Hermes tried hard not to become frustrated with his cousin. Catching the bit of attitude that coated her movements as she signed to him. He knew it was stupid, pointless to ask given that nobody knew what was going on because the government was keeping so much from them. But that didn't help stop him from asking, the panic of the unknown. His uncle suggested a military encampment as an option, but Hermes didn't trust that one bit. The government was already hiding from them, lying to them, who was to say they wouldn't just round everyone up and quarantine them by firing squad. His stomach churned like tumultuous waves as he pressed his legs to his chest trying to calm himself.
”Can we do the rural areas? I don't trust going to those encampments.” Hermes voted as they finally turned into his place. The front door cracked as others left their places around them. He called out to one of his neighbors as they made their way out. ”Did anyone catch my mom and Nonna? See why their doors open?” Hermes asked, signing with one hand to keep his family in the loop of the conversation taking place as he stood before the open doorway. The kitten left behind in the car, now placed within its carrier so that he'd have both hands free to pack and go.