@Eviledd1984 Cool. Also, by Cids description, i'm guessing our ship looks like this?
I don't know if the link is taking me to the right pic, but if it's the Millenium Falcon that's the ship I gave PJ and Max.
@Eviledd1984 Cool. Also, by Cids description, i'm guessing our ship looks like this?
Provided we have the city's blessing, @Daxam has my go ahead to drop our long-awaited post. Sorry for the delay. Life has been a grind and I've been neglecting things outside of work as a result.
<Snipped quote by IAmTheIsland>
It's okay! Life happens and we're unable to control it. What you need to do is more important than what you want to do, but I'm glad you're still here and ready to continue!
I'm working on a collab with CF that'll clear things up on Lucian and Morgan's end so I'd say it's up to @Crimson Flame and @Sadu if the post should be dropped before or after that's done.
Just want to bring up, what I recall from the games is that people aren't really supposed to know about worlds beyond their own, what with Donald always making a huge fuss over 'World Order', and why Sora always makes up excuses of 'not being from around here'.
So Jane just up and name dropping Olympus like it's the next town over feels a bit weird doesn't it? Not that it's necessarily a huge deal or a hard fix, I just imagine her saying they went 'to some colosseum or something' and since she's Jane, I imagine her thinking that Rome is a long way to talk about going willy nilly, since that'd likely be her idea of where the Colosseum is.
So...am I good to drop our collab, yet?
@King Kindred
I did some editing of my post. Just let me know if i have to make some more changes.
So...am I good to drop our collab, yet?