenge him. Mykhailo wanted to go too, but someone had to guard the cargo ships, someone had to keep to the central mission now that his commanding officer's plane was damaged.

He had wanted to prove himself, but he knew dwelling on such thoughts was toxic. Nevertheless, he, Mykhailo Martinez, had extracted his pound of flesh...

@Damo021@Kensai@Smike@Rhona W
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Hidden 27 days ago 27 days ago Post by Smike


Member Seen 1 hr ago

March 13th, 2014
Over Linosa, the Mediterranean

The shout came in over the general comms, Fuka instinctively turning her head at the mention of bandits. But the fight was elsewhere, a different flight's problem for the time being. Her trip was still uneventful; unfortunately, there was nothing to do except continue towards the islands and hope that someone down there was dumb enough to tangle with her.

"Good luck everyone."

The well-wishes went unheard, Peacenik's mic not even turned on as she banked towards Linosa. The last thing the others needed was her jabbering in their ears while they were jumping into a dogfight, and it didn't matter if they could hear her anyway. Luck was a nonentity, an ephemeral force that could not be qualified nor counted upon. If it existed it did so impartially, not leaning one way or the other. Fuka's acknowledgment of the stuff was perfunctory, a mere hedging of bets on the off chance she was wrong.

She had her own job to focus on.

"This is Cobalt 8, I've lost al-"
"What the hell was-"
"-Engine is on fire, we're losing pressure!"

This time Fuka didn't bother looking. Indeed, had someone peered into the cockpit the only sign she had heard the distressed squawks was the way her fingers drummed against the console, tapping out a tuneless beat as she refactored the mission in her head. Her first flight with the new team had been plagued by mechanical defects, minor issues piling up until the operation's integrity threatened to crack under the weight. Now they were in too deep to pull away, committed to the charge even as proverbial horses were shot out from under them. Rook, blown to bits it sounded like, a fine mist drifting down onto the convoy below. He was gone too soon for Fuka to feel one way or the other about him. Heartbreak and Kat were alive for the moment but struggling, dead weight plummeting into the Atlantic. They were undoubtedly scrabbbling like rats on a sinking ship, desperately trying to recover before they smashed against the uncaring waves below. They were out of the fight for the moment which left...Valkyrie and Myk.

The mad bomber and the baby face versus an unknown number of enemies-alright. It wasn't Fuka's concern for the moment. She had her own mission to fulfill, and she was too far away to try and play hero anyway. Linosa was visible in the distance, growing larger and larger by the second. Peacenik stabbed at the Hornet's display with a single finger, activating the targeting pod's camera before flicking on her comms.

"Chevy, I'm scanning the ground and I see helicopters parked here and there, attack and transport. Stationary gun emplacements as well; don't see any radar but that doesn't mean it's not there."

The footage suggested a high level of sophistication, or at least higher than she had expected. Helicopters weren't cheap, vintage or otherwise. Having a couple squadrons on hand meant that this group had money, foreign suppliers, or both. And they were definitely professionals. Shattered Steel was supposedly a solid outfit; that's why Fuka had joined them. A group capable of downing one of them and crippling the other wasn't anything to scoff at.

Fuka felt a smile creep across her face, the thought of a fight intriguing her. If there was anyone below who felt the need to scramble up and show her a good time she'd welcome them with open arms.

"I've got this place videotaped for analysis later. Lampedusa is bigger. My guess is there's going to be more activity there."

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