Place Character Art Here
Full Name ⋆ Age ⋆ Gender ⋆ Race
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
Distinguishing Features:
Clothing Style:
Willingness to make friends(1-5):
Willingness toward romance(1-5):
Engaging With Others
Trustfulness (1-5):
Sense of Humor (1-5):
Loyalty (1-5):
Selflessness (1-5):
Handling Conflict and Decisions
Patience (1-5):
Temperance (1-5):
Forgiveness (1-5):
Courage (1-5):
Stubbornness (1-5):
Impulsiveness (1-5):
Creativity (1-5):
Mercy (1-5):
Place of Origin:
Current Occupation:
Living Family Members:
Companions on the Airship:
Why are you traveling to Khorvaire?
Non-Combative Skills:
History(Optional if you want to share)
Combat & Magic Potential
Class Concept / Role:
(e.g., Druid, Rogue, Fighter, Artificer, etc.)
Signature Abilities (3):
(List your three “go-to” powers or talents. These are the abilities you can reliably use without needing to roll or obtain resources. Please see the classes section for examples.)
Major Weaknesses (3):
(Whether they’re physical, mental, magical or narrative drawbacks—something that complicates life for your character.)
Racial Trait(s) (If Applicable):
(See races of Eberron on OOC.)
Boons & Banes:
([Pick two boons and one bane. Boons represent a skill, talent, or natural advantage that makes your character stand out. These aren't tied to class or race but instead, reflect what they've trained in or excel at due to their experiences. Banes represent something that hinders the character—a personal flaw, limitation, or struggle. These make characters more interesting and create great roleplaying moments. See Boons/Banes hider for more details)
Combat Equipment and Gear:
Boons & Banes
Every hero has strengths and struggles—what makes them exceptional and what holds them back.
Boons (Personal Strengths & Talents)
A Boon represents a skill, talent, or natural advantage that makes your character stand out. These aren't tied to class or race but instead reflect what they've trained in or excel at due to their experiences.
Examples of Boons:
Archer – Trained to be competent with a bow and (or) crossbow.
Blacksmith – Skilled at maintaining, repairing, and modifying weapons and armor.
Gifted Artist – A talented painter, sculptor, or musician whose work captivates and inspires.
Monster Lore – Deep knowledge of creatures & their potential weaknesses.
Streetwise – Knows the ins and outs of urban life, from criminal dealings to hidden safehouses.
Linguist – Speaks multiple languages fluently.
Tinkerer – Adept at crafting, repairing, and modifying mechanical devices.
Survivalist – Can live off the land, track creatures, and find shelter in the wild.
Chronicler – A skilled writer or historian who records events and understands their deeper meaning.
Iron Stomach – Can eat or drink nearly anything without getting sick.
Alchemist’s Touch – Adept at creating potions, poisons, and elixirs with limited materials.
Banes (Personal Struggles & Weaknesses)
A Bane represents something that hinders the character—a personal flaw, limitation, or struggle. These make characters more interesting and create great roleplaying moments.
Examples of Banes:
Clumsy Hands – Struggles with delicate tasks like lockpicking, calligraphy, or crafting.
Tone-Deaf – Can't carry a tune or recognize musical notes, making performance a challenge.
Irrational Fear – Has an intense fear of something (heights, deep water, the undead, etc.).
Illiterate – Never learned to read or write and must rely on others for written information.
Easily Distracted – Has trouble focusing on one task for too long, especially in high-stress situations.
Reckless – Tends to rush into situations without thinking, leading to frequent trouble.
Bad with Numbers – Struggles with math, trade, or any situation requiring calculations.
No Sense of Direction – Gets lost easily, even in familiar places.
Hot-Tempered – Quick to anger, making social diplomacy difficult.
Haunted Past – Carries deep emotional wounds or trauma that sometimes clouds judgment.
Each character chooses 2 Boons and 1 Bane to highlight their strengths and struggles.
These aren’t strict mechanics but guide roleplaying, making characters feel more human and unique.